Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The secret decision to kill San Onofre nuke
The secret decision to kill San Onofre nuke
Nuclear power mitigates economic & carbon impact: Shah Nawaz Ahmad
Nuclear power mitigates economic & carbon impact: Shah Nawaz Ahmad
Interview with Senior advisor, World Nuclear Association
Bill Gates Tries Thorium
Bill Gates Tries Thorium
Fukushima Groundwater Issue Poses Many Questions -
From The Hiroshima Syndrome/Fukushima Commentary
Fukushima Groundwater Issue
Poses Many Questions -
Tepco now admits
contamination is entering their near-port quay. However, the data that has been
posted poses many currently unanswered questions. But we can be quite certain
that the contamination in the quay has not reached the open sea.
Lasers Defuse Nuclear Waste
Lasers Defuse Nuclear Waste
Work to begin on nuclear power plant
Work to begin on nuclear power plant
Experts of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission will conduct tests along with the Russian state atomic company
http://www.dhakatribune.com/development/2013/jul/27/work-begin-nuclear-power-plantWhy nuclear matters in our energy future
Why nuclear matters in our energy future
Astounding Facts about the NRC and Radioactive Materials: Part II
Astounding Facts about the NRC and Radioactive Materials: Part II ...
performs classified reviews of new Naval Reactor submarine and aircraft
carrier reactor plants and provides advice to the Navy on the designs.
public-blog.nrc-gateway.gov/..Renewable energy with Liquid Metal Batteries
Renewable energy with Liquid Metal Batteries
Liquid Metal Batteries Would Make Renewable Energy Viable Engineering.com Tom Spendlove on July 26, 2013 Electricity
demand has to be in constant balance with electricity supplied – this
is the large scale problem Donald Sadoway wants to solve in this TED Talk. The
constraints of this problem are immense. A solution would need to
generate incredibly high power, have a long service life and come at a
very low cost.
Energy storage is the solution. Giant batteries could address the
problem of intermittency that prevents wind and solar from contributing
to the grid like a coal burning power plant.Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
NRDC feigns outrage over 1.2 billion tons of carbon from oil sands in Canada; supports 40 times as much from gas-fired generation in America
NRDC feigns outrage over 1.2 billion tons of carbon from oil sands in Canada; supports 40 times as much from gas-fired generation in America
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report
Read the Executive Summary of the Report here.
For more information visit the NAIIC website.
Tepco Under Increasing Fire Over Nuclear Accident Site
- July 26, 2013, 11:00 a.m. ET
Tepco Under Increasing Fire Over Nuclear Accident Site
"TEPCO Faces New Setbacks at Fukushima Daiichi"
"TEPCO Faces New Setbacks at Fukushima Daiichi"
Will Davis with an in-depth look at recent events at Fukushima Daiichi
that have put TEPCO back in the media spotlight recently
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: 2.35 Billion Bq/L of Cesium in Water in Trench That Comes from Reactor 2 Turbine Building
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: 2.35 Billion Bq/L of Cesium in Water in Trench That Comes from Reactor 2 Turbine Building
Arctic Methane "Burp": A Climate Catastrophe with $60 Trillion Pricetag
Arctic Methane "Burp": A Climate Catastrophe with $60 Trillion Pricetag
by Jon Queally
"New study looks at planetary, social and economic impacts of increasingly perilous Arctic melting."
by Jon Queally
"New study looks at planetary, social and economic impacts of increasingly perilous Arctic melting."
Fukushima Groundwater Issue Poses Many Questions

Fukushima Groundwater Issue Poses Many Questions
now admits contamination is entering their near-port quay. However, the
data that has been posted poses many currently unanswered questions.
But we can be quite certain that the contamination in the quay has not
reached the open sea.
Nonproliferation Misinterpretation
Nonproliferation Misinterpretation
July 26, 2013
[W]hat is not debatable is that Iran has forfeited—at least temporarily—any right to enrichment (and reprocessing) until it can demonstrate convincingly that it is in compliance with its NPT obligations.While this is something Einhorn may wish to be true, it is not correct on several levels. And if it's indicative of the viewpoint of American policymakers, this misunderstanding may be at the root of deadlock over Iran's nuclear program—a program that, according to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, is not currently aimed towards weaponization. The Iran nuclear issue will not be resolved unless we come to grips with what the NPT is—and isn't.
Contrary to common belief, there is no agency or international body tasked with checking compliance with the NPT. And, even if there were, there is no automatic nuclear fuel-cycle “forfeiture” provision in the NPT, or any other legal instrument in existence. On both these counts Einhorn's argument is without legal basis.
Galen Winsor asks – Who owns the plutonium? How much is it worth?
Galen Winsor asks – Who owns the plutonium? How much is it worth?
First fast breeder reactor almost ready
First fast breeder reactor almost ready The Hindu
As India had the world's highest thorium resource, it could be used for generating power for the next 600 years, he said. However, the thorium had to be ...http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/first-fast-breeder-reactor-almost-ready/article4953389.ece
Highly Tainted Water Detected at Fukushima N-Plant Basement
Highly Tainted Water Detected at Fukushima N-Plant Basement
Friday, July 26, 2013
Fusion Energy Quest Faces Boundaries of Budget, Science
Fusion Energy Quest Faces Boundaries of Budget, Science
Scientists test material solution to nuclear plant explosions
Scientists test material solution to nuclear plant explosions
Read more: http://www.theengineer.co.uk/energy-and-environment/news/scientists-test-material-solution-to-nuclear-plant-explosions/1016804.article#ixzz2aCKvxOwd
What I think about when I think about Fukushima
What I think about when I think about Fukushima
Posted on 4 April 2013 Written by Woody
The 3rd Global Environmental Leaders International Symposium Hiroshima University
Woody Epstein
http://woody.com/2013/04/04/what-i-think-about-when-i-think-about-fukushima/Woody Epstein
Nuclear experts slam Fukushima nuclear plant operators over toxic water admission
Nuclear experts slam Fukushima nuclear plant operators over toxic water admission
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-26/nuclear-experts-blast-fukushima-nuclear-plant-operators/4846974Delay in Disclosing Leaks at Fukushima Is Criticized
Delay in Disclosing Leaks at Fukushima Is Criticized
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/27/world/asia/operator-of-fukushima-plant-criticized-for-delaying-disclosures-on-leaks.html?_r=0International nuclear experts tell TEPCO ‘You don’t know what you’re doing’
International nuclear experts tell TEPCO ‘You don’t know what you’re doing’
Dale Klein, former head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) bluntly told the panel, composed of two foreign experts and four Japanese members including TEPCO’s chief executive, that their actions indicate they “don’t know what you are doing,” and that they do not have a conservative decision-making process. “It also appears that you are not keeping the people of Japan informed…and that you are not doing all you can to protect the environment and the people,” Klein blasted at TEPCO. He added that everyone is frustrated with the recent developments, and that because of this all the progress they’ve made on the clean-up at the plant will go unnoticed.
http://japandailypress.com/international-nuclear-experts-tell-tepco-you-dont-know-what-youre-doing-2632977/Nuclear power cheaper than gas
Nuclear power cheaper than gas
http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/nuclear-power-cheaper-than-gas/25126U.S. NRC Blog Astounding Facts about the NRC and Radioactive Materials: Part II
Brenda Akstulewicz
Regulatory Information Conference Assistant
The indicator lights in early appliances ─ such as clothes washers and
dryers, coffeemakers, and stereos ─ used Krypton–85, a radioactive
In 1992 Hurricane Andrew struck the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in
Southern Florida, which prompted the NRC and FEMA to enter into a
“Memorandum of Understanding” regarding emergency preparedness.
Tritium gas is used to illuminate exit signs in buildings so they will
function without power. Promethium-147 and Krypton-85 are approved by
the NRC for use in exits signs.
As promised, here are some more interesting bits of information about the NRC and nuclear history and science.
The Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management
Programs consults with 31 federally recognized Native American tribes on
proposed new uranium recovery projects in Wyoming, South Dakota and
The NRC performs classified reviews of new Naval Reactor submarine and
aircraft carrier reactor plants and provides advice to the Navy on the
designs. This practice was initiated by President Kennedy in the 1960s.![female]()
Three women, including the current chairman, Allison Macfarlane have
held the title of Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The other two
are Shirley Jackson and Greta Dicus.
From 2007 to 2012, NRC received 68 petitions for rulemaking. Of those,
21 were denied and 17 were either fully considered or partially
considered in the rulemaking process. The remaining 30 are under staff
In the past five years, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research has
issued 244 new or revised regulatory guides, withdrawn 43 guides, and
determined another 48 guides to be acceptable as written.
Glenn T. Seaborg, the scientist who discovered plutonium, was also a
chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission – the predecessor of the NRC.
NRC’s longest serving commissioner was Commissioner Edward McGaffigan.
He served 11 years (from1996-2007) after appointments twice by President
Clinton and once by President Bush. He died while still serving on the
• There are 438 nuclear power reactors operating worldwide.
• On average, NRC expends 6,160 hours of inspection effort at each operating reactor site each year.
China's Projected Nuclear Energy Usage - Business Insider
China's Projected Nuclear Energy Usage - Business Insider Rob Wile
Nuclear growth in China will comprise more than 40% of the world total.
Business Insiderhttp://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-projected-nuclear-energy-usage-2013-7 World energy use to rise 56%, led by Dhina, India: EIA
World energy use to rise 56 pct by 2040, led by China, India: EIA Xinhua
WASHINGTON, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Over the next three decades, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 56 percent through 2040, driven by ...http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/business/2013-07/26/c_132574569.htm
Lockheed Martin Pioneers Ocean Energy in China
Lockheed Martin Pioneers Ocean Energy in China IEEE Spectrum | A 10-megawatt ocean thermal energy conversion plant is under way
Just a few years ago, Lockheed Martin was working to build a pilot plant to demonstrate a renewable energy technology called ocean thermal energy conversion ...http://spectrum.ieee.org/green-tech/geothermal-and-tidal/lockheed-martin-pioneers-ocean-energy-in-china
Liquid Metal Batteries Would Make Renewable Energy Viable
Liquid Metal Batteries Would Make Renewable Energy Viable ENGINEERING.com
This became the idea starter for the liquid metal battery, using molten magnesium as the top layer, antimony on the bottom and molten salt in between.http://www.engineering.com/DesignerEdge/DesignerEdgeArticles/ArticleID/6066/Liquid-Metal-Batteries-Would-Make-Renewable-Energy-Viable.aspx
Westinghouse and Vitkovice Take First Concrete Steps Towards Building Czech AP1000 Reactors
Westinghouse and Vitkovice Take First Concrete Steps Towards Building Czech AP1000 Reactors
Prague, Czech Republic (SPX) Jul 26, 2013 - Westinghouse Electric Company has announced that it has contracted with Vitkovice Power Engineering a.s., a member of the Czech Vitkovice Machinery Group, to construct a mock-up of one of the AP1000 nuclear power plant's critical modules in preparation for the potential construction of Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. This important and significant demonstrat ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Westinghouse_and_Vitkovice_Take_First_Concrete_Steps_Towards_Building_Czech_AP1000_Reactors_999.html
Prague, Czech Republic (SPX) Jul 26, 2013 - Westinghouse Electric Company has announced that it has contracted with Vitkovice Power Engineering a.s., a member of the Czech Vitkovice Machinery Group, to construct a mock-up of one of the AP1000 nuclear power plant's critical modules in preparation for the potential construction of Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. This important and significant demonstrat ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Westinghouse_and_Vitkovice_Take_First_Concrete_Steps_Towards_Building_Czech_AP1000_Reactors_999.html
Tepco reform committee chairman: contaminated water threatens Fukushima plant recovery
Tepco reform committee chairman: contaminated water threatens Fukushima plant recovery
Board hears challenge to Davis-Besse’s future plans
Board hears challenge to Davis-Besse’s future plans
Echols: Nuclear power can be economic boon to Southeast
Echols: Nuclear power can be economic boon to Southeast
Japan utility says reluctance to worry public delayed disclosure of nuclear plant’s leaks
Japan utility says reluctance to worry public delayed disclosure of nuclear plant’s leaks
NRC: Cracks in steam generator tubes at nuke plant
NRC: Cracks in steam generator tubes at nuke plant
Czech antimonopoly office chief rejects Areva appeal
Czech antimonopoly office chief rejects Areva appeal
Commissioner Tim Echols, GA PSC: Why Nuclear Matters
Commissioner Tim Echols, GA PSC: Why Nuclear Matters
http://www.nucleartownhall.com/blog/commissioner-tim-echols-ga-psc-why-nuclear-matters/San Bruno Fire May Cost California Utility More Than $4 Billion
Issue: 07/29/2013
San Bruno Fire May Cost California Utility More Than $4 Billion
Fuushima Updates 7/26
Here's the topics for today's Fukushima updates -
Fukushima groundwater contamination issue makes daily headlines... A
national fisheries federation filed a protest against Tepco... Tepco
says three top executives, including their president, have had their pay
cut... F. Daiichi’s new waste water treatment system test has been
halted... A reactor cooling system for F. Daiichi unit #6 was
inadvertently shut off for two hours... The decontamination of Fukushima
communities could cost as much as $50 billion... Rezoning of Fukushima
exclusion zone communities will be finished in August... Fukushima
prefecture has expanded their child thyroid testing program... The
enclosure around F. Daiichi unit #4 was finished on July 20.
We need greener shipping power say engineers
We need greener shipping power say engineers
Mention nuclear power and ships in the same sentence and you’re more
likely to think Navy submarine than a goods tanker. But
nuclear-propelled ships are one idea being mulled over by engineers this
week as the future of low carbon shipping.
The Latest National Security coverage from FP 7/26
The Latest National Security coverage from FP
- How Pelosi saved the NSA program; McKeon: don’t cut off aid to Egypt; Help troops by cutting entitlements; What’s up with security during the Manning C-M?; Lietzau, moving on; What’s a Brony, Bro? and a bit more.
- Not so fast: House fails to rein in NSA; Abe Abrams to Hagel’s front office; Help still wanted in the Pentagon; Salmon alert: slow down on the F-35; Today: A Little guidance on DOD public affairs; Weiner to the AF? and a bit more.
- Heroes, Villains, and Victims
- Congress to investigate SEAL crash; Crocker on the Zero option as a strategy: “it is criminal;” Cliff notes for national security; a plan for MILSATCOM; Syria, in pics; Power, on (to the U.N.); and a bit more.
- Why Iraq Was America's Best-Run War
- Cyber-Sabotage Is Easy
- Mattis to Dartmouth, Stanford; Syria could cost a billion a month; What Dempsey could have said at the hearing; Navy launches transparency offensive; Is the U.S. fighting a secret war in Somalia?; Stabbing her way out of a PT test; and a bit more.
- If Trayvon Were Pakistani
- Hagel to VFW today: readiness matters; Dempsey met with Karzai; Ash in Israel, State’s Friends problem; European spooks, spooked by NSA; and a bit more.
- Taxed Americana
Latest Infrared Thermography of Reactor 3 Operating Floor Shows Steam Location at 34.3 Degrees Celsius from 5 Meters Above
Latest Infrared Thermography of Reactor 3 Operating Floor Shows Steam Location at 34.3 Degrees Celsius from 5 Meters Above
The world might be drifting into an oil price shock
The world might be drifting into an oil price shock
By Paul Stevens
Arab unrest and the shale boom present Opec with a dilemma, writes Paul Stevens
Penn Energy's Top Oil & Gas News 7/26
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
Fire erupts on drilling rig in Gulf of
Mexico 44 personnel were aboard the Hercules 265 at the time of the incident. All have been evacuated safely. No injuries have been reported. Full Article Share: |
PennEnergy Video News
Update From the UK's shale incentive, to North Carolina's offshore hopes, to Japan's dropping LNG imports, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• Shale gas exploration gets massive tax cut in UK
• North Carolina to focus efforts on offshore drilling
• Japan's LNG imports fall
• Hermosa Beach reconsidering oil drilling
• EIA: Natural gas storage capacity increases in 2012
• Preparing today’s graduates to contribute on day one at the job
• Williams seeks FERC approval to expand natural gas service in Southeastern U.S.
• Dana and Crescent restore full LPG capacity in Kurdistan
• Shell to boost deepwater offshore oil production in Brazil
• NCS places record 60 stage hydraulic fracturing completion
• Offshore gas discovery for DONG Energy west of Shetland Islands
• Tullow discovers gas offshore Mozambique
• Nexans wins contract for offshore oil field in Gulf of Mexico
• Willbros Promotes Futch to senior VP role
• Shale gas exploration gets massive tax cut in UK
• North Carolina to focus efforts on offshore drilling
• Japan's LNG imports fall
• Hermosa Beach reconsidering oil drilling
• EIA: Natural gas storage capacity increases in 2012
• Preparing today’s graduates to contribute on day one at the job
• Williams seeks FERC approval to expand natural gas service in Southeastern U.S.
• Dana and Crescent restore full LPG capacity in Kurdistan
• Shell to boost deepwater offshore oil production in Brazil
• NCS places record 60 stage hydraulic fracturing completion
• Offshore gas discovery for DONG Energy west of Shetland Islands
• Tullow discovers gas offshore Mozambique
• Nexans wins contract for offshore oil field in Gulf of Mexico
• Willbros Promotes Futch to senior VP role
FERC Order Increases Opportunity for Energy Storage
FERC Order Increases Opportunity for Energy Storage
By Energy Solutions Forumhttp://breakingenergy.com/2013/07/25/ferc-order-increases-opportunity-for-energy-storage/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy&utm_campaign=c4558d1504-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f852427a4b-c4558d1504-407304281
CHART OF THE DAY: China Is Literally Going Nuclear Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-projected-nuclear-energy-usage-2013-7#ixzz2a9jcEy7K
CHART OF THE DAY: China Is Literally Going Nuclear
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-projected-nuclear-energy-usage-2013-7#ixzz2a9jcEy7K
POWERING UP AMERICA: A Quiet Revolution in Energy Reform Takes Hold Across the Nation
POWERING UP AMERICA: A Quiet Revolution in Energy Reform Takes Hold Across the Nation
Radiation is One of the Biggest Threats to the Modern Era
Radiation is One of the Biggest Threats to the Modern Era
The radiation threat from various sources in the modern era is a massive concern for humanity, and there is a concerted need to tackle it through stringent laws and compliances. This is the key message of the book The Radiation Threat: An Emergency in the Making, authored by Harsaran Bir Kaur Pandey and published by Vikas Publishing House. The book was launched by the Hon'ble Minister for Rural Development Sri Jairam Ramesh at a function in New Delhi.
Is Shale A More Realistic Candidate for Nuclear Waste Sites?
Is Shale A More Realistic Candidate for Nuclear Waste Sites?
Steam And Groundwater Raise Concern At Japanese Nuclear Plant
Steam And Groundwater Raise Concern At Japanese Nuclear Plant
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Focus on new nuclear materials to enhance security of fuel supply and safety
Focus on new nuclear materials to enhance security of fuel supply and safety
80 Turkish students to study nuclear engineering in Russia
80 Turkish students to study nuclear engineering in Russia
US and China sign shale oil deal
US and China sign shale oil deal
Massachusetts tidal power project plans moving ahead
Massachusetts tidal power project plans moving ahead
http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2013/07/massachusetts-tidal-power-project-moving-ahead.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+power-engineering-latest-news-rss+%28PE+-+Power+Engineering+Latest+News%29Where Is All Of The Water Going? A Look At Which Energy Resources Are Gulping Down Our Water
Where Is All Of The Water Going? A Look At Which Energy Resources Are Gulping Down Our Water
http://www.forbes.com/sites/edfenergyexchange/2013/07/25/where-is-all-of-the-water-going-a-look-at-which-energy-resources-are-gulping-down-our-water/?ss=business:energyU.S. Global Solar Energy purchased by China's Hanergy Holding Group
U.S. Global Solar Energy purchased by China's Hanergy Holding Group
FERC Commissioner: Wind subsidies must go
FERC Commissioner: Wind subsidies must go
The Key to Advancing Nuclear Energy
The Key to Advancing Nuclear Energy
Why the CIA Is Worried About Geoengineering
Why the CIA Is Worried About Geoengineering
http://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Why-the-CIA-Is-Worried-About-Geoengineering.htmlWill Big Oil Lose its Alaska Tax Break?
Will Big Oil Lose its Alaska Tax Break?
July 25 News: Worldwide Coal Use, Carbon Pollution Projected To Increase 50 Percent By 2040
July 25 News: Worldwide Coal Use, Carbon Pollution Projected To Increase 50 Percent By 2040
http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/07/25/2353231/july-25-news-worldwide-coal-use-carbon-pollution-projected-to-increase-50-percent-by-2040/New Nuclear Fuel-Rod Cladding Could Lead to Safer Power Plants
New Nuclear Fuel-Rod Cladding Could Lead to Safer Power Plants
July 25, 2013 — In the
aftermath of Japan's earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear plant was initially driven into shutdown by the
magnitude 9.0 quake; its emergency generators then failed because they
were inundated by the tsunami. But the greatest damage to the complex,
and the greatest release of radiation, may have been caused by
explosions of hydrogen gas that built up inside some of the reactors.
White House to focus comprehensive energy review on infrastructure
White House to focus comprehensive energy review on infrastructure
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/313455-white-house-to-focus-comprehensive-energy-review-on-infrastructure#ixzz2a6QrPxab
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
National Project Management Corp. submits innovative technology for DOE funding opportunity
National Project Management Corp. submits innovative technology for DOE funding opportunity
GAO Report Shines Light on Failures of MOX Facility
GAO Report Shines Light on Failures of MOX Facility
World Energy Consumption to Increase 56% by 2040 Led by Asia
World Energy Consumption to Increase 56% by 2040 Led by Asia
Bloomberg - 5
World energy consumption will rise 56 percent in the next three
decades, driven by growth in developing countries such as China and
India, the Energy Information Administration said. Demand will increase
to 820 quadrillion British thermal units in 2040 from ...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-25/world-to-use-56-more-energy-by-2040-led-by-asia-eia-predicts.html
Developing countries to vastly outpace carbon emissions: report
Washington: Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from developing
countries will be 127 percent higher than in the world's most developed
economies by 2040, according to figures released Thursday by the US
Energy Information Administration (EIA). http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/developing-countries-to-vastly-outpace-carbon-emissions-report-397133
World will use 56 percent more energy by 2040
Christian Science Monitor - 1 hour ago
Despite decades of clean-energy innovation and improved efficiency
measures, the world's population is consuming carbon-heavy fuels at a
quickening pace, a new government report shows. Skip to next paragraph ...http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/Energy-Voices/2013/0725/World-will-use-56-percent-more-energy-by-2040
Fossil fuels to benefit as global energy set to rise 56% by 2040: EIA
Financial Post -
Despite the buzz surrounding renewable energy, fossil fuels will still
account for 80% of all energy supply by 2040, according to a forecast
from the Energy Information Administration, the statistical arm of the
U.S. Energy Department. Readily available fossil ...http://business.financialpost.com/2013/07/25/fossil-fuels-to-remain-dominant-as-global-energy-use-set-to-rise-56-eia/?__lsa=3da4-8fbb
Global oil demand to rise 32 per cent by 2040: EIA
Economic Times -
China and India are expected to account for nearly half of a 56 per
cent surge in total world energy use in the period from 2010 to 2040.
Global oil consumption will rise 32 per cent through 2040 and fossil
fuels will continue to supply the vast majority of energy ...http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international-business/global-oil-demand-to-rise-32-per-cent-by-2040-eia/articleshow/21336649.cms
China, India to Drive World's Growing Energy Use
Wall Street Journal -
WASHINGTON—The world will use far more of every type of energy in
coming decades, the U.S. Energy Department said Thursday in a report
that predicts China and India will drive growing consumption. The
department's statistical arm, the Energy ...http://stream.wsj.com/story/latest-headlines/SS-2-63399/SS-2-286200/
EIA's Most Important Insights About Our Energy Future
Climate Central -
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its biannual
International Energy Outlook on Thursday, finding that through 2040, at
least, fossil fuels will remain king, despite rapid growth in renewable
energy sources. The report projects that world ...http://www.climatecentral.org/news/eias-most-important-insights-about-our-energy-future-16287
EIA Projects Massive Growth for Renewables, Nuclear Power Through 2040
Energy Tribune -
The U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA's) International
Energy Outlook 2013 (IEO2013) released today projects that renewable
energy and nuclear power will each increase 2.5% per year through 2040,
but fossil fuels will continue to supply almost ...http://www.energytribune.com/78438/eia-projects-massive-growth-for-renewables-nuclear-power-through-2040#sthash.WMWneiGq.dpbs
EIA: Renewables, Nuclear Power Will Be World's Fastest-Growing Energy Sources
Renew Grid -
Over the next three decades, renewable energy and nuclear power will be
the world's fastest-growing energy sources, each increasing by 2.5% per
year, according to a new report from the U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA). However, fossil fuels will ...http://www.renewgridmag.com/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.10154#.UfGKfxmEPgo
ENERGY 2040: Here Are The 11 Most Important Slides From The EIA's New ...
Business Insider Australia -
The Energy Information Administration, one of the government's greatest
research outfits, has released its latest outlook for what the energy
landscape will look like by 2040. The takeaways: Oil's share of world
energy plummeting. Coal is going nowhere. http://au.businessinsider.com/eia-2040-international-energy-outlook-2013-7#oil-is-on-the-wane-and-by-2040-there-will-be-a-more-even-distribution-of-energy-sources-renewables-are-set-to-rise-sharply-1
World energy consumption to increase 56 percent by 2040
SiliconBeat -
The global appetite for energy is going nowhere but up. And with it,
emissions of carbon dioxide. A new forecast by the U.S. Energy
Information Agency finds that world energy consumption is projected to
increase by 56 percent over the next three decades, ...http://www.siliconbeat.com/2013/07/25/world-energy-consumption-to-increase-56-percent-by-2040/
Global electric power use to increase 56 percent by 2040
Electric Light & Power -
Worldwide energy use will climb about 56 percent by 2040, according to
the U.S. Energy Information Administration's International Energy
Outlook 2013. Electrification of the developing world and the growth of
China will be the two largest contributors to this ...http://www.elp.com/articles/2013/07/global-electric-power-use-to-increase-56-percent-by-2040.html
Uncertainty clouds latest global energy forecast
Hydrocarbon Processing - 5 hours ago
The Center for Strategic and International Studies on Thursday hosted
Adam Sieminski, administrator for the US Energy Information Agency
(EIA). Sieminski shared highlights from the agency's recent
International Energy Outlook 2013 (IEO2013) report in a ...http://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/Article/3235665/HPInformer/Uncertainty-clouds-latest-global-energy-forecast.html
Federal report: World energy consumption to grow 56 percent by 2040
The Hill (blog) - 5 hours ago
Global energy consumption will increase 56 percent between 2010 and
2040 and fossil fuels will keep providing the lion's share of supply
even as green energy sources quickly expand. Those are some of the
conclusions in federal Energy Information ...http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/313449-federal-report-world-energy-consumption-to-increase-56-percent-by-2040
EIA Projects Massive Growth for Renewables, Nuclear Power Through 2040
EIA Projects Massive Growth for Renewables, Nuclear Power ... POWER magazine
U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA's) International Energy
Outlook 2013 (IEO2013) released today projects that renewable energy and
nuclear ...
http://www.powermag.com/POWERnews/EIA-Projects-Massive-Growth-for-Renewables-Nuclear-Power-Through-2040_5813.html |
TEPCO F. Daiichi unit #4 enclosure status
Completion of outer wall and roof panel installation
(July 20)
日 東京電力撮影
Completion of Outer Wall and Exterior
Roof Panel Installation for the Fuehttp://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/handouts/2013/images/handouts_130722_05-e.pdfhttp://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/handouts/2013/images/handouts_130722_05-e.pdf
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