Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
North Korea’s Fast-Track Missile Development: How Far It’s Come and Why It Has the U.S. on Edge
North Korea’s Fast-Track Missile Development: How Far It’s Come and Why It Has the U.S. on Edge
Nuclear facility hacks remain fairly superficial for now, say DHS and FBI
Nuclear facility hacks remain fairly superficial for now, say DHS and FBI
Friday, July 7, 2017
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup July 7, 2017
NASA pushes ahead with asteroid deflection tests
NASA pushes ahead with asteroid deflection tests
Tiny spacecraft will strike an asteroid so we can learn how to cope with future threats.
Ukraine’s Power Grid Gets Hacked Again, a Worrying Sign for Infrastructure Attacks
Ukraine’s Power Grid Gets Hacked Again, a Worrying Sign for Infrastructure Attacks
Russian hackers may be behind attacks leveled at the nation’s power grid and artillery. The West should take note.
Russians Are Suspects in Nuclear Site Hackings, Sources Say
Russians Are Suspects in Nuclear Site Hackings, Sources Say
Hackers Are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say
Hackers Are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say
Thursday, July 6, 2017
The Energy Collective Daily: Bringing Fairness to Energy Programs

Bringing Fairness to Energy Programs | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Bringing Fairness to Energy Programs
- China’s Climate Leadership Choice
- Credibility of Influential Paper On ‘100% Renewables’ Challenged by Peer-Reviewed Critique
- Startup Spotters Freerk Bisschop of Rockstart, and Evert Jaap Lugt of Yes!Delft: “Smart Meters are Already Obsolete”
- This City has Impressive Clean Energy Potential, but its Utility is Trying to Block Solar’s Growth
- Construction Costs for Most Power Plant Types Have Fallen in Recent Years
Fukushima Update 7/6/17

Takahama station restarts result in 3.15% rate reduction for customers… The Japanese Press’ obsession with mixed oxide nuclear fuel continues… The much ballyhooed criminal retrial of three Tepco executives starts as a news media circus… Ikata unit #1 is the latest to be approved for decommissioning.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup July 6, 2017
A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.
North Korea Crunch time over North Korea as G20 leaders meet http://www.theaustralian.com. Trump Twists In The Wind As North Korea’s Nuclear Capability Grows http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ Trump pledges to act on North Korean threat https://www.reuters.com/ U.S. singles out China in response to North Korea ICBM test http://www.cbsnews.com/news/u- UK's Johnson says China must put pressure on North Korea - BBC http://in.reuters.com/article/ The right way to play the China card on North Korea https://www.washingtonpost. Can US defend against North Korea missiles? Not everyone agrees https://www.aol.com/article/ U.S. Spends Billions on Missile Defense, Still Can’t Reliably Stop a North Korean Attack http://nymag.com/daily/ Trump bet that China would ‘fix’ North Korea looks like a loser http://www.newsday.com/long- Experts: North Korea missiles probably can't reach Alaska http://www.newsminer.com/news/ Kristof: Five Blunt Truths About the North Korea Crisis https://kristof.blogs.nytimes. The Biggest North Korea Threat of Them All: A Hydrogen Bomb http://nationalinterest.org/ United States Don't assume Trump is more responsible with nuclear weapons than North Korea https://www.theguardian.com/ North Korea's ICBM test raises stakes on US homeland defense amid 'gap in capabilities' http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/ TRUMP TWEETS DURING A NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR CRISIS WOULD BE A ‘DISASTER,’ SAYS EX-CIA DIRECTOR http://www.newsweek.com/trump- Donald Trump Is a Walking, Talking Argument for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons https://www.pastemagazine.com/ International Losing an Enemy http://lobelog.com/losing-an- Does Australia need an antimissile system? http://www.theaustralian.com. European Nuclear Weapons Program Would Be Legal, German Review Finds https://www.nytimes.com/2017/ Pakistan Enhances Range of Controversial ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapon https://www.voanews.com/a/ Reif: At Trump-Putin Meeting, Start with New START http://www.defenseone.com/ Poised to outlaw nuclear weapons for the first time http://thebulletin.org/poised- Sixth MOX nuclear shipment leaves France for Japan https://phys.org/news/2017-07-
General Interest
After midnight: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ special issue on the aftermath of the use of nuclear weapons
http://thebulletin.org/press- Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
Nuclear renaissance continues despite Fukushima
Nuclear renaissance continues despite Fukushima
China, India and Russia in race to expand capacity and build new reactors amid climate change fears. By Apinya Wipatayotinhttp://www.bangkokpost.com/business/news/1281795/nuclear-renaissance-continues-despite-fukushima
Coal, Nuclear on the Losing End of Power Shift
Coal, Nuclear on the Losing End of Power Shift
Utilities use more natural gas and renewable sources, setting up a showdown
Entergy applies for 20-year license extension for River Bend
Entergy applies for 20-year license extension for River Bend
http://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/communities/st_francisville/article_2c43e9a6-5f94-11e7-a118-f37d881a0052.htmlScholars demand Moon halt his nuclear policy
Scholars demand Moon halt his nuclear policy
Nevada poised to fight Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump
Nevada poised to fight Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump
Gas Interests Opposing U.S. Nuke Industry’s State-by-State Strategy
Gas Interests Opposing U.S. Nuke Industry’s State-by-State Strategy
https://atomicinsights.com/gas-interests-opposing-u-s-nuke-industrys-state-state-strategy/Will Three Mile Island get bailed out by Pennsylvania?
Will Three Mile Island get bailed out by Pennsylvania?
Will Three Mile Island get bailed out by Pennsylvania?
Rick Perry’s Plans for US Energy Dominance
Rick Perry’s Plans for US Energy Dominance
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Special Issue: After midnight
the decades since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, the worldwide
taboo against the use of nuclear weapons drove agreements such as SALT,
START and the INF Treaty. Over the last year, however, the taboo seems
to be weakening: North Korea continues to test nuclear weapons, Russia
is apparently re-thinking its commitment to the INF Treaty, there’s talk
of a German nuclear weapon, and US president Donald Trump has wondered why, if the US has nuclear weapons, it would not use them.
The July/August issue of the Bulletin’s digital journal explores “After midnight,” an unsparing look at the aftermath of the use of nuclear weapons. Bulletin editor John Mecklin states: “In this special issue, ‘After midnight,’ top experts examine the ethics and practicalities of preparing a humanitarian response to the use of nuclear weapons, some realistic scenarios that could lead to regional nuclear weapons use—mini-Armageddons, if you will excuse the oxymoron—and various ways in which nuclear warfare might be forestalled or, in the event the unthinkable begins, stopped.” Here’s what you need to know: Introduction: Into the aftermath John Mecklin Free-access article Interview: NUKEMAP creator Alex Wellerstein puts nuclear risk on the radar Elisabeth Eaves Free-access article US cities are not medically prepared for a nuclear detonation Jerome M. Hauer Free-access article The right planning now will save countless lives after a nuclear attack Dan Hanfling, Frederick M. Burkle, Jr., and Cham Dallas After nuclear midnight: The impacts of a nuclear war in India and Pakistan Karthika Sasikumar A plausible scenario of nuclear war in Europe, and how to deter it: A perspective from Estonia Jüri Luik and Tomas Jermalavičius Nuclear foreboding: Future shadows cast by nuclear winter Richard Turco Introduction: Nuclear disarmament and arms control for the next decade Ulrich Kühn Free-access article Europe’s nuclear woes: Mitigating the challenges of the next years Ulrich Kühn, Shatabhisha Shetty, and Polina Sinovets What arguments motivate citizens to demand nuclear disarmament? Anne I. Harrington, Eliza Gheorghe, and Anya Loukianova Fink Nuclear disarmament summits: A proposal to break the international impasse Kelsey Davenport, Jana Puglierin, and Petr Topychkanov The future of US-Russian nuclear deterrence and arms control Tatiana Anichkina, Anna Péczeli, Nickolas Roth Amid high tensions, an urgent need for nuclear restraint Anastasia Malygina, Sven-Eric Fikenscher, and Jenny Nielsen Nuclear Notebook Indian nuclear forces, 2017 Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris Free-access article Book Review Preserving biodiversity, preventing climate disaster: Childish dreams or audacious strategies? Liam Heneghan Additional Reading An interview with Garrett M. Graff Elisabeth Eaves Free-access article on the Bulletin website |
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