Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Gas Suffocates Nuclear Power
Gas Suffocates Nuclear Power
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323854904578263952157252768.htmlBeautiful Toy Models Of Nuclear Power Plants And Factory Farms
Beautiful Toy Models Of Nuclear Power Plants And Factory Farms
Maykel Roovers redesigns the timeless toy with an eye toward the realities of contemporary life.
Life after Chernobyl: Sergei Gaschak’s photography from inside 'the zone'
Life after Chernobyl: Sergei Gaschak’s photography from inside 'the zone' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/life-after-chernobyl-sergei-gaschaks-photography-from-inside-the-zone-8467725.html
atomic power review
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 11:48 AM PST
An announcement
this week of a new, significant outreach project undertaken by the
Nuclear Literacy Project (an outreach effort of PopAtomic Studios) has
generated much excitement. The new venture, entitled "Diary of a
Nuclear Tourist," will see Suzanne Hobbs Baker traveling all over Europe
and visiting various sites, and meeting various people. A new blog has been launched as the first point of contact for the effort. Sponsors have lined up, and other interests are apparent.
One sponsor is Fuel Cycle Week. Below is a statement from Andrea Jennetta, Publisher of FCW.http://atomicpowerreview.blogspot.com/2013/01/fuel-cycle-week-statement-on-new-nlp.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AtomicPowerReview+%28atomic+power+review%29 |
What Kid Wouldn’t Want This Nuclear Power Plant Playset?
Jan 26, 2013 9:00 AM
What Kid Wouldn’t Want This Nuclear Power Plant Playset?http://gizmodo.com/5979179/what-kid-wouldnt-want-this-nuclear-power-plant-playset
Interview: Charting a New Course for America and the Environment
Interview: Charting a New Course for America and the Environment
magazine once called him the “ultimate insider,” and indeed Gus Speth
has had a long career as an establishment environmentalist. And so it
might be
surprising that his latest book, America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy,
offers a bleak picture of what U.S. environmentalism has accomplished
and calls for an overhaul of the nation’s political economy. In an
interview with Yale Environment 360, Speth, now a professor at
Vermont Law School, discusses the evolution of his own thinking on how
to address environmental problems and his frustration with continued
inaction on climate change. He also talks about the links he sees
between economic fairness and environmental health; why he is encouraged
by new movements and lifestyles emerging in local communities; and why
he rejects what he calls America’s “growth fetish.” “The first thing
about growth is it doesn’t deliver,” Speth says, “and it detracts us and
deflects us from investing in the things that really do need to grow —
like jobs, like education, like green energy technology.”
Read the interview
Gus Speth
Read the interview
A Succinct Statement of FUDS: Reject Nuclear Power
Reject Nuclear Power
by Jim McCluskey
"The main objections to nuclear power are outlined below under the following headings:
Bibliography in article:
- Nuclear power stations are prohibitively dangerous
- Nuclear power stations are prohibitively expensive
- Nuclear power stations use the same technology as that required to manufacture nuclear weapons
- The resulting nuclear waste will be dangerous for thousands of years
- Plant and waste deposit storage are vulnerable to terrorist attack
- Nuclear power stations epitomise the centralisation of power
- Poor countries are made dependent on rich ones
- These plants draw funds away from the development of sustainable energy
- The uranium fuel will become increasingly scarce
- The support of nuclear power by government results from special pleading lobbying by the industry
Bibliography in article:
- “Nuclear power ‘gets little public support worldwide.’”
- Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents, Basic Books, 1984.
- Article ‘Nuclear power and nuclear weapons are two sides of the same coin’ — article republished from Chain Reaction #115, August 2012 by Jim Green — the national nuclear campaigner with Friends of the Earth, Australia.
- ‘Nuclear Power — Costly and Dangerous’ By Peter A. Bradford, an adjunct professor at the Vermont Law School and former commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
China will ramp up synthetic gas from coal perhaps to 35% of total gas supply by 2020
China will ramp up synthetic gas from coal perhaps to 35% of total gas supply by 2020
by noreply@blogger.com (brian wang)
Sinopec and PetroChina quietly have been beefing up efforts to start producing syngas from coal in the last two years.
Coal-to-gas production could potentially outstrip both shale gas and
coalbed methane by the end of the current five-year economic plan in
2015, as well as by 2020, according to some estimates. Bernstein is
predicting synthetic coal gas production to reach 16 billion cubic
meters/year by 2015 and 55 billion cu m/year by 2020, representing 6%
and 14%, respectively, of China’s total gas demand. This would be more
than the 20.2 billion cu m/year of CBM output the bank expects by 2020.Nomura Research is even more optimistic, forecasting syngas to account for 35% of China’s total gas supply by 2020. It estimates the price of syngas production to average $7-$8/Mcf, much cheaper than the expected $13-$17/Mcf for imported gas and LNG, which would trigger much faster development of syngas projects, particularly in China’s western regions, which are rich in coal.
Read more »http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/01/china-will-ramp-up-synthetic-gas-from.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2Fadvancednano+%28nextbigfuture%29
Asia Report: Reacting to China's Goal of 49 GW of Renewables in 2013
Asia Report: Reacting to China's Goal of 49 GW of Renewables in 2013
by Renewable Energy World Editors
China Consumes 33% of Global Photovoltaic Panel Shipments in Q4'12, According to NPD Solarbuzz
by Michael Barker, Senior Analyst, NPD Solarbuzz
First Utility-Scale Wave Energy Testing Center to be Built in Oregon
First Utility-Scale Wave Energy Testing Center to be Built in Oregon
by Anthony Casson, Oregon State University
DEP Announces Comprehensive Oil And Gas Development Radiation Study
DEP Announces Comprehensive Oil And Gas Development Radiation Study
by Tracey Ferguson
the direction of Governor Corbett, the Department of Environmental
ProtectionThis state agency has permitting and primary regulatory
authority over the natural gasA naturally occurring mixture of
hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases beneath the earth’s surface –
often in association with petroleum. industry in the state. announced
today it will undertake a study to look at
BP Energy Outlook 2030 Shows Increasing Impact Of Unconventional Oil And Gas
BP Energy Outlook 2030 Shows Increasing Impact Of Unconventional Oil And Gas
by Press Release
growth in production from unconventional sources of gas and oil will
have a major impact on global energy markets to 2030, redefining
expectations for major economies and rebalancing global trade flows,
according to BP’s latest Energy Outlook 2030, published today. This is
the third annual edition of the Outlook, which sets out BP’s view
U.S. Refinery Sector Critical To Security, A Strong Economy
U.S. Refinery Sector Critical To Security, A Strong Economy
by Press Release
Refining Senior Manager Cindy Schild told reporters recently that API
was launching a new television ad to highlight the importance of the
nation’s refining industry. She said a strong energy future for our
nation depends in part on our ability to refine and distribute the fuels
we need – and that sound decisions on
A Different Kind of Nuclear Winter: Steam From Cooling Towers Spawns Snowfall
A Different Kind of Nuclear Winter: Steam From Cooling Towers Spawns Snowfall
by Dave Levitan
It sounds a lot worse than it is. Happily, this isn't some science fiction movie about a post-apocalyptic Mad Max future, or even about radioactive rain. It's just a simple atmospheric interaction thanks to the water vapor coming out of nuclear plant cooling towers. If you live near a nuclear plant, maybe you've already noticed that the the weather is different downwind of it.
The National Weather Service posted a radar image on Tuesday of a single band of snow falling on Western Pennsylvania, straight downwind from the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station in Shippingport. A band of cold air moving across the eastern United States slammed into the very hot steam directly above the plant's cooling towers, creating clouds and precipitation that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Nuclear snow!http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/nuclear/a-different-kind-of-nuclear-winter-steam-from-cooling-towers-spawns-snowfall?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IeeeSpectrumEnergywiseBlog+%28Energywise+-+IEEE+Spectrum%29
Related articles
"Nuke Effect" snow? Pennsylvania power plant spawns "nuclear" snow plume
"Nuke Effect" Snow? Pennsylvania power plant spawns "nuclear" snow plume
Weather service notes nuke-effect snow in W. Pa.
Nuclear Power Plant Causes Snowfall in Southwest Pennsylvania
Nuclear Snow? Power Plant Yields Snow in Pennsylvania
"Nuke Effect" snow? Pennsylvania power plant spawns "nuclear" snow plume
Nuclear Power in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld
Japan Regulator Proposes New Safety Regulations Required for Nuclear Reactor Restarts
Japan Regulator Proposes New Safety Regulations Required for Nuclear Reactor Restarts
by Dave Levitan
The Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan has released draft safety rules for nuclear power facilities. Before the Fukushima incident, precautions against major disasters or terrorist attacks were left up to utilities. The new rules, which regulators hope to finalize by the middle of 2013, will require significant safety improvements to nuclear plants.http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/nuclear/japan-regulators-proposes-new-safety-regulations-required-for-nuclear-reactor-restarts?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IeeeSpectrumEnergywiseBlog+%28Energywise+-+IEEE+Spectrum%29
San Diego School District calls for NRC to conduct adjudicatory license amendment hearing process at San Onofre
San Diego School District calls for NRC to conduct adjudicatory license amendment hearing process at San Onofre
by Lucas W Hixsonhttp://enformable.com/2013/01/san-diego-school-district-calls-for-nrc-to-conduct-adjudicatory-license-amendment-hearing-process-on-san-onofre/
The Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District has passed a resolution Tuesday night, which calls for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an adjudicatory license amendment hearing process on the proposed restart to San Onofre’s defective Unit 2 nuclear reactor.
The school board resolution states that “WHEREAS, a thorough NRC licensing amendment process would have provided greater opportunity to bring attention to the replacement steam generator design problems, thus increasing the likelihood of preventing use of the faulty designs and the ultimate shutdown of the San Onofre nuclear facility; and WHEREAS, failing again now to subject the replacement steam generators at San Onofre to the rigorous and transparent review of the NRC licensing amendment process risks repeating dangerous errors”
The school district is concerned as they are potentially directly responsible for the children, for evacuations, sheltering in place, and for necessary supplies and accommodations in the event of a nuclear accident. Kevin Beiser, a school board member said, “If the nuclear power plant is restarted without going through a thorough safety vetting process, then it could potentially have an impact on the safety of our kids in San Diego Unified and surrounding communities.”
The San Diego Unified School District is the latest of eight local councils in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego County who have passed resolutions or sent letters to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and state public utilities commission.
Contaminated water still a serious issue at Fukushima Daiichi
Contaminated water still a serious issue at Fukushima Daiichi
by Lucas W Hixson
Nearly two years after the onset of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, over 220,000 metric tons of contaminated water have been collected and stored on site, still another 75,000 tons remains in the reactor buildings. Every day at least another 40 tons of contaminated water are created, requiring additional storage tanks to be constructed.
Currently the concentrated saltwater receiving tanks are 95% filled to capacity. Currently 220,761 m3 of contaminated water is being stored, but the total capacity is only 232,000 m3.http://enformable.com/2013/01/contaminated-water-still-a-serious-issue-at-fukushima-daiichi/
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TEPCO plans to dump water stored at Fukushima Daiichi into Pacific
Contaminated water still a serious issue at Fukushima Daiichi
TEPCO plans to dump water from Fukushima plant after cleaning it
Radioactvity increasing in water at Fukushima Unit No. 2 nuclear reactor
Radioactive water to be dumped into Pacific Ocean by TEPCO
Radioactive cesium in calves found higher than mothers after Fukushima Daiichi disaster
Radioactive cesium in calves found higher than mothers after Fukushima Daiichi disaster
by Lucas W Hixsonhttp://enformable.com/2013/01/radioactive-cesium-in-calves-found-higher-than-mothers-after-fukushima-daiichi-disaster/
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Radioactive cesium in calves found higher than mothers after Fukushima Daiichi disaster
Contaminated rice found outside of Fukushima Prefecture
Japanese Researchers Found Cesium More Concentrated in Calf Than in Mother Cow in the Former Evacuation Zone in #Fukushima Prefecture
Fukushima Fish Named Mike Has 2,500 Times Legal Limit of Radioactivity for Human Consumption
TEPCO plans to dump water stored at Fukushima Daiichi into Pacific
Japan working to speed up decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi reactors
Distribution of Artificial Radionuclides in Abandoned Cattle in the Evacuation Zone of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Radiation: A Silent but Deadly Danger
TEPCO Pushes Plan to Dump Fukushima's Radioactive Water into Pacific
TEPCO Pushes Plan to Dump Fukushima's Radioactive Water into Pacific
by lauren
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) announced Thursday plans to dump its
stores of contaminated water—used to cool the damaged nuclear reactors
at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant—into the Pacific Ocean.https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/25-1
Hitachi Zosen buys NAC International
Hitachi Zosen buys NAC International
Hitachi Zosen is to buy used fuel management specialist NAC International from its current owner, USEC, in a $45 million deal that will provide the Japanese company with a platform to expand its operations in used fuel transportation and storage.http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/01/25/hitachi-zosen-buys-nac-international/America’s Nuclear Energy Future
America’s Nuclear Energy Future
by BreakthroughInstitut
it comes to nuclear energy, Dr. Burton Richter is Mr. Credible. Winner
of the 1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a new sub-atomic particle,
Richter has advised presidents and policymakers for almost 40 years. We
interviewed Richter recently to get his opinion on next generation
nuclear reactors, and why so many of them are being developed abroad and
not by the Department of Energy in the United States.
This Week in Energy: 25/01/2013
This Week in Energy: 25/01/2013
by admin@oilprice.com (Editorial Dept)
week has drawn the lines in the sand between major industry
players—like Dow Chemical and Exxon Mobil—as a decision on US natural
gas exports looms (ambiguously). In this case, the front line is the
bottom line. On an industry level, the front line is delineated by those
who stand to profit more from increased domestic projects using natural
gas (like Dow Chemical Co.), and those who stand to profit more by
exporting liquid natural gas (LNG) overseas (like Exxon Mobil).Dow is
worried that if the federal government ends up allowing…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/This-Week-in-Energy-25012013.html
Predicting the improvement rates for many technologies
Predicting the improvement rates for many technologies
by noreply@blogger.com (brian wang)http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/01/predicting-improvement-rate-for-many.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2Fadvancednano+%28nextbigfuture%29
is intense among rival technologies and success depends on predicting
their future trajectory of performance. To resolve this challenge,
managers often follow popular heuristics, generalizations, or
“laws” like the Moore’s Law. We propose a model, Step And Wait (SAW),
for predicting the path of technological innovation and compare its
performance against eight models for 25 technologies and 804
technologies-years across six markets.
Davos 2013: Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close
Davos 2013: Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has warned that a crisis involving a nuclear Iran is in the "foreseeable future".
GET UPDATES FROM Tom Zeller Jr. Like 586 The Keystone XL Pipeline: The President's Political Puzzle
The Keystone XL Pipeline: The President's Political Puzzle
V.C. Summer: “A major contributor to the local economy.”
News and commentary on the commercial nuclear energy industry.
V.C. Summer: “A major contributor to the local economy.”
Japan may shutter world’s largest nuclear plant over earthquake threat
Japan may shutter world’s largest nuclear plant over earthquake threat
Innovation Nuclear-Powered Rocket Could Reach Mars for Less
Nuclear-Powered Rocket Could Reach Mars for Less
Nuclear News Round Up (21st Jan – 25th Jan)
Nuclear News Round Up (21st Jan – 25th Jan)http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/01/25/nuclear-news-round-up-21st-jan-25th-jan/?goback=.gde_2437005_member_208232499
- Japan learns nuclear restart requirements
- Welsh gas plant captures first tonne of carbon
- Fuel cycle shipments in Europe
- Work starts on first British dry fuel store
Latest Headlines from ENENews 1/26
Latest Headlines from ENENews
- Worker reported smoke coming from Common Pool Building at Fukushima Daiichi
- Lawyer: Thyroid abnormalities in 55% of Fukushima girls tested age 11 to 15 (VIDEO)
- “Death River”: Radiation detector goes over limit in Fukushima City — 430,000 Bq/kg of cesium (VIDEO)
- Newspaper: Bubbling seen around new pad near giant sinkhole
- “Serious concern” over long term health consequences from Fukushima disaster — New Study: 8 times more cancer deaths than predicted
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 02:25 PM PST
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 01:59 PM PST
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:07 AM PST
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 09:20 AM PST
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 08:34 AM PST
Reassessing the health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
Reassessing the health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2013/01/reassessing-health-effects-fukushima-daiichi-nuclear-accidentRelated Posts
- Bloomberg: Fukushima fallout may be deadlier than predicted, says Stanford study — 10 times worse if weather was different — A lot more to it than just cancer -Author July 17, 2012
- Japan Gov’t: “System must be established to deal with long-term public health effects” of Fukushima disaster — Grave concerns about radiation exposure July 5, 2012
- Red Cross labels Fukushima disaster “ongoing humanitarian crisis” — Physician: “Difficult to reveal what potential health effects may occur long term” — Official: “It has not ended” October 17, 2012
- Yomiuri: 451 deaths “due to physical deterioration triggered by the disaster” — Number expected to increase dramatically — From “long-term fatigue and worsening of chronic diseases” November 18, 2011
- Nature Study: Long-term plutonium dose assessment needed after Fukushima — Concerns about Americium-241 also — Deposition south of plant, not only northwest March 8, 2012
Fukushima Radiation May Cause 1,300 Cancer Deaths, Study Finds
Fukushima Radiation May Cause 1,300 Cancer Deaths, Study Finds
I’m betting that nuclear fission will disprove Malthus once again
I’m betting that nuclear fission will disprove Malthus once again
http://atomicinsights.com/2013/01/im-betting-that-nuclear-fission-will-disprove-malthus-once-again.htmlSecret War Against the Science of Climate Change
Secret War Against the Science of Climate Change
A secretive funding organisation in the United States that guarantees anonymity
for its billionaire donors has emerged as a major operator in the climate
"counter movement" to undermine the science of global warming, The
Independent has learnt.
The Donors Trust, along with its sister group Donors Capital Fund, based in
Alexandria, Virginia, is funnelling millions of dollars into [...]
Duke completes North Americas largest battery storage project at a wind power farm
Duke Energy Renewables, part of Duke Energy's
Commercial Businesses ( NYSE:DUK), announced the completion of its
36-megawatt (MW) energy storage and power management system at its
Notrees Windpower Project in west Texas.http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2013/january/duke-completes-north-americas-largest-battery-storage-project-at.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=linkedin&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+power-news+%28Power+News%29
Is there a Conspiracy to Suppress Thorium Power?
Is There a Conspiracy to Suppress Thorium Power? - Stuff They Don ... Stuff They Don't Want You To Know: Is There a Conspiracy to Suppress Thorium Power? - While the drawbacks of using uranium as a power source are well ... revision3.com/ | ||
The Thorium Conspiracy : General Conspiracies 122550 Most nuclear power plants run on uranium, but some experts think we should have already switched to thorium. Though thorium isn't perfect, it's more ... www.disclose.tv/forum/the- | ||
Study Helps Wyoming Pitch Wind Energy to California
Study Helps Wyoming Pitch Wind Energy to California
Energy Tribune
Wyoming wind officials say a University of Wyoming wind energy study released Thursday is already aiding their efforts as they try to pitch the state's resource in California. Data from the study show that combining Wyoming wind resources with those in ...http://www.energytribune.com/71656/study-helps-wyoming-pitch-wind-energy-to-california
Energy Tribune
Wyoming wind officials say a University of Wyoming wind energy study released Thursday is already aiding their efforts as they try to pitch the state's resource in California. Data from the study show that combining Wyoming wind resources with those in ...http://www.energytribune.com/71656/study-helps-wyoming-pitch-wind-energy-to-california
Decision on Sickly San Onofre Nuke Plant Delayed
Decision on Sickly San Onofre Nuke Plant Delayed
ABC News
It's going to take a little longer to learn if California's troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant will start again. Federal regulators Friday pushed back their timetable to make a decision on Southern California Edison's proposal to restart the Unit ...http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/decision-sickly-san-onofre-nuke-plant-delayed-18318259
Decision on sickly San Onofre nuke plant delayed
LOS ANGELES (AP) — It's going to take a little longer to learn if California's troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant will start again.Federal regulators Friday ...
ABC News
It's going to take a little longer to learn if California's troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant will start again. Federal regulators Friday pushed back their timetable to make a decision on Southern California Edison's proposal to restart the Unit ...http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/decision-sickly-san-onofre-nuke-plant-delayed-18318259
Decision on Restart of San Onofre Nuclear Station to Come in April or May San Diego 6 SAN DIEGO (CNS) - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Friday that it will decide in late April or May whether to allow Southern California Edison to restart one of two reactors at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. In a timeline posted ...http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local/Decision-on-Restart-of-San-Onofre-Nuclear-Station-to-Come-in-April-or-May-188398231.html |
LOS ANGELES (AP) — It's going to take a little longer to learn if California's troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant will start again.Federal regulators Friday ...
America's Nuclear Energy Future
America's Nuclear Energy Future
Energy Collective
Other people think molten salt reactors have promise, like Per Peterson at UC-Berkeley. He's going to China to test a 2 megawatt version of the molten salt ...http://theenergycollective.com/breakthroughinstitut/176831/america-nuclear-energy-future
Energy Collective
Other people think molten salt reactors have promise, like Per Peterson at UC-Berkeley. He's going to China to test a 2 megawatt version of the molten salt ...http://theenergycollective.com/breakthroughinstitut/176831/america-nuclear-energy-future
Professor Explores China's Surge in Green Energy
Professor Explores China's Surge in Green Energy - Georgetown ...
January 23, 2013 – During the past decade, China has emerged as a top user of green-energy technologies despite being a latecomer to the movement, says ...
January 23, 2013 – During the past decade, China has emerged as a top user of green-energy technologies despite being a latecomer to the movement, says ...
Friday, January 25, 2013
Battery Material Prevents Fires, Stores Five Times the Energy
Battery Material Prevents Fires, Stores Five Times the Energy
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a solid electrolyte to
replace flammable ones used in lithium-ion batteries.
An electrolyte developed by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory could enable lithium-ion batteries that store five to 10 times more energy and are safer than the ones that recently caught fire on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner.http://www.technologyreview.com/news/510311/battery-material-prevents-fires-stores-five-times-the-energy/
An electrolyte developed by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory could enable lithium-ion batteries that store five to 10 times more energy and are safer than the ones that recently caught fire on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner.http://www.technologyreview.com/news/510311/battery-material-prevents-fires-stores-five-times-the-energy/
McDonough on Climate Change
McDonough on Climate Change
Denis McDonough has spoken out about the need to help developing countries cope.
President Obama says he intends to address climate change. Who he picks to fill key posts will show how serious he is. In picking Denis McDonough to serve as his new chief of staff, he’s picked someone who clearly considers climate change a serious problem (see “Obama Still Needs to Make the Case for Dealing with Climate Change”).http://www.technologyreview.com/view/510401/mcdonough-on-climate-change/
President Obama says he intends to address climate change. Who he picks to fill key posts will show how serious he is. In picking Denis McDonough to serve as his new chief of staff, he’s picked someone who clearly considers climate change a serious problem (see “Obama Still Needs to Make the Case for Dealing with Climate Change”).http://www.technologyreview.com/view/510401/mcdonough-on-climate-change/
Big Taxes, Big Oil
Big Taxes, Big Oil
by Daniel Graeber, OilPrice.com
Daniel Graeber, OilPrice.com
A policy report from the scholars at The Brookings Institution finds that a surge in U.S. oil and natural gas production is a "bright spot" in the nation's economy. In December, the U.S. Energy Department noted that oil production was at its highest level in 15 years. For natural gas, the story is much the same given advancements in extraction technology. Because of this, the researchers at Brookings called on the White House to embrace the boom given lingering economic woes. Their recommendation on taxes, however, is likely to raise hackles from industry supporters.http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Big-Taxes-Big-Oil.html
A policy report from the scholars at The Brookings Institution finds that a surge in U.S. oil and natural gas production is a "bright spot" in the nation's economy. In December, the U.S. Energy Department noted that oil production was at its highest level in 15 years. For natural gas, the story is much the same given advancements in extraction technology. Because of this, the researchers at Brookings called on the White House to embrace the boom given lingering economic woes. Their recommendation on taxes, however, is likely to raise hackles from industry supporters.http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Big-Taxes-Big-Oil.html
Energy Storage is Injecting Itself Into Utility Markets
Energy Storage is Injecting Itself Into Utility Markets
Duke and Toronto Hydro Unveil Two Projects http://www.energybiz.com/article/13/01/energy-storage-injecting-itself-utility-markets
Nuclear Energy Is The Environment's Best Friend
Nuclear Energy Is The Environment's Best Friend
by Tim Wu, Slate
Tim Wu, Slate
A good, politically charged documentary often seizes on what the audience already believes and throws fuel on the fire (see, e.g., the work of Michael Moore). A better such documentary tries to convince its audience that what it takes for granted is flat-out wrong. Pandora's Promise, which premiered at Sundance, does just that. It makes the utterly convincing case that anyone who considers themselves an environmentalist or takes climate change seriously should favor more nuclear power.http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2013/01/24/pandora_s_promise_review_nuclear_power_documentary_is_persuasive_and_timely.html
A good, politically charged documentary often seizes on what the audience already believes and throws fuel on the fire (see, e.g., the work of Michael Moore). A better such documentary tries to convince its audience that what it takes for granted is flat-out wrong. Pandora's Promise, which premiered at Sundance, does just that. It makes the utterly convincing case that anyone who considers themselves an environmentalist or takes climate change seriously should favor more nuclear power.http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2013/01/24/pandora_s_promise_review_nuclear_power_documentary_is_persuasive_and_timely.html
The Unexpected Boom in US Oil Production
The Unexpected Boom in US Oil Production
by pir@oilprice.com (Robert Rapier)
few years ago, I made the observation that the best thing that could
happen to mitigate against some of the potentially severe consequences
of peak oil was for oil prices to rise, and remain high in the years
before oil production peaked. That would have the effect of encouraging
conservation, as people adapted to a world in which oil is no longer
cheap. High oil prices would also incentivize oil production, which
would have the effect of preventing steep declines in global oil
production — which some had predicted would lead to severe…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Unexpected-Boom-in-US-Oil-Production.html
Shell and Ukraine Finalize $10 Billion Shale Gas Contract
Shell and Ukraine Finalize $10 Billion Shale Gas Contract
by kennedyc@oilprice.com (Charles Kennedy)
has very nearly stepped out from under the shadow of Russia and its
dependency on Natural gas supplies from Gazprom, by today signing a $10
billion deal to develop domestic shale gas in conjunction with Royal
Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS.B)In both 2006 and 2009 Russia and Ukraine cashed
over the prices that Russia was charging, leading to severe disruptions
to gas flowing to, and through, the Ukraine. Bulgaria and Slovakia were
left without gas supplies in the middle of winter as Russia stopped its
gas flow through Ukrainian pipelines. A new long…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Shell-and-Ukraine-Finalise-10-Billion-Shale-Gas-Contract.html
The Energy Industry is Not Safe in North Africa
The Energy Industry is Not Safe in North Africa
by admin@oilprice.com (Editorial Dept)
interests sector-wide should be prepared for the coming security
nightmare that is the Sahel. At a time when even the juniors have become
unaccountably brave in frontier regions, the hostage crisis in Algeria
demonstrates just how vulnerable the industry is.It is vulnerable both
to the whims of Western military intervention and to Salafi jihadist
moves to take advantage of a transnational opening that would have been
unheard of with Gaddafi, Mubarak and Assad still in control in Libya,
Egypt and Syria.The hostage crisis at the BP-operated…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Energy-Industry-is-Not-Safe-in-North-Africa.html
Where's the real bottleneck for natural gas? Distribution.
Where's the real bottleneck for natural gas? Distribution.
by Steve Skutnik
a scientist and an unabashed nerd, I love data. Particularly, I love it
when ready access to data reveals things that are surprising in the
face of conventional wisdom.http://neutroneconomy.blogspot.com/2013/01/wheres-real-bottleneck-for-natural-gas.html
NRC issues timeline for decisions about San Onofre's future | FOX5
NRC issues timeline for decisions about San Onofre's future | FOX5 ...
By Bob Ponting
SAN DIEGO -- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Friday that it will decide in late April or May whether to allow Southern California Edison to restart one of two reactors at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. In a timeline ...
FOX5 San Diego
IV-13-003 - NRC
NRC TO MEET PUBLIC TO DISCUSS SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING ... The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on Feb.
By Bob Ponting
SAN DIEGO -- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Friday that it will decide in late April or May whether to allow Southern California Edison to restart one of two reactors at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. In a timeline ...
FOX5 San Diego
IV-13-003 - NRC
NRC TO MEET PUBLIC TO DISCUSS SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING ... The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on Feb.
Chernobyl Wildlife Thriving: It’s Possible Impact on Japan (or not?)
Chernobyl Wildlife Thriving: It’s Possible Impact on Japan (or not?)
new report concerning the Chernobyl region says that the exclusion zone
around the destroyed power plant has become a thriving wildlife refuge.
Will the Japanese Press tell the Japanese public that Chernobyl
wildlife is flourishing and previous fear-inducing studies may well have
been flawed?
Why Shale Oil is not the Game Changer we Have Been Led to Believe - Part 2
Why Shale Oil is not the Game Changer we Have Been Led to Believe - Part 2
by (Chris Martenson)
from part 1Where We Are, in Three Simple ChartsOne narrative that is
being heavily marketed right now is that the shale plays are true
game-changers and there's really nothing to worry about for the
foreseeable future. Heck, the story says that the U.S. will soon exceed
Saudi Arabia in oil production and become energy independent, that it
has so much natural gas that it might as well build export terminals,
and that there's 100 years of natural gas just waiting to be
used.Unfortunately, none of this is really true. …Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-Shale-Oil-is-not-the-Game-Changer-we-Have-Been-Led-to-Believe-Part-2.html
The Coming Oil War in Iraq: Part II
The Coming Oil War in Iraq: Part II
by dg@oilprice.com (Daniel J. Graeber)
Turkish energy minister confirmed that oil was flowing again through
the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline from northern Iraq following an attack on the
transit network. The separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party has claimed
responsibility for similar attacks in the past, though Ankara was
reluctant to point fingers for the latest incident. Though the southern
Turkish provinces have experienced violence since the 1980s, the latest
attack may be a sign of the growing frustration with the disputes
pitting the central government in Iraq against the semiautonomous…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Coming-Oil-War-in-Iraq-Part-II.html
How to Make the Most of the Upcoming Price Spike in Uranium
How to Make the Most of the Upcoming Price Spike in Uranium
by (The Energy Report )
a person consumed only nuclear-generated power, the amount of waste
generated over his or her lifetime could be contained in a soda can.
Compare this to the trainloads of coal delivered daily to coal-fired
power plants and nuclear power seems like a no-brainer. Cecil Musgrave
of InvestorsGuru.com sees nuclear power as a bridge to a renewable
energy mix—but only if supply is reliable. In this interview with The
Energy Report, Musgrave explains why supply shortages may create a price
spike for the commodity and names some uranium juniors…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Finance/investing-and-trading-reports/How-to-Make-the-Most-of-the-Upcoming-Price-Spike-in-Uranium.html
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