NRC: Palisades Plant "addressed" Safety Problems; Extra Inspections Still Needed NASDAQ ( - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or NRC said Friday it has concluded that the Palisades nuclear plant has "adequately addressed" last year's safety problems. The plant is owned by Entergy Nuclear Operations and is located in Covert, ... Regulators keeping close tabs on Mich. nuke plant
CBS News -
COVERT TOWNSHIP, Mich. — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Friday
it will continue extra inspections of the Palisades nuclear power plant
in southwestern Michigan despite concluding the plant has been taking
care of safety problems plaguing ...
Palisades gets upgrade, but NRC wants to keep monitoring operations
COVERT (WKZO) -- The Palisades Nuclear plant is being upgraded from a
#3 ranking to a #1 after beefed up Nuclear Regulatory Commission
inspections, repairs and a lot of extra work to improve the quality of
the performance of the staff and their training at ...
NRC: Palisades Plant "addressed" Safety Problems; Extra Inspections Still Needed
RTT News -
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or NRC said Friday it has concluded
that the Palisades nuclear plant has "adequately addressed" last year's
safety problems. The plant is owned by Entergy Nuclear Operations and is
located in Covert, Michigan, ...
US NRC panel does not support mandatory filters at nuclear units Platts An advisory panel to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Friday it does not support requirements that 31 nuclear units install expensive external filters, saying a more general requirement that the plants improve protection from radiation release ... |
Regulators keeping close tabs on Mich. nuke plant Ventura County Star (AP) - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Friday it will continue extra inspections of the Palisades nuclear power plant in southwestern Michigan despite concluding the plant has been taking care of safety problems plaguing the facility. Regulators ... |
Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Exercise Process To Be Discussed At Public ... The Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station on-site performance will be observed and evaluated by officials from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). On Friday, December 7, 2012, a public meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. (CST) in the Scott County ... |
Official backs studying quake risks at nuke plants The Reporter ATLANTA — The new chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says she supports an ongoing study of the earthquake risks at nuclear power plants. NRC Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane said this week that a spate of natural events shows the industry ... NRC chair brings seismic focus to job
CBS News - Nov 9, 2012
ATLANTA — Recent earthquakes show the nation's nuclear industry needs
to re-evaluate the geologic hazards facing power plants, a process that
has already started, the new chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission said this week. President Barack ...
Grenade causes police evacuation Detroit Free Press The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it will continue extra inspections of the Palisades nuclear power plant in southwestern Michigan despite concluding the plant has taken care of safety problems. Regulators said in a report Friday that the plant in ... |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
NRC in the news 11/09
In the Gulf's Rising Tide, Hurricane Sandy Strikes a Familiar Chord
Posted: 10 Nov 2012 07:00 AM PST
aren’t new to the Gulf coast, but the weather of the past decade has
been particularly harsh for people in the bayou. In 2005, a
record-breaking 28 tropical storms formed in the Atlantic, led by the
mother of all recent cyclones, Katrina, one of the most destructive
hurricanes to hit the U.S.
Building a Cadre of New Nuclear Professionals
Building a Cadre of New Nuclear Professionals
from Assystem Energy & Nuclear by assystem
Building a Cadre of New Nuclear Professionals
Fifth Nuclear Energy Management School Opens in Trieste, Italy
Lectures during the three-week NEM School cover areas related to nuclear power policies; the nuclear fuel cycle and innovation; nuclear safety in a global world; nuclear security; and physical protection. Additionally, a particular focus is given to the areas of designing a nuclear power programme; nuclear legislation; launching and managing nuclear projects; capacity building; and practical sessions on difficulties envisaged when managing a nuclear enterprise.
In his opening address, IAEA Deputy Director General for Nuclear Energy, Mr. Alexander Bychkov, stressed how all nuclear technology applications are based on nuclear knowledge.
“Assisting Member States – especially those considering or starting national nuclear power programmes – to obtain and manage this knowledge is an essential responsibility of the IAEA,” he said. “The NEM School plays an important role in meeting this IAEA responsibility. It aims to broaden the understanding of current issues which need to be tackled by young professionals. It provides training in new developments in technology and international perspectives on the safe use of nuclear energy.”
Many countries today are concerned that they will not have enough skilled nuclear professionals in the coming decades.
“When you return to your countries after this School, you will be better prepared to contribute to building and managing nuclear power programmes responsibly, safely and sustainably,” Mr. Bychkov told the participants.
In a video address played to participants of the NEM, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said the Agency is keen to help Member States address the issue of manpower and training shortage in the nuclear industry.
“The Nuclear Energy Management School is one of the ways the IAEA is doing this, along with its partners at the ICTP,” Amano stated. (View video)
The NEM School enables transfer of IAEA-specific knowledge to Member States, furthering their capacity building efforts. The projected steady worldwide growth in the use of nuclear technology � in various areas from the generation of electricity to uses in medicine, agriculture, and industry – points to the need for a greatly expanded global cadre of nuclear professionals. The NEM school focuses mainly on training young professionals with managerial potential from developing countries on the different aspects of the industry. During this training programme, the participants gain awareness of the most recent developments in nuclear energy and the specific knowledge and broad international perspective on issues related to the peaceful use of nuclear technology.
Candidates to participate in the school are young professionals from Member States of the United Nations, UNESCO or the IAEA that either have a new nuclear programme or that plan on establishing one in the near future. Applicants must possess a degree in science, engineering, business or law, have knowledge of nuclear fundamentals and experience in government or the nuclear industry. Registration is free of charge for all attendees and on-line application for 2013 NEM School can be accessed here.
Source – IAEA
DOE’s SEAB SMR subcommittee
DOE’s SEAB SMR subcommittee
Small reactor work at SRS put on hold
The Department of Energy has put all work on small modular reactors at Savannah River Site on hold.
More Nuclear Supporters than Opponents at Public Service Board Hearing
More Nuclear Supporters than Opponents at Public Service Board Hearing
Hurricanes and Nuclear Plants in the Main Stream Media
Hurricanes and Nuclear Plants in the Main Stream Media
Meredith Angwin reviews how the main stream media
reacted to the "nuclear plant in the path of hurricane" and it "almost
triggered a disaster" stories of anti-nuclear activists. The media
noted that the nuclear plants had come through Sandy all right. The
media devoted themselves to covering Sandy, not speculation.
Coolant, record-keeping troubles at San Onofre
Coolant, record-keeping troubles at San Onofre
Coolant, record-keeping troubles at San Onofre. New problems came to light late this week at the shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant, including coolant found in the oil system of a backup generator and a record-keeping error stretching back to 1985 ...
Coolant, record-keeping troubles at San Onofre. New problems came to light late this week at the shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant, including coolant found in the oil system of a backup generator and a record-keeping error stretching back to 1985 ...
Energy Storage News Update 11/09
George Osborne: make UK a world leader in energy storage The Guardian Chancellor George Osborne has said the UK must take a global lead in developing a series of low carbon technologies, including energy efficient computing and energy storage, in his first major speech on scientific issues. Speaking today at the Royal ... | ||
Effective thermal energy storage system: Concrete layer in tanks will increase ... Phys.Org (—Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas have developed a thermal energy storage system that will work as a viable alternative to current methods used for storing energy collected from solar panels. Incorporating the ... | ||
Why Niska Gas Storage Partners Is a Top 10 Energy Dividend Stock (NKA) Forbes Niska Gas Storage Partners LLC (NYSE: NKA) has been named as a Top 10 dividend paying energy stock, according to Dividend Channel, which published its weekly ”DividendRank” report. The report noted that among energy companies, NKA shares ... | ||
Hydrogen's Role in our Clean Energy Future Energy Digital Renewable energy production has the inherent flaw of the intermittency of its fuel source – the wind doesn't always blow, the sun doesn't always shine, etc. For this reason, it is critical that new methods of energy storage are invented to make up for ... See all stories on this topic | ||
Texas Instruments Assigned Patent for Electrical Energy Storage Systems and ... 9 -- Texas Instruments, Dallas, has been assigned a patent (8,305,039) developed by Karthik Kadirvel, Melbourne, Fla., and John H. Carpenter Jr., Palm Bay, Fla., for an "electrical energy storage systems and methods." The abstract of the patent ... | ||
Total Capacity of Worldwide Spinning Reserves for the Grid to Increase 40 ... DailyFinance "However, energy storage technologies, including pumped storage and newer forms of energy storage, are playing a larger role in this market. As markets begin to differentiate between technologies, such as with pay-for-performance regulations, energy ... | ||
Hydrogenics Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results NASDAQ "This year has been one of hard work, focus, and execution, and we're pleased to see some tremendous results that validate our technology and hydrogen's role in energy storage," said Daryl Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our backlog is ... | ||
NuStar Energy expands Eagle Ford footprint with $425 million in acquisitions ... Corpus Christi Caller Times Associated Press NuStar Energy has acquired crude oil pipeline, gathering and storage and natural gas liquids assets that position the San Antonio-based company for Eagle Ford Shale growth. CORPUS CHRISTI — NuStar Energy has acquired crude oil ... | ||
| ||
Research and Markets: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Contains ... The Herald | Research and Markets: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Contains 69 Papers Submitted To the 2012 International Workshop on Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage. Published: November 9, 2012 Updated 4 minutes ago ... |
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"Challenging scientific organizations to adhere to scientific methods"
"Challenging scientific organizations to adhere to scientific methods"
The December 2009 edition of The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, a book titled Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, comes to conclusions about the effects of the accident that are in stark opposition to the conclusions reached by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
In short, the report published by the New York Academy of Sciences is far from a work of science. It is the responsibility of everyone who has a professional interest in properly informing the public about their subject to challenge those who seek to portray fiction as fact.
Rod Adams seeks the support of nuclear energy and radiation professionals to join Ted Rockwell to encourage the New York Academy of Sciences to take *corrective action* regarding this seriously flawed Chernobyl report.
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Nuclear News Round Up (2nd Nov – 9th Nov 2012)
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by William Tucker, Nuclear TH
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Three weeks before the election I submitted a story to my journalistic home, The American Spectator, arguing that Mitt Romney should support a carbon tax. I argued that it would solidify his support with the professional elites in Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio that were concerned about the economy but put off by the social conservatism of the Republican Party. My editor, whom I dearly love and have worked with for twenty-five years, turned it down. It was the first time this has ever happened. "It would mean Romney was committing political suicide," he argued, and...
NRC Staff Say More Nuclear Plant Protections Needed After Fukushima
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Global Security Newswire
WASHINGTON -- Staff for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are recommending that their agency require aging atomic power plants in the United States to make upgrades that could reduce the amount of radioactivity released into the environment following an act of terrorism or a natural disaster.
How Hazardous is Cs-137? – Part II

From the Hiroshima Syndrome...
How Hazardous is Cs-137? – Part II
last week’s op-ed piece (November 2), the chemical and biological
hazard of Cesium isotope 137 (Cs-137) was summarized. This week, we will
look at how Cs-137 has been used to speculate on risk relative to the
spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiichi.
China's Coming Energy Crisis
China's Coming Energy Crisis
by (EcoSeed )
is now the world’s largest energy producer, generating 90 percent of
energy it consumes. But a white paper released by China’s State Council,
which outlines the country’s energy development plans, acknowledges key
issues that need to be resolved.Last year, China’s primary energy
production reached 3.18 billion tons of coal, ranking first worldwide.
Raw coal reached 3.52 billion tons, crude oil, 200 million tons; and
refined oil products, 270 million tons.The installed electricity
generating capacity achieved 1.06 billion…
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San Onofre — Nuclear safety regulators have turned away a request by
Friends of the Earth to delay the proposed restart of a reactor at the
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formal public hearings. While denying the ...
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Official Backs Studying Quake Risks at Nuke Plants
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NRC chair brings seismic focus to job Businessweek ATLANTA (AP) — Recent earthquakes show the nation's nuclear industry needs to re-evaluate the geologic hazards facing power plants, a process that has already started, the new chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said this week. President ... Top regulator supports re-evaluating earthquake risks at nuclear plants
The Province -
ATLANTA - The new chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says
she supports a push to re-evaluate the earthquake risks at nuclear power
plants. NRC Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane said this week that a spate
of natural events shows the industry ...
Hoping for Change: A Post-Election Action Plan for Addressing Climate
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 05:22 AM PST
the devastation of Superstorm Sandy still in the daily news, the
re-elected U.S. President now has an opening to address our most serious
threat. He must finally lead Americans to face the truth that extreme
climate disruption is already underway – caused by our excessive use of
coal, oil and natural gas. The $50 Billion toll and dozens of lives
lost from one storm will only be the beginning if this problem is not
Storm Surges, Sea Level and Climate Change
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 08:00 AM PST
the inevitable discussion about the relationship between climate change
and Hurricane Sandy, there's been much focus on the storm surge.
Hallelujah. There are a lot of ways climate change could influence
tropical cyclones. In the past, most of the public discussion had
focused on warmer water temperatures driving more intense storms, based
largely on research by Kerry Emanuel and others. The water temperatures
are, however, just one factor.
Fukushima Updates

Here are the commentary and topic summaries of today's Fukushima updates. Please click the link for the full reports.
Commentary - How Hazardous is Cs-137? – Part II
last week’s op-ed piece, the chemical and biological hazard of Cesium
isotope 137 (Cs-137) was summarized. This week, we will look at how
Cs-137 has been used to speculate on risk relative to the spent fuel
pools at Fukushima Daiichi.
Todays' Fukushima
updates - Senior vice industry minister Isao Matsumiya is “begging” for
the restarts of idled nukes in Japan... The internal controversy
surrounding the Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s (NRA) Oi-earthquake issue
continues... Japan’s science ministry says that most of the
radiation monitors in and around Fukushima prefecture have been reading
about 10% lower than they should... The build-up of undisposed,
detectably radioactive ash and sludge in Japan is becoming a serious
Obama May Levy Carbon Tax to Cut U.S. Deficit, HSBC Says
Obama May Levy Carbon Tax to Cut U.S. Deficit, HSBC Says
A tax starting at $20 a metric ton of carbon dioxide
equivalent and rising at about 6 percent a year could raise $154
billion by 2021, Nick Robins, an analyst at the bank in London,
said today in an e-mailed research note, citing Congressional
Research Service estimates. “Applied to the Congressional
Budget Office’s 2012 baseline, this would halve the fiscal
deficit by 2022,” Robins said.
Defense Daily's Biofuels and DoD Webinar on December 4th
Phyllis Cuttino
Director of Clean Energy Program
Pew Environment Group
December 4, 2012
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Register Here
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Glenn Johnston Executive VP of Regulatory Affairs Gevo Inc. |
Mike Ritzenthaler Senior Research Analyst Piper Jaffray |
Congressional Research Service Report Released: Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues Past, Present, and Future
Congressional Research Service Report Released: Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues Past, Present, and Future
by Taryn Rucinski
The Congressional Research Service (CRS), the public policy research arm of Congress, just issued the report Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues Past, Present, and Future (Oct. 25, 2012). The 26-page report authored by Robert Meltz discusses the following:Summary
This report surveys existing law for legal issues that have arisen, or may arise in the future, on account of climate change and government responses thereto.
At the threshold of many climate-change-related lawsuits are two barriers—whether the plaintiff has standing to sue and whether the claim being made presents a political question. Both barriers have forced courts to apply amorphous standards in a new and complex context.
Efforts to mitigate climate change—that is, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—have spawned a host of legal issues. The Supreme Court resolved a big one in 2007—the Clean Air Act (CAA), it said, does authorize EPA to regulate GHG emissions. Quite recently, a host of issues raised by EPA’s efforts to carry out that authority were resolved in the agency’s favor by the D.C. Circuit. Another issue is whether EPA’s “endangerment finding” for GHG emissions from new motor vehicles will compel EPA to move against GHG emissions under other CAA authorities. Still other mitigation issues are (1) the role of the Endangered Species Act in addressing climate change; (2) how climate change must be considered under the National Environmental Policy Act; (3) liability and other questions raised by carbon capture and sequestration; (4) constitutional constraints on land use regulation and state actions against climate change; and (5) whether the public trust doctrine applies to the atmosphere.
Liability for harms allegedly caused by climate change has raised another crop of legal issues. The Supreme Court decision that the CAA bars federal judges from imposing their own limits on GHG emissions from power plants has led observers to ask: Can plaintiffs alleging climate change harms still seek monetary damages, and are state law claims still allowed? The two rulings so far say no to the former, but split on the latter. Questions of insurance policy coverage are also likely to be litigated. Finally, the applicability of international law principles to climate change has yet to be resolved.
Water shortages thought to be induced by climate change likely will lead to litigation over the nature of water rights. Shortages have already prompted several lawsuits over whether cutbacks in water delivered from federal projects effect Fifth Amendment takings or breaches of contract.
Sea level rise and extreme precipitation linked to climate change raise questions as to (1) the effect of sea level rise on the beachfront owner’s property line; (2) whether public beach access easements migrate with the landward movement of beaches; (3) design and operation of federal levees; and (4) government failure to take preventive measures against climate change harms.
Other adaptation responses to climate change raising legal issues, often property rights related, are beach armoring (seawalls, bulkheads, etc.), beach renourishment, and “retreat” measures. Retreat measures seek to move existing development away from areas likely to be affected by floods and sea level rise, and to discourage new development there.
Natural disasters to which climate change contributes may prompt questions as to whether response actions taken in an emergency are subject to relaxed requirements and, similarly, as to the rebuilding of structures destroyed by such disasters just as they were before.
Finally, immigration and refugee law appear not to cover persons forced to relocate because of climate change impacts such as drought or sea level rise.
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