Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Japan funds projects to clean up Fukushima - November 11, 2011
Japan funds projects to clean up Fukushima - November 11, 2011
IEA Official: Environmentalists 'Smoking Dope'
IEA Official: Environmentalists 'Smoking Dope'
from RealClearReligion - Homepage by Peter O’Neil, FinPost
Peter O’Neil, FinPost
Environmentalists who believe a massive global investment in renewable energy is the answer to future demands are "smoking dope," says the deputy executive director of the International Energy Agency.
Environmentalists who believe a massive global investment in renewable energy is the answer to future demands are "smoking dope," says the deputy executive director of the International Energy Agency.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill: New approach to assessing impacts of ecological damage
Deepwater Horizon oil spill: New approach to assessing impacts of ecological damage
The magnitude and depth of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will require an unprecedented effort to determine the extent and severity of ecological damage and to develop restoration plans for affected areas in the Gulf of Mexico, says a new report. A broad approach that focuses on repairing ecosystem processes -- such as fisheries production -- in addition to replacing natural resources damaged by the spill could offer more options for restoring the Gulf region, says the congressionally mandated report.
INPO Compiles Timeline of Fukushima Events After Japan Earthquake, Tsunami
INPO Compiles Timeline of Fukushima Events After Japan Earthquake, Tsunami
from NEI News Releases
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations has compiled a detailed timeline of events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The detailed report, prepared as part of the integrated response to the Japan events, was delivered today to U.S. industry executives, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and members of Congress.
“Three for the Future: Water, Food, Energy” from AREVA North America: Next Energy Blog by AREVA North America Blog
“Three for the Future: Water, Food, Energy”
from AREVA North America: Next Energy Blog by AREVA North America BlogDuring the World Energy Council, Jacques Besnainou, CEO of AREVA North America, spoke with Llewellyn King about Safety Lessons from Fukushima, Used Fuel Recycling in the U.S., AREVA’s activities in North America, and the Energy Future. His comments are posted to “The White House Chronicle” blog, along with Barry Worthington of the United States Energy Association, Karl Rose of the World Energy Council, and Joan Macnaughton from Alstom.
The full video is below; Mr. Besnainou’s comments run from 18:59 – 26:32.
ZD YouTube FLV Player
China to Iran: Work With IAEA
from The Diplomat by Jason Miks
IAEA Report on Iran
IAEA Report on Iran
from The Diplomat by The Diplomat
IEA Report Calls for Governments to Embrace Nuclear Power
IEA Report Calls for Governments to Embrace Nuclear Power
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by admin@namecake.com (John Daly)
The good news is that on 8 November the International Energy Agency released its 2011 “World Energy Outlook.”
While it will cheer nuclear advocates, overall the report makes for grim reading.
Pulling no punches, the report states at the outset, “There are few signs that the urgently needed change in direction in global energy trends is underway.”
Stripped of its cautious language, the IEA report essentially noted that should present trends continue, the world’s governments through a lack of progressive initiative embracing alternative energy sources would continue to rely on ‘tried and true” fossil fuels, resulting in increased pollution, more fossil-fuel
While it will cheer nuclear advocates, overall the report makes for grim reading.
Pulling no punches, the report states at the outset, “There are few signs that the urgently needed change in direction in global energy trends is underway.”
Stripped of its cautious language, the IEA report essentially noted that should present trends continue, the world’s governments through a lack of progressive initiative embracing alternative energy sources would continue to rely on ‘tried and true” fossil fuels, resulting in increased pollution, more fossil-fuel
Japan to Tighten Radiation Exposure Standard for Minors
Japan to Tighten Radiation Exposure Standard for Minors
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Cash on the barrel head for nuclear energy
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Cash on the barrel head for nuclear energy
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Chu talks nuclear science with Russia
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Chu talks nuclear science with Russia
from Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes by noreply@blogger.com (Dan Yurman)
It's about doing nuclear R&D with a former cold war adversary
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
NRC Approves Restart of North Anna Reactors
NRC Approves Restart of North Anna Reactors
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works!
Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works!
from ANS Nuclear Cafe by rmichal
By Suzy Hobbs Baker
IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Status Report
IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Status Report
The IAEA issues its latest status report on the situation in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, including information on environmental radiation monitoring, the status of workers and current conditions on-site at the plant.Dominion Plans Virginia Reactors at Full Power in 10 Days - Businessweek
Dominion Plans Virginia Reactors at Full Power in 10 Days - Businessweek
Where the nukes are: Map shows nuclear material spread across United States
Where the nukes are: Map shows nuclear material spread across United States
Germany to Resume Search for Nuclear Waste Site, Minister Says
Germany to Resume Search for Nuclear Waste Site, Minister Says
A Gold Rush of Subsidies in the Search for Clean Energy
A Gold Rush of Subsidies in the Search for Clean Energy
Friday, November 11, 2011
New sonar maps show East Coast at risk of tsunamis, too
New sonar maps show East Coast at risk of tsunamis, too
Ongoing 5-year investigation led by USGS was requested by nuclear regulatory agency
U.S. East Coast Tsunami Risk Investigated with Sonar
U.S. East Coast Tsunami Risk Investigated with Sonar
A sonar mapping cruise taken in June to the Baltimore, Washington and Norfolk Canyons and selected regions of the continental shelf revealed steep escarpments that probably pose no tsunami hazard
Wolf Creek tells nuclear regulators it’s making progress on safety, oversight
Wolf Creek tells nuclear regulators it’s making progress on safety, oversight
Fluor Agrees To Partner With GE Hitachi On Potential Finland Reactor
Fluor Agrees To Partner With GE Hitachi On Potential Finland Reactor
From NRC Blog: NRC OKs Restart of Dominion’s North Anna Nuclear Power Plant
U.S. NRC Blog | |
Breaking Our Oil Addiction Takes More Than Killing Keystone XL
By Geoffrey Styles, November 11, 2011
In an article in today's Washington Post an official of the National Wildlife Federation was quoted linking rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline with breaking our addiction to oil. Even with the administration apparently having delayed its decision on the project until 2013--quite possibly killing it--this point merits further exploration. Just how might we go about breaking that "addiction",... » Continue...
In an article in today's Washington Post an official of the National Wildlife Federation was quoted linking rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline with breaking our addiction to oil. Even with the administration apparently having delayed its decision on the project until 2013--quite possibly killing it--this point merits further exploration. Just how might we go about breaking that "addiction",... » Continue...
HANFORD: DOE and URS sued by whistleblower Tamosaitis in federal court
Modified Wed, Nov 09, 2011 03:55 PM
HANFORD: DOE and URS sued by whistleblower Tamosaitis in federal court
Solyndra: Energy Department failed to sound alarm as solar company sank
Solyndra: Energy Department failed to sound alarm as solar company sank
No. 11-212 | November 11, 2011 |
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, after careful analysis of inspection findings and related information, has concluded Dominion Generation’s North Anna Unit 1 and 2 reactors can be restarted. The North Anna reactors, in Louisa, Va., have been shut down since Aug. 23, when a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred about 11 miles from the plant.
“The earthquake shook the reactors more strongly than the plant’s design anticipated, so Dominion had to prove to us that the quake caused no functional damage to the reactors’ safety systems,” said Eric Leeds, director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. “We’ve asked Dominion dozens of detailed questions, and our experts have examined Dominion’s answers as well as information from our own inspections. We’re satisfied the plant meets our requirements to restart safely, and we’ll monitor Dominion’s ongoing tests and inspections during startup of both reactors.”
The NRC issued Dominion a letter describing the staff’s review, which started with existing guidance for determining a reactor’s response to an earthquake. The staff used more recent experience, including insights learned from a reactor site in Japan damaged by a 2007 earthquake, in asking Dominion additional questions regarding proper examination of technical areas that included: piping systems, including buried segments; nuclear fuel assemblies; steam generators; pumps and valves; and emergency diesel generators.
The NRC’s independent actions included an Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) that examined the plant shortly after the quake, as well as a restart readiness inspection in mid-October. Both Dominion and NRC’s results showed only minor damage that did not affect North Anna’s safety systems. The NRC held public meetings near the plant on Oct. 3 regarding the AIT’s findings, and on Nov. 1 regarding the restart readiness inspection findings and the staff’s technical review.
The NRC also held a public meeting at the agency’s Rockville, Md., headquarters Sept. 8 regarding Dominion’s initial assessment. On Oct. 21 the staff briefed the Commission regarding the plant’s response to the earthquake.
The NRC has issued Dominion a separate letter documenting the company’s commitment to several additional quake-related actions, including:
• Updating North Anna’s Final Safety Analysis Report to incorporate information from the quake and subsequent analysis;
• Additional characterization of the fault responsible for the Aug. 23 quake, as well as any special ground motion effects at North Anna;
• Re-evaluating plant equipment (including an assessment of potential improvements) identified in earlier seismic reviews; • Developing any needed inspections or evaluations for components within the North Anna reactor vessels; and
• Permanently updating seismic monitoring equipment for the North Anna reactors and dry-cask spent fuel storage facility.
The staff’s letters to Dominion, as well as its technical evaluation, will be available on the NRC’s Virginia quake Web page.
INPO Publishes Fukushima Timeline
publication of INPO's official Fukushima timeline.
NEI's press release that accompanied the report can be found here:
A PDF copy of the timeline can be found here:
NEI recorded a video overview concerning the timeline with our CNO, Tony Pietrangelo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCM-uRrliPg
In addition, here are some previously published NEI documents related to Fukushima and industry's response to events in Japan:
The Way Forward
Responding to Fukushima: U.S. Nuclear Industry Commits to Action
7 Steps Industry Has Taken to Reconfirm Safety Preparedness at America’s Nuclear Energy Plants
Eric McErlain
Senior Manager
Web Communications
Nuclear Energy Institute
Why We Still Need Nuclear Power
Why We Still Need Nuclear Power
Ernest MonizThe world cannot let the March disaster at Japan's Fukushima power plant scare it into forgoing the benefits of nuclear energy -- a cheap, reliable, and safe source of electricity. Still, writes a former U.S. undersecretary of energy, the United States does need to update its safety standards and reform its handling of nuclear waste. Read
The IAEA's Iran Report: Assessment and Implications
The IAEA's Iran Report: Assessment and Implications
Penn Energy's This Week's Top Oil & Gas News
• Repsol makes its largest ever oil find
• PG&E agrees to $38 million fine for deadly Rancho Cordova explosion
• BP statement regarding sale of interest in Pan-American Energy to Bridas Corporation
• Fire on Nigerian pipeline affects Shell output
• Marathon Petroleum offers to buy out Detroit neighborhood
• Petrobras announces oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico
• Obama Administration introduces plan to open Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration
• Kinder Morgan announces plans to build new oil terminal on Houston Ship Channel
• NRC to hold pre-decisional enforcement conference with Roxar Flow Measurement, Inc. over subsea pipeline gauges
• FTTN explores new shale gas opportunities in Poland
• Federal on-scene coordinator approves Gulf Coast shoreline clean-up completion plan
• Platts: October petrochemical prices fell 9% on economic concerns
Thursday, November 10, 2011
IAEA Iran Report Unravels: Tainted Mossad Evidence Alleges Russian Scientist Aided Nuclear Weapons Research – OpEd
IAEA Iran Report Unravels: Tainted Mossad Evidence Alleges Russian Scientist Aided Nuclear Weapons Research – OpEd
Iran, Russia Likely to Agree on Increasing Bushehr N. Power Plant Reactors
Iran, Russia Likely to Agree on Increasing Bushehr N. Power Plant Reactors
TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of Russia's state-controlled nuclear corporation (Rosatom) Sergei Kiriyenko announced on Thursday that Moscow is studying an Iranian proposal to build more reactors at the Bushehr nuclear power plant.
Workers Exposed to Plutonium Oxide During Decommissioning of Idaho Nuclear Reactor
Workers Exposed to Plutonium Oxide During Decommissioning of Idaho Nuclear Reactor
Reactor factor: Iran to grow more nuclear with Russia
Reactor factor: Iran to grow more nuclear with Russia
Indian nuclear-plants absolutely safe: Atomic panel chief
Indian nuclear-plants absolutely safe: Atomic panel chief
Hitachi eyes nuclear deal with Lithuania by end-2012
Hitachi eyes nuclear deal with Lithuania by end-2012
VILNIUS | Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:31am EST
VILNIUS Nov 10 (Reuters) - Lithuania and an alliance of Japanese Hitachi and U.S. General Electric hope to sign a deal by end-2012 on building a 1,300 megawatt nuclear plant by 2020, a partner said on Thursday
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Fluor Corporation Look to Expand European Collaboration to Reactor Project in Finland
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Fluor Corporation Look to Expand European Collaboration to Reactor Project in Finland
Under New MOU, GEH and Fluor Would Partner on Potential ESBWR Reactor Construction Project
Small War Journal News Roundup for Iran 11/10
Analyst: Few Options on Iran's Nuclear Aims - VOA
Western Powers Warn of New Sanctions if Iran Ignores Nuclear Concerns - VOA
West Seeks New Iran Sanctions Over Nuclear Report - Reuters
UN Report Spurs Israeli Call for Tougher Sanctions Against Iran - VOA
Israeli Rips Europe for Iran 'Appeasement' - WT
Russia Dismisses Calls for New U.N. Sanctions on Iran - NYT
Russia Rejects New Iran Sanctions - BBC
China Says Sanctions No 'Fundamental' Answer on Iran - Reuters
Options for Iran Oil Sanctions Face Economic Risks - AP
Iran Escalates Anti-US Rhetoric Over Nuclear Report - NYT
Iran's Top Leader Warns US, Israel Against Strike - AP
Iranians Fear Sanctions, Not War, After UN Report - Reuters
UK: Iran Nuclear Standoff Enters More Dangerous Phase - Reuters
Iran Marches On - WP editorial
Analyst: Few Options on Iran's Nuclear Aims - VOA
Western Powers Warn of New Sanctions if Iran Ignores Nuclear Concerns - VOA
West Seeks New Iran Sanctions Over Nuclear Report - Reuters
UN Report Spurs Israeli Call for Tougher Sanctions Against Iran - VOA
Israeli Rips Europe for Iran 'Appeasement' - WT
Russia Dismisses Calls for New U.N. Sanctions on Iran - NYT
Russia Rejects New Iran Sanctions - BBC
China Says Sanctions No 'Fundamental' Answer on Iran - Reuters
Options for Iran Oil Sanctions Face Economic Risks - AP
Iran Escalates Anti-US Rhetoric Over Nuclear Report - NYT
Iran's Top Leader Warns US, Israel Against Strike - AP
Iranians Fear Sanctions, Not War, After UN Report - Reuters
UK: Iran Nuclear Standoff Enters More Dangerous Phase - Reuters
Iran Marches On - WP editorial
Entergy Executive Represents Nuclear Perspective at Harvard Business School 2011 Energy Symposium
Entergy Executive Represents Nuclear Perspective at Harvard Business School 2011 Energy Symposium
Nuclear Waste Is Likely to Come Up at Next Debate By MATTHEW W. WALD
Nuclear Waste Is Likely to Come Up at Next Debate
By MATTHEW W. WALDFukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant
Fukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant
Fairewinds was retained by the AP1000 Oversight Group to evaluate the AP1000 design for flaws that are now evident as a result of the nuclear accidents at Fukushima. The NRC’s refusal to thoroughly examine these flaws is reminiscent of the Atomic Energy Commission’s refusal in 1972 to thoroughly examine the innate flaws in the GE Mark 1 containment systems that failed at Fukushima. The AP1000 Oversight Group is demanding that these design flaws be remedied prior to design certification, lest history repeat itself.
Watch Video Now
Fairewinds was retained by the AP1000 Oversight Group to evaluate the AP1000 design for flaws that are now evident as a result of the nuclear accidents at Fukushima. The NRC’s refusal to thoroughly examine these flaws is reminiscent of the Atomic Energy Commission’s refusal in 1972 to thoroughly examine the innate flaws in the GE Mark 1 containment systems that failed at Fukushima. The AP1000 Oversight Group is demanding that these design flaws be remedied prior to design certification, lest history repeat itself.
Watch Video Now
It's Carbon Tax Time!
By Marc Gunther, November 10, 2011
“I was a huge supporter of cap and trade,” said Wayne Leonard, the CEO of Entergy, a $11 billion utility company. “We developed enormously elegant solutions, but they couldn’t get done.” Taxing carbon emissions is the next best way to deal with the threat of global climate disruptions, he said, in part because it would give the energy industry a degree of certainty about how to deploy its capital... » Continue...
“I was a huge supporter of cap and trade,” said Wayne Leonard, the CEO of Entergy, a $11 billion utility company. “We developed enormously elegant solutions, but they couldn’t get done.” Taxing carbon emissions is the next best way to deal with the threat of global climate disruptions, he said, in part because it would give the energy industry a degree of certainty about how to deploy its capital... » Continue...
Live in Fukushima. Live with the World. 11.11.2011 Grass-roots Voices from Fukushima to the World!
Live in Fukushima. Live with the World.
Grass-roots Voices from Fukushima to the World!
Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works!
Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works!
By rmichal on Nov 10, 2011 01:00 amBy Suzy Hobbs Baker I originally wrote this post as a book review, but after three or four edits, I realized that I couldn’t mask my biased opinion about the new children’s book, Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant … Continue reading →
Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards - Interim Edition
Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards - Interim Edition
IAEA Safety Standards Series GSR Part 3 (Interim)
Available for download here: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/p1531interim_web.pdf
For copies in other languages, see here: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/p1531_startpage.pdf
Available for download here: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/p1531interim_web.pdf
For copies in other languages, see here: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/p1531_startpage.pdf
Is there enough land supply for power plant projects?
Is there enough land supply for power plant projects?
Financial Times Energy 11/10
FT.com - Energy |
Falling prices risk putting solar producers in the shade |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Tullow Oil cuts output targets |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
SSE and Shell announce carbon capture pilot |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Rothschild calls for clean-up at PT Bumi |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
US investigates imported Chinese solar cells |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
FT.com - Utilities |
SSE hit by gas costs and derivative losses |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Eon hurt by fallout of Berlin nuclear policy |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Energy watchdog warns on climate risk |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
FT.com - Mining |
Anglo cuts Codelco out of copper deal |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Striking Freeport workers reject 35% pay rise |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Nat's rep at risk as Bumi spat spills into open |
http://link.ft.com/r/LVA6WW/ |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
US climate study group gets big oil funds
US climate study group gets big oil funds
Washington (AFP) Nov 9, 2011 - A reputable US think-tank that sought solutions for climate change has lost most of its charitable donations and will now take funding from big oil and energy interests, it said Wednesday. Formerly known as the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions will be funded by Shell, General Electric, Bank of America and others. The changes came after The ... more
Washington (AFP) Nov 9, 2011 - A reputable US think-tank that sought solutions for climate change has lost most of its charitable donations and will now take funding from big oil and energy interests, it said Wednesday. Formerly known as the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions will be funded by Shell, General Electric, Bank of America and others. The changes came after The ... more
Related articles
- Enviro double-standard on funding: Exxon bad, Shell good (junkscience.com)
- Pew Climate Center fails; Rentseekers help form successor (junkscience.com)
- Jody Williams: It's Time for Obama to Say No to 'Big' Oil (huffingtonpost.com)
The High Cost of Freedom from Fossil Fuels
The High Cost of Freedom from Fossil Fuels
Posted by WALTER BRASCH, PH.D. in Business, Economy, Energy, Health, Science & Technology.
Nov 9th, 2011 | 10 responses
Nov 9th, 2011 | 10 responses
Tsunami, Meltdown, Yen Crisis: Could Things in Japan Get Any Worse?
Tsunami, Meltdown, Yen Crisis: Could Things in Japan Get Any Worse?
By Jordan Weissmann Nov 9 2011, 8:50 AM ET 2 Japan's economy has suffered one unfortunate turn after another. But there may also be greater forces at work than simple bad luck.
IEA Warns Of Nuclear Power Decline By 2035 Due To Fukushima
IEA Warns Of Nuclear Power Decline By 2035 Due To Fukushima
Nuclear Disaster Was of Our Own Making, Murakami Says
Nuclear Disaster Was of Our Own Making, Murakami Says
atomic power review Desalination of water at Fukushima Daiichi
atomic power review |
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 12:47 PM PST
Seventh in the series of TEPCO explanatory videos, the newest installment covers desalination of plant water at the Fukushima Daiichi site. Available now at the APR YouTube Channel; the new video is presently the featured video.APR YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK
Nuclear energy: A hotter topic than ever
Nuclear energy: A hotter topic than ever
By Mure Dickie and Clive Cookson
No Coal, No Oil, No Nuclear. No Biomass?
By Tomaz Ostir, November 9, 2011
This is [large-scale, industrial use of natural forests for energy] turning to ash sustainable job opportunities, threatening the greening of the forest sector and the value added product trend that has been emerging in recent years. And what is against of common understanding of biomass: Exploiting forests for energy increases carbon emissions and contributes to climate change for decades,... » Continue...
This is [large-scale, industrial use of natural forests for energy] turning to ash sustainable job opportunities, threatening the greening of the forest sector and the value added product trend that has been emerging in recent years. And what is against of common understanding of biomass: Exploiting forests for energy increases carbon emissions and contributes to climate change for decades,... » Continue...
How Shale Gas Will Rock Markets Like Walmart
By Marc Gunther, November 9, 2011
The breakthrough energy innovation of the 21st century is not thin-film solar, sophisticated wind turbines, advanced biofuels or small-scale nukes. It’s shale gas. So says Daniel Yergin, the energy guru and author of The Quest: Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World (Penguin, $35), who was interviewed today (Nov. by Walter Isaacson at the Aspen Institute in Washington.... » Continue...
The breakthrough energy innovation of the 21st century is not thin-film solar, sophisticated wind turbines, advanced biofuels or small-scale nukes. It’s shale gas. So says Daniel Yergin, the energy guru and author of The Quest: Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World (Penguin, $35), who was interviewed today (Nov. by Walter Isaacson at the Aspen Institute in Washington.... » Continue...
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko will lead a five- person NRC delegation to visit New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai in India, ...
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko will lead a five- person NRC delegation to visit New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai in India, ...
Ohio: Scientists Sound Alarm on Nuclear Plant
Ohio: Scientists Sound Alarm on Nuclear Plant
New York Times - 18 hours ago
By AP A watchdog group is questioning the soundness of a nuclear plant where a 30-foot hairline crack was recently discovered. The crack was found in the thick concrete on the outside of the reactor containment building at the Davis-Besse plant outside ...
RWE/EON UK nuclear group approached by third parties
RWE/EON UK nuclear group approached by third parties
EDF hopes for "common sense" in French nuclear debate
EDF hopes for "common sense" in French nuclear debate
Beyond Fukushima: Benefits Of Nuclear Remain Clear
Beyond Fukushima: Benefits Of Nuclear Remain Clear
U.N. Agency Says Iran Data Points to A-Bomb Work
U.N. Agency Says Iran Data Points to A-Bomb Work
NEI's Pietrangelo discusses progress on safety regulations post-Fukushima (OnPoint, 11/09/2011)
NEI's Pietrangelo discusses progress on safety regulations post-Fukushima (OnPoint, 11/09/2011)
With the Nuclear Regulatory Commission providing more clarity and direction on expanded accident management and safety measures, how will the nuclear industry respond and comply? During today's OnPoint, Tony Pietrangelo, chief nuclear officer at the Nuclear Energy Institute, gives his reaction to the NRC's latest steps on safety standards and discusses the impact of Japan's Fukushima incident on the U.S. nuclear industry.
Global Nuclear Power Development: Major Expansion Continues (13 pages)
Global Nuclear Power Development: Major Expansion Continues (13 pages)
Small War Journal News Roundup for Iran 11/09
Small Wars Journal Iran / IAEA Roundup - SWJ
IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program - IAEA
UN Details Case That Iran Is at Work on Nuclear Device - NYT
UN Has ‘Serious Concerns’ on Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program - WP
UN’s IAEA: Iran Nuclear Program Raises 'Serious Concerns - LAT
Watchdog Reveals Iran’s Nuclear Arms Work - WT
UN Links Iran to Nuclear Weapons - BBC
Red Alert Over Iran's Secret Nuke Program - USAT
UN Reports Iran Work 'Specific' to Nuke Arms - AP
UN Says Iran Worked on Nuclear Bomb Design - Reuters
IAEA's Most Alarming Findings on Iran's Nuclear Program - FP
Report Draws Muted Response From White House - NYT
Report May Complicate Denials by Iran - NYT
Iran Seeks Moscow and Beijing to Buffer Pressures - AP
China Warns of Turmoil Over Iran, Mute on Sanctions - Reuters
China Reticent on Iran Nuclear Report - AP
France Warns Iran of 'Unprecedented' Sanctions - Reuters
Ahmadinejad: Iran Won't Retreat From Nuclear Path - AP
Iran Says IAEA Report 'Politically Motivated' - Reuters
In Israel, Talk of a Strike on Iran Sparks Public Debate - LAT
Israeli Minister Stresses Military Readiness - NYT
Israeli Minister Warns Iran Strike Is Possible - AP
Israel’s Barak Plays Down Cost of Iran Strike - WP
Israel's Barak Plays Down Talk of War With Iran - Reuters
Iran Guard Says Will Retaliate if Leaders Killed - AP
Out of the Closet: Tehran’s Nukes - WT editorial
To Stop Iran, Lean On China - NYT opinion
Five Reasons Why Obama Won't Bomb Iran - RCW opinion
Small Wars Journal Iran / IAEA Roundup - SWJ
IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program - IAEA
UN Details Case That Iran Is at Work on Nuclear Device - NYT
UN Has ‘Serious Concerns’ on Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program - WP
UN’s IAEA: Iran Nuclear Program Raises 'Serious Concerns - LAT
Watchdog Reveals Iran’s Nuclear Arms Work - WT
UN Links Iran to Nuclear Weapons - BBC
Red Alert Over Iran's Secret Nuke Program - USAT
UN Reports Iran Work 'Specific' to Nuke Arms - AP
UN Says Iran Worked on Nuclear Bomb Design - Reuters
IAEA's Most Alarming Findings on Iran's Nuclear Program - FP
Report Draws Muted Response From White House - NYT
Report May Complicate Denials by Iran - NYT
Iran Seeks Moscow and Beijing to Buffer Pressures - AP
China Warns of Turmoil Over Iran, Mute on Sanctions - Reuters
China Reticent on Iran Nuclear Report - AP
France Warns Iran of 'Unprecedented' Sanctions - Reuters
Ahmadinejad: Iran Won't Retreat From Nuclear Path - AP
Iran Says IAEA Report 'Politically Motivated' - Reuters
In Israel, Talk of a Strike on Iran Sparks Public Debate - LAT
Israeli Minister Stresses Military Readiness - NYT
Israeli Minister Warns Iran Strike Is Possible - AP
Israel’s Barak Plays Down Cost of Iran Strike - WP
Israel's Barak Plays Down Talk of War With Iran - Reuters
Iran Guard Says Will Retaliate if Leaders Killed - AP
Out of the Closet: Tehran’s Nukes - WT editorial
To Stop Iran, Lean On China - NYT opinion
Five Reasons Why Obama Won't Bomb Iran - RCW opinion
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Cash on the barrel head for nuclear energy
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Cash on the barrel head for nuclear energy
From the NRC Blog: Don’t Stress – It’s Only a Test
U.S. NRC Blog | |
Financial Times Energy 11/9
FT.com - Energy |
Areva faces setback on nuclear project |
http://link.ft.com/r/UXDMSS/ |
Dynegy subsidiaries put into Chapter 11 |
http://link.ft.com/r/UXDMSS/ |
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http://link.ft.com/r/UXDMSS/ |
Dynegy: hedge funds mine rich seam |
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Opposition grows to $7bn tar sands scheme |
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