Entergy asks court to remove Vermont from generator approval process
Brattleboro Reformer
In addition, notes the filing, "Whereas the (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
requires Entergy to install a station blackout generator in order to
ensure the safety of the VY Station, Vermont has failed to grant Entergy
authority to do so in a timely ...http://www.reformer.com/ci_23119922/entergy-asks-court-remove-vermont-from-generator-approval
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Robert Gordon: The death of innovation, the end of growth
Robert Gordon: The death of innovation, the end of growth
Japanese court does the right thing for the wrong reason
Japanese court does the right thing for the wrong reason
high court in Japan has rejected the demands of a few Fukushima parents
to evacuate tens of thousands of not-at-risk children to other parts of
Japan. The court said there was no legal precedent for it. However,
they should have used recent scientific reports on the good health of
Fukushima children as their reason.
Senators Propose New Agency to Deal with Waste from Nuclear Power Plants
Senators Propose New Agency to Deal with Waste from Nuclear Power Plants
http://www.powermag.com/nuclear/Senators-Propose-New-Agency-to-Deal-with-Waste-from-Nuclear-Power-Plants_5565.htmlHow Many People Have Really Been Killed by Chernobyl?
How Many People Have Really Been Killed by Chernobyl?
Why estimates differ by tens of thousands of deaths.
By Mary Myciohttp://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/explainer/2013/04/chernobyl_death_toll_how_many_cancer_cases_are_caused_by_low_level_radiation.htmlNASA Selects Small Businesses For Innovative Research And Technology Projects
Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington
Headquarters, Washington
April 24, 2013
Valued at about $30.7 million, these selections complement 39 Phase 2 proposals announced in November.
"These additional Phase 2 SBIR selections continue the successful legacy of the SBIR program to bring needed new technologies to NASA and the American marketplace," said Michael J. Gazarik, associate administrator for space technology at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Small businesses are the innovation incubators of the new global technology economy. These companies conduct the early stage research and development that enables future NASA missions in aeronautics, science, and exploration."
NASA's SBIR Program partners with small businesses to catalyze efforts to develop new technologies to support the agency's technology needs. The program addresses specific technology gaps in agency missions and also strives to complement other NASA research investments.
In addition to meeting NASA's needs, the Phase 2 proposals also provide innovative research in areas that have commercial applications.
For a complete list of selected companies, visit:
SBIR is a competitive, awards-based program that encourages U.S. small businesses to engage in federal research and development and bring new technologies to the global marketplace. It enables businesses to explore new technologies and potentially profit from development of new commercial products and services.
SBIR's three-phase award system provides qualified small businesses, including those owned by women and the disadvantaged, with opportunities to propose unique ideas that meet specific research and development needs of the federal government.
Phase 1 is a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea. Awards last as long as six months. The selected Phase 2 projects will expand on the results of Phase 1 projects selected last year, with as much as $700,000 to support research lasting as long as two years. Phase 3 is for the commercialization of the results of Phase 2 and requires the use of private sector or non-SBIR federal funding.
NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., manages the SBIR Program for the agency's Space Technology Program. NASA's 10 field centers manage individual projects.
NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate is innovating, developing, testing, and flying technology for use in NASA's future missions and the greater aerospace community. For more information about NASA's Space Technology Program, visit:
Slideshow: Fukushima Plant Passed Ultimate Test
Slideshow: Fukushima Plant Passed Ultimate Test
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant
performed beyond its best expectations after being struck by a mammoth
earthquake and a 40-ft-high tidal wave in 2011, experts said last week.
More than two years after the earthquake and tsunami struck, studies
are now showing that radiation exposure levels were much lower than
originally predicted. Thus far, the only deaths directly attributed to
the nuclear plant have been related to the evacuation of residents, and
not to radiation exposure. ”The powerplant did an incredible job,” Jeff
Terry, an associate professor of physics at Illinois Institute of
Technology, told Design News. “Even with multiple meltdowns and
explosions, there were no radiation-related fatalities.”The performance of the plant has been a surprise to some. Media reports initially following the disaster predicted thousands, and in some cases, tens of thousands, of fatalities.
Conservatives Come Out for Renewable-Energy Projects
Conservatives Come Out for Renewable-Energy Projects
This article appeared in print as Conservatives’ Support for Renewables Grows
http://www.nationaljournal.com/daily/conservatives-come-out-for-renewable-energy-projects-20130423?goback=.gde_67258_member_235990613Japanese-French consortium, China still in running for nuclear plant: Turkish energy minister
Japanese-French consortium, China still in running for nuclear plant: Turkish energy minister
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/japanese-french-consortium-china-still-in-running-for-nuclear-plant-turkish-energy-minister.aspx?pageID=238&nID=45522&NewsCatID=348&goback=.gde_2287315_member_235886874Nuclear News Round Up – 22nd Apr – 26th Apr 2013 4/27
Assystem Energy & Nuclear
Energy and Nuclear Industry News and Views
Nuclear News Round Up – 22nd Apr – 26th Apr 2013
- UK to sell stake in Urenco nuclear fuel firm
- Crews tackle fire at Hartlepool nuclear plant
- Receptionist/ Office Support Assistant, Sunderland
- EDF Energy tritium alert over Dungeness B groundwater
News Analysis: Chernobyl disaster poses long-term environmental challenges
News Analysis: Chernobyl disaster poses long-term environmental challenges
27th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster marked in Ukraine
27th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster marked in Ukraine
Senate Finance Panel Outlines Wide-Ranging Energy Tax Reform Options
Senate Finance Panel Outlines Wide-Ranging Energy Tax Reform Options
http://cleanenergyreport.com/201304252432330/Clean-Energy-General/Public-Stories/senate-finance-panel-outlines-wide-ranging-energy-tax-reform-options/menu-id-487.html?S=LI&goback=.gde_78238_member_236033905Fukushima Updates 4/27
Japanese court does the right thing for the wrong reason
high court in Japan has rejected the demands of a few Fukushima parents
to evacuate tens of thousands of not-at-risk children to other parts of
Japan. The court said there was no legal precedent for it. However,
they should have used recent scientific reports on the good health of
Fukushima children as their reason.
A Deal for a Molten Salt Reactor in Canada
A Deal for a Molten Salt Reactor in Canada | Energy - Before It's News
Terrestrial Energy Inc. (TEI) founded in late 2012 with Dr. David LeBlanc's patent- pending Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology has oil sands production ...
Terrestrial Energy Inc. (TEI) founded in late 2012 with Dr. David LeBlanc's patent- pending Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology has oil sands production ...
Exploring our energy future: is it time to go nuclear?
Exploring our energy future: is it time to go nuclear?
http://www.scienceomega.com/article/1042/exploring-our-energy-future-is-it-time-to-go-nuclearBaker Center Releases White Paper on Base-Load Electricity ...
Baker Center Releases White Paper on Base-Load Electricity ...
Apr 17, 2013 – The paper—entitled “Base-load Electricity from Natural Gas and Nuclear Power: The Role of Federal and State Policy”—is based on a ...http://www.utk.edu/tntoday/2013/04/17/baker-center-releases-white-paper-baseload-electricity/Solar and wind great for ‘off-grid’ power, nuclear best for ‘baseload’
Solar and wind great for ‘off-grid’ power, nuclear best for ‘baseload’
Grandfather of global warming fight: Nuclear power saves millions of lives
Grandfather of global warming fight: Nuclear power saves millions of lives
By Mark Halperhttp://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/grandfather-of-global-warming-fight-nuclear-power-saves-millions-of-lives/16828Nuclear energy: Radical reactors
Nuclear energy: Radical reactors
For decades, one design has dominated nuclear reactors while
potentially better options were left by the wayside. Now, the
alternatives might finally have their day.
Nuclear energy: Towards sustainable development
Nuclear energy: Towards sustainable development
Luis E. Echávarri
Director-General, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)http://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/2076/
Is nuclear fission a sustainable source of energy?
Is nuclear fission a sustainable source of energy?
Matthias Englert,
Lindsay Krall
and Rodney C. Ewing
April 2012
MRS Bulletin, ,Volume37, Issue04, April 2012 pp 417-424
MRS Bulletin, ,Volume37, Issue04, April 2012 pp 417-424
One giant leap for mankind: £13bn Iter project makes breakthrough in quest for nuclear fusion, a solution to climate change and an age of clean, unlimited energy
One giant leap for mankind: £13bn Iter project makes breakthrough in quest for nuclear fusion, a solution to climate change and an age of clean, unlimited energy
It may be the most ambitious scientific venture ever: a global
collaboration to create an unlimited supply of clean, cheap energy. And
this week it took a crucial step forward. Steve Connor reports
San Onofre Whistleblower Cites "Potentially Catastrophic" Design Flaw
San Onofre Whistleblower Cites "Potentially Catastrophic" Design Flaw
Inside source tells local news channel that cracked generator pipes at nuclear power plant could cause a full or partial meltdownhttp://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/04/26-1
Thinking Small, Nuclear Power Enters Distributed Era
Thinking Small, Nuclear Power Enters Distributed Era
from Forbes Real Time by Richard Martin, Contributor
nuclear power industry’s drive to deploy small, modular reactors (SMRs)
took a significant step forward this month. Nuclear technology vendor
Babcock & Wilcox formalized its funding agreement with the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) for the mPower reactor project. With $79
million of federal funds for this year (and a total of $150 million over
the five-year program), B&W plans to build a prototype SMR at the
Clinch River site in Tennessee, owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority.http://www.forbes.com/sites/pikeresearch/2013/04/26/thinking-small-nuclear-power-enters-distributed-era/
Friday, April 26, 2013
We need to talk about Sellafield, and a nuclear solution that ticks all our boxes
We need to talk about Sellafield, and a nuclear solution that ticks all our boxes
There are reactors which can convert radioactive waste to energy. Greens should look to science, rather than superstition
YouTube interview with Tom Blees on the Integral Fast Reactor
Blees-Graham Interview
YouTube interview with Tom Blees on the Integral Fast Reactor. Learn
about this new technology that is new and different from the nuclear
energy we are used to.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Case for Near-term Commercial Demonstration of the Integral Fast Reactor
The Case for Near-term Commercial Demonstration of the Integral Fast Reactor
(To download this white paper as a PDF, click here,)
Demonstrating a credible and acceptable way to safely recycle
used nuclear fuel will clear a socially acceptable pathway for nuclear
fission to be a major low-carbon energy source for this century. We
advocate a hastened timetable for commercial demonstration of Generation
IV nuclear technology, via construction of a prototype reactor (the
PRISM design, based on the Integral Fast Reactor project) and a
100t/year pyroprocessing facility to convert and recycle fuel.1. Synopsis
We propose an accelerated timeframe for realizing the sustainable nuclear energy goals of the Generation IV reactor systems. A whole–system evaluation by an international group of nuclear and energy experts, assembled by The Science Council for Global Initiatives, reached a consensus on the synergistic design choices: (a) a well-proven pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor; (b) metal fuel, and (c) recycling using pyroprocessing, enabling the transmutation of actinides.
Read more... http://www.thesciencecouncil.com/conferences.html#white_paper
Our Nuclear Trash Heap Needs IFRs
Our Nuclear Trash Heap Needs IFRs
We all use nuclear energy every day: We take it for granted.
We all use nuclear energy every day: We take it for granted.http://uknuclear.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/we-all-use-nuclear-energy-every-day-we-take-it-for-granted/
NRC Declares Piketon Test Site Safe; Citizens Register Proactive Concerns
NRC cautions power plants on water damage and spent fuel containers
NRC cautions power plants on water damage and spent fuel containers York Daily Record Federal officials are cautioning nuclear-powered plants that store spent fuel in dry casks to be on the lookout for water damage. Last week, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an information notice detailing how moisture can degrade specific ...http://www.ydr.com/business/ci_23109538/nrc-cautions-power-plants-water-damage-and-spent |
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Integral Fast Reactors: Nuclear's Forgotten Clean Energy Solution
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Battery Could Provide a Cheap Way to Store Solar Power
Battery Could Provide a Cheap Way to Store Solar Power
Combining aspects of high-energy lithium-sulfur batteries with flow battery technology can lower costs. http://www.technologyreview.com/news/514266/battery-could-provide-a-cheap-way-to-store-solar-power/
San Onofre Whistleblower Cites "Potentially Catastrophic" Design Flaw
San Onofre Whistleblower Cites "Potentially Catastrophic" Design Flaw
James Hansen: The One Thing We Should Be Doing to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change
James Hansen: The One Thing We Should Be Doing to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change
from AlterNet.org Main RSS Feed by Tara Lohan, AlterNet
The country's leading climatologist talks about what our
future looks like if we continue along with business as usual -- and
what we could do to prevent catastrophe.http://www.alternet.org/environment/james-hansen-one-thing-we-should-be-doing-prevent-catastrophic-climate-change
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
Recent news related to the Tokyo Electric Power Co. plant blacked out following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami included ...http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2013/04/26/fukushima-daiichi-nuclear-plant-weekly-review-042602.aspx
Small is Ugly – the case against Small Modular Reactors
Small is Ugly – the case against Small Modular Reactors
[With apologies to E.F. Schumacher, who wrote the important book Small is Beautiful]http://funologist.org/2012/12/09/small-is-ugly-the-case-against-small-modular-reactors/
Pressure Mounts on US to Export Natural Gas
Pressure Mounts on US to Export Natural Gas
from Marcellus Shale Resources by Contributed Article
Javier E. David As the U.S. produces more of its own energy, pressure
is mounting on the federal government to move quickly to export its
natural gasA naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and
non-hydrocarbon gases beneath the earth’s surface – often in association
with petroleum. bounty—a move that has encountered stiff resistance
from some
Day 72: The Grand Finale- AREVA’s La Hague Nuclear Reprocessing Facility
Day 72: The Grand Finale- AREVA’s La Hague Nuclear Reprocessing Facilityhttp://nuclearliteracy.org/day-72-the-grand-finale-arevas-la-hague-nuclear-reprocessing-facility/?fb_source=pubv1
ESBWR back as proposed North Anna unit
ESBWR back as proposed North Anna unit (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-ESBWR_back_on_for_proposed_North_Anna_unit-2604134.html )
Dominion has reverted to GE-Hitachi's Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) as the favoured technology for the third unit at its North Anna plant in Virginia.
Dominion has reverted to GE-Hitachi's Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) as the favoured technology for the third unit at its North Anna plant in Virginia.
China approaches reprocessing commitment
China approaches reprocessing commitment (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/WR_China_approaches_reprocessing_commitment_2604131.html )
China is to reprocess used reactor fuel at a plant supplied by Areva, according to a letter of intent signed in Beijing yesterday. Areva said it was a milestone that represented a signature on part of a contract for sale.
China is to reprocess used reactor fuel at a plant supplied by Areva, according to a letter of intent signed in Beijing yesterday. Areva said it was a milestone that represented a signature on part of a contract for sale.
First Strike China omission of no-first-use nuclear doctrine in defense white paper signals policy shift
First Strike
China omission of no-first-use nuclear doctrine in defense white paper signals policy shift
"New EPA Guidelines for Response to Radioactivity Releases"
"New EPA Guidelines for Response to Radioactivity Releases"
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently released draft standards and recommendations for response in the event of a large release of radioactive material into the environment. Jim Hopf assesses the current and proposed policies and their underlying assumptions - and finds them quite unwise and indefensible. The draft EPA guidelines are out for public comment, and Hopf urges readers to respond.
Tackling Water Scarcity: Five Southern California Water Agencies Lead the Way to a More Sustainable Tomorrow
Tackling Water Scarcity:
Five Southern California Water Agencies Lead the Way to a More Sustainable Tomorrow
Tackling Water Scarcity:
Five Southern
California Water Agencies Lead the Way
to a More Sustainable Tomorrow
Former CIA Director: The Grid Is Vulnerable To Attack
Former CIA Director: The Grid Is Vulnerable To Attack
from Forbes Real Time by Jeff McMahon, Contributor
electric power grid in the United States is vulnerable to attacks that
have already begun, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey said in Chicago
Thursday night, and America needs distributed generation as
backup—primarily in the form of natural-gas cogeneration and solar
Nuclear News Round Up – 22nd Apr – 26th Apr 2013 from Assystem Energy & Nuclear
Nuclear News Round Up – 22nd Apr – 26th Apr 2013
from Assystem Energy & Nuclear by assystem admin
22nd Apr 2013
- UK to sell stake in Urenco nuclear fuel firm
- Crews tackle fire at Hartlepool nuclear plant
- Receptionist/ Office Support Assistant, Sunderland
- EDF Energy tritium alert over Dungeness B groundwater
Nuclear energy centre to be set up in Haryana, Rohtak MP says Deepender Deswal, TNN
Nuclear energy centre to be set up in Haryana, Rohtak MP says
Deepender Deswal, TNNhttp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Nuclear-energy-centre-to-be-set-up-in-Haryana-Rohtak-MP-says/articleshow/19730252.cms
GE Hitachi deal with Va. utility could bring dozens of jobs
GE Hitachi deal with Va. utility could bring dozens of jobs
http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20130425/ARTICLES/130429723/0/news300Yucca Mountain Casts a Long Shadow Over Nuclear-Waste Bill Introduced in the Senate
Yucca Mountain Casts a Long Shadow Over Nuclear-Waste Bill Introduced in the Senate
http://news.yahoo.com/yucca-mountain-casts-long-shadow-over-nuclear-waste-193302451--politics.htmlPennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 4/26
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
Norway agrees to arctic water drilling
impact study Noway's Labour Party announced it would conduct an environmental impact study to determine if it will open Arctic waters to oil and gas exploration around the Lofoten islands located just above the Arctic circle. Full Article Share: |
PennEnergy Video News
Update From the latest U.S. natural gas prices, to Chevron's discovery offshore Australia, to BP's plans in South Africa, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• Report: US natural gas prices reach two-year high
• Natural gas discovery offshore Australia for Chevron
• BP to invest nearly $540MM in South Africa, Mozambique
• Repsol makes three oil discoveries in Alaska
• Statoil: Significant Gullfaks discovery
• Magnum Hunter closes sale of Eagle Ford shale properties
• Anadarko makes natural gas discovery offshore Mozambique
• Halliburton develops multi-zone completion technology
• Parker Drilling acquires International Tubular Services for $125MM
• Eni successfully completes appraisal plan in Mozambique
• Noreco: Dry well on Lupin
• Report: Chevron El Segundo refinery pipe shows sulfidation
• Report: US natural gas prices reach two-year high
• Natural gas discovery offshore Australia for Chevron
• BP to invest nearly $540MM in South Africa, Mozambique
• Repsol makes three oil discoveries in Alaska
• Statoil: Significant Gullfaks discovery
• Magnum Hunter closes sale of Eagle Ford shale properties
• Anadarko makes natural gas discovery offshore Mozambique
• Halliburton develops multi-zone completion technology
• Parker Drilling acquires International Tubular Services for $125MM
• Eni successfully completes appraisal plan in Mozambique
• Noreco: Dry well on Lupin
• Report: Chevron El Segundo refinery pipe shows sulfidation
What the Nuclear Industry Can Learn from the Oil Industry
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This is how a mature, valuable industry builds support to ward off attacks.
Mining's Final Frontier
Mining's Final Frontier
The Promise -- and Peril -- of Mongolia's Mineral Resources
ANS Update: Friday Nuclear Matinee: Nuclear Power - How It Works
New post on ANS Nuclear Cafe |
Friday Nuclear Matinee: Nuclear Power – How It Worksby pbowersox |
Unit 6 returning from a planned maintenance outage earlier this week,
all 8 reactors at the world's largest nuclear electrical generating
station are now online, generating emission-free electricity from the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, Canada ("Full Power at the Bruce").
So... who better to demonstrate "How Nuclear Power Works" than Ontario Power Generation, owners of "The Bruce" (and owner/operators of the Pickering and Darlington nuclear generating stations)? Unless it would be Bruce Power, licensed developers and operators of the Bruce station. But let's start here with a fine feature by OPG. Enjoy!
(also including bonus features on Hydroelectric Power and Thermal Power which are quite interesting in their own right)
pbowersox | April 26, 2013 at 1:00 am | Tags: bruce nuclear generating station
| Categories: Education, Nuclear Matinee
| URL: http://bit.ly/11GcA8c
Power Engineering Top Stories 4/26 Mississippi Power incurs $540mn loss over IGCC plant
Top Stories | |||
| Mississippi Power requests $600mn for Kemper County IGCC plant Utility cannot recover overruns from customers due to settlement. Read More Share: | ||
| Natural gas prices hit two-year high Several factors play into the increase in gas prices. Read More Share: | ||
| EIA: Coal to recapture some of the energy market lost to natural gas The increase in gas prices expected to help boost coal generation. Read More Share: | ||
| Duke plans to reach 6,000 MW of renewable energy by 2020 Utility also wants to improve energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Read More Share: |
In Case You Missed It
• Joint venture adds two wind power projects in Mexico to portfolio
• Areva to build nuclear reactors. used fuel treatment center in China
• AWEA names Kiernan as new CEO
• DOE: New battery could help solar and wind power the grid
• Areva delivers generators to nuclear power plant
• FPL's Cape Canaveral natural gas power plant comes online
• California school district to use solar power
• Rats blamed again for Fukushima spent nuclear fuel pool troubles
• Puget Sound Energy hydropower project reopens after overhaul
• Southern Co. unit buys 139 MW solar power plant
• Old Dominion Electric Cooperative seeks to build natural gas-fired facility
• Infigen signs two power purchase agreements with SoCalEdison
• BITHENERGY, University of Maryland completed 366 MW solar power project
• Solectria inverters to be used at 215 MW solar project in Ohio
• Steven Chu leaves DOE as Ernest Moniz awaits confirmation
• Japan Nuclear Safety Institute and EPRI to collaborate
• Consumers Energy confirms plans to mothball 320 MW coal-fired power plant
• S&C Electric to procure, build solar PV project
• Fluor forms modular fabrication JV with Supreme Group
• Areva wins spent fuel pool level instrumentation contract from Duke
• ABB to acquire solar inverters producer
• Joint venture adds two wind power projects in Mexico to portfolio
• Areva to build nuclear reactors. used fuel treatment center in China
• AWEA names Kiernan as new CEO
• DOE: New battery could help solar and wind power the grid
• Areva delivers generators to nuclear power plant
• FPL's Cape Canaveral natural gas power plant comes online
• California school district to use solar power
• Rats blamed again for Fukushima spent nuclear fuel pool troubles
• Puget Sound Energy hydropower project reopens after overhaul
• Southern Co. unit buys 139 MW solar power plant
• Old Dominion Electric Cooperative seeks to build natural gas-fired facility
• Infigen signs two power purchase agreements with SoCalEdison
• BITHENERGY, University of Maryland completed 366 MW solar power project
• Solectria inverters to be used at 215 MW solar project in Ohio
• Steven Chu leaves DOE as Ernest Moniz awaits confirmation
• Japan Nuclear Safety Institute and EPRI to collaborate
• Consumers Energy confirms plans to mothball 320 MW coal-fired power plant
• S&C Electric to procure, build solar PV project
• Fluor forms modular fabrication JV with Supreme Group
• Areva wins spent fuel pool level instrumentation contract from Duke
• ABB to acquire solar inverters producer
The Week's Most Read Articles | |||
| TVA nuclear guard trades gunfire with trespasser No one was injured during gun fight at nuclear power plant site. Read More Share: | ||
| EPA proposes rule to lessen water pollution from power plants Industry group says rule could add financial and operational costs. Read More Share: | ||
| Coal-fired plants to remain largest source of U.S. power generation through 2040 Natural gas generation will still increase annually until 2040. Read More Share: | ||
| The U.S. solar industry puts people to work in all 50 states California leads the nation in people employed in the solar industry. Read More Share: | ||
| Coalition of states threaten EPA with lawsuit over New Source Performance Standard EPA has 60 days to finalize the rule before the lawsuit is filed. Read More Share: |
What's trending this week | |||
| Weekly Coal Production Update The Weekly Coal Production (WCP) Report provides estimates for U.S. coal production by state based on railroad car loading data. Read More Share: |
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