Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Moscow hopes Yemen crisis won't 'impact' Iran nuclear talks: Russian negotiator
Moscow hopes Yemen crisis won't 'impact' Iran nuclear talks: Russian negotiator
Global Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) Industry Market 2015, Finds New Report
Global Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) Industry Market 2015, Finds New Report
Backgrounder: Highlights of Iran nuclear talks over last decade
Backgrounder: Highlights of Iran nuclear talks over last decade
Nuclear Talks With Iran Head Toward Endgame as Deadlines Loom
Nuclear Talks With Iran Head Toward Endgame as Deadlines Loom
French say accord must include transparency on Tehran’s future nuclear activities
Support for Ginna: Write a Comment to New York State
Support for Ginna: Write a Comment to New York State
Preview: Supreme Court prepares to hear MATS oral arguments
Preview: Supreme Court prepares to hear MATS oral arguments
Dive Brief:
- The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on a major challenge to EPA toxic emissions rules this Wednesday, the Hill reports.
- A coalition of states and industries alleges that environmental regulators did not sufficiently consider the cost of reducing power plant emissions of mercury and other hazardous substances when it drafted the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS).
- More than 20 states have filed complaints saying that complying with the MATS rule would cost too much and force too many coal-fired facilities offline.
DOE looks to separate nuclear power waste from defense waste
DOE looks to separate nuclear power waste from defense waste
Editor's comment - This should never have been done in the 1990s.
U.S. in desperate need of comprehensive nuclear waste policy
U.S. in desperate need of comprehensive nuclear waste policy
Japanese Regulators Endorse Report That Could Shut Down Tsuruga 2
Japanese Regulators Endorse Report That Could Shut Down Tsuruga 2
Good Riddance, Dirty Harry
Good Riddance, Dirty Harry
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/416100/good-riddance-dirty-harry-charles-c-w-cooke
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/416100/good-riddance-dirty-harry-charles-c-w-cooke
Celebrating Female Nuclear Energy Pioneers during Women’s History Month
Celebrating Female Nuclear Energy Pioneers during Women’s History Month
http://casenergy.org/2015/03/celebrating-female-nuclear-energy-pioneers-during-womens-history-month/Why on Earth Did the Feds Approve a High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Near a Nuke Plant?
Why on Earth Did the Feds Approve a High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Near a Nuke Plant?
India should tighten its nuclear safety regulations: IAEA
India should tighten its nuclear safety regulations: IAEA
IAEA urges India to take further action for nuclear regulation
IAEA wants India to enact policy for radioactive waste management
IAEA wants India to enact policy for radioactive waste management
http://zeenews.india.com/news/india/iaea-wants-india-to-enact-policy-for-radioactive-waste-management_1568955.htmlNation’s Biggest Nuclear Firm Makes A Play For Green Money
Nation’s Biggest Nuclear Firm Makes A Play For Green Money
Warmest Winter on Record
Posted: 28 Mar 2015 01:00 AM PDT
to the latest report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), the average global land and sea surface
temperature for the period of December 2014 through February 2015 was
1.42 degrees Fahrenheit (0.79 Celsius) above the 20th century average.read morehttp://theenergycollective.com/globalwarmingisreal/2209266/warmest-winter-record
Radiation experts advise Japan’s government to repopulate Fukushima
Radiation experts advise Japan’s government to repopulate Fukushima
On March 24, 2015, five of the world’s most esteemed experts on the biological effects of radiation spoke in Tokyo. Scientific evidence was presented to show that the widespread belief of there being no safe level of radiation exposure is incorrect. Low-dose radiation levels of exposure in Fukushima pose no health risks to the public, thus full repopulation should be allowed as soon as possible.
On March 24, 2015, five of the world’s most esteemed experts on the biological effects of radiation spoke in Tokyo. Scientific evidence was presented to show that the widespread belief of there being no safe level of radiation exposure is incorrect. Low-dose radiation levels of exposure in Fukushima pose no health risks to the public, thus full repopulation should be allowed as soon as possible.
Conservative Support For A Carbon Tax? Hope Springs Eternal
Conservative Support For A Carbon Tax? Hope Springs Eternal
By Seth Jaffe | Foley Hoag LLP - Environmental LawDepartment Of Energy, Department Of The Interior And Army Corps Of Engineers Renew Five-Year Partnership To Advance Hydropower
Department Of Energy, Department Of The Interior And Army Corps Of Engineers Renew Five-Year Partnership To Advance Hydropower
By U.S. Department of Energy
– The U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of the Interior and
U.S. Department of the Army for Civil Works announced today that the
three agencies have extended their partnership to advance hydropower
development for an additional five years. The renewal agreement signed
today commits the agencies to a specific, ambitious agenda for
hydropower, building
Fukushima Radionuclides in Pacific: Doses to Japanese and World Public Unlikely to Cause Health Damage
Fukushima Radionuclides in Pacific: Doses to Japanese and World Public Unlikely to Cause Health Damage
Friday, March 27, 2015
OHIO Legislators Support Molten Salt Reactor Development
OHIO Legislators Support Molten Salt Reactor Development
Spotlight: Chinese hi-tech firms, equipment makers gain increasing traction overseas
Spotlight: Chinese hi-tech firms, equipment makers gain increasing traction overseas
EXIM bank to facilitate construction of nuclear power plant
EXIM bank to facilitate construction of nuclear power plant
City opts to withdraw from nuclear power project, keep options open
City opts to withdraw from nuclear power project, keep options open
Saudi Arabia May Have Nuclear Power To Counter Iran, Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir Hints
Saudi Arabia May Have Nuclear Power To Counter Iran, Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir Hints
Report: Mix of cat litter, salts caused nuclear-dump mishap
Report: Mix of cat litter, salts caused nuclear-dump mishap
FEATURE-Japan makes a start on sharing lessons from nuclear crisis - TRFN
FEATURE-Japan makes a start on sharing lessons from nuclear crisis - TRFN
Nuclear should replace coal as the United States main energy source
Nuclear should replace coal as the United States main energy source
Westinghouse, Hochtief partner on decommissioning services
Westinghouse, Hochtief partner on decommissioning services
Westinghouse and German construction company Hochtief AG have teamed up to offer decommissioning, decontamination and remediation services for Germany's nuclear power plants.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/WR-Westinghouse-Hochtief-partner-on-decommissioning-services-2703154.html
Westinghouse and German construction company Hochtief AG have teamed up to offer decommissioning, decontamination and remediation services for Germany's nuclear power plants.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/WR-Westinghouse-Hochtief-partner-on-decommissioning-services-2703154.html
NDA lays out plans for years ahead
NDA lays out plans for years ahead
The UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has published its latest business plan, setting out its anticipated income and expenditure during the next financial year. It also includes a high-level 20-year overview of objectives it is working towards, and takes a more detailed look at key activities over the next three years.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-NDA-lays-out-plans-for-years-ahead-2703155.html
The UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has published its latest business plan, setting out its anticipated income and expenditure during the next financial year. It also includes a high-level 20-year overview of objectives it is working towards, and takes a more detailed look at key activities over the next three years.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-NDA-lays-out-plans-for-years-ahead-2703155.html
UAE applies for first nuclear operating licence
UAE applies for first nuclear operating licence
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation has submitted its application for an operating licence for the first two units at the Barakah nuclear power plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-UAE-applies-for-first-nuclear-operating-licence-2703157.html
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation has submitted its application for an operating licence for the first two units at the Barakah nuclear power plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-UAE-applies-for-first-nuclear-operating-licence-2703157.html
KazAtomProm CEO dies suddenly aged 44
KazAtomProm CEO dies suddenly aged 44
Nurlan Kapparov, the chief executive officer of KazAtomProm, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Kapparov, who was 44, suffered a heart attack during a working visit to China, the Kazakh uranium mining company said today.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Kazatomprom-CEO-dies-suddenly-aged-44-27031501.html
Nurlan Kapparov, the chief executive officer of KazAtomProm, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Kapparov, who was 44, suffered a heart attack during a working visit to China, the Kazakh uranium mining company said today.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Kazatomprom-CEO-dies-suddenly-aged-44-27031501.html
Japan's NRA confirms fault line under nuclear reactor on west coast active
Japan's NRA confirms fault line under nuclear reactor on west coast active
Tokyo (XNA) Mar 27, 2015 - A panel from Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said on Wednesday that a reactor at Japan Atomic Power Co.'s Tsuruga nuclear plant lies above an active geological fault line in Fukui Prefecture on the Sea of Japan. The finding came after more than two years of research at the nuclear plant which could force Japan Atomic Power Co. to permanently keep the reactor offline due to incre ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Japans_NRA_confirms_fault_line_under_nuclear_reactor_on_west_coast_active_999.html
Tokyo (XNA) Mar 27, 2015 - A panel from Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said on Wednesday that a reactor at Japan Atomic Power Co.'s Tsuruga nuclear plant lies above an active geological fault line in Fukui Prefecture on the Sea of Japan. The finding came after more than two years of research at the nuclear plant which could force Japan Atomic Power Co. to permanently keep the reactor offline due to incre ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Japans_NRA_confirms_fault_line_under_nuclear_reactor_on_west_coast_active_999.html
A mile deep, ocean fish facing health impacts from human pollution
A mile deep, ocean fish facing health impacts from human pollution
Corvallis OR (SPX) Mar 27, 2015 - Deep-water marine fish living on the continental slopes at depths from 2,000 feet to one mile have liver pathologies, tumors and other health problems that may be linked to human-caused pollution, one of the first studies of its type has found. The research, conducted in the Bay of Biscay west of France, also discovered the first case of a deep water fish species with an "intersex" conditi ... morehttp://www.terradaily.com/reports/A_mile_deep_ocean_fish_facing_health_impacts_from_human_pollution_999.html
Corvallis OR (SPX) Mar 27, 2015 - Deep-water marine fish living on the continental slopes at depths from 2,000 feet to one mile have liver pathologies, tumors and other health problems that may be linked to human-caused pollution, one of the first studies of its type has found. The research, conducted in the Bay of Biscay west of France, also discovered the first case of a deep water fish species with an "intersex" conditi ... morehttp://www.terradaily.com/reports/A_mile_deep_ocean_fish_facing_health_impacts_from_human_pollution_999.html
Global water use may outstrip supply by mid-century
Global water use may outstrip supply by mid-century
Durham NC (SPX) Mar 24, 2015 - Population growth could cause global demand for water to outpace supply by mid-century if current levels of consumption continue. But it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, a Duke University study finds. Using a delayed-feedback mathematical model that analyzes historic data to help project future trends, the researchers identified a regularly recurring pattern of global water us ... morehttp://www.terradaily.com/reports/Global_water_use_may_outstrip_supply_by_mid_century_999.html
Bloomberg Environmental Webinar
Featured Webinar Climate Change Mitigation: Is the Role of Water Overlooked? Thursday, April 9, 2015 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET More countries, including the United States, are moving to adopt plans and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, with significant implications for electricity generation. However, these plans tend to overlook the important role of water resources and the need to ensure adequate supplies. In this presentation, Author Paul Faeth explores these interactions and considers the potential water conservation benefits of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from stationary electric power plants. Register Now >> |
Final Rules Released For Hydraulic Fracturing On Federal And Tribal Lands
Final Rules Released For Hydraulic Fracturing On Federal And Tribal Lands
By Ted Bosquez, IV, Ronald Tenpas | Morgan Lewis
Bureau of Land Management contends that its new rules are consistent
with state regulations and industry standards, but stakeholders believe
that the rules are unnecessary or simply miss the mark.http://breakingenergy.com/2015/03/26/final-rules-released-for-hydraulic-fracturing-on-federal-and-tribal-lands/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy&utm_campaign=def7d7fb8a-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f852427a4b-def7d7fb8a-407304281
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘We Refuse that OPEC Bears the Responsibility’
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘We Refuse that OPEC Bears the Responsibility’
By Edward Dodge
Arabia’s oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, recently said again that OPEC will
not take sole responsibility for supporting global oil prices. Since
the collapse in oil prices this past year, OPEC has attempted to
convince non-OPEC oil producers to cooperate on production and prices,
but with little success. “Today the situation is hard. We tried, we
Power Gen's ENewsletter 3/27
More Headlines
• Siemens’ consortium to develop energy management solutions • Video: GE Hitachi Nuclear reveals tool for nuclear power uncoupling • Regulators meeting about SC, Georgia nuclear projects • Japan audit: Millions of dollars wasted in Fukushima cleanup • Maintenance, refueling outage planned at Cook nuclear plant • 13 community meetings planned for Hawaii energy merger • New Mexico House votes to roll back renewable energy standard • Ningde 3 nuclear power reactor connects to power grid • US issues wind energy research lease off Virginia coast • Hungary says EU to OK Russian fuel deal for nuclear plant • Justices to hear arguments over EPA mercury limits • Lawmakers say next year for renewable energy legislation • Entergy completes outage & overhaul at Indian Point 3 nuclear unit • Combined cycle power plant to use Toshiba steam turbine and generator • Natural gas CHP plant in Florida breaks ground • New power grid manager poised to open at Little Rock • Ankney proposes fees for companies that close coal plants • Video: FPL launches new smart grid technology center
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