Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Responses to BRC on America’s Nuclear Future from fast reactor experts
Responses to BRC on America’s Nuclear Future from fast reactor experts
Cleaning up a DIY repair on Crystal River nuclear plant could cost $2.5 billion
Cleaning up a DIY repair on Crystal River nuclear plant could cost $2.5 billion
NRC’s Post-Fukushima Review Adds Top Priority
NRC’s Post-Fukushima Review Adds Top Priority
from NEI Nuclear Notes by Victoria Barq
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission this week released a staff paper that prioritizes the recommendations from the near-term post-Fukushima task force report into three tiers—or categories—of importance based on the potential to enhance safety at U.S. nuclear plants. As part of its Tier 1 recommendation, or actions that “should be started without unnecessary delay,” the NRC elevated the importance of implementing spent fuel pool instrumentation, or monitoring equipment, at U.S. nuclear energy facilities.Why did the NRC elevate this issue?
The Gates Notes: Nuclear Energy After Fukushima
Nuclear Energy After Fukushima
In a video broadcast to the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation, Bill discusses what governments and the private sector can do to increase the role of nuclear power in delivering safe, affordable, and clean energy to the world – and especially to the poor.
India, China to continue fuel nuclear energy power: IAEA
India, China to continue fuel nuclear energy power: IAEA
Browns Ferry nuclear power plant tour hosts NRC chairman, senator
Browns Ferry nuclear power plant tour hosts NRC chairman, senator
For Australia, nuclear is the power of last resort
For Australia, nuclear is the power of last resort
South Africa Says ‘No Decision Made' on New Nuclear Plants
South Africa Says ‘No Decision Made' on New Nuclear Plants
Czechs plan to heavily expand nuclear power, angering anti-nuke neighbors
Czechs plan to heavily expand nuclear power, angering anti-nuke neighbors
Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog ANS President Eric Loewen on benefits of nuclear energy
Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog | Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
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Central Asian countries urge to adapt the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Central Asian countries urge to adapt the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Iran "Tricked and Misled" IAEA, Former Official Says
Iran "Tricked and Misled" IAEA, Former Official Says
Friday, Oct. 7, 2011A former high-level International Atomic Energy Agency official expressed regret in an interview published on Thursday that the organization did not more aggressively pursue suspicions over Iran's nuclear intentions during his tenure (see GSN, Oct. 6).U.S. Should Accept Iran’s Latest Uranium Enrichment Offer, Experts Say
U.S. Should Accept Iran’s Latest Uranium Enrichment Offer, Experts Say
WASHINGTON -- The United States should accept Iran's offer to halt its production of higher-enriched uranium if provided equivalent material by Western powers as the first step in breaking the diplomatic standoff between the two countries, a new report by a pair of nonproliferation experts argues (see GSN, Oct. 5).Is thorium the future of nuclear power?
Is thorium the future of nuclear power?
Backers say it's more abundant, produces less waste and is less dangerous than uranium
Friday, October 7, 2011
Petitioners Fight for Suspension of Fukushima-Style Nuclear Plants
Petitioners Fight for Suspension of Fukushima-Style Nuclear Plants
Oyster Creek Generating Station is among the 21 reactors that more than 8,000 petitioners are asking the NRC to shutdown
Is Thorium the Future of Nuclear? Supporters say thorium reactors would be safe, cheap and a game changing energy source.
Is Thorium the Future of Nuclear?
Supporters say thorium reactors would be safe, cheap and a game changing energy source.
Spent nuclear fuel rests in peace near Fort St. Vrain By Steve Porter
Spent nuclear fuel rests in peace near Fort St. Vrain
By Steve Porter
By Steve Porter
Gazprom Seeks Power Assets From Japan to U.K. to Fill Atomic Gap
Gazprom Seeks Power Assets From Japan to U.K. to Fill Atomic Gap
Areva In 'Full-Scale' Talks To Build Nuclear Power Plants In India
Areva In 'Full-Scale' Talks To Build Nuclear Power Plants In India
Westinghouse small reactor as partner for renewables
Westinghouse small reactor as partner for renewables
Our US Nuclear Energy Foundation “2012 Nuclear Energy Initiative”
Our US Nuclear Energy Foundation
“2012 Nuclear Energy Initiative”
“2012 Nuclear Energy Initiative”
We believe that many of America’s economic problems are a result of “energy costs”. For many years our nation’s establishment politics and media have demonized nuclear power and it is time that our citizens appraise themselves of the science and engineering of nuclear technology instead of political and media rhetoric.
We are advocating that like-minded public organizations participate in this initiative by encouraging your members to review our publication:
We have transitioned our society to speak half-truth's, which truthfully, are a whole lie. The more we placate truth, the more deception grows. The nuclear industry is particularly targeted because the need for TRUTHFUL science is compromised by self serving political meandering. Our most valuable sector of scientists and engineers are government or corporate controlled and stifled of championing the truth by threat of retribution. Often today, freedom of speech is replaced by misrepresentation of TRUTH!
The Extraterrestrial Atomic Energy Agency
The Extraterrestrial Atomic Energy Agency
Sightings of UFOs have correlated to nuclear weapons tests.
Will a Failed Solar Loan Kill New Nukes? by HARVEY WASSERMAN
Will a Failed Solar Loan Kill New Nukes?
Israel bars nuclear whistle-blower from emigrating: media
Israel bars nuclear whistle-blower from emigrating: media
Jerusalem (AFP) Oct 6, 2011 - Israel's supreme court on Thursday barred nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu from emigrating on the grounds he still poses a threat to state security, Israeli media reported. Vanunu, under orders to stay in Tel Aviv and not to speak to journalists, "has proved several times he can not be trusted and does not respect the letter of the law," supreme court judges said in turning down his a ... more
Jerusalem (AFP) Oct 6, 2011 - Israel's supreme court on Thursday barred nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu from emigrating on the grounds he still poses a threat to state security, Israeli media reported. Vanunu, under orders to stay in Tel Aviv and not to speak to journalists, "has proved several times he can not be trusted and does not respect the letter of the law," supreme court judges said in turning down his a ... more
UAE renews call for nuclear disarmament
UAE renews call for nuclear disarmament
UN envoy says UAE energy plan peaceful
Dubai: The UAE will continue to develop its peaceful nuclear energy programme in order to meet its growing need for electricity within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) guidelines, the UAE's Permanent Representative at the United Nations, Ambassador Ahmad Al Jarman, said in a statement before the General Debate of the First Committee on "Disarmament and International Security" at the 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Upton, Stearns Comment on Resignation of DOE Loan Guarantee Chief
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2011 | CONTACT: Press Office |
Upton, Stearns Comment on Resignation of DOE Loan Guarantee Chief Jonathan Silver testified before Oversight Subcommittee on September 14 WASHINGTON, DC – Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns (R-FL) responded today to news that Jonathan Silver, Executive Director of the Department of Energy’s Loans Programs Office, is resigning. Silver, who was responsible for doling out $18 billion in stimulus loan guarantees, appeared before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on September 14, 2011, for a hearing on “Solyndra and the DOE Loan Guarantee Program.” Upton and Stearns made the following statement: “Mr. Silver’s resignation does not solve the problem. We are in the midst of the Solyndra investigation and just days removed from Mr. Silver’s mad rush to finalize the last $4.7 billion in loans before the statutory deadline. Just this past Monday, the President declared the loan guarantee program sound and said that it was to be expected that one company like Solyndra could fail. But today the President changed his tune, stating, ‘The nature of these programs are going to be ones in which, you know, for every success there may be one that does not work out as well.’ Does the Obama Administration now expect that half of these companies will fail? American taxpayers are already on the hook for the half billion dollar Solyndra bust - what other shoes does this Administration expect to drop?” Information related to Silver’s testimony before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on September 14, 2011, can be found HERE. |
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Five Truths About Climate Change
Five Truths About Climate Change
During the decade that Al Gore dominated the environmental debate, global carbon-dioxide emissions rose by 28.5%.
The Department of Energy Should Not Be the Green Banker
The Department of Energy Should Not Be the Green Banker
Economics to hinder future US nuclear growth: ex-NRC chairman
Economics to hinder future US nuclear growth: ex-NRC chairman
Armenia's Aging Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant Alarms Caucasian Neighbors
Armenia's Aging Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant Alarms Caucasian Neighbors
Nuclear Reactors: Keep Building ‘Em
Nuclear Reactors: Keep Building ‘Em
While accidents grab headlines, they are in truth, few and far between. Nuclear power is the safest, best hope for reducing the pollution caused by fossil fuels. Pro or con?
76 FR 61402 - Draft Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fiscal Year 2012-2016 Strategic Plan
76 FR 61402 - Draft Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fiscal Year 2012-2016 Strategic Plan
NRC Staff Asks Commission to Address Recommendations Made by Union of Concerned Scientists Months Ago
NRC Staff Asks Commission to Address Recommendations Made by Union of Concerned Scientists Months Ago
UCS called for moving spent fuel from pools to dry casks and expanding 10-mile emergency evacuation zones
NRC Should Make Cooling-Pool Safety a Priority, Staff Says
NRC Should Make Cooling-Pool Safety a Priority, Staff Says
By Brian Wingfield Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission should require reactor owners to have sufficient equipment to keep cooling pools that store nuclear waste safe during disasters, the agency staff told commissioners. ...
By Brian Wingfield Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission should require reactor owners to have sufficient equipment to keep cooling pools that store nuclear waste safe during disasters, the agency staff told commissioners. ...
NRC Chairman’s Blogger’s Roundtable #1 video and transcript now posted.
NRC Chairman’s Blogger’s Roundtable #1 video and transcript now posted. video.nrc.gov
Head of Energy Department's embattled loan guarantee program to step down
Head of Energy Department's embattled loan guarantee program to step down
Jonathan Silver, who was named executive director of DOE’s Loan Programs Office in November 2009, has come under fire from congressional Republicans since the solar manufacturer Solyndra declared bankruptcy Aug. 31 after receiving a $535 million federal loan guarantee.
Read more at:
We Need A Battery Miracle - Professor Donald Sadoway
We Need A Battery Miracle - Professor Donald Sadoway Liquid ...
Professor Donald Sadoway, an MIT professor of materials chemistry, is leading research to develop an inexpensive “liquid metal” battery that will dramatically ...
Professor Donald Sadoway, an MIT professor of materials chemistry, is leading research to develop an inexpensive “liquid metal” battery that will dramatically ...
How Long Will the NRC Keep North Anna Shut Down? by Moderator
How Long Will the NRC Keep North Anna Shut Down?by Moderator |
The NRC’s been examining both the plant itself and Dominion’s response to the Aug. 23 quake ever since the event itself – one of the agency’s resident inspectors was in the plant’s control room when the quake hit. We supplemented our residents with an Augmented Inspection Team the following week, and that team discussed its preliminary findings Oct. 3 at the plant.
The team concluded North Anna shut down safely after the quake, despite the plant having faced stronger shaking than what was anticipated during its licensing. The team examined Dominion’s work and conducted its own inspections, all of which showed only minimal damage to a few of the plant’s systems. Another group of agency experts from the agency’s headquarters and Region II office in Atlanta will continue the North Anna inspection effort next week.
In order to most effectively review the information on North Anna, the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has set aside headquarters staff to focus on the issue of plant restart. The NRC met with Dominion Sept. 8 (see the meeting’s webcast), where the company laid out its rationale for restart and the NRC staff asked questions in several technical areas related to restart safety. Dominion started to answer those questions with information on Sept. 17 and 27, but there’s more work to do.
In particular, the NRC wants to ensure Dominion has done an extensive set of inspections – a lesson learned from experience at a Japanese reactor damaged by a 2007 earthquake. The NRC also wants to ensure Dominion has appropriate plans for monitoring the plant during and after restart.
Once all the NRC inspections are done, the staff’s questions are properly answered and we’re satisfied it’s safe for the plant to restart, the NRC will write up a safety evaluation documenting why it’s appropriate for North Anna to restart. The agency expects this entire process will continue past Oct. 21, when the Commissioners will hold a public meeting to discuss the North Anna situation.
Scott BurnellPublic Affairs Officer Moderator | October 6, 2011 at 3:32 pm | Tags: nuclear | Categories: Operating Reactors | URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-sJ
Comment | See all comments |
FAS Capitol Hill Briefing on Enhanced Safeguards for Iran's Nuclear Program
FAS Capitol Hill Briefing on Enhanced Safeguards for Iran's Nuclear Program
Lunch and Program
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 – 1:30 pm
The Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 212
Iran’s controversial nuclear program has been front and center on the international stage for more than eight years. Despite negotiations between Iran and the West, no agreement has been reached regarding Iran's controversial uranium enrichment program. Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President of the Federation of American Scientists, and Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, are the authors of a new FAS report which offers options for enhanced safeguards to ensure that the Iranian nuclear program remains peaceful. Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Vaez will discuss elements of the Iranian nuclear program which would be acceptable for all sides involved in the debate (Iran, Russia, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Association), and what diplomatic initiatives should be undertaken to achieve a peaceful resolution to the nuclear crisis.
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 p.m. – Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m. – Briefing
1:00 p.m. -- Questions and Discussion
Where: The Capitol Visitor Center
First Street, NE (at East Capitol St., NE)
Senate Meeting Room SVC 212
Directions: The Capitol Visitor Center entrance is underground on First St., NE at East Capitol St., NE; once you go through security, go through the glass doors and to the right to head down the escalator to the Senate Meeting Rooms. Please check in at the Senate Appointments Desk near the escalator.
Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists
Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, Federation of American Scientists
RSVP: Seating is limited. Please reply by emailing rsvp@fas.org or contact Katie Colten at 202-454-4694 by Friday, October 7.
Lunch and Program
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 – 1:30 pm
The Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 212
Iran’s controversial nuclear program has been front and center on the international stage for more than eight years. Despite negotiations between Iran and the West, no agreement has been reached regarding Iran's controversial uranium enrichment program. Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President of the Federation of American Scientists, and Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, are the authors of a new FAS report which offers options for enhanced safeguards to ensure that the Iranian nuclear program remains peaceful. Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Vaez will discuss elements of the Iranian nuclear program which would be acceptable for all sides involved in the debate (Iran, Russia, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Association), and what diplomatic initiatives should be undertaken to achieve a peaceful resolution to the nuclear crisis.
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 p.m. – Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m. – Briefing
1:00 p.m. -- Questions and Discussion
Where: The Capitol Visitor Center
First Street, NE (at East Capitol St., NE)
Senate Meeting Room SVC 212
Directions: The Capitol Visitor Center entrance is underground on First St., NE at East Capitol St., NE; once you go through security, go through the glass doors and to the right to head down the escalator to the Senate Meeting Rooms. Please check in at the Senate Appointments Desk near the escalator.
Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists
Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, Federation of American Scientists
RSVP: Seating is limited. Please reply by emailing rsvp@fas.org or contact Katie Colten at 202-454-4694 by Friday, October 7.
LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION: Laser uranium enrichment returns from the dead
LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION: Laser uranium enrichment returns from the dead
NRC to Hold Call-In Hearing on Fukushima-Style Power Plants
NRC to Hold Call-In Hearing on Fukushima-Style Power Plants
The operation of Oyster Creek Generating Station and other power plants throughout the country will be discussed
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Urged To Review Spent-Fuel Pools
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Urged To Review Spent-Fuel Pools
Anthony Westbury: Nuclear plant upgrade will generate 4,000 temporary jobs
Anthony Westbury: Nuclear plant upgrade will generate 4,000 temporary jobs
Japan Test Reactor Was Shaken Beyond Design Limit in March Quake
Japan Test Reactor Was Shaken Beyond Design Limit in March Quake
UPDATE 3-Finland names 1st nuclear site after Fukushima
UPDATE 3-Finland names 1st nuclear site after Fukushima
Ohio nuclear plant prepares for new reactor head
Ohio nuclear plant prepares for new reactor head
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/news/2011/10/ohio-nuclear-plant-prepares-new-reactor-head#ixzz1a1Cz5hSM
Gov. Haley Barbour: 'We'd love to have another nuclear power plant'
Gov. Haley Barbour: 'We'd love to have another nuclear power plant'
US Nuclear Regulator Sympathizes With Moratorium Advocates
US Nuclear Regulator Sympathizes With Moratorium Advocates
ANS webinar with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko draws over 60 participants
Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog | Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
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Evidence Meltdown
Evidence Meltdown
The green movement has misled the world about the dangers of radiation.
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 5th April 2011
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 5th April 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Will earthquake affect plans for third nuclear reactor?
Will earthquake affect plans for third nuclear reactor?
New Study Shows High Radiation 60 Kilometers from Japanese Power Plant
New Study Shows High Radiation 60 Kilometers from Japanese Power Plant
Nuclear contamination found beyond Japan no-go zone
Nuclear contamination found beyond Japan no-go zone
Tepco fights to keep nuclear emergency procedures secret
Tepco fights to keep nuclear emergency procedures secret
FAS Capitol Hill Briefing on Enhanced Safeguards for Iran's Nuclear Program
FAS Capitol Hill Briefing on Enhanced Safeguards for Iran's Nuclear Program
Lunch and Program
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 – 1:30 pm
The Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 212
Iran’s controversial nuclear program has been front and center on the international stage for more than eight years. Despite negotiations between Iran and the West, no agreement has been reached regarding Iran's controversial uranium enrichment program. Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President of the Federation of American Scientists, and Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, are the authors of a new FAS report which offers options for enhanced safeguards to ensure that the Iranian nuclear program remains peaceful. Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Vaez will discuss elements of the Iranian nuclear program which would be acceptable for all sides involved in the debate (Iran, Russia, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Association), and what diplomatic initiatives should be undertaken to achieve a peaceful resolution to the nuclear crisis.
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 p.m. – Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m. – Briefing
1:00 p.m. -- Questions and Discussion
Where: The Capitol Visitor Center
First Street, NE (at East Capitol St., NE)
Senate Meeting Room SVC 212
Directions: The Capitol Visitor Center entrance is underground on First St., NE at East Capitol St., NE; once you go through security, go through the glass doors and to the right to head down the escalator to the Senate Meeting Rooms. Please check in at the Senate Appointments Desk near the escalator.
Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists
Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, Federation of American Scientists
RSVP: Seating is limited. Please reply by emailing rsvp@fas.org or contact Katie Colten at 202-454-4694 by Friday, October 7.
Lunch and Program
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 – 1:30 pm
The Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 212
Iran’s controversial nuclear program has been front and center on the international stage for more than eight years. Despite negotiations between Iran and the West, no agreement has been reached regarding Iran's controversial uranium enrichment program. Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President of the Federation of American Scientists, and Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, are the authors of a new FAS report which offers options for enhanced safeguards to ensure that the Iranian nuclear program remains peaceful. Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Vaez will discuss elements of the Iranian nuclear program which would be acceptable for all sides involved in the debate (Iran, Russia, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Association), and what diplomatic initiatives should be undertaken to achieve a peaceful resolution to the nuclear crisis.
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
12:00 p.m. – Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m. – Briefing
1:00 p.m. -- Questions and Discussion
Where: The Capitol Visitor Center
First Street, NE (at East Capitol St., NE)
Senate Meeting Room SVC 212
Directions: The Capitol Visitor Center entrance is underground on First St., NE at East Capitol St., NE; once you go through security, go through the glass doors and to the right to head down the escalator to the Senate Meeting Rooms. Please check in at the Senate Appointments Desk near the escalator.
Dr. Charles D. Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists
Dr. Ali Vaez, Director of the Iran Project, Federation of American Scientists
RSVP: Seating is limited. Please reply by emailing rsvp@fas.org or contact Katie Colten at 202-454-4694 by Friday, October 7.
Nuclear Energy Is Competitive in Independent Cost Analyses of New Generating Capacity
Nuclear Energy Is Competitive in Independent Cost Analyses of New Generating Capacity
from NEI Fact Sheets
Several academic institutions, research organizations and government agencies have conducted analyses of the cost of electricity from various generating options. These analyses show that new nuclear plants will be competitive with other options when they are placed in service and are likely to be comfortably competitive in a carbon-constrained world.
Live Stream: Lessons from Fukushima
Live Stream: Lessons from Fukushima
from NEI Nuclear Notes by Eric McErlain
Beginning at 8:30 a.m. U.S. EDT, the National Journal will be sponsoring a panel discussion on the implications of the events at Fukushima at the National Press Club here in Washington.On the today's panel are ...
- Gregory B. Jaczko, Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Rep. Ed Markey, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources
- Richard W. Caperton, Senior Policy Analyst, Energy Opportunity, Center for American Progress
- Allison Macfarlane, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University
- Tony R. Pietrangelo, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, NEI
Some Loans Go Bad; Others Just Fade Away
Some Loans Go Bad; Others Just Fade Away
from NYT > Nuclear Energy — Crisis in Japan by By MATTHEW L. WALD
Loan guarantees have been far harder to arrange for nuclear plants than for solar projects because the nuclear borrower has to pay the government's risk-compensation fee.
Nuclear power essential to cut emissions: UK expert
Nuclear power essential to cut emissions: UK expert
Seoul (AFP) Oct 5, 2011We must cooperate to overcome fear of radiation and nuclear energy
We must cooperate to overcome fear of radiation and nuclear energy
By Rod Adamsatomic power review ROD ADAMS ON FUKUSHIMA 10/4/2011
ANS Nuclear Cafe / Rod Adams
from ATOMIC POWER REVIEW by Will Davis
Anyone who has been following events at Fukushima Daiichi should run over to the American Nuclear Society's "ANS Nuclear Cafe" blog and read Rod Adams' fine new article, fresh off the press. I could not have summed up the immediate situation vis a vis general press reporting ... and the truth ... any better.
I'd especially advise those in the media, and in particular those who always call up the same tired old media hacks, to read this article and think about the quality of the coverage they have provided, and how they can make that better in the future.
10:20 AM Eastern Wednesday 10/5
I'd especially advise those in the media, and in particular those who always call up the same tired old media hacks, to read this article and think about the quality of the coverage they have provided, and how they can make that better in the future.
10:20 AM Eastern Wednesday 10/5
Site selected for new Finnish plant
Site selected for new Finnish plant
from World Nuclear News by Warwick Pipe
Clean-up in Fukushima
Clean-up in Fukushima
from World Nuclear News by Jeremy Gordon
The effort to decontaminate the area around Fukushima Daiichi is gathering pace, with the goal of enabling the return of residents evacuated some six months ago.
Nuclear liability: The market-based, post-Fukushima case for ending Price-Anderson
Nuclear liability: The market-based, post-Fukushima case for ending Price-Anderson
from Web Edition | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists by Mark Cooper
The need to revisit and revise regulations regarding financial responsibility for nuclear accidents has been clear and compelling for at least a quarter of a century (since Chernobyl) and has been made overwhelmingly obvious by Fukushima. The political opening to revise these regulations will vary from nation to nation, but is particularly small in the United States.
Israel Fears Iran Will Copy Its Policy Of Nuclear Ambiguity -- Jerusalem Post
Israel Fears Iran Will Copy Its Policy Of Nuclear Ambiguity -- Jerusalem Post
Defense official tells 'Post' Iran could continue on current course of enriching uranium without publicly making nuclear weapon.
As Iran continues its development of a nuclear weapon, Israel is growing more concerned that the Islamic Republic will embrace a policy of ambiguity, similar to the policy upheld in Israel regarding its own alleged nuclear capabilities.
“The possibility that Iran would adopt such a policy is growing,” a senior government official involved in defense-related issues told The Jerusalem Post.
Read more ....
Nextbigfuture Article Focus of a Whitehouse Online Petition on the Whitehouse site
Nextbigfuture Article Focus of a Whitehouse Online Petition on the Whitehouse site
The Petition needs 5000 signatures by October 23, 2011. The White House plans to respond to each petition that crosses the signature threshold. To cross the first threshold and be searchable within WhiteHouse.gov, a petition must reach 150 signatures within 30 days. You have to register to vote for a Whitehouse online petition
To Email the Whitehouse.gov petition link
Email this link to your friends and family: http://wh.gov/gH0
Educate the Public Regarding Nuclear Power.
This petition is a response to the "End taxpayer subsidies for new nuclear reactors" petition.
Due to the manufactured controversy that is the nuclear reactor meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, perpetuated by a scientifically illiterate news media, the public is unnecessarily hostile to nuclear power as an energy source.
To date nobody has died from the accident and Fukushima, and nuclear power has the lowest per Terra-watt hour death toll of any energy source known to man:
The Obama administration should take better strides to educate the public regarding this important energy source.
Latest Feature Articles from Nuclear Energy Insider 10/5
Industry Insight - Footing nuclear energy’s bill: is there an ideal financial model?
Executive Viewpoint - David Smith, Nuclear Research Centre
Weekly Intelligence Brief - 28 September – 5 October 2011
Policy and Commission Update - 28 September – 5 October 2011
This week's Press Release...
Southern, Scana, Duke, Dominion, OPG, Progress, DOE and NRC Sell Out Nuclear Construction Meeting
Take a look at our upcoming B2B conference:
3rd Annual Nuclear Construction Summit
October 25-27, 2011 - Charlotte, North Carolina - USA
Register today! Only 72 tickets remaining!
Nuclear D&D Supply Chain Conference
November 17-18, 2011, Charlotte NC - USA
Get the full PDF event brochure sent straight to your inbox...
Executive Viewpoint - David Smith, Nuclear Research Centre
Weekly Intelligence Brief - 28 September – 5 October 2011
Policy and Commission Update - 28 September – 5 October 2011
This week's Press Release...
Southern, Scana, Duke, Dominion, OPG, Progress, DOE and NRC Sell Out Nuclear Construction Meeting
Take a look at our upcoming B2B conference:
3rd Annual Nuclear Construction Summit
October 25-27, 2011 - Charlotte, North Carolina - USA
Register today! Only 72 tickets remaining!
Nuclear D&D Supply Chain Conference
November 17-18, 2011, Charlotte NC - USA
Get the full PDF event brochure sent straight to your inbox...
Updates from the American Nuclear Society 10/5
We Were Once Terrified of Fire, TooBy pbowersox on Oct 05, 2011 01:00 amBy Steven B. Krivit The discovery of fire a million years ago must have been terrifying to cave men and women. Since that time, many people have died and much damage to the earth has occurred as a result of … Continue reading → Read in browser » We must cooperate to overcome fear of radiation and nuclear energyBy radams on Oct 04, 2011 05:00 amBy Rod Adams On Friday, September 30, the Japanese government cancelled evacuation advisories for areas located more than 20 km (12 miles) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. The evacuation advisories initially affected 59,000 people, but 30,000 had already … Continue reading → Read in browser » |
Featured Topics from NRC
Featured Topics
BPC’s Nuclear Initiative Hosts Second Event on Nuclear Nonproliferation
BPC’s Nuclear Initiative Hosts Second Event on Nuclear Nonproliferation
Weapons-Grade Confusion: The Danger of Misreading Our Nuclear Adversaries
The Danger of Misreading Our Nuclear Adversaries
The Atlantic
Patrick Disney - Patrick Disney is currently a graduate student focusing on Iran and nuclear nonproliferation at Yale University. He previously served as the Assistant Policy Director for the National Iranian American Council. ...
The Atlantic
Patrick Disney - Patrick Disney is currently a graduate student focusing on Iran and nuclear nonproliferation at Yale University. He previously served as the Assistant Policy Director for the National Iranian American Council. ...
Effective Approaches for U.S. Participation in a More Secure Global Nuclear Market
Effective Approaches for US Participation in a More Secure Global Nuclear Market
US Department of State (press release)
The United States has long been the largest supporter of IAEA efforts to promote access to peaceful applications of nuclear energy, which we view as a key element of the global nuclear nonproliferation regime. Underscoring this long-standing support, ...
US Department of State (press release)
The United States has long been the largest supporter of IAEA efforts to promote access to peaceful applications of nuclear energy, which we view as a key element of the global nuclear nonproliferation regime. Underscoring this long-standing support, ...
Remarks by Delegation of the United States of America First (Disarmament and International Security) Committee
Remarks by Delegation of the United States of America First (Disarmament and ...
US Department of State (press release)
Mr. Chairman, my Delegation hopes to build on last year's productive session and the successes of the past year, as we all work together on a balanced, realistic approach to multilateral arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation. ...
US Department of State (press release)
Mr. Chairman, my Delegation hopes to build on last year's productive session and the successes of the past year, as we all work together on a balanced, realistic approach to multilateral arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation. ...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Power Plant Design - Fast reactors - The low power SVBR-100
Power Plant Design - Fast Reactors - The low-power SVBR-100. Power Engineering Magazine It relies on the unrivalled expertise in development and operation of lead-cooled Alpha-class Russian nuclear power submarines (15 reactors, 80 reactor-years), and in operational experience of sodium-cooled fast reactors. Compared to sodium coolant, ... |
IAEA team to help decontaminate area around crippled nuclear plant
IAEA team to help decontaminate area around crippled nuclear plant
Washington Post
By AP, TOKYO — A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency will visit Japan this week to help with the massive cleanup of areas contaminated by a radiation-leaking nuclear power plant, officials said Tuesday. ...
Washington Post
By AP, TOKYO — A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency will visit Japan this week to help with the massive cleanup of areas contaminated by a radiation-leaking nuclear power plant, officials said Tuesday. ...
TEPCO report faults operating manual; disputes hydrogen explosion
TEPCO report faults operating manual; disputes hydrogen explosion
OECD & IEA: Reforming Fossil-Fuel Subsidies Will Improve The Economy
By Tomaz Ostir, October 4, 2011
In the “about-to-be-published” (Novemeber 9) World Energy Outlook, emphasizes the importance of reforming the fossil-fuel subsidies. Their claim is that Removing inefficient subsidies would raise national revenues and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, according to OECD and IEA analyses. It seems that the IEA expects not only lower expenditure on subsidies and thereof higher revenues on the... » Continue...
In the “about-to-be-published” (Novemeber 9) World Energy Outlook, emphasizes the importance of reforming the fossil-fuel subsidies. Their claim is that Removing inefficient subsidies would raise national revenues and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, according to OECD and IEA analyses. It seems that the IEA expects not only lower expenditure on subsidies and thereof higher revenues on the... » Continue...
DOD Energy Investments Create Long Term Certainty Cleantech Markets Crave
By Peter Lehner, October 4, 2011
Peter Lehner, Executive Director, New York City It should come as no surprise that fossil fuel companies are trying to discredit their biggest competitors: the clean energy industry. Together with their allies in Congress, they are trying to use the failure of one solar company to paint the entire renewable sector as a dangerous risk. The people actually in charge of keeping this country safe,... » Continue...
Peter Lehner, Executive Director, New York City It should come as no surprise that fossil fuel companies are trying to discredit their biggest competitors: the clean energy industry. Together with their allies in Congress, they are trying to use the failure of one solar company to paint the entire renewable sector as a dangerous risk. The people actually in charge of keeping this country safe,... » Continue...
President Obama Finally Answers for Solyndra…
From: Energy and Commerce News [mailto:EnergyandCommerceNews@mail.house.gov ]
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: SAY WHAT? President Obama Finally Answers for SOLYNDRA but Facts Tell a Different Story
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: SAY WHAT? President Obama Finally Answers for SOLYNDRA but Facts Tell a Different Story
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 4, 2011 | CONTACT: Press Office |
Say What? President Obama Finally Answers for Solyndra… No Regrets? … Hindsight is Always 20/20? … It Went Through the Regular Review Process, and People Felt Like this Was a Good Bet? Mr. President, the facts say otherwise on Solyndra… Corners were cut and the alarm bells were coming from within your own administration in 2009. Bush Administration: “(R)ecommendation for approval premature at this time.” January 9, 2011, Solyndra DOE Credit Committee Recommendation Bush Administration: “(I)t was the unanimous decision not to engage in further discussions with Solyndra…" January 13, 2009, Email between DOE staff regarding “Solyndra meeting” Obama Inaugurated – Solyndra back on track: "As we are approaching the beginning of the approval process for Solyndra again…" January 26, 2009, Email between DOE staff regarding “Solyndra analysis” Obama OMB: Solyndra “deal is NOT ready for prime time." March 10, 2009, Email between DOE staff regarding “Solar co loan announcement in northern california” DOE staff concerned Solyndra’s cash flow is major outstanding issue: "(W)e still have a major outstanding issue. … The issue of working capital assumptions has been a major issue repeatedly raised since December (2008)." August 19, 2009, Email between DOE staff regarding “Solyndra” DOE staff warns Solyndra will be out of cash in September 2011: “(T)he issue is cash balance… (T)he model runs out of cash in September 2011 even in the best case… (H)ow can we advance a project that hasn't funded working capital requirements…" August 20, 2009, Email between DOE Staff regarding “Solyndra: Responses to Credit Analysis Questions” Senior OMB staff feel jammed on Solyndra’s final credit subsidy cost: "(W)e also need to make sure they don't jam us on later deals so there isn't time to negotiate those, too."August 27, 2009, Email between OMB staff regarding “Final Solyndra Credit Subsidy Cost” Senior OMB staff warns, “Given the time pressure we are under to sign-off on Solyndra, we don’t have time to change the model…” August 27, 2009, Email between OMB staff regarding “Final Solyndra Credit Subsidy Cost” Senior OMB official tells Terrell McSweeny, Domestic Policy Advisor for VP Biden, “We have ended up in the situation of having to do rushed approvals on a couple of occasions (and we are worried about Solyndra at the end of the week). We would prefer to have sufficient time to do our due diligence reviews and have the approval set the date for the announcement rather than the other way around."August 31, 2009, Email between OMB staff and Terrell McSweeney, Domestic Policy Advisor for VP Biden The Obama Regular Review Process? “Approval premature…,” “not ready for prime time…,” “how can we advance a project…,” “model runs out of cash…,” “we don’t have time…,” “rushed approvals…,” “worried about Solyndra… .” Is this what the President’s no-regrets, regular review process always looks like when billions of taxpayer dollars are on the line? ### |
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