Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Alex Trembath on the Green New Deal, climate change, and the case for nuclear energy - AEI
Alex Trembath on the Green New Deal, climate change, and the case for nuclear energy - AEI: On this episode, Safi Bahcall discusses how to incentivize companies to pursue transformative ideas and the role of federal research in innovation.
Nuclear disaster fears after 550 cracks found in walls of UK power plant set to reopen
Nuclear disaster fears after 550 cracks found in walls of UK power plant set to reopen: EXPERTS have warned reopening a UK nuclear plant could spark a major nuclear disaster after hundreds of cracks were discovered. Owners EDF Energy said on Friday it was confident Hunterston B, North…
It’s Time to Embrace Nuclear Energy | Dissident Voice
It’s Time to Embrace Nuclear Energy | Dissident Voice: It is a tragic irony of the contemporary environmentalist movement that in its opposition to nuclear energy, it is doing the bidding of the fossil fuel industry
Chernobyl: Why did the nuclear reactor explode and could it happen again? - CNET
Chernobyl: Why did the nuclear reactor explode and could it happen again? - CNET: What is a positive void coefficient and how did it contribute to the reactor explosion on April 26, 1986?
House panel highlights risks over nuclear-storage stalemate - The Washington Post
House panel highlights risks over nuclear-storage stalemate - The Washington Post: Members of Congress say America’s long stalemate over where to put its nuclear waste needs to end — and as soon as possible
To the editor: Davis-Besse among best run plants in U.S. | Toledo Blade
To the editor: Davis-Besse among best run plants in U.S. | Toledo Blade: In a recent letter to the editor Sunday, an individual listed as a radioactive waste “specialist” from Takoma Park, Md., voiced his opinion that Davis- ...
New Mexico governor says no to high-level nuclear waste - The Washington Post
New Mexico governor says no to high-level nuclear waste - The Washington Post: New Mexico’s governor says she’s opposed to plans by a New Jersey-based company to build a facility in her state to temporarily store spent nuclear fuel from reactors around the U.S.
Is It Safe to Visit Chernobyl?
Is It Safe to Visit Chernobyl?: Ukraine allows short visits, but there are strict limits on which areas are open to tourists.
Congressmen Call for Federal Rules on Nuclear Waste Cleanup
Congressmen Call for Federal Rules on Nuclear Waste Cleanup: At a U.S. House subcommittee hearing in Southern California on Friday, three congressmen said Congress must press for federal nuclear waste policy and pass legislation defining how and where waste can be stored.
House panel highlights risks over nuclear-storage stalemate - The Washington Post
House panel highlights risks over nuclear-storage stalemate - The Washington Post: Members of Congress say America’s long stalemate over where to put its nuclear waste needs to end — and as soon as possible
PG&E to officially shut off power in multiple counties Saturday morning | abc10.com
PG&E to officially shut off power in multiple counties Saturday morning | abc10.com: The company says it will begin turning off the electricity Saturday morning for 1,600 customers in portions of Napa, Solano and Yolo counties west of Sacramento. The
Bankruptcy Court Asserts Sole Authority Over PG&E Power Contracts
Bankruptcy Court Asserts Sole Authority Over PG&E Power Contracts: A federal judge on Friday scolded a federal regulator for its "power play" to claim jurisdiction over Pacific Gas and Electric's power supply contracts after the embattled utility declared bankruptcy.
PG&E Wins Ruling Allowing it to Pull Out of Power Contracts
Judge says bankruptcy protects the company’s moves regarding the deals
China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony | naked capitalism
China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony | naked capitalism: America expected China to join the international economic community as a subordinate power, but China's deals with Russia show China moving towards parity in economic and military sway.
Burning the Gas 'Bridge Fuel' Myth: Why Gas Is Not Clean, Cheap, or Necessary - Oil Change International
Burning the Gas 'Bridge Fuel' Myth: Why Gas Is Not Clean, Cheap, or Necessary - Oil Change International: This report debunks the myth that gas is a 'bridge fuel' to a decarbonized future – it's clearer than ever that gas is not a solution to the climate crisis.
As Study Shows Methane Emissions 'Vastly Underestimated,' Warnings That US Fracked Gas Export Bonanza Imperils Planetary Stability | Common Dreams News
As Study Shows Methane Emissions 'Vastly Underestimated,' Warnings That US Fracked Gas Export Bonanza Imperils Planetary Stability | Common Dreams News: "Science confirms that gas is a climate killer."
It’s Time to Stop Calling Natural Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’ to a Safe Climate, Says New Report | naked capitalism
It’s Time to Stop Calling Natural Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’ to a Safe Climate, Says New Report | naked capitalism: IEA’s annual market report predicts continued growth in demand for natural gas; Justin Mikulka discusses report Oil Change International debunking contention that natural gas can serve as a bridge fuel to a cleaner energy future.
California's largest utility warns tens of thousands of people could see power shut off due to extreme fire risk
California's largest utility warns tens of thousands of people could see power shut off due to extreme fire risk: Pacific Gas & Electric Co., California's largest electric utility, warned Friday afternoon it might cut power as early as this weekend to portions of its service area due to extreme fire risk.
The Energy Revolution Must Be Nuclear by Wade Allison - Project Syndicate
The Energy Revolution Must Be Nuclear by Wade Allison - Project Syndicate: If the world is going to get the energy revolution it requires, it needs realistic energy policies that are scientifically sound and promote a fuel that provides plentiful energy on demand, while doing the least harm to nature. That fuel is nuclear.
The Reason They Fictionalize Nuclear Disasters Like Chernobyl Is Because They Kill So Few People
The Reason They Fictionalize Nuclear Disasters Like Chernobyl Is Because They Kill So Few People: HBO’s “Chernobyl” mini-series suggests that it is difficult to make an exciting movie about nuclear disasters without leading viewers to believe that they were much worse than they actually were.
Why HBO's "Chernobyl" Gets Nuclear So Wrong
Why HBO's "Chernobyl" Gets Nuclear So Wrong: If Hollywood ever decides to tell the true story of nuclear it won’t need to resort to sensationalism.
The Trump Administration’s Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security | The Nation
The Trump Administration’s Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security | The Nation: The Senate must respond to President Trump’s recklessness by asserting its constitutional powers.
Breaking up Big Tech will be really hard to do—here’s why
Breaking up Big Tech will be really hard to do—here’s why
Regulators in the US have taken a big step toward bringing antitrust suits against American tech giants, but they face a long road ahead.
Regulating or breaking up Big Tech: an antitrust explainer
Regulating or breaking up Big Tech: an antitrust explainer
US regulators will investigate whether companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google have too much power. Here’s an introduction to the issues.
Trump allows high-tech US bomb parts to be built in Saudi Arabia - The Boston Globe
Trump allows high-tech US bomb parts to be built in Saudi Arabia - The Boston Globe: The emergency authorization allows Raytheon Co., a top American defense firm based in Waltham, Mass., to team with the Saudis to build high-tech bomb parts in Saudi Arabia.
On Health Care, Trump Grabs the U.K.’s Third Rail, Lets It Go Fast
On Health Care, Trump Grabs the U.K.’s Third Rail, Lets It Go Fast: American conservatives hate it. Even the most passionate British conservatives support it. It was conceived by Winston Churchill as far back as 1908, mentioned again in 1924, and laid out as a plan…
Friday, June 7, 2019
PG&E issues warning to prepare for blackouts - BenitoLink
PG&E issues warning to prepare for blackouts - BenitoLink: The Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Community Wildfire Safety Team mailed out notices to customers on May 28, cautioning them to be prepared for long power outages if there are wildfires or extreme weather conditions in the coming months. Because the energy system, commonly referred to as a power grid, relies on power lines working
Darrell Schramm: Expose PG&E – Times-Herald
Darrell Schramm: Expose PG&E – Times-Herald: PG&E customers of Solano County and throughout the state should be aware that PG&E does not deserve the bailout it has filed for. At a salary of $6 million the company has hired a new CEO, …
US DOE changes waste interpretation - World Nuclear News
US DOE changes waste interpretation - World Nuclear News: The US Department of Energy has published a new interpretation of high-level radioactive waste in which reprocessing waste streams are defined by their radiological characteristics rather than solely on how they were made.
Beyond Nuclear Again Presses NRC for Hearing Over Proposed Interim Storage Site - ExchangeMonitor
Beyond Nuclear Again Presses NRC for Hearing Over Proposed Interim Storage Site - ExchangeMonitor: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
NRC Prepares for Wave of Retirements - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Prepares for Wave of Retirements - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Fukushima Update 6/7/19

Fukushima Update 6/7/19 –
A convenience store has opened in Okuma… The second round of child thyroid “cancers” is not related to the nuke accident radioactive releases… All fishing ports on the Fukushima coast will be opened by the end of July… Tepco considers accelerating the removal of fuel bundles from the unit #2 spent fuel pool… Local governments ask Tokyo to step up challenging overseas food bans… Aomori’s pronuclear governor is re-elected.
SocialMedia mailing list
A convenience store has opened in Okuma… The second round of child thyroid “cancers” is not related to the nuke accident radioactive releases… All fishing ports on the Fukushima coast will be opened by the end of July… Tepco considers accelerating the removal of fuel bundles from the unit #2 spent fuel pool… Local governments ask Tokyo to step up challenging overseas food bans… Aomori’s pronuclear governor is re-elected.
SocialMedia mailing list
Floating Nuke Power Plants Get Backing From Quant Investor - Bloomberg
Floating Nuke Power Plants Get Backing From Quant Investor - Bloomberg: Gary Bergstrom is jumping from the world of data-based investing to the gritty problem of how best to supply relatively inexpensive energy to the developing world.
Nuclear Energy Regulators Need to Bring on More Cyber Experts, Watchdog Says - Nextgov
Nuclear Energy Regulators Need to Bring on More Cyber Experts, Watchdog Says - Nextgov: Cyberattacks on nuclear power stations on the rise, and an aging workforce may soon leave the government struggling to defend plants against the latest ...
Japan plans carbon emission cuts, more nuclear energy
Japan plans carbon emission cuts, more nuclear energy: TOKYO (AP) - Japan is calling for further efforts to cut its carbon emissions by promoting renewable energy while also pushing nuclear power despite its 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant disaster.
Red Flag fire Warning issued for Northern California | The Sacramento Bee
Red Flag fire Warning issued for Northern California | The Sacramento Bee: A National Weather Service red flag fire warning will be in effect from 6 a.m. Saturday to 5 p.m. Sunday. Winds in the western Sacramento Valley and northern San Joaquin Valley are expected to gust as high as 45 mph.
Research Spending is Stagnating for Renewables | The Energy Collective Daily

Research Spending is Stagnating for Renewables | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Research Spending is Stagnating for Renewables
- Senators Push for Climate Action as Midwest Endures Floods
- Press Release: CEBN Announces New Partnership with The Heat is Power Association
- CEBN Webinar: North American Carbon Markets
- Industry leaders and academic talents meet at African Utility Week
- GEM Webinar Series, The Evolution of Energy: Oil & Natural Gas
‘Several weeks’ before San Onofre resumes spent-fuel transfer - The Coast News Group
‘Several weeks’ before San Onofre resumes spent-fuel transfer - The Coast News Group: The NRC has given Southern California Edison the green light to resume dry storage operations at San Onofre nuclear plant in the next few weeks.
Lessons from Chernobyl | NRDC
Lessons from Chernobyl | NRDC: The HBO mini-series Chernobyl captures the potential for destruction that lies within nuclear power plants, reminding us why we should not blithely dismiss the risks of creating power from radiation.
Groups appeal licensing of Carlsbad-area Holtec nuclear waste facility
Groups appeal licensing of Carlsbad-area Holtec nuclear waste facility: Environmental groups challenged the safety of a proposed Holtec nuclear waste storage facility near Carlsbad and worried it could become permanent.
Commission asked to review new nuclear whistleblower program - Times Union
Commission asked to review new nuclear whistleblower program - Times Union: KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - An attorney is asking the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to review the Tennessee Valley Authority's new whistleblowing program before it's implemented.
The Knoxville News Sentinel reports attorney Billie Garde filed a letter Tuesday saying TVA fired some of its nuclear employee whistleblowing program managers. Garde represents the managers. She says the move is designed to stop safety complaints and silence workers.
TVA's Chief Nuclear Officer Tim Rausch says the whistleblower program is being improved after worker complaints and other criticism. He says the managers weren't fired but don't qualify for the new positions within the overhauled program. Rausch says they are being offered other positions within the utility.
TVA has three nuclear plants: Browns Ferry in Athens, Alabama; Sequoyah in Soddy-Daisy; and Watts Bar in Spring City.
This story has been corrected to change the spelling of Garde.
Information from: Knoxville News Sentinel, http://www.knoxnews.com
The Knoxville News Sentinel reports attorney Billie Garde filed a letter Tuesday saying TVA fired some of its nuclear employee whistleblowing program managers. Garde represents the managers. She says the move is designed to stop safety complaints and silence workers.
TVA's Chief Nuclear Officer Tim Rausch says the whistleblower program is being improved after worker complaints and other criticism. He says the managers weren't fired but don't qualify for the new positions within the overhauled program. Rausch says they are being offered other positions within the utility.
TVA has three nuclear plants: Browns Ferry in Athens, Alabama; Sequoyah in Soddy-Daisy; and Watts Bar in Spring City.
This story has been corrected to change the spelling of Garde.
Information from: Knoxville News Sentinel, http://www.knoxnews.com
US DOE changes waste interpretation - World Nuclear News
US DOE changes waste interpretation - World Nuclear News: The US Department of Energy has published a new interpretation of high-level radioactive waste in which reprocessing waste streams are defined by their radiological characteristics rather than solely on how they were made.
Urenco completes construction of UK tails plant - World Nuclear News
Urenco completes construction of UK tails plant - World Nuclear News: Uranium enrichment company Urenco has today held a ceremony to mark the official opening of its Tails Management Facility at Capenhurst in the UK. The TMF will treat depleted uranium tails, a by-product of the enrichment process, by converting them from uranium hexafluoride into more chemically stable uranium oxide.
Finland sets out roadmap to carbon neutrality | S&P Global Platts
Finland sets out roadmap to carbon neutrality | S&P Global Platts: Finland's new center left coalition government plans to "move towards carbon neutrality by 2035," it said in a detailed policy document Tuesday.
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg: Don’t expect an upswing in the global uranium market anytime soon.
U.S. uranium miners see boost from Commerce report - Reuters
U.S. uranium miners see boost from Commerce report - Reuters: Two uranium mining companies said on Wednesday they are "confident" that U.S. President Donald Trump will implement limits on uranium imports after the Commerce Department recommended urgent steps to boost domestic production of a list of 35 "critical minerals" that included the nuclear fuel.
Nuclear Energy Regulators Need to Bring on More Cyber Experts, Watchdog Says - Nextgov
Nuclear Energy Regulators Need to Bring on More Cyber Experts, Watchdog Says - Nextgov: Cyberattacks on nuclear power stations on the rise, and an aging workforce may soon leave the government struggling to defend plants against the latest ...
US FERC's Chatterjee rekindles grid resilience debate | S&P Global Platts
US FERC's Chatterjee rekindles grid resilience debate | S&P Global Platts: US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission action on grid resilience could be forthcoming, Chairman Neil Chatterjee suggested Wednesday.
US OKed nuclear power sharing with Saudi Arabia | Deccan Herald
US OKed nuclear power sharing with Saudi Arabia | Deccan Herald: The Trump administration granted two authorizations to U.S. companies to share sensitive nuclear power information with Saudi Arabia shortly after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October, a U.S. senator who saw the approvals said.
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg: Don’t expect an upswing in the global uranium market anytime soon.
Damascus Incident - Nuclear Accident in the US
Damascus Incident - Nuclear Accident in the US: The U.S. kept nuclear accidents like the Damascus Incident secret for decades.
Chernobyl’s haunting score was made with nuclear power plant field recordings (listen)
Chernobyl’s haunting score was made with nuclear power plant field recordings (listen): ”We went in in full hazmat suits and everything. We went there to record the power plant, and we worked the score from those recordings. Every single sound in the score is made from those power plant recordings.” - ’Chernobyl’ composer Hildur Guðnadóttir.
US DOC sets out strategy for crucial commodities
US DOC sets out strategy for crucial commodities
US DOC sets out strategy for crucial commodities
US DOC sets out strategy for crucial commodities
China and Russia sign general contract for two Xudabao units
China and Russia sign general contract for two Xudabao units
Thursday, June 6, 2019
TASS: Business & Economy - Russia, Slovakia agree on supplies of Russian fuel to Slovak nuclear plants in 2022-2030
TASS: Business & Economy - Russia, Slovakia agree on supplies of Russian fuel to Slovak nuclear plants in 2022-2030: The document was signed by TVEL Corporation's President Natalya Nikipelova and the general director of the Slovak company Branislav Stricek
US Energy Secretary in Slovenia, Interested in Selling Nuclear Reactor Tech
US Energy Secretary in Slovenia, Interested in Selling Nuclear Reactor Tech: STA, 5 June 2019 - The United States is keen on selling Slovenia technology for small modular nuclear reactors, US Energy Secretary Rick Perry said We...
Groups appeal licensing of Carlsbad-area Holtec nuclear waste facility
Groups appeal licensing of Carlsbad-area Holtec nuclear waste facility: Environmental groups challenged the safety of a proposed Holtec nuclear waste storage facility near Carlsbad and worried it could become permanent.
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg
Top Uranium Producer Is Gloomy About Nuclear Power, for Now - Bloomberg: Don’t expect an upswing in the global uranium market anytime soon.
GE, Duke Energy Look to Nuclear, Renewables to Address Climate
GE, Duke Energy Look to Nuclear, Renewables to Address Climate: Duke Energy and GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy are considering ways to pair nuclear power production with wind and solar energy to help decarbonize the electrical grid.
HBO's 'Chernobyl' Review -- What Separates Chernobyl from Three Mile Island and Fukushima | National Review
HBO's 'Chernobyl' Review -- What Separates Chernobyl from Three Mile Island and Fukushima | National Review: 'Chernobyl' was the worst because of how the Soviet government operated - and if you missed that lesson . . . did you pay any attention at all?
Why America shouldn’t follow Merkel’s lead on energy - The Washington Post
Why America shouldn’t follow Merkel’s lead on energy - The Washington Post: Germany’s post-nuclear plan is a study in how not to manage trade-offs.
Why Is the Trump Administration So Eager to See a Nuclear Saudi Arabia?
Why Is the Trump Administration So Eager to See a Nuclear Saudi Arabia?
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Why America shouldn’t follow Merkel’s lead on energy - The Washington Post
Why America shouldn’t follow Merkel’s lead on energy - The Washington Post: Germany’s post-nuclear plan is a study in how not to manage trade-offs.
IEA says invest in nuclear to cut emissions; Australian MPs push for nuclear; IAEA advice for nuclear newcomers
IEA says invest in nuclear to cut emissions; Australian MPs push for nuclear; IAEA advice for nuclear newcomers
https://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/iea-says-invest-nuclear-cut-emissions-australian-mps-push-nuclear-iaea-advice-nuclear-newcomers?utm_campaign=NEI%2005JUN119%20Newsletter%20A&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua&elqTrackId=b4644d60028e455db9c54bc725ff3386&elq=eb7ad7e878054ce4bffbc7b69636fde5&elqaid=45385&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=26510Canada SMR race expands to six entrants
Canada SMR race expands to six entrants
Crystal River to be decommissioned 50 years early
Crystal River to be decommissioned 50 years early
Daniel Ellsberg Reveals He was a Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation | Democracy Now!
Daniel Ellsberg Reveals He was a Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation | Democracy Now!: Could tension between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un bring us to the brink of nuclear war? As tensions ramp up, we discuss what nuclear war would look like with a former nuclear war planner and one of the world’s most famous whistleblowers—Daniel Ellsberg. In 1971, Ellsberg was a high-level defense analyst when he leaked a top-secret report on U.S. involvement in Vietnam to The New York Times and other publications, which came to be known as the Pentagon Papers. He played a key role in ending the Vietnam War. Few know Ellsberg was also a Pentagon and White House consultant who drafted plans for nuclear war. His new book, published Tuesday, is titled “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.” We speak with Ellsberg about his top-secret nuclear studies, his front row seat to the Cuban missile crisis, whether Trump could start a nuclear war and how contemporary whistleblowers Chelsea Manning and Ed Snowden are his heroes.
Surefire Safety: Nuclear Power Sets Benchmark for Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation – STOP THESE THINGS
Surefire Safety: Nuclear Power Sets Benchmark for Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation – STOP THESE THINGS: Climate alarmists railing about carbon dioxide gas and not talking about nuclear power generation, can’t be taken seriously. Nuclear power is the only stand-alone power generation source that does …
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump’s emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - The Washington Post
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump’s emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - The Washington Post: The move comes as Sen. Tim Kaine, citing the Department of Energy, announced that the administration had approved two secret deals to transfer nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia after the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Iran Hawks Prep Final Push to Dismantle Nuclear Deal – True Pundit
Iran Hawks Prep Final Push to Dismantle Nuclear Deal – True Pundit: As Iran continues to ramp up its most contested nuclear work in violation of the landmark nuclear accord, Republican hawks in Congress are preparing a final push to destroy the deal and reimpose a set of biting sanctions that the Trump administration has balked on implementing in recent months, according to multiple officials familiar with…
Oak Ridge announces MiniFuel targets to accelerate testing - World Nuclear News
Oak Ridge announces MiniFuel targets to accelerate testing - World Nuclear News: Faster research into nuclear fuel performance is now possible at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's High Flux Isotope Reactor through the use of tiny samples, known as MiniFuel.
Slovenské elektrárne signs Russian fuel supply deal - World Nuclear News
Slovenské elektrárne signs Russian fuel supply deal - World Nuclear News: TVEL and Slovak utility Slovenské elektrárne have signed contract documents on the supply of nuclear fuel to nuclear power plants in Slovakia for 2022-2026 with the possibility of extension to 2030.
NAC dry storage system selected for Three Mile Island - World Nuclear News
NAC dry storage system selected for Three Mile Island - World Nuclear News: NAC International Inc has announced it will supply its ultra-high capacity Magnastor systems for transportable dry used fuel storage at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant under a project award from Exelon Generation. The contract is the seventh for the Magnastor system.
The drama and the facts about Chernobyl - World Nuclear News
The drama and the facts about Chernobyl - World Nuclear News: Craig Mazin - creator of the mini-series Chernobyl for television network HBO about the 1986 accident in Ukraine - has warned against "reactionary garbage" about the show, stressing that he is a supporter of nuclear energy.
Energy Dept. Outlines Justification for Non-Compete Centrus Contract for HALEU - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Energy Dept. Outlines Justification for Non-Compete Centrus Contract for HALEU - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump's emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - GreenwichTime
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump's emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - GreenwichTime: WASHINGTON - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee's top Democrat and a close congressional ally of President Donald Trump are teaming up to try to block 22 arms deals largely benefiting Saudi Arabia, a move that seeks to quash the administration's attempt to use emergency powers to circumvent congressional objections.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said in an interview Tuesday that he would introduce "22 resolutions of disapproval" - one for each deal the Trump administration informed lawmakers last month it would push through, raising objections from both Democrats and Republicans.
Joining him in the effort is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said Tuesday that he is "on board with Menendez." Graham, who is one of Trump's closest allies in Congress, has also been one of the most vocal critics of his embrace of Saudi leaders, particularly in the wake of last year's brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Menendez and Graham's plans, in which they expect to enlist more bipartisan support, come as new details emerge regarding seven secret nuclear technology transfers the Trump administration approved for Saudi Arabia - two of them following Khashoggi's death.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said in an interview Tuesday that he would introduce "22 resolutions of disapproval" - one for each deal the Trump administration informed lawmakers last month it would push through, raising objections from both Democrats and Republicans.
Joining him in the effort is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said Tuesday that he is "on board with Menendez." Graham, who is one of Trump's closest allies in Congress, has also been one of the most vocal critics of his embrace of Saudi leaders, particularly in the wake of last year's brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Menendez and Graham's plans, in which they expect to enlist more bipartisan support, come as new details emerge regarding seven secret nuclear technology transfers the Trump administration approved for Saudi Arabia - two of them following Khashoggi's death.
US approved transfer of nuclear expertise to Riyadh after Khashoggi murder | Middle East Eye
US approved transfer of nuclear expertise to Riyadh after Khashoggi murder | Middle East Eye: Approvals allow US companies to discuss and work on nuclear-related projects in the Gulf kingdom
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump's emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - The Hour
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump's emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia - The Hour: WASHINGTON - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee's top Democrat and a close congressional ally of President Donald Trump are teaming up to try to block 22 arms deals largely benefiting Saudi Arabia, a move that seeks to quash the administration's attempt to use emergency powers to circumvent congressional objections.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said in an interview Tuesday that he would introduce "22 resolutions of disapproval" - one for each deal the Trump administration informed lawmakers last month it would push through, raising objections from both Democrats and Republicans.
Joining him in the effort is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said Tuesday that he is "on board with Menendez." Graham, who is one of Trump's closest allies in Congress, has also been one of the most vocal critics of his embrace of Saudi leaders, particularly in the wake of last year's brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Menendez and Graham's plans, in which they expect to enlist more bipartisan support, come as new details emerge regarding seven secret nuclear technology transfers the Trump administration approved for Saudi Arabia - two of them following Khashoggi's death.
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said in an interview Tuesday that he would introduce "22 resolutions of disapproval" - one for each deal the Trump administration informed lawmakers last month it would push through, raising objections from both Democrats and Republicans.
Joining him in the effort is Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said Tuesday that he is "on board with Menendez." Graham, who is one of Trump's closest allies in Congress, has also been one of the most vocal critics of his embrace of Saudi leaders, particularly in the wake of last year's brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Menendez and Graham's plans, in which they expect to enlist more bipartisan support, come as new details emerge regarding seven secret nuclear technology transfers the Trump administration approved for Saudi Arabia - two of them following Khashoggi's death.
DOE Proposes to Redefine High-Level Radioactive Waste -- Environmental Protection
DOE Proposes to Redefine High-Level Radioactive Waste -- Environmental Protection: According to DOE, the revised interpretation, "if implemented through subsequent actions," could provide a range of benefits to both DOE and the public.
DOE changes high level waste definition for Hanford Site | Tri-City Herald
DOE changes high level waste definition for Hanford Site | Tri-City Herald: DOE is changing the way it classifies high level radioactive waste, which has been defined by its source rather than its radioactive content. It would affect Hanford nuclear reservation site waste.
Judge Keeps Sale of TVA Nuclear Plant Alive | 2019-06-05 | Engineering News-Record
Judge Keeps Sale of TVA Nuclear Plant Alive | 2019-06-05 | Engineering News-Record: A federal judge has rejected the Tennessee Valley Authority’s motion to dismiss a breach of contract claim brought by Nuclear Development LLC, which has an agreement to purchase the partially completed two-unit, 1,260-MW Bellefonte nuclear plant in Alabama. Nuclear Development claims TVA has breached the agreement by refusing to complete the sale of the plant, scheduled for November 2018. TVA says the plant cannot be transferred until the Nuclear Regulatory Commission transfers the construction permit for the two nuclear units to the buyer. The sale . . .
The Trump Administration’s Iran Fiasco
The Trump Administration’s Iran Fiasco: Pompeo tries to please his boss, while Bolton pursues a corrupt and dangerous escalation.
NuScale Brings on Legacy Firms for Small Nuclear Reactor | 2019-06-05 | Engineering News-Record
NuScale Brings on Legacy Firms for Small Nuclear Reactor | 2019-06-05 | Engineering News-Record: NuScale has brought on another legacy nuclear power firm to help it design and build its small modular nuclear reactor. Late last month, the Oregon-based company announced a memorandum of understanding with Sargent & Lundy to help it develop its reactor design and to provide additional architect engineer support. Sargent & Lundy will also become an investor in NuScale, majority owned by Fluor. “We are inspired by the simplicity and exceptional safety inherent in NuScale’s design and expect this technology to have a major impact . . .
America Never Had a Chernobyl. But It Came Close.
America Never Had a Chernobyl. But It Came Close.: The U.S. kept nuclear accidents like the Damascus Incident secret for decades.
HBO's 'Chernobyl' Review -- What Separates Chernobyl from Three Mile Island and Fukushima | National Review
HBO's 'Chernobyl' Review -- What Separates Chernobyl from Three Mile Island and Fukushima | National Review: 'Chernobyl' was the worst because of how the Soviet government operated - and if you missed that lesson . . . did you pay any attention at all?
France's LREM may force EDF to sell more nuclear power to rivals - Energy & Oil - Reuters
France's LREM may force EDF to sell more nuclear power to rivals - Energy & Oil - Reuters: France's ruling LREM party has proposed a 50% increase in the amount of nuclear power that state-controlled utility EDF is forced to sell to its smaller rivals each year.
Global Nuclear Spent Fuel Market 2019-2023: Bechtel, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Orano are Some of the Major Companies Profiled - ResearchAndMarkets.com
Global Nuclear Spent Fuel Market 2019-2023: Bechtel, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Orano are Some of the Major Companies Profiled - ResearchAndMarkets.com: The "Global Nuclear Spent Fuel Market 2019-2023" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Are Ohio’s two nuclear power plants profitable? Depends who you ask - cleveland.com
Are Ohio’s two nuclear power plants profitable? Depends who you ask - cleveland.com: An Ohio Senate panel spent much of Tuesday morning hearing arguments over a seemingly straightforward question: are two Ohio nuclear plants profitable or not?
Why Is the Trump Administration So Eager to See a Nuclear Saudi Arabia?
Why Is the Trump Administration So Eager to See a Nuclear Saudi Arabia?: The Trump administration twice approved the transfer of nuclear technical expertise to Saudi Arabia after last year’s murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to new revelations this week. They have only fueled frustrations in Congress over the administration’s eagerness to aid Saudi nuclear ambitions.
U.S. shared nuclear power info with Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killed - Reuters
U.S. shared nuclear power info with Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killed - Reuters: The Trump administration granted two authorizations to U.S. companies to share sensitive nuclear power information with Saudi Arabia shortly after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October, a U.S. senator who saw the approvals said on Tuesday.
Chernobyl: How the RBMK nuclear reactor exploded and could it happen again? - CNET
Chernobyl: How the RBMK nuclear reactor exploded and could it happen again? - CNET: Explaining the positive void coefficient and how it contributed to the reactor explosion on April 26, 1986.
Asia Times | Virtual reality reactors help trial designs, technologies | Article
Asia Times | Virtual reality reactors help trial designs, technologies | Article: Chinese Academy of Sciences’ new virtual reactors helping assessment and decision-making of new plants
Crystal River to be decommissioned 50 years early | Nuclear Energy Insider
Crystal River to be decommissioned 50 years early | Nuclear Energy Insider: Duke Energy has announced plans to decommission the previously retired Crystal River nuclear plant in Florida by 2027 – nearly 50 years sooner than originally scheduled. If approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Florida Public Service Commission, decommissioning work will begin in 2020 and end in 2027.
NorthStar expands decommissioning work to Florida | The Brattleboro Reformer | Brattleboro Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic
NorthStar expands decommissioning work to Florida | The Brattleboro Reformer | Brattleboro Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic: VERNON — The announcement last week that NorthStar Group Services will be decommissioning another nuclear power plant in Florida should not have an effect on the Vermont Yankee plant …
Sen. Kaine: Trump approved nuclear tech transfer to Saudis after Khashoggi's murder - POLITICO
Sen. Kaine: Trump approved nuclear tech transfer to Saudis after Khashoggi's murder - POLITICO: “Trump’s eagerness to give the Saudis anything they want, over bipartisan congressional objection, harms American national security interest," the Virginia Democrat says.
Nuclear Fuel Transfers At San Onofre Are Now Safe, Federal Regulators Say
Nuclear Fuel Transfers At San Onofre Are Now Safe, Federal Regulators Say
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
C$10 Million to Develop First Molten Salt Molten Reactor | The Energy Collective Daily
- C$10 Million to Develop First Molten Salt Molten Reactor
- China Nuclear Reactors for Heat Have Safety Proven by Undergrads For 50 Years in 24 Countries
- Mission Innovation for Clean Energy Solutions
- Ocean Acidity is 30% Higher and On Track to 150% Higher by 2100
- All Militaries Are Developing Combat Lasers So They Will Give Short Military Advantages
- Canada Can Hit Paris Targets, ‘Zero Out Carbon’ by Mid-Century, Study Shows
- Trump administration gears up for rollbacks of climate safeguards
- Global Leaders at Vancouver Energy Conference Sound an Alarm; Issue Calls for Action on Nuclear Energy to Address Climate Change
- Three key questions for EU policymakers considering the sustainability of gas
- Is Global Crude Really In Short Supply?
- Floating in the wind
C$10 Million to Develop First Molten Salt Molten Reactor | The Energy Collective Daily |
EIA process begins for Wheeler River uranium project - World Nuclear News
EIA process begins for Wheeler River uranium project - World Nuclear News: The environmental impact assessment process for Denison Mines Corp's 90%-owned Wheeler River project has formally begun with the acceptance by Canadian national and provincial regulators of the project description for the proposed in-situ leach uranium and processing plant.
EIA process begins for Wheeler River uranium project - World Nuclear News
EIA process begins for Wheeler River uranium project - World Nuclear News: The environmental impact assessment process for Denison Mines Corp's 90%-owned Wheeler River project has formally begun with the acceptance by Canadian national and provincial regulators of the project description for the proposed in-situ leach uranium and processing plant.
Novovoronezh II-2 starts pilot operation - World Nuclear News
Novovoronezh II-2 starts pilot operation - World Nuclear News: Unit 2 of the Novovoronezh II nuclear power plant in southwest Russia has entered the pilot commercial operation stage, Rosenergoatom, the operator subsidiary of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, has announced.
With new transmission urgently needed, FERC Chair hints at a new Order 1000 proceeding
With new transmission urgently needed, FERC Chair hints at a new Order 1000 proceeding
Brattle Group data shows the landmark Order has failed to grow competitive transmissionhttps://www.utilitydive.com/news/with-new-transmission-urgently-needed-ferc-chair-hints-at-a-new-order-1000/555586/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202019-06-04%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:21226%5D&utm_term=Utility%20Dive
The Leningrad nuclear plant gets a clean review from the UN nuclear watchdog - Bellona.org
The Leningrad nuclear plant gets a clean review from the UN nuclear watchdog - Bellona.org: The Leningrad Nuclear Power plant has strengthened operational safety in response to a review of one of its elderly reactor units conducted …
Healey: Pilgrim decommissioning may be underfunded - News - Wicked Local Plymouth - Plymouth, MA
Healey: Pilgrim decommissioning may be underfunded - News - Wicked Local Plymouth - Plymouth, MA: BOSTON – With the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station now offline for good, Attorney General Maura Healey is worried there is not enough money to safely clean up the Plymouth site, and she's renewing her call for federal regulators to hold a hearing on the proposed sale and decommissioning of the plant. Since earlier this year, Healey and the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs have been trying to convince the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that plant owner Entergy Corp.
Healey: Pilgrim decommissioning may be underfunded - News - Wicked Local Plymouth - Plymouth, MA
Healey: Pilgrim decommissioning may be underfunded - News - Wicked Local Plymouth - Plymouth, MA: BOSTON – With the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station now offline for good, Attorney General Maura Healey is worried there is not enough money to safely clean up the Plymouth site, and she's renewing her call for federal regulators to hold a hearing on the proposed sale and decommissioning of the plant. Since earlier this year, Healey and the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs have been trying to convince the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that plant owner Entergy Corp.
Departing Nuclear Cleanup Chief Praised by DOE Brass, Others - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Departing Nuclear Cleanup Chief Praised by DOE Brass, Others - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Interview with NuScale’s Jose Reyes | Neutron Bytes
Interview with NuScale’s Jose Reyes | Neutron Bytes: Jose N. Reyes, Ph.D., (right) is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of NuScale Power, and the co-designer of the NuScale passively-cooled small nuclear reactor. He agreed to do an intervie…
Exclusive look at new confirmed Utility & C-Level speakers Inbox x
The nuclear decommissioning & used fuel market is increasing not
only in size, but in the type and complexity of business models and
processes used. As information becomes more powerful than ever before,
it’s essential we all seek to gain as much as possible to fully seize
any future opportunities.
That’s why the Nuclear Decommissioning & Used Fuel Strategy Summit 2019 (30 Sep – 1 Oct, Charlotte, NC) have secured 4 exciting new speakers from all over the world. Giving key insight into their projects, this is a great opportunity to secure your position as a key player in the industry
Click here to view your copy of the brochure now
Here’s the exclusive insight on who you’ll learn from:
Click here to view your copy of the brochure now
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or give me a call – I’d be more than happy to talk further.
Best regards,
Kevin Anderson
Global Project Director
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 20 7375 7190
That’s why the Nuclear Decommissioning & Used Fuel Strategy Summit 2019 (30 Sep – 1 Oct, Charlotte, NC) have secured 4 exciting new speakers from all over the world. Giving key insight into their projects, this is a great opportunity to secure your position as a key player in the industry
Click here to view your copy of the brochure now
Here’s the exclusive insight on who you’ll learn from:
- Paul Paradis, Director Decommissioning, Entergy will give the exclusive utility insight on his lessons learned at Vermont Yankee, and how you can be a part of Entergy’s decommissioning & used fuel future
- Simon Carroll, Senior Advisor, Vattenfall – hear directly from the Swedish utility about their upcoming plans for Ringhals 1 & 2, so you can capture success on the international stage
- Loren Sharp, Senior Director, Nuclear Decommissioning Humboldt Bay and Diablo Canyon Power Plants: Get ground-breaking insight on what has happened at Humboldt Bay and all the insight on future plans for Diablo Canyon, so you can build relationships and win business now
- Rounette Nader, Director, License Renewal & Decommissioning Planning – learn what Duke Energy does when planning for decommissioning, and ensure you can take advantage of any new projects
Click here to view your copy of the brochure now
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or give me a call – I’d be more than happy to talk further.
Best regards,
Kevin Anderson
Global Project Director
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 20 7375 7190
CSIC Accelerates Work on Nuclear-Powered Carriers
CSIC Accelerates Work on Nuclear-Powered Carriers: Chinese state-owned shipbuilder CSIC says that it is speeding up its RD efforts on nuclear propulsio...
Nuclear Policy News - June 3, 2019 - Nuclear Network
Nuclear Policy News - June 3, 2019 - Nuclear Network: Acting US defense chief: Major military drills with South Korea still on hold
Military Times
‘Purged’ North Korean diplomat Kim Yong Chol appears in state media
This Russian Drone Looks Like a Stealth B-2 Bomber (A Test Flight Is Coming Soon)
The National Interest
Military Times
‘Purged’ North Korean diplomat Kim Yong Chol appears in state media
This Russian Drone Looks Like a Stealth B-2 Bomber (A Test Flight Is Coming Soon)
The National Interest
Nuclear power doesn't stack up without a carbon price, industry group says | Australia news | The Guardian
Nuclear power doesn't stack up without a carbon price, industry group says | Australia news | The Guardian: Nuclear could provide cheap energy but would only be competitive with gas and coal if carbon pollution is priced, nuclear association says
Nuclear Power Is Clean and Safe, So Why Does the Left Hate It?
Nuclear Power Is Clean and Safe, So Why Does the Left Hate It?: Nuclear power has a track record for being both clean and safe, but the left rejects it as a solution to the problem of carbon emissions. Why?
At look back at the Shoreham nuclear plant protest, 40 years later
At look back at the Shoreham nuclear plant protest, 40 years later: Seven years before the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster — which has been chronicled in a new HBO miniseries that... Read More
There Are Still 10 Chernobyl-Style Reactors Operating Across Russia. How Do We Know They're Safe?
There Are Still 10 Chernobyl-Style Reactors Operating Across Russia. How Do We Know They're Safe?: The types of reactors that melted down at Chernobyl are still running in other parts of Russia today. How do we know they’re safe?
The Leningrad nuclear plant gets a clean review from the UN nuclear watchdog - Bellona.org
The Leningrad nuclear plant gets a clean review from the UN nuclear watchdog - Bellona.org: The Leningrad Nuclear Power plant has strengthened operational safety in response to a review of one of its elderly reactor units conducted …
Russia’s Mideast Nuclear Projects Help Build Trust With Allies – Energy Corp. - Sputnik International
Russia’s Mideast Nuclear Projects Help Build Trust With Allies – Energy Corp. - Sputnik International: MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Sharing Russia’s long-running expertise in harnessing nuclear power for peaceful purposes with allies in the Middle East and North Africa is important for building trust with regional countries, the state atomic energy corporation Rosatom told Sputnik.
Entergy permanently shuts down Pilgrim nuclear plant as a result of a number of financial factors - MarketWatch
Entergy permanently shuts down Pilgrim nuclear plant as a result of a number of financial factors - MarketWatch: Entergy Corp. said Monday the decision to permanently shut down its Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Mass. was a result of "a number of...
Small nuclear reactors are powering ships worldwide
Small nuclear reactors are powering ships worldwide ...
Small nuclear reactors are powering ships worldwide.
From John Stewart, Ottawa, ON, Canada ... aircraft carriers and
icebreakers quietly and reliably all over the world since 1954.
CNNC attains mass production of Hualong One fuel - World Nuclear News
CNNC attains mass production of Hualong One fuel - World Nuclear News: China National Nuclear Corporation says it is now capable of mass producing China Fuel 3 (CF3) fuel assemblies for the domestically-designed HPR1000 (Hualong One) pressurised water reactor design.
Lightbridge fuel development gains DOE funding - World Nuclear News
Lightbridge fuel development gains DOE funding - World Nuclear News: Framatome has received a voucher through the US Department of Energy's Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear programme to support development of Lightbridge Fuel in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory.
New US uranium production and resource data released - World Nuclear News
New US uranium production and resource data released - World Nuclear News: The USA produced 33% less uranium in 2018 than 2017, according to the US Energy Information Administration's 2018 Domestic Uranium Production Report. Meanwhile, Uranium One has published NI 43-101 technical reports including resource figures for five uranium exploration and development properties in Wyoming.
Advanced fuel for Calvert Cliffs - World Nuclear News
Advanced fuel for Calvert Cliffs - World Nuclear News: Framatome, the French fuel and technology company said "two full fuel assemblies" of its Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel would be loaded at Exelon's Calvert Cliffs plant in February 2021.
US 2018 uranium purchase figures released - World Nuclear News
US 2018 uranium purchase figures released - World Nuclear News: Owners and operators of US civilian nuclear power reactors purchased a total of 40 million pounds U3O8 equivalent (15,386 tU) of deliveries during 2018, according to the latest uranium marketing report from the US Energy Information Administration. Nearly 10% of that was US-origin uranium.
New Map Shows Expanse Of U.S. Nuclear Waste Sites
New Map Shows Expanse Of U.S. Nuclear Waste Sites: The United States is home to 21 “stranded” nuclear-waste storage sites, according to a new map from the Congressional Research Service that displays a total of 80 sites where the country's nuclear waste sits waiting for a permanent repository.
DOE Selects Centrus Energy Subsidiary for $115M Uranium Fuel Production Contract – GovCon Wire
DOE Selects Centrus Energy Subsidiary for $115M Uranium Fuel Production Contract – GovCon Wire: A subsidiary of global nuclear fuel provider Centrus Energy received a $115M contract to demonstrate
Editorial: From energy to nuclear science, space to technology, NM’s economic outlook has megawatt promise » Albuquerque Journal
Editorial: From energy to nuclear science, space to technology, NM’s economic outlook has megawatt promise » Albuquerque Journal: It will be up to our leaders to take advantage of the lucky cards we have been dealt
Substitute SB968 Economic Impact Study 06 03 19 - Google Docs
Substitute SB968 Economic Impact Study 06 03 19 - Google Docs: Substitute SB968 Economic Impact Study - The annual benefits of continued safe operation of Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Exceed $31 Billion per year. California state government officials have been foot-dragging on completing a regional economic study regarding the benefits of keeping DCPP r...
Why is CGNP intent on saving Diablo Canyon and How will they Succeed?
Why is CGNP intent on saving Diablo Canyon and How will they Succeed?
Monday, June 3, 2019
Queensland Coalition MPs push for inquiry to lift Australia's nuclear power ban | Australia news | The Guardian
Queensland Coalition MPs push for inquiry to lift Australia's nuclear power ban | Australia news | The Guardian: Keith Pitt and James McGrath behind move, saying ‘we have to be able to investigate all options’
ThorCon Advanced Nuclear Reactor -- More Than Worth Its Weight In Salt
ThorCon Advanced Nuclear Reactor -- More Than Worth Its Weight In Salt: ThorCon is a nuclear reactor with molten salt fuel containing thorium+uranium that is walk-away-safe. ThorCon would be completely manufactured in 150 to 500 ton blocks in a shipyard, assembled and towed to a site, with order of magnitude improvements in productivity, quality control, and build time.
U.S. TVA to cut carbon emission by 70 percent by end of next decade: CEO - Reuters
U.S. TVA to cut carbon emission by 70 percent by end of next decade: CEO - Reuters: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) expects to reduce carbon emissions at the U.S.-owned power generator by 70 percent from 2005 levels by the end of the next decade, the company's chief executive officer said on Friday.
Pilgrim shutdown ends nuclear power era in Massachusetts
Pilgrim shutdown ends nuclear power era in Massachusetts: PLYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) — The Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth has permanently shut down after 47 years of generating electricity, bring to a close the era of nuclear power in...
Asia Times | Japanese PM to meet Iran’s supreme leader | Article
Asia Times | Japanese PM to meet Iran’s supreme leader | Article: Shinzo Abe hopes he can serve as an intermediary between the US and the Islamic republic, newspaper reports
Does Pakistan’s Nuclear Doctrine Stand Vindicated Post-Pulwama? - Modern Diplomacy
Does Pakistan’s Nuclear Doctrine Stand Vindicated Post-Pulwama? - Modern Diplomacy: Earlier this week on 28th May, Pakistan marked more than two decades of technological prowess since successfully harnessing nuclear weapons capability. Termed as the’ Day of Greatness’ (Youm e Takbir), the occasion is meant to symbolize the country’s resolve and determination in indigenously developing advanced nuclear research and technology. Furthermore, it also commemorates the achievement […]
Global Nuclear Power Market Report 2019 Rising Trend, Size, Profitability Growth and Forecast 2023 - The News Kit
Global Nuclear Power Market Report 2019 Rising Trend, Size, Profitability Growth and Forecast 2023 - The News Kit: The Nuclear Power Market research report is a very detailed study anticipated to rise at an enormous growth rate during the forecast period 2019-2023. This Nuclear Power report comprises insights keeping the market players in respect and precise prevailing regions of the business. The report clarifies significant players in a top-down approach. It also sheds light …
Chernobyl Has Become a Refuge for Wildlife 33 Years After Nuclear Accident | Inverse
Chernobyl Has Become a Refuge for Wildlife 33 Years After Nuclear Accident | Inverse: On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, causing the largest nuclear accident in history. Today, 33 years after the accident, bears, bisons, wolves, lynxes, horses, and more than 200 birds species cover the area that many thought would be devoid of wildlife for centuries.
Nonstop Records For U.S. Natural-Gas-Based Electricity
Nonstop Records For U.S. Natural-Gas-Based Electricity: The U.S. electric power system is increasingly being built upon a very solid foundation: gas, gas, and more gas. This summer is sure to prove it again.
US 2018 uranium purchase figures released - World Nuclear News
US 2018 uranium purchase figures released - World Nuclear News: Owners and operators of US civilian nuclear power reactors purchased a total of 40 million pounds U3O8 equivalent (15,386 tU) of deliveries during 2018, according to the latest uranium marketing report from the US Energy Information Administration. Nearly 10% of that was US-origin uranium.
Embalse plant returns to service - World Nuclear News
Embalse plant returns to service - World Nuclear News: The Embalse nuclear power plant in Argentina resumed commercial operation following a three-year upgrade programme that was completed in January, the country's Ministry of Energy announced on 30 May. Plant operator Nucleoelectrica Argentina has been conducting tests in the four months since first criticality.
Pilgrim shuts down for the final time
Pilgrim shuts down for the final time
Successfully Winning the Wind War
9:00 AM
By FAR the most successful strategy to win a local fight against industrial wind energy, is to expose the wind project’s true Net local economic impact.
The five step outline for a plan-of-action is on our Winning webpage.The scientific studies to back this up are on the Key Documents webpage.
I’m writing you today to alert you to a major new development, to help such communities:
Some NYS citizens have just produced the best local economic analysis I’ve ever seen!I’ve converted it to a generic report (about a fictitious wind energy project), to provide you a template for your own local economic analysis.(Download the Word version, so that you can edit it for your own community’s situation. Make sure to read the important notes at the end of the report.)
If you have any suggestions for improving this superior report, please let me know and I’ll update it.
Otherwise let me know any questions.
john droz, jr.
PS — Please pass this onto other citizens who are trying to defend their rights against a wind energy threat.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Duke Energy Florida asks to speed up Crystal River nuclear decommissioning
Duke Energy Florida asks to speed up Crystal River nuclear decommissioning: The company wants the plant dismantled by 2027 instead of 2074.
Global Class 1E Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Cables Market In-depth Analysis 2019
Global Class 1E Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Cables Market In-depth Analysis 2019: Global Class 1E Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Cables Market Professional Survey, Growth Factors, Shares, Opportunities and Forecast to 2025
Global Nuclear Power Plant Market Overview 2019 - 2024
Global Nuclear Power Plant Market Overview 2019 - 2024: Global Nuclear Power Plant Market report also sheds light on the evaluation of growth opportunities, challenges, market threats and constraining factors of the market.
Russia & Argentina Expand Nuclear Energy Cooperation - Caspian News
Russia & Argentina Expand Nuclear Energy Cooperation - Caspian News: High ranking officials from Russia and Argentina met in Buenos Aires from May 27-28 to reaffirm interest in joint nuclear power projects in the South
Shorter decommissioning for Oyster Creek nuclear plant looks on track | Our View | pressofatlanticcity.com
Shorter decommissioning for Oyster Creek nuclear plant looks on track | Our View | pressofatlanticcity.com: Last summer, Exelon Generation surprised Lacey Township residents with an announcement of a plan to decommission the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in perhaps half the time expected.
California leaders reconsider changes to laws that assign wildfire responsibility - SFChronicle.com
California leaders reconsider changes to laws that assign wildfire responsibility - SFChronicle.com: California leaders are having second thoughts about changes to wildfire liability laws — it wouldn’t look good for them to look like they’re taking care of PG&E.
California utilities get new rules for cutting electricity to prevent wildfires | fox5sandiego.com
California utilities get new rules for cutting electricity to prevent wildfires | fox5sandiego.com: California regulators have given utilities new rules about intentionally cutting power to prevent wildfires, including how to prepare the public for the outages.
Editorial: Next PUC president must restore trust in PG&E
Editorial: Next PUC president must restore trust in PG&E: Governor’s pick must balance the needs of powerful utilities with those of ratepaying consumers
Another Voice: The power is going out
Another Voice: The power is going out
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