New England's Aging Nuke Plants Coming Under ISO Scrutiny | |||
01/13/2012 Reported By: Tom Porter | |||
The operator of the New England power grid says it would make sense to undertake a study of the effect of closing Vermont Yankee, or any other other nuclear plant in the region, on energy prices. Steve Rourke, vice-president of system planning at ISO New England, told MPBN a final decision will be made by June. |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
New England's Aging Nuke Plants Coming Under ISO Scrutiny
China to Bring New Nuclear Reactors to Service in 2013
China to Bring New Nuclear Reactors to Service in 2013
TVA plans more nuclear openness to counter worries
TVA plans more nuclear openness to counter worries
"The Thorium Fuel Cycle - Technology Advantages"
"The Thorium Fuel Cycle - Technology Advantages" posted on DIGERATI & TECHNOLOGY REPORTS blog. hnology-advantages/
New TEPCO video from Atomic Power Review
atomic power review |
Posted: 13 Jan 2012 02:17 PM PST It certainly is interesting that two days after this blog noted what appeared to be a complete and total shutoff of anything other than the daily press releases and compulsory responses (in Japanese) to NISA in terms of communication from TEPCO, another new TEPCO press release video in the Explanatory Series of Videos has appeared. I'm not going to take credit for this, although I should. Anyway, this new video is the third video of the third set of videos. The third set discusses radioactive emission and contamination at the Fukushima Daiichi site and outside of it as a result of the accident and of post-accident complications; this new video covers a wide range of the sampling locations, the measurements taken at those locations, and the general trend of those measurements. Spoiler: The trend is downward in all cases. This video is the first in the series to display any sort of serious production issue. In this video, after some of the coverage is complete, the narration's description of graphics and the video depiction of those graphics, paginated in numerical order, becomes disjointed. In other words, the narration is a page off from the video. This is a bit annoying the first time through.. however, I must point out the analytical value of the many graphs presented and their general downward trends. These are good ammunition against those who keep saying that the cores continue to melt, or that recriticality has occurred, or that contamination is still pouring into the ocean. All untrue, and all laid out in this video's graphics. Go to APR YouTube Channel to see the new video by clicking here. 5:16 PM Eastern Friday January 13, 2012 ATOMIC POWER REVIEW |
No radiation limits exceeded at VY in 2010 By BOB AUDETTE, Reformer Staff
No radiation limits exceeded at VY in 2010
By BOB AUDETTE, Reformer Staff
Friday, January 13, 2012
NRC to Hold Webinar for Public on Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage
NRC to Hold Webinar for Public on Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage
Shell Bluff Residents Speak Out on Nuclear Reactors
Shell Bluff Residents Speak Out on Nuclear Reactors
Registration Opens for NRC Regulatory Information Conference March 13-15 in Rockville, Md.
Registration Opens for NRC Regulatory Information Conference March 13-15 in Rockville, Md.
US NRC says it could issue post-Fukushima orders by March 11
US NRC says it could issue post-Fukushima orders by March 11
Nuclear Industry Safety Plan ‘Acceptable,’ NRC Official Says
Nuclear Industry Safety Plan ‘Acceptable,’ NRC Official Says
Enlightenment and Renaissance: Which Should Come First for Nuclear
Several months ago I blogged about an engineering presentation at Dartmouth. Dr. Swartz presented a talk with the provocative title: If Vermont Yankee Had an Accident Like Fukushima.Swartz concluded that the "worried well" would be the major problem after any type of nuclear accident. Civilians would not receive radiation at a dose that would measurably increase their chances of getting cancer... » Continue...
Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Scientist Joint Operation by Mossad, MKO
Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Scientist Joint Operation by Mossad, MKO
TEHRAN (FNA)- Israeli sources confirmed that the terrorist attack which killed a senior Iranian scientist in Tehran on Wednesday was a joint operation carried out by the agents of the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, and the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).
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Fate of Bulgaria's 2nd Nuclear Plant Revealed in 3 Weeks
Fate of Bulgaria's 2nd Nuclear Plant Revealed in 3 Weeks
UPDATE: German Court: Nuclear Tax Constitutional, Within EU Law
UPDATE: German Court: Nuclear Tax Constitutional, Within EU Law
NRC Staff to Lay Out Next Steps on Plant Safety, Official Says
NRC Staff to Lay Out Next Steps on Plant Safety, Official Says
Getting Ready to React to Fukushima By MATTHEW L. WALD
Getting Ready to React to Fukushima
By MATTHEW L. WALDAnti-nuclear meeting offers lessons learned from Fukushima
Anti-nuclear meeting offers lessons learned from Fukushima
NYC’s Energy Future Without Indian Point Nuclear Many plans, few funds
NYC’s Energy Future Without Indian Point Nuclear
Many plans, few funds
New rumblings: Earthquakes intensify scrutiny of shale gas methods
New rumblings: Earthquakes intensify scrutiny of shale gas methods
Updates from ANS Nuclear Society
National Nuclear Science Week and Nuclear Science Day!
By pbowersox on Jan 13, 2012 01:00 amIt’s time to welcome the next generation of nuclear scientists, engineers, artisans, technicians, health professionals, and the myriad other nuclear experts of the future… and celebrate our remarkable nuclear science and technology achievements to date… with National Nuclear Science Week, January … Continue reading →
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The Fable of the Scary Monster
By pbowersox on Jan 12, 2012 01:00 amBy Margaret Harding Once upon a time… There lived a little girl named Polly. She lived in a big castle with lots of aunts and uncles. The aunts’ and uncles’ only job was to keep Polly safe. One night, after … Continue reading →
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Pretty Energy
By pbowersox on Jan 11, 2012 01:00 amBy Suzy Hobbs Baker I recently joined the latest social media phenomenon—“Pinterest”—after some good old-fashioned peer pressure from my pals. Basically it is an online scrapbook, where you can collect images from all over the Internet and organize or “pin” … Continue reading →
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Vermont Outreach Continues as Opponents Reorganize
By pbowersox on Jan 10, 2012 01:00 amBy Howard Shaffer On March 21, 2011, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a renewal of the operating license for the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant for an additional 20 years. Vermont Yankee’s original license would have expired on March 21, 2012, and … Continue reading →
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Greetings from a proud member of “the nuclear party”
By radams on Jan 09, 2012 02:30 pmBy Rod Adams Back in the playground—about half a century ago—I learned that it can be fun and frustrating to the bullies if you cheerfully accept the tags that they apply to you. Back then, I was called a four-eyed … Continue reading →
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86th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
By dyurman on Jan 09, 2012 09:11 amThe 86th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at NEI Nuclear Notes This post is the collective voice of blogs with legendary names which emerge each week to tell the story of nuclear energy. If you want to hear … Continue reading →
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Nuclear energy R&D budgets spared major cuts
By dyurman on Jan 05, 2012 01:00 amCongress trims funding while adding new priorities By Dan Yurman A Congress that has public approval ratings in the single digits because of deficit-related gridlock managed to get some of the federal budget out the door for 2012. The Energy … Continue reading →
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Nuclear engineering professor takes fellowship at State Department
By pbowersox on Jan 04, 2012 01:00 amBy Lenka Kollar Gilbert Brown, a professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and a long-time member of the American Nuclear Society, has started a year-long fellowship at the U.S. Department of State, in Washington, D.C. The … Continue reading →
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Little ado about nothing
By rmichal on Jan 03, 2012 11:08 amA so-called scientific article issued on December 19 by Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman purports that an estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors in Japan. The article, published … Continue reading →
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85th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
By dyurman on Jan 01, 2012 10:46 amThe 85th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at: Yes VermontYankee This post is the collective voice of blogs with legendary names which emerge each week to tell the story of nuclear energy If you want to hear the … Continue reading →
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Young People and Nuclear Power
By pbowersox on Dec 27, 2011 01:00 amBy Meredith Angwin What questions do young people have about nuclear power? Recently, Howard Shaffer and I had two opportunities to hear their questions for ourselves. University students: Our first interaction with students and their questions was at the University of … Continue reading →
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84th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
By dyurman on Dec 25, 2011 04:48 pmThe 84th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up Atomic Power Review This post is the collective voice of blogs with legendary names which emerge each week to tell the story of nuclear energy. If you want to hear the voice … Continue reading →
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The Wait for the License
By lscheele on Dec 23, 2011 01:00 amby A. Priori (With no apologies to Clement C. Moore, Henry Livingston, or the thousands who have already parodied the original) ‘Twas the wait for the license, When all through the site, Not a module was fitted, No matter … Continue reading →
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NRC grants design certification to Westinghouse AP1000™
By lscheele on Dec 22, 2011 01:40 pmThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted unanimously on December 22 in favor of publishing the final certification rule for Westinghouse’s AP1000 reactor design, instructing the agency’s staff to forward the final rule, which amends Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 52, … Continue reading →
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GE-Hitachi proposes to burn U.K. plutonium stockpile
By dyurman on Dec 22, 2011 01:00 amAn advanced reactor could be used to consume 112 tonnes of weapons grade material By Dan Yurman GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy has proposed to the U.K. government to build an advanced nuclear reactor that would consume the country’s stockpile of … Continue reading →
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A listing of Nuclear Energy Blogs
Nuclear Energy blogs - in no particular order
Idaho Samizdat Nuke Notes
NEI Nuclear Notes
Atomic Insights
Next Big Future
ANS Nuclear Cafe
Yes Vermont Yankee
Atomic Power Review
Talk Nuclear
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Canadian Energy Issues
Nuke Power Talk
Hiroshima Syndrome
Nuclear Green
Nuclear Town Hall
Brave New Climate
Clean Energy Insight
Energy from Thorium
Idaho Samizdat Nuke Notes
NEI Nuclear Notes
Atomic Insights
Next Big Future
ANS Nuclear Cafe
Yes Vermont Yankee
Atomic Power Review
Talk Nuclear
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Canadian Energy Issues
Nuke Power Talk
Hiroshima Syndrome
Nuclear Green
Nuclear Town Hall
Brave New Climate
Clean Energy Insight
Energy from Thorium
My apologies if you have been overlooked. These blogs, with the exception of the NEI blog, are
independent, non-corporate blogs.
NRC’s Regulatory Information Conference Registration Now Open
NRC’s Regulatory Information Conference Registration Now Open
by ModeratorThe opening session features NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko delivering the keynote remarks and a presentation by NRC’s Executive Director for Operations Bill Borchardt. Included throughout the conference are plenary sessions with Commissioners Kristine L. Svinicki, George Apostolakis, William D. Magwood, and William C. Ostendorff.
A special plenary session with Martin Virgilio, the Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, and industry will be moderated by Eric Leeds, Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
There will also be several sessions addressing topics associated with the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident and NRC’s response to lessons learned as well as tours of the Headquarter’s Operation Center.
The conference is free and open to stakeholders, industry representatives and members of the public, but registration is required. Online registration
Program information, as well as information about webcasting, is available on the RIC website
The Sixth Lawsuit About Vermont Yankee: Suing For the Cost of Replacement Power
The Sixth Lawsuit About Vermont Yankee: Suing For the Cost of Replacement Power
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News from Penn Energy
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• Nigeria fuel and corruption protests continue
• South Sudan accuses north of diverting oil transports
• New oil spill study shows how Macondo disaster could have been prevented by risk management procedures
• New EPA-approved fracking fluid 100% Green
• Petroplus Belgium refinery shuts down completely
• ONEOK Partners announces completion of Garden Creek natural gas processing facility
• Statoil outlines offshore technology goals
• Vanoil announces extension of initial period for Blocks 3A & 3B in Kenya
• Breitling Oil and Gas announces spud of Breitling-Turner #3
• ExxonMobil announces a balanced formulation approach to optimizing productivity and achieving sustainability related benefits
• Bacteria and Gulf currents help clean Deepwater oil spill
• Shale natural gas fueling Pennsylvania hotel industry
• Oil's "low hanging fruit": massive quantities of stranded, residual oil in existing oil fields
• Surge in oil and gas jobs forcing the industry to recruit from other industries - predictions for 2012
• Nigeria fuel and corruption protests continue
• South Sudan accuses north of diverting oil transports
• New oil spill study shows how Macondo disaster could have been prevented by risk management procedures
• New EPA-approved fracking fluid 100% Green
• Petroplus Belgium refinery shuts down completely
• ONEOK Partners announces completion of Garden Creek natural gas processing facility
• Statoil outlines offshore technology goals
• Vanoil announces extension of initial period for Blocks 3A & 3B in Kenya
• Breitling Oil and Gas announces spud of Breitling-Turner #3
• ExxonMobil announces a balanced formulation approach to optimizing productivity and achieving sustainability related benefits
• Bacteria and Gulf currents help clean Deepwater oil spill
• Shale natural gas fueling Pennsylvania hotel industry
• Oil's "low hanging fruit": massive quantities of stranded, residual oil in existing oil fields
• Surge in oil and gas jobs forcing the industry to recruit from other industries - predictions for 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
NRC Staff to Lay Out Next Steps on Plant Safety, Official Says
NRC Staff to Lay Out Next Steps on Plant Safety, Official Says
Iran's nuclear power: the world must prepare for the inevitable to happen
Iran's nuclear power: the world must prepare for the inevitable to happen
Whenever an Iranian scientist is killed or a mysterious explosion takes place inside a sensitive facility, the veil is briefly lifted on an intense covert effort to derail Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
James Bond villains harm nuclear power's public image, says scientist
James Bond villains harm nuclear power's public image, says scientist
Royal Society of Chemistry president says evil characters' hidden reactors have contributed to negative perceptions
Company's plan for recovery is stringent, Palisades officials tell regulators at NRC's morning session
Company's plan for recovery is stringent, Palisades officials tell regulators at NRC's morning session
Nuclear industry opposes Interior moratorium on new uranium mines near Grand Canyon
Monday, January 09, 2012 5:36 PM ET 
Nuclear industry opposes Interior moratorium on new uranium mines near Grand Canyon
Nuclear industry opposes Interior moratorium on new uranium mines near Grand Canyon
After Fukushima, US Nuclear Industry To Unveil New Safety Plan
After Fukushima, US Nuclear Industry To Unveil New Safety Plan
B&W Announces Realignment of Commercial Nuclear Business in Response to Growing Demands
press release
Jan. 11, 2012, 4:00 p.m. EST
B&W Announces Realignment of Commercial Nuclear Business in Response to Growing Demands
World's nuclear stockpiles are not secure: study
World's nuclear stockpiles are not secure: study
Washington (AFP) Jan 11, 2012Five-Year Wait Seen for 25,000 Japanese Nuclear Evacuees to Return Home
Five-Year Wait Seen for 25,000 Japanese Nuclear Evacuees to Return Home
from GSN Daily News
Japanese officials said the government would probably wait five years or longer before allowing roughly 25,000 people to permanently return to homes near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi atomic facility, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on Monday (see GSN, Dec. 21, 2011).
IAEA Verifies Uranium Enrichment at Second Iranian Centrifuge Site
IAEA Verifies Uranium Enrichment at Second Iranian Centrifuge Site
India to Test Long-Range Missile in 2-3 Months
India to Test Long-Range Missile in 2-3 Months
from GSN Daily News
India is set within two to three months to carry out its first trial firing of a missile with flight capabilities approaching that of an ICBM, the Asian Age reported on Sunday (see GSN, Nov. 17, 2011).
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes U.S. Nuclear manufacturers lukewarm on AP1000
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
U.S. Nuclear manufacturers lukewarm on AP1000
This is my updated coverage for Fuel Cycle Week, V11;N454 January 5, 2012 published by International Nuclear Associates, Washington, DC.
Jaitapur site vulnerable to earthquakes: US-based geologist
Jaitapur site vulnerable to earthquakes: US-based geologist
Nuclear power needed to fight climate change, says Al-Khalili
Nuclear power needed to fight climate change, says Al-Khalili
Garbage In, Anti-Nuclear Propaganda Out: The 14,000 Death Fukushima Lie
Garbage In, Anti-Nuclear Propaganda Out: The 14,000 Death Fukushima Lie
Get tough on nuclear safety
Get tough on nuclear safety
A refreshingly frank and forward-looking report on the safety of French nuclear power plants in the wake of Fukushima should spur other countries to take a hard look at regulation of their own reactors.
Getting Ready to React to Fukushima By MATTHEW L. WALD
Getting Ready to React to Fukushima
By MATTHEW L. WALDNew Web Home Page and Blog post - Nuclear Clean Air Energy
It’s all about getting ready for National Nuclear Science Week these days. Check it out:
National Nuclear Science Week
January 24 -28, 2012
Margie P. Jepson, MBA
Communications Manager
Entergy Nuclear
1340 Echelon Parkway
Jackson, MS 39213
Work: 601-368-5460
Duly Noted:
Duly Noted:
Rick Hind of Greenpeace and Patrick Coyle, a consultant with the chemical industry, face off on security at U.S. chemical facilities.
Radioactive Materials Security
Radioactive Materials Security
Andrew Karam writes about the procedures that professionals use to secure radioactive materials and the relative risks posed by various radioactive sources.
Andrew Karam writes about the procedures that professionals use to secure radioactive materials and the relative risks posed by various radioactive sources.
Reflections on Teaching the Manhattan Project
Reflections on Teaching the Manhattan Project
Nuclear weapons were arguably the single most important factor on the geopolitical stage for the last half of the 20th century. For the public, nuclear physics comes to their attention only when the news seems dire. The need for public education on nuclear issues is as pressing now as it has ever been. By Dr. B. Cameron Reed, Chair and Professor of Physics at Alma College.
2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul - Achieving Sustainable Nuclear Security Culture
2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul - Achieving Sustainable Nuclear Security Culture
The concept of a nuclear security culture emerged much later than the nuclear safety culture, which was triggered by human errors that led to the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the Fukushima accidents. Security culture has gained acceptance as a way to keep terrorist groups from acquiring radioactive materials and prevent acts of sabotage against nuclear power infrastructures. By Dr. Igor Khripunov, Distinguished Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the University of Georgia Center for International Trade and Security.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Blaming U.S. and Israel, Iran Reports Killing of Nuclear Scientist
Blaming U.S. and Israel, Iran Reports Killing of Nuclear Scientist
Here are the latest feature articles from Nuclear Energy Insider;
Here are the latest feature articles from Nuclear Energy Insider;
Industry Insight
Weekly Intelligence Brief
Policy and Commission Update
Exclusive Free Content
Industry Insight
Weekly Intelligence Brief
Policy and Commission Update
Exclusive Free Content
National Nuclear Science Week
Special LIVE presentations from the Illinois Institute of Technology
January 25
Tune in to ask questions LIVE to national experts in the fields of energy, medicine and more!
There is no charge for this Web Seminar brought to you by the National Science Teachers Association
to celebrate National Nuclear Science Week.
to celebrate National Nuclear Science Week.
Nuclear Science Day: January 25
Register today for this SPECIAL LIVE EVENT from the prestigious Illinois Institute of Technology where national experts are gathering
to talk nuclear. This webinar covers electricity production, basics in nuclear science, nuclear medicine and an overview of the future of
nuclear in the U.S.
to talk nuclear. This webinar covers electricity production, basics in nuclear science, nuclear medicine and an overview of the future of
nuclear in the U.S.
Student and teacher questions will be taken LIVE.
This is a unique opportunity to hear from scientists, nuclear engineers, health professionals and others.
National Nuclear Science Week is Jan. 23-28 and is sponsored by the National Museum for Nuclear Science and History, a Smithsonian affiliate.
“Get to Know Nuclear” is the theme promoting interest and careers in nuclear and all sciences, technology, engineering
and mathematics. FREE curriculum and information is available online
“Get to Know Nuclear” is the theme promoting interest and careers in nuclear and all sciences, technology, engineering
and mathematics. FREE curriculum and information is available online
Schedule for Jan. 25
What is it like to be a young woman engineer at a real, working nuclear power plant?
Nuclear is green and clean? Nuclear electricity is green like solar and wind but turned on 24/7/365.
Time: 11 am EST/ 10 am CST/ 9 am MST/ 8 am PCT
Presenters: Natalie Wood, nuclear engineer at River Bend Nuclear Power Station in Louisiana and
Marv Fertel, Nuclear Energy Institute CEO
Marv Fertel, Nuclear Energy Institute CEO
Nuclear science is part of our everyday lives. Hear scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory share cool facts,
projects and how nuclear electricity is powering our cool world.
Time: 12 noon EST/ 11 am CST/ 10 am MST/ 9 am PCT
Presenters: Mark Peters and Justin Thomas.
Have you had an X-ray lately? Nuclear medicine is a vital medical tool used to diagnose and treat millions of people
globally. Small and precise, hear more about how nuclear particles help make us feel better by giving doctors
important clues in the battle to keep us well. From the Society of Nuclear Medicine, hear Nicholas C. Friedman, MD
from the Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital. The doctor is in!
Time: 2 pm EST/ 1 pm CST/ 12 noon MST/ 11 am PCT
Presenter: From the Society of Nuclear Medicine (name to come on Friday)
You’ve heard about Fukushima – so now what? Are there more nuclear power plants being built – what’s going on with reactor
safety in the U.S. since the disaster in Japan? How will it affect the price of my electricity bill, the clean air policies and
much more will be discussed by this IIT professor as he looks at his crystal ball about nuclear energy in the U.S.
Time: 3 pm EST/ 2 pm CST/ 1 pm MST/ 12 noon PCT
Presenter: Jeff Terry
Register today to participate in any of these web seminars.
Sponsors of Nuclear Science Day at the Illinois Institute of Technology
Margie P. Jepson, MBA
Communications Manager
Entergy Nuclear
1340 Echelon Parkway
Jackson, MS 39213
Work: 601-368-5460
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