Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered
TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered
Sierra Club Chief: Abortion Is Key to ‘Sustainable Population’
Time to part company with the Sierra Club
Sierra Club Chief: Abortion Is Key to ‘Sustainable Population’
Sierra Club Chief: Abortion Is Key to ‘Sustainable Population’
Fuel Leak, Deadly Radiation Found at Fukushima
Fuel Leak, Deadly Radiation Found at Fukushima
China Boosting Nuclear Capabilities, Narrowing Gap With US, Russia
China Boosting Nuclear Capabilities, Narrowing Gap With US, Russia
China is likely to change the rules of the game in the Asian-Pacific region: in the coming years Beijing may narrow the gap with the US in terms of strategic nuclear capabilities, Russian military expert Vasily Kashin told Sputnik, referring to Beijing's flight test of advanced DF-5C intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
Iran threatens to fire 'roaring missiles' at 'enemies' after Donald Trump Twitter spat
Iran threatens to fire 'roaring missiles' at 'enemies' after Donald Trump Twitter spat
Iran is set to test fire another round of missiles, despite US sanctions
China Announces Deployment of New Long Range Nuclear Missile
China Announces Deployment of New Long Range Nuclear Missile
DOE Report: Solar Creates More U.S. Electricity Jobs Than Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear Combined
DOE Report: Solar Creates More U.S. Electricity Jobs Than Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear Combined
China carrying forward with large scale development of nuclear energy from US research that has been underdeveloped
China carrying forward with large scale development of nuclear energy from US research that has been underdeveloped
Nuclear officials killed study on whether reactors posed cancer risk to nearby residents
Nuclear officials killed study on whether reactors posed cancer risk to nearby residents
Moorside nuclear plant braced for potential Toshiba pullout
Moorside nuclear plant braced for potential Toshiba pullout
One of the new nuclear plants that Britain is relying on for energy security in coming decades has been plunged into doubt as Toshiba reviews the ...https://www.ft.com/content/fc9d036e-ea44-11e6-967b-c88452263daf
Toshiba 'pulls plug' on £10bn nuclear plant in Cumbria: Accounting scandal has left Japanese firm ... - This is Money
Fears grow over Toshiba's Cumbrian nuclear plans
NW Evening Mail -
FEARS continue to grow over plans for Cumbria's planned new power
plant, after it was reported a key mover is "unlikely" to get involved
in future building work outside Japan. The News & Star revealed this
week that Toshiba - which has a 60 per cent ...http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/Fears-grow-over-Toshibas-Cumbrian-nuclear-plans-a74f2f54-2775-4b44-9ff6-d3c14a7c5a76-ds
Toshiba Looks for Ways to Withdraw from Nuclear Plant Construction Business
hankyung.com (press release) (registration) - 20 hours ago
After incurring a sizeable amount of losses in overseas nuclear power
plant construction businesses, Toshiba plans to reduce the scale of its
nuclear plant business. There is forecast that Toshiba would not only
sell its stake in its nuclear plant unit ... http://english.hankyung.com/business/2017/02/04/0820501/toshiba-looks-for-ways-to-withdraw-from-nuclear-plant-construction-business
Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Stalled by Delays
Financial Tribune -
Costly delays, growing complexity and new safety requirements in the
wake of the triple meltdown at Fukushima are conspiring to thwart a new
age of nuclear reactor construction. So-called generation III+ reactors
were supposed to have simpler designs ...https://financialtribune.com/articles/energy/58814/next-generation-nuclear-reactors-stalled-by-delays
Risks mount for global nuclear plant builders
Nikkei Asian Review -
TOKYO -- Cost overruns stemming from delays and stronger safety
measures have emerged as an existential threat to nuclear plant
contractors. At first glance, the global market appears to be growing at
a strong clip. Seventy-four reactors with an ...http://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Trends/Risks-mount-for-global-nuclear-plant-builders
Blow to UK nuclear strategy as Toshiba considers pulling out of Cumbria plant
The Guardian - Feb 3, 2017
The Moorside site, near Sellafield, above, is part of the government's
strategy to build new nuclear plants to fill the energy gap. Photograph:
Owen Humphreys/PA. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter · Share via
Email; View more sharing options; Share ...https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/03/toshiba-exit-could-scrap-plans-for-new-nuclear-power-plant-in-cumbria
Toshiba 'pulls plug' on £10bn nuclear plant in Cumbria: Accounting scandal has left Japanese firm in disarray
This is Money -
The future of one of Britain's biggest nuclear power stations has been
thrown into doubt after Toshiba looked set to pull the plug on the
£10billion project. The Japanese giant, which has a 60 per cent stake in
the planned NuGen nuclear project in ...http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-4189890/Toshiba-pulls-plug-10bn-nuclear-plant-Cumbria.html
Future of NuGen nuclear project in jeopardy as Toshiba may pull out
domain-B - 6 hours ago
The future of one of the UK's biggest nuclear power stations has been
thrown into doubt after Toshiba's plans to pull out of the £10-billion
project. The Japanese giant has taken a 60-per cent stake in the planned
NuGen nuclear project in Moorside ...http://www.domain-b.com/companies/companies_t/Toshiba/20170204_project.html
Toshiba seeks exit from UK, India in nuclear retreat: report
Toshiba seeks exit from UK, India in nuclear retreat: report
plans to withdraw from its lead role in projects to build nuclear
plants in Britain and India, marking a retreat as it wrestles with an
imminent multi-billion dollar writedown
As New Energy Secretary, Rick Perry Will Inherit Trump’s Assault On American Clean Energy
Saturday, February 4, 2017
As New Energy Secretary, Rick Perry Will Inherit Trump’s Assault On American Clean Energy
By By Environmental Defense Fund Energy Exchange Blog, / Friday, February 3, 2017 10:00 AM
Those of us who lived through Rick
Perry’s governorship in Texas were concerned he’d take his
“pollution-first” mentality to Washington. But the Trump
administration’s assault on clean energy started before Perry cleared
the first hurdle for becoming Secretary of Energy today, signaling he’ll
likely be confirmed by the full Senate. In two short weeks, President
Friday, February 3, 2017
A Nice Recognition from France
Michele Kearney - Top authority on Nuclear power stations | Agilience
Indian Point Nuclear Plant Closure Leaves Locals Scrambling To Deal With 'Major Economic Loss'
Indian Point Nuclear Plant Closure Leaves Locals Scrambling To Deal With 'Major Economic Loss'
Welcome to America’s ‘Nuclear Sponge’
Welcome to America’s ‘Nuclear Sponge’
Pentagon Panel Urges Trump Team to Expand Nuclear Options
Feb 2, 2017
Pentagon Panel Urges Trump Team to Expand
Nuclear Options
Report suggests “tailored nuclear option for
limited use”
Fukushima - Melted Fuel Debris Possibly Located at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant
Melted Fuel Debris Possibly Located at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant
IEEE Spectrum - 3 hours ago
An ongoing operation to learn more about the melted nuclear fuel at the
crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan may have helped the
decommissioning project—estimated to take up to 40 years—reach an
important milestone. Tokyo Electric Power ... http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/nuclear/melted-fuel-debris-possibly-located-at-the-fukushima-daiichi-nuclear-plant
Radiation Levels Are Soaring Inside the Damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant
Gizmodo - 5 hours ago
Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear
plant have hit a record high, and are the worst since the plant suffered
a triple meltdown nearly six years ago. The latest readings now pose a
serious challenge as officials ...http://gizmodo.com/radiation-levels-are-soaring-inside-the-damaged-fukushi-1791958714
Highest radiation levels found at Fukushima plant since meltdown
UPI.com - 2 hours ago
The crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Okumamachi, Japan is seen
in 2011, shortly after a twin earthquake-tsunami caused a massive
meltdown. Workers using robots estimated radiation levels that would
kill a human dozens of times over still found ... http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2017/02/03/Highest-radiation-levels-found-at-Fukushima-plant-since-meltdown/6901486143679/
Highest Radition Levels Since Meltdown Recorded at Fukushima
Popular Mechanics - 1 hour ago
New readings at Fukushima have recorded the highest radiation levels
seen s\
]ince the triple core meltdown that occurred in 2011. Readings
inside the containment vessel of reactor no. 2 are as high as 530
sieverts per hour, a dosage that would be fatal ... http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a25034/radiation-spikes-fukushima-possible-breach/
Radiation level in Fukushima plant at record high
The Daily Star - 2 hours ago
Radiation levels inside a stricken reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear
plant have hit a record high capable of shutting down robots, in the
latest challenge to efforts aimed at dismantling the disaster-hit
facility. Radiation levels inside the plant's ...http://www.thedailystar.net/backpage/radiation-level-fukushima-plant-record-high-1355734
Fukushima radiation skyrockets after possible fuel breach
Engadget - 6 hours ago
Radiation levels inside the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor are over
100 times fatal levels, the highest they've been since the triple
meltdown in March, 2011, according to operator Tepco. The company
recently sent a camera-equipped robot into the ... https://www.engadget.com/2017/02/03/fukushima-radiation-skyrockets-after-possible-fuel-breach/
Radiation at Fukushima plant hits 5-year high
Deutsche Welle - 5 hours ago
The Japanese nuclear plant has recorded the highest radiation level
since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The findings are likely to delay
attempts to dismantle the plant and will likely increase decommissioning
costs. World Risk Report 2016 ... http://www.dw.com/en/radiation-at-fukushima-plant-hits-5-year-high/a-37401759
Extreme Radiation Levels Detected At Fukushima Reactor, Highest Since 2011
Forbes - 3 hours ago
The level of nuclear radiation detected at the troubled Fukushima
nuclear plant in Japan spiked on Thursday to its highest level since the
triple core meltdown in 2011. In March 2011, multiple reactors at the
Fukushima Daiichi power plant spiraled out ...http://www.forbes.com/sites/williampentland/2017/02/03/extreme-radiation-levels-detected-at-fukushima-reactor-highest-since-2011/#207627e63381
Radiation levels at Fukushima are so high that they can MELT robot camera probes sent into the reactors
Daily Mail - 7 hours ago
Radiation levels inside a stricken reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear
plant have hit a record high. Levels are now so high that they could
kill off robots sent in to probe the reactors. The development casts
doubt over how the disaster-hit facility ...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4188146/Radiation-levels-Fukushima-plant-hit-record-high.html
Fukushima radiation levels at highest since 2011 disaster
Inhabitat - 5 hours ago
As cleanup efforts threaten to span decades, radiation levels inside a
Fukushima Daiichi reactor are at their highest since the 2011 disaster.
Inside reactor number two's containment vessel, Tokyo Electric Power
(Tepco) found levels of 530 sieverts per ...http://inhabitat.com/fukushima-radiation-levels-at-highest-since-2011-disaster/
Fukushima Nuclear Plant Worker Sues Power Companies Over Leukemia Linked To Radiation Exposure
Tech Times - 10 hours ago
A welder diagnosed with leukemia after working at Fukushima nuclear
sites damaged by the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami is suing two
power companies. He demands around $524,000 in damages. Pictured is
Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima ...
Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown
The Guardian - 10 hours ago
Cranes over the Fukushima Daiichi plant in February 2016. The
decommissioning process is expected to take about four decades
Photograph: Toru Yamanaka/AFP/Getty Images. Share on Facebook · Share on
Twitter · Share via Email; View more sharing ... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/feb/03/fukushima-daiichi-radiation-levels-highest-since-2011-meltdown
Highest radiation reading since 3/11 detected at Fukushima No. 1 reactor
The Japan Times - 9 hours ago
The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the
crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant has reached a maximum of 530
sieverts per hour, the highest since the triple core meltdown in March
2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. said. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/02/03/national/fukushima-radiation-level-highest-since-march-11/
Deadly radiation inside Fukushima reactor
NT News - 9 hours ago
The Fukushima nuclear plant operator has detected an extremely high
level of radiation inside its No. 2 reactor. This will hamper the
process of dismantling its installations, according to Tokyo Electric
Power Company (TEPCO). The operator estimates a ... http://www.ntnews.com.au/news/breaking-news/deadly-radiation-inside-fukushima-reactor/news-story/60c6b63b79c0d87d0715d7ee836469a2
Radiation level in Fukushima reactor could kill within a minute
Asahi Shimbun - 11 hours ago
Photo/Illutration Images show black lumps on grating for maintenance
work below the No. 2 reactor's pressure vessel at the Fukushima No. 1
nuclear power plant. TEPCO says melted fuel likely caused at least two
holes in the metal grating, including an ... http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201702030064.html
Radiation Level At Fukushima At Highest Since 2011 Disaster
OilPrice.com - 3 hours ago
Radiation levels in one part of reactor no.2 at the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power station are the highest since the disaster in March 2011,
media report, quoting the facility's operator, Tokyo Electric Power
(Tepco), as saying. Tepco inspected the ...http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Radiation-Level-At-Fukushima-At-Highest-Since-2011-Disaster.html
Radiation levels at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant disaster site reach record high
International Business Times UK - 7 hours ago
An area of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is showing record levels
of radiation, the highest since the complex suffered a nuclear meltdown
initiated by a tsunami in 2011. The plant operator Tokyo Electric Power
Company (Tepco) announced that the ... http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/radiation-levels-japans-fukushima-nuclear-plant-disaster-site-reach-record-high-1604692
Fukushima reactor hit by 2011 tsunami shows record radiation levels
Sky News - 10 hours ago
Pictures from deep inside the disaster-hit power plant reveal extensive
damage to a metal grating that contained nuclear fuel. 09:58, UK,
Friday 03 February 2017. The Fukushima plant it to be dismantled Image
Caption: Officials say the radiation is not ...
Radiation level at Fukushima reactor highest since 2011 disaster; grating hole found
The Mainichi - 13 hours ago
An about 1-square-meter hole is seen in a walkway in the containment
vessel of the No. 2 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1
nuclear plant. It is thought that the heat of the melted nuclear fuel
caused the walkway to give way. (Image ... http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20170202/p2g/00m/0dm/087000c
Radiation in Fukushima reactor containment vessel at deadly level: TEPCO
The Mainichi - 15 hours ago
A scorpion-like observation robot scheduled to go into the containment
vessel of the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. (Photo
courtesy of Tokyo Electric Power Co.) Radiation inside the containment
vessel of the No. 2 reactor at the ...
Deathly high radiation levels at Fukushima nuclear reactor is bad, bad news
CNET - 5 minutes ago
Time to reconsider that trip to the east coast of Japan. A containment
vessel at the destroyed Fukushima No. 1 power plant has reached
off-the-chart radiation levels, reported the Japan Times. The reading of
530 sieverts per hour represents the highest ...https://www.cnet.com/news/deathly-high-radiation-levels-at-fukushima-nuclear-reactor-is-bad-bad-news/
Melted fuel emitting deadly radiation inside Fukushima Daiichi plant: Nikkei
CNBC - 18 hours ago
In this handout image provided by Tokyo Electric Power Co on February
2, some one square meter deformed grating part are seen on the pedestal
below the nuclear fuel containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor of the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant ... http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/02/melted-fuel-emitting-deadly-radiation-inside-fukushima-daiichi-plant-nikkei.html
Fukushima worker sues Tepco over cancer
The Kathmandu Post - 15 hours ago
Feb 3, 2017- A Japanese court has begun hearing the case of a man who
developed leukaemia after working as a welder at the damaged Fukushima
nuclear site. The plaintiff, 42, is the first person to be recognised by
labour authorities as having an ...http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2017-02-03/fukushima-worker-sues-tepco-over-cancer.html
Record high fatal radiation levels, hole in reactor detected at crippled Fukushima nuclear facility
Citizens for Legitimate Government - 12 hours ago
Record high fatal radiation levels, hole in reactor detected at
crippled Fukushima nuclear facility | 02 Feb 2017 | Record high
radiation levels that's lethal even after brief exposure have been
detected at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power ...http://www.legitgov.org/Record-high-fatal-radiation-levels-hole-reactor-detected-crippled-Fukushima-nuclear-facility
Nuclear fuel likely melted through Fukushima reactor vessel
Nikkei Asian Review - Feb 2, 2017
Images from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's No. 2 reactor
revealed a hole thought to be made by fuel leaking out of the pressure
vessel. TOKYO -- Melted fuel likely leaked out into a reactor's
containment vessel at the Fukushima Daiichi ...http://asia.nikkei.com/Japan-Update/Nuclear-fuel-likely-melted-through-Fukushima-reactor-vessel
Ex-worker during Fukushima disaster sues Tepco, Kyushu Electric over leukemia
The Japan Times - Feb 2, 2017
A former nuclear worker who developed leukemia after combating the 2011
Fukushima nuclear crisis demanded ¥59 million (around $524,000) in
damages from two utilities Thursday at his first trial hearing at the
Tokyo District Court. The 42-year-old man ... http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/02/02/national/crime-legal/ex-worker-fukushima-disaster-sues-tepco-kyushu-electric-leukemia/
Radiation levels estimated far higher in No. 2 nuclear reactor
The Japan News - 10 hours ago
Jiji PressFUKUSHIMA (Jiji Press) — Air radiation levels inside the
crippled No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station are
estimated at up to 530 sieverts per hour, far higher than the previous
high of 73 sieverts measured in 2012 ...http://www.the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003500292
Japanese Experts Record Dangerous Radiation Level at Fukushima Reactor
Sputnik International - Feb 2, 2017
The Fukushima nuclear power plant's (NPP) operator detected Thursday an
extremely high radiation level inside the second reactor amounting to
530 sievert per hour, while the dose of 2.4 millisievert per year is
considered normal, Kyodo news agency ... https://sputniknews.com/environment/201702021050272414-japan-radiation-fukushima/
Midday open thread: Fukushima reactor radiation 'unimaginable'; the GOP's public lands 'long con'
Daily Kos - 32 minutes ago
... • Renewables dominated new electrical generation installations in
2016: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's monthly Energy
Infrastructure Update reports that renewable electrical generation
installations switched on in 2016 dominated other ... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/2/3/1629355/-Midday-open-thread-Fukushima-reactor-radiation-unimaginable-the-GOP-s-public-lands-long-con
Let’s get realistic with nuclear power
Op-ed: Let’s get realistic with nuclear power
Too often, environmentalists’ fervent calls for clean energy are matched only by their rejection of it
http://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2017/02/lets-get-realistic-with-nuclear-powerNot just Toshiba - the global nuclear industry is in crisis everywhere
Not just Toshiba - the global nuclear industry is in crisis everywhere
The Ecologist - 10 hours ago
Global nuclear power capacity grew slightly in 2016, writes Jim Green,
but it was more a dead cat bounce than the promised 'nuclear
renaissance'. The collapse of Toshiba, the direct result of its failing
nuclear ventures, is indicative of the crisis ...http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2988607/not_just_toshiba_the_global_nuclear_industry_is_in_crisis_everywhere.html
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup February 3, 2017
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