Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
The INF Treaty is done, but lessons for policy remain - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The INF Treaty is done, but lessons for policy remain - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, ends on August 2, bringing to a close one of the most remarkable chapters in arms control history. There is much about the INF story that bears recalling, as it provides lessons for the conduct of US diplomacy and policy making in the uncharted waters ahead. For decades, … Continued
Trump fundraiser Thomas Barrack lobbied for Saudi nuclear deal
Trump fundraiser Thomas Barrack lobbied for Saudi nuclear deal: Lawmakers in both parties have expressed alarm about the Trump administration's decision to transfer commercial nuclear expertise to Saudi Arabia.
AP FACT CHECK: Dems on Climate, Economy | RealClearEnergy
AP FACT CHECK: Dems on Climate, Economy | RealClearEnergy: AP FACT CHECK: Dems on Climate, Economy | RealClearEnergy
Partnership With Warsaw University Will Train Nuclear Professionals :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Partnership With Warsaw University Will Train Nuclear Professionals :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Framatome has signed a cooperation agreement with Warsaw University of Technology to establish training and development programmes for future nuclear energy industry professionals.
The agreement establishes a joint framework for training nuclear energy professionals and implementing scientific projects.
The agreement establishes a joint framework for training nuclear energy professionals and implementing scientific projects.
Pompeo rips into China, urges ASEAN to trust in US
Pompeo rips into China, urges ASEAN to trust in US: Bangkok (AFP) Aug 2, 2019 - America's top diplomat Mike Pompeo on Friday implored Southeast Asian nations to trust in US values, delivering a withering takedown of Chinese-style development, comments Beijing later swatted away as meaningless.
Trump has 'no problem' with latest North Korean missile tests
Trump has 'no problem' with latest North Korean missile tests: Seoul (AFP) Aug 1, 2019 - North Korea carried out its third missile test in eight days Friday, according to the South's military, but US President Donald Trump said he had no problem with the spate of launches by Pyongyang.
NY governor announces $1.1 billion project to extend life of Niagara Power Project - Renewable Energy World
NY governor announces $1.1 billion project to extend life of Niagara Power Project - Renewable Energy World: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced that the New York Power Authority is launching a 15-year modernization and digitization program to significantly extend the operating life of the Niagara Power Project.
AP: Bridgeport gas-fired plant opens in Connecticut - Power Engineering
AP: Bridgeport gas-fired plant opens in Connecticut - Power Engineering: Construction began in June 2017. The new plant represents an investment of more than $550 million.
Only 27% Of Republicans Think Climate Change Is a 'Major Threat' to the United States
Only 27% Of Republicans Think Climate Change Is a 'Major Threat' to the United States: President Trump has called climate change a "Chinese hoax" designed "make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
Mass. Wants Temporary Freeze on NRC Ruling for Pilgrim Plant License Transfer - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Mass. Wants Temporary Freeze on NRC Ruling for Pilgrim Plant License Transfer - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Exclusive: First big U.S. offshore wind project hits snag due to fishing-industry concerns
Exclusive: First big U.S. offshore wind project hits snag due to fishing-industry concerns
Senate committee unanimously approves $1 billion for EV, natural gas and hydrogen fuel infrastructure
Senate committee unanimously approves $1 billion for EV, natural gas and hydrogen fuel infrastructure
NextEra inks 700 MW wind + solar + battery project, largest in the US
NextEra inks 700 MW wind + solar + battery project, largest in the US
US-Russia arms control treaty dies; US to test new weapon - The Boston Globe
US-Russia arms control treaty dies; US to test new weapon - The Boston Globe: The United States plans to test a new missile in coming weeks that would have been prohibited under a landmark, 32-year-old arms control treaty that the United States and Russia ripped up on Friday.
For Kennedy grandchildren, family name is a burden and a blessing - The Boston Globe
For Kennedy grandchildren, family name is a burden and a blessing - The Boston Globe: Two generations removed from the glow of the Kennedy White House, the Kennedy family now includes more than 30 grandchildren who still find their lives — both their accomplishments and missteps — breathlessly tracked by a public fascinated by the descendants of “Camelot.”
Trump Hired Robert Lighthizer to Win a Trade War. He Lost. – Foreign Policy
Trump Hired Robert Lighthizer to Win a Trade War. He Lost. – Foreign Policy: The Trump administration’s obsession with trade threats, tariffs, and bullying both allies and rivals into submission was based on an ambitious theory. It turned out…
Friday, August 2, 2019
Trump falls on sword for Putin’s treaty violation - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Trump falls on sword for Putin’s treaty violation - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Russia’s violation aside, Trump’s response—to pull out of the treaty—makes the United States needlessly complicit in its demise and frees Russia from both the responsibility and pressure to return to compliance.
Poland and UK blame Russia for nuclear treaty collapse - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post
Poland and UK blame Russia for nuclear treaty collapse - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post: Poland's foreign ministry said on Friday that Russia bears full responsibility for the collapse of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), after the United States formally withdrew from the landmark 1987 pact.
Gorbachev says US decision to quit INF will result in ‘chaos’ — RT World News
Gorbachev says US decision to quit INF will result in ‘chaos’ — RT World News: Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has lamented the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which he once signed with US counterpart Ronald Reagan, saying it would undermine international security.
“Nuclear Advocacy through Grassroots Education” “Using Yucca Mountain to Jump Start Nevada in the Energy Business”
US Nuclear Energy Foundation
“Nuclear Advocacy through Grassroots Education”
A Non-Profit 501 (C)(3) Nevada Foundation
PO Box 2867, Sparks, NV 89432 (775) 224-2089 www.usnuclearenergy.org Email comments@usnuclearenergy.org
Op-ed 08-02-19
Gary J. Duarte, Director, USNEF 775 224-2089
“Using Yucca Mountain to
Jump Start Nevada in the Energy Business”
The energy business in the United States is a $1.2 Trillion enterprise. With the popular trend to all- electric and carbon-free energy, Nevada is in the catbird seat to capitalize on this opportunity. So, Yucca Mountain is dead as far as being a “dump”. Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is more valuable than gold, but Nevada does not seem to realize that. It is energy ready to recycle. I think you can see that if we capture only 5% of the energy business, we benefit at $60 Billion per year. Follow the logic, and a new approach can be quickly imagined. Read about this at http://www.usnuclearenergy.org/PDF-Documents/2019-NEW-PREMISE-FOR-YUCCA- MOUNTAIN.pdf.
Just to give you a preview, the entire program starts with recycling SNF. That’s right, recycling is the original method the nuclear industry in the United States planned to deal with used nuclear fuel. Through a series of political disasters, the responsibility was taken from the nuclear industry and vested in the US Government. That single disaster and has cost our taxpayers around $18 billion dollars and is costing $2.2 million per day to store SNF on reactor sites. It is time to cut our losses, build a high-tech business base for Nevada, and help our country move into a carbon-free future that has some possibilities. Nevada can lead the way if our leaders can grasp this concept quickly. Other States are looking at this and saying: “What’s not to like”?
If you recycle SNF, you can separate out the 3% of the fuel that makes SNF dangerous. The rest can be used as fuel in next-generation reactors. In return, a $5 billion per year revenue stream can be attained in about 5 years. It could include a Carbon-Free National Laboratory for tech transfer, next-generation nuclear fuel production, generation IV Small Modular Reactor research, military reactor applied research, and micro-grid development. All here in the Silver State. The best thing is that the business will become self-sufficient through private enterprise industry partners who are already blazing the trail in the next-generation energy business. Nevada has been given the first right of refusal and, so far, our leadership is rejecting all of this. “We the people” can help.
If the public does not engage in this issue, Nevada will be passed by. At this point, the first State to consent to accept SNF will get all these goodies for the asking. Why shouldn’t Nevada be that State? How many States can stay viable by passing up this amount of business diversity and economic gain?
Gary J. Duarte, Director, US Nuclear Energy Foundation
Steven Curtis, President, Alphatech, Inc.
The US. Nuclear Energy Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accurate information on nuclear technology. USNEF has the goal of mobilizing citizens in Nevada and across the U.S. to design and build new "4th generation advanced reactors, Small Modular Reactors, (SMRs) the Yucca Mountain Repository and spent fuel reprocessing technology as science advances its economics".
“Nuclear Advocacy through Grassroots Education”
A Non-Profit 501 (C)(3) Nevada Foundation
PO Box 2867, Sparks, NV 89432 (775) 224-2089 www.usnuclearenergy.org Email comments@usnuclearenergy.org
Op-ed 08-02-19
Gary J. Duarte, Director, USNEF 775 224-2089
“Using Yucca Mountain to
Jump Start Nevada in the Energy Business”
The energy business in the United States is a $1.2 Trillion enterprise. With the popular trend to all- electric and carbon-free energy, Nevada is in the catbird seat to capitalize on this opportunity. So, Yucca Mountain is dead as far as being a “dump”. Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is more valuable than gold, but Nevada does not seem to realize that. It is energy ready to recycle. I think you can see that if we capture only 5% of the energy business, we benefit at $60 Billion per year. Follow the logic, and a new approach can be quickly imagined. Read about this at http://www.usnuclearenergy.org/PDF-Documents/2019-NEW-PREMISE-FOR-YUCCA- MOUNTAIN.pdf.
Just to give you a preview, the entire program starts with recycling SNF. That’s right, recycling is the original method the nuclear industry in the United States planned to deal with used nuclear fuel. Through a series of political disasters, the responsibility was taken from the nuclear industry and vested in the US Government. That single disaster and has cost our taxpayers around $18 billion dollars and is costing $2.2 million per day to store SNF on reactor sites. It is time to cut our losses, build a high-tech business base for Nevada, and help our country move into a carbon-free future that has some possibilities. Nevada can lead the way if our leaders can grasp this concept quickly. Other States are looking at this and saying: “What’s not to like”?
If you recycle SNF, you can separate out the 3% of the fuel that makes SNF dangerous. The rest can be used as fuel in next-generation reactors. In return, a $5 billion per year revenue stream can be attained in about 5 years. It could include a Carbon-Free National Laboratory for tech transfer, next-generation nuclear fuel production, generation IV Small Modular Reactor research, military reactor applied research, and micro-grid development. All here in the Silver State. The best thing is that the business will become self-sufficient through private enterprise industry partners who are already blazing the trail in the next-generation energy business. Nevada has been given the first right of refusal and, so far, our leadership is rejecting all of this. “We the people” can help.
If the public does not engage in this issue, Nevada will be passed by. At this point, the first State to consent to accept SNF will get all these goodies for the asking. Why shouldn’t Nevada be that State? How many States can stay viable by passing up this amount of business diversity and economic gain?
Gary J. Duarte, Director, US Nuclear Energy Foundation
Steven Curtis, President, Alphatech, Inc.
The US. Nuclear Energy Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accurate information on nuclear technology. USNEF has the goal of mobilizing citizens in Nevada and across the U.S. to design and build new "4th generation advanced reactors, Small Modular Reactors, (SMRs) the Yucca Mountain Repository and spent fuel reprocessing technology as science advances its economics".
ANS Environmental Degradation Meeting
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Register online and save
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Join colleagues from around the world later this month at the 19th
International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in
Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactor. The meeting takes place August
18-22 at the Seaport Boston Hotel.
Register and reserve your hotel room before it's too late. ANS members save $200. Not a member? Join today.
This international meeting provides a unique forum for exchanging
ideas and problem-solving remedies in water-cooled nuclear power plants
of today and of the future.
Topics covered include:
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FAS Roundup
Metering, Billing, And Collection: Improving Discom Performance Across North India | The Energy Collective Daily
Metering, Billing, And Collection: Improving Discom Performance Across North India | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Metering, Billing, And Collection: Improving Discom Performance Across North India
- That’s What She Said: Energy News for the Week of August 2 in GIFs from The Office
- Visualizing Permian Oil & Gas Production (Through April 2019)
- Ohio Stumbles Toward the Past on Energy Policy
- Massachusetts electric vehicle rebates would be revived under climate bill
- Carbon Farming Could Sequester Billions of Tonnes of CO2, with U.S. Pilot Project as One First Step
- A Culture of Communication: Emergency Response in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Incident Response in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry: It’s All About Communications
- 3 of the Best Ethical Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
- Where Salt and Freshwater Meet There is Power
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News: The establishment of an organisation responsible for the construction and operation of Ghana's first nuclear power plant has been approved by the country's cabinet, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia said this week.
Tohoku submits decommissioning plan for Onagawa 1 - World Nuclear News
Tohoku submits decommissioning plan for Onagawa 1 - World Nuclear News: Tohoku Electric Power Company has applied to Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority for approval of its decommissioning plan for unit 1 of the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture. The company announced in October 2018 its decision to scrap the unit as it said required safety upgrades would be too expensive and time-consuming.
Australian parliament to launch nuclear energy inquiry - World Nuclear News
Australian parliament to launch nuclear energy inquiry - World Nuclear News: Australia's Energy Minister Angus Taylor has asked the House Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy to investigate the nuclear fuel cycle, Committee Chairman Ted O'Brien announced today.
Small checks over abandoned nuclear plants are in the mail | WCIV
Small checks over abandoned nuclear plants are in the mail | WCIV: A South Carolina private utility is sending out small checks to customers who paid for their share of more than $2 billion for two nuclear reactors that were abandoned without ever producing power. Dominion Energy South Carolina said it is sending the first checks as part of a legal settlement on Thursday — a day after the second anniversary of the decision to stop construction at the V. C. Summer site.
More Delays Likely for Vogtle Nuclear Plant, Georgia Regulator Says | Greentech Media
More Delays Likely for Vogtle Nuclear Plant, Georgia Regulator Says | Greentech Media: Fast-tracking completion of the troubled nuclear project could cause other problems, a report found.
Measure promotes nuclear viability, safety - Daily Energy Insider
Measure promotes nuclear viability, safety - Daily Energy Insider: Sens. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Martha McSally (R- AZ) are considering legislation proposing efforts to focus upon the sustainability, safety, and viability of nuclear power.© Shutterstock The Nuclear Energy Renewal Act would facilitate improvements in ... Read More »
Entergy nuclear plant shut down to fix emergency system weld - SFChronicle.com
Entergy nuclear plant shut down to fix emergency system weld - SFChronicle.com: KILLONA, La. (AP) — Entergy has temporarily shut down a nuclear power plant in Louisiana to fix a pipe weld in an emergency system. Entergy nuclear spokesman Mike Bowling says the likely length of the shutdown is "business-sensitive," so he can't talk about it. He says the utility has plans to provide all the power needed during the hot summer. According to Entergy's website, Waterford 3 produces more than 1,100 megawatts of electricity and about 10 percent of Louisiana's needs. It's in Killona, about 21.5 miles (35 kilometers) west of New Orleans. Bowling says the weld's in a system to slow reactions if a quick shutdown is needed. He says crews have been monitoring the weld, and it's at the point where technical specifications require repair. He says the plant was shut down Thursday.
Scrapping of Fukushima No. 2 nuclear plant a chance to boost reconstruction - The Japan News
Scrapping of Fukushima No. 2 nuclear plant a chance to boost reconstruction - The Japan News: All the nuclear power plants that had operated in Fukushima Prefecture will be decommissioned. This should mark the end of one chapter and promote progress in the area’s reconstruction from the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News: The establishment of an organisation responsible for the construction and operation of Ghana's first nuclear power plant has been approved by the country's cabinet, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia said this week.
‘What IF Nuclear Innovation Could Save the World?’ - Purdue University News
‘What IF Nuclear Innovation Could Save the World?’ - Purdue University News: What role can nuclear power play in getting humans to Mars or eliminating climate change? Not to mention its increasing role in medicine and safety and security.
Regulatory Expert Certrec Participating in 26th Annual ANS Utility Working Conference August 4-7
Regulatory Expert Certrec Participating in 26th Annual ANS Utility Working Conference August 4-7: Fort Worth, Texas (PRWEB) August 02, 2019 -- Certrec, a leading technology and regulatory service provider for NRC and NERC compliance, announced today its
Daily on Energy: CEO says small nuclear reactors will help decarbonize the country
Daily on Energy: CEO says small nuclear reactors will help decarbonize the country: Subscribe today to the Washington Examiner magazine and get Washington Briefing: politics and policy stories that will keep you up to date with what's going on in Washington. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Just $1.00 an issue!
Think closing power plants is less risky than opening them? That's a mistake | Utility Dive
Think closing power plants is less risky than opening them? That's a mistake | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
Thomas Edison State receives $341K to support nuclear studies students - NJBIZ
Thomas Edison State receives $341K to support nuclear studies students - NJBIZ: TESU received scholarship from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for qualifying students pursing nuclear power, safety or related tech and engineering.
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News
Ghana vice president confirms nuclear commitment - World Nuclear News: The establishment of an organisation responsible for the construction and operation of Ghana's first nuclear power plant has been approved by the country's cabinet, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia said this week.
Nuclear materials packaging makes transportation, storage safe and secure
Nuclear materials packaging makes transportation, storage safe and secure: University of Nevada, Reno hosts international summer session for nuclear packaging certificate
China approves first new nuclear reactors in 3-plus years - Nikkei Asian Review
China approves first new nuclear reactors in 3-plus years - Nikkei Asian Review: BEIJING -- China has given new nuclear reactors the green light for the first time in three and a half years as it looks to spur economic activity and
How Nuclear Hybrids Could Redefine the Industry's Future
How Nuclear Hybrids Could Redefine the Industry's Future: The world’s nuclear sector is struggling to stay economically afloat amid a deluge of renewables and natural gas power, and reinvigorating it will require operational flexibility from new or existing
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill: A bipartisan pair of senators unveiled nuclear energy legislation Wednesday, describing it as a serious and pragmatic approach to tackle climate change.
Small checks over abandoned nuclear plants are in the mail
Small checks over abandoned nuclear plants are in the mail: COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina private utility is sending out small checks to customers who paid for their share of more than $2 billion for two nuclear reactors that were abandoned...
Nuclear weapons security agency moving apps to cloud -- FCW
Nuclear weapons security agency moving apps to cloud -- FCW: The National Nuclear Security Administration tells Congress it has more ideas for hybrid cloud platforms on its secure enterprise network.
Exelon could shut plants, take other actions to address US power market challenges: execs
Exelon could shut plants, take other actions to address US power market challenges: execs
US-Russia arms control treaty dies; US to test new weapon
US-Russia arms control treaty dies; US to test new weapon: WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States plans to test a new missile in coming weeks that would have been prohibited under a landmark, 32-year-old arms control treaty that the U.S. and Russia ripped up...
Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition' | Environment | The Guardian
Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition' | Environment | The Guardian: Redirecting small portion of subsidies would unleash clean energy revolution, says report
Why Consumers Aren't Buying Electric Cars | naked capitalism
Why Consumers Aren't Buying Electric Cars | naked capitalism: Press and affluenza enthusiasm for electric vehicles is ahead of mass consumer appetite.
Push to Save Struggling Nuclear Reactors Returns to Illinois
Push to Save Struggling Nuclear Reactors Returns to Illinois: Chris Crane says three Exelon plants here are “financially challenged” and that the company is working with lawmakers to ensure nuclear power is included in clean-energy legislation.
UN Chief Warns: World Will Lose Brake on Nuclear War With Treaty End | Asharq AL-awsat
UN Chief Warns: World Will Lose Brake on Nuclear War With Treaty End | Asharq AL-awsat: Middle-East Arab News and Opinion - Asharq Al-Awsat is the world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, printed simultaneously each day on four continents in 14 cities
Fission to fusion: capital is flowing to the new frontier in nuclear technology | GreenBiz
Fission to fusion: capital is flowing to the new frontier in nuclear technology | GreenBiz: What is private capital doing to move fusion energy from a promising idea to a commercial reality?
Indian science has landmark moment at ITER, a global effort to create first-ever nuclear fusion device - Firstpost
Indian science has landmark moment at ITER, a global effort to create first-ever nuclear fusion device - Firstpost: ITER is a 35-country-effort to build the world’s first nuclear fusion device that, if all goes well, will be capable of producing electricity for our commercial purposes by 2045. Nine per cent of the $25 billion worth project is being borne by India as an 'in kind' contribution; 23 July 2019 marked a celebration of this contribution
China approves first new nuclear reactors in 3-plus years - Nikkei Asian Review
China approves first new nuclear reactors in 3-plus years - Nikkei Asian Review: BEIJING -- China has given new nuclear reactors the green light for the first time in three and a half years as it looks to spur economic activity and
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill: A bipartisan pair of senators unveiled nuclear energy legislation Wednesday, describing it as a serious and pragmatic approach to tackle climate change.
‘What IF Nuclear Innovation Could Save the World?’ - Purdue University News
‘What IF Nuclear Innovation Could Save the World?’ - Purdue University News: What role can nuclear power play in getting humans to Mars or eliminating climate change? Not to mention its increasing role in medicine and safety and security.
Nuclear Goes Retro – With a Much Greener Outlook
Nuclear Goes Retro – With a Much Greener Outlook: Returning to designs abandoned in the 1970s, start-ups are developing a new kind of reactor that promises to be much safer and cleaner than current ones.
Editorial: Vogtle remains vital to area - Opinion - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA
Editorial: Vogtle remains vital to area - Opinion - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA: The Plant Vogtle nuclear project has problems to address and challenges to face.No one needed a report as a reminder of that. But a report released this week drilled down to details, and Georgia’s utility ratepayers need to know, because odds are you’re paying for a piece of this project through your electric bill..That need to know is part of why the Georgia Public Service Commission retains an advocacy staff - and wouldn’t it be a splendid idea for more government
Record industry attendance at Nuclear Decommissioning and Used Fuel Strategy Summit
I’m Commercial Director here at Nuclear Energy Insider. I work
closely with our Head of Sector Charlotte Howlett helping to drive the
sponsorship and partnerships side of the business.
We thought it made sense to share an update with you around the Nuclear Decommissioning & Used Fuel Strategy Summit (30 Sept-1 October, Charlotte NC) since we’ve just hit a record number of attendees (450 attendees, 40% utilities and over 40 sponsors) joining us in Charlotte NC. This makes it our biggest ever event, and the largest gathering of commercial/ strategic decommissioning and used fuel industry folks anywhere in North America.
We’re working closely with some of the leading companies in the space such as Energy Solutions, Orano, NAC International, Exelon, Duke Energy & SCE to drive business development opportunities in the sector.
The exhibition is very nearly sold out with just a few booths remaining, and we still have a few other ways for you and the Kearney Associates team to get involved in the event too, including thought-leadership and branding options.
You’ve likely heard from some of my business development colleagues over the last few months. I wanted to reach out personally to explore what role could make sense for Kearney Associates.
Please find more information about the event and the sponsorship and exhibition opportunities here.
Are you available next Tuesday around 9am EST for a quick call?
Best regards,
Elizabeth Demestiha
Commercial Director | Nuclear Energy InsiderDD: +44 (0) 207 375 7503
US Toll Free: 1855 3727 500 EXT: 7503
We thought it made sense to share an update with you around the Nuclear Decommissioning & Used Fuel Strategy Summit (30 Sept-1 October, Charlotte NC) since we’ve just hit a record number of attendees (450 attendees, 40% utilities and over 40 sponsors) joining us in Charlotte NC. This makes it our biggest ever event, and the largest gathering of commercial/ strategic decommissioning and used fuel industry folks anywhere in North America.
We’re working closely with some of the leading companies in the space such as Energy Solutions, Orano, NAC International, Exelon, Duke Energy & SCE to drive business development opportunities in the sector.
The exhibition is very nearly sold out with just a few booths remaining, and we still have a few other ways for you and the Kearney Associates team to get involved in the event too, including thought-leadership and branding options.
You’ve likely heard from some of my business development colleagues over the last few months. I wanted to reach out personally to explore what role could make sense for Kearney Associates.
Please find more information about the event and the sponsorship and exhibition opportunities here.
Are you available next Tuesday around 9am EST for a quick call?
Best regards,
Elizabeth Demestiha
Commercial Director | Nuclear Energy InsiderDD: +44 (0) 207 375 7503
US Toll Free: 1855 3727 500 EXT: 7503
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Fukushima Update August 1, 2019
Fukushima Update August 1, 2019 –
The Tepco board of directors approves
scrapping Fukushima Daini… Fukushima’s governor has made acceptance of Tepco’s
decision official… The original off-site
emergency center for F. Daiichi will be demolished next year.
Mars 2020 rover gets radioisotope fuel - World Nuclear News
Mars 2020 rover gets radioisotope fuel - World Nuclear News: Fuelling of a radioisotope-based power system for NASA's Mars 2020 rover has begun. The Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator - or MMRTG - uses heat from the natural radioactive decay of plutonium-238 to generate electricity as well as maintaining the rover's systems at the proper operating temperatures.
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill: A bipartisan pair of senators unveiled nuclear energy legislation Wednesday, describing it as a serious and pragmatic approach to tackle climate change.
GE Renewables notches $184M Q2 loss, despite strong revenue growth | Utility Dive
GE Renewables notches $184M Q2 loss, despite strong revenue growth | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
PG&E Says Dividends, Political Payments Are Necessary - Law360
PG&E Says Dividends, Political Payments Are Necessary - Law360: Embattled utility Pacific Gas & Electric Co. defended payouts to investors and politicians on Wednesday, saying it needs to offer stable dividends to bring in operating money and that political contributions are needed to make sure that its customers' concerns are addressed on a government level.
PG&E Doesn’t Agree That Maintenance Played Role in Deadly Camp Fire
PG&E Doesn’t Agree That Maintenance Played Role in Deadly Camp Fire: PG&E Corp. said in court papers on Wednesday that it "strongly disagrees" with a suggestion in a Wall Street Journal article that the company
PG&E tells court deferred maintenance did not play a role in sparking wildfires | Utility Dive
PG&E tells court deferred maintenance did not play a role in sparking wildfires | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
PG&E’s $2 billion rate increase gets no support at Santa Rosa public hearing
PG&E’s $2 billion rate increase gets no support at Santa Rosa public hearing: Critics said many people can’t afford a $10-a-month rate increase and others said the bankrupt utility was untrustworthy.
PG&E pushes back on Wall Street Journal investigation - SFChronicle.com
PG&E pushes back on Wall Street Journal investigation - SFChronicle.com: PG&E “strongly disagrees” with the paper’s suggestion that company officials “knew of the specific maintenance conditions that caused the Camp Fire and nonetheless deferred work that would have addressed those conditions,” attorneys for the company said.
PG&E rebuts WSJ story that linked power line upgrade delays to Camp fire - Los Angeles Times
PG&E rebuts WSJ story that linked power line upgrade delays to Camp fire - Los Angeles Times: PG&E told a judge it “strongly disagrees” with the story suggesting that it knew its equipment near the fire's ignition point badly needed upgrades but deferred maintenance.
Partnerships key to nuclear growth, says GE Steam Power CEO - World Nuclear News
Partnerships key to nuclear growth, says GE Steam Power CEO - World Nuclear News: GE Steam Power expects "stable demand" for nuclear power generation over the next 10 years as "the only powerful source of electricity without carbon dioxide emissions", its CEO, Michael Keroullé, said in an interview this week with Strana Rosatom, the newspaper of the Russian state nuclear corporation.
Nuclear plant law may fuel 2020 ballot fight | Toledo Blade
Nuclear plant law may fuel 2020 ballot fight | Toledo Blade: COLUMBUS — Both sides agree that Ohio’s new energy law is a “bailout,” but a fight may lie before voters over who’s being bailed out.
Gov. Mike DeWine ...
Gov. Mike DeWine ...
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill
Nuclear power would get support in bipartisan Senate bill: A bipartisan pair of senators unveiled nuclear energy legislation Wednesday, describing it as a serious and pragmatic approach to tackle climate change.
FirstEnergy's Perry Nuclear Power Plant had an Emergency Shutdown Saturday, Still Not in Operation | Scene and Heard: Scene's News Blog
FirstEnergy's Perry Nuclear Power Plant had an Emergency Shutdown Saturday, Still Not in Operation | Scene and Heard: Scene's News Blog: The nuclear power plant in Perry, Ohio, operated by the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC), had an emergency shutdown Saturday evening. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's...
PG&E disputes Wall Street Journal report it ignored 'warning signs' surrounding devastating Camp Fire
PG&E disputes Wall Street Journal report it ignored 'warning signs' surrounding devastating Camp Fire: PG&E is disputing a report that it ignored warning signs before the devastating Camp Fire but admits it needs to do more to prevent another one.
PG&E Makes Thousands of Repairs After Inspections - WSJ
PG&E Makes Thousands of Repairs After Inspections - WSJ: California utility PG&E said it is working to fix nearly 10,000 problems it discovered throughout its electrical system as it steps up efforts to prevent its equipment from sparking more wildfires.
PG&E Denies Neglect of High-Voltage Lines in Response to Journal Article - WSJ
PG&E Denies Neglect of High-Voltage Lines in Response to Journal Article - WSJ: While PG&E acknowledged the findings of a Wall Street Journal article that said it knew for years that its aging power lines could fail and spark wildfires, it disputed the article’s suggestion that it had neglected maintenance.
PG&E Defends Spending on Investors, Politicians as Fires Sparked
PG&E Defends Spending on Investors, Politicians as Fires Sparked: Embattled utility Pacific Gas and Electric on Wednesday defended paying billions of dollars to shareholders and millions more on political campaigns while it failed to correct problems that sparked…
Pg&E Tells Judge It 'Strongly Disagrees' With Implication It Knowingly Failed To Repair Cause Of Camp Fire - SFGate
Pg&E Tells Judge It 'Strongly Disagrees' With Implication It Knowingly Failed To Repair Cause Of Camp Fire - SFGate: SAN FRANCISCO (BCN)
PG&E Co. told a federal judge in San Francisco on Wednesday that it denies a Wall Street Journal article's implication that it knowingly delayed repairing the transmission line maintenance problem that caused last year's deadly Camp Fire.
"PG&E strongly disagrees with the Wall Street Journal article's suggestion that PG&E knew of the specific maintenance conditions that caused the Camp Fire and nonetheless deferred work that would have addressed those conditions," the utility said in a court filing.
The filing was an answer to a July 10 order by U.S. District Judge William Alsup requiring PG&E to respond "paragraph by paragraph" to a 46-paragraph journal article in February that was entitled "PG&E Knew for Years Its Lines Could Spark Wildfires, and Didn't Fix Them."
PG&E admitted to a number of the article's allegations, including that it knew parts of its transmission system were aging and that an equipment failure caused the Camp Fire of Nov. 8, 2018. The blaze killed 85 people, burned more than 150,000 acres and destroyed most of the city of Paradise in Butte County.
The cause was the failure of a steel suspension hook on a nearly 100-year-old
PG&E Co. told a federal judge in San Francisco on Wednesday that it denies a Wall Street Journal article's implication that it knowingly delayed repairing the transmission line maintenance problem that caused last year's deadly Camp Fire.
"PG&E strongly disagrees with the Wall Street Journal article's suggestion that PG&E knew of the specific maintenance conditions that caused the Camp Fire and nonetheless deferred work that would have addressed those conditions," the utility said in a court filing.
The filing was an answer to a July 10 order by U.S. District Judge William Alsup requiring PG&E to respond "paragraph by paragraph" to a 46-paragraph journal article in February that was entitled "PG&E Knew for Years Its Lines Could Spark Wildfires, and Didn't Fix Them."
PG&E admitted to a number of the article's allegations, including that it knew parts of its transmission system were aging and that an equipment failure caused the Camp Fire of Nov. 8, 2018. The blaze killed 85 people, burned more than 150,000 acres and destroyed most of the city of Paradise in Butte County.
The cause was the failure of a steel suspension hook on a nearly 100-year-old
PG&E Rejects Report on Power Line Wildfire Threat | FOX40
PG&E Rejects Report on Power Line Wildfire Threat | FOX40: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Pacific Gas & Electric told a federal judge it "strongly disagrees" with a Wall Street Journal story that said the utility knew its aging power lines posed a wildfire threat but avoided replacing or repairing them. PG&E Corp.
PG&E: Last-Minute Inspections Missed Tower That Sparked Camp Fire - NBC Bay Area
PG&E: Last-Minute Inspections Missed Tower That Sparked Camp Fire - NBC Bay Area: PG&E revealed in a federal court filing Wednesday that it conducted last-minute climbing inspections on the line blamed for the massive Camp fire, but did not target the aging tower that is blamed for sparking...
PG&E Disputes WSJ Report It Delayed Upgrades on Aging Lines - NBC Bay Area
PG&E Disputes WSJ Report It Delayed Upgrades on Aging Lines - NBC Bay Area: Pacific Gas and Electric told a federal judge Wednesday that it “strongly disagrees” with a Wall Street Journal story that concluded it delayed upgrades on aging high voltage transmission lines that the...
Nuclear power in South Korea: Past, present and future
Nuclear power in South Korea: Past, present and future: A look into South Korea’s history, present and future with nuclear power, a sector that faces an uncertain future under current President Moon Jae-in.
Move Over, Energizer Bunny! NASA's Mars 2020 Rover Just Got Its Nuclear Battery | Space
Move Over, Energizer Bunny! NASA's Mars 2020 Rover Just Got Its Nuclear Battery | Space: NASA's next spacecraft on the Red Planet, Mars 2020, is getting a nuclear battery to do science on the Red Planet.
What should we do with radioactive nuclear waste? | Environment | The Guardian
What should we do with radioactive nuclear waste? | Environment | The Guardian: The race is on to develop strategies for storing the most dangerous materials on Earth
Is A Solution Possible For The U.S. Nuclear Waste Impasse?
Is A Solution Possible For The U.S. Nuclear Waste Impasse?: Little has been accomplished in 60 years to address the toxic mess created by nuclear power.
GAO Releases Cybersecurity Risk Management Report | Morgan Lewis - JDSupra
GAO Releases Cybersecurity Risk Management Report | Morgan Lewis - JDSupra: On July 25, 2019, the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) released GAO-19-384, a report to congressional requesters analyzing the cybersecurity risk management of 23...
Countdown to Shutdown: Environmental, safety concerns swirl over
Countdown to Shutdown: Environmental, safety concerns swirl over: Indian Point nuclear power plant is set to shut down in less than two years, causing major economic and environmental concerns in the surrounding community.
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