by (Dan Yurman)
After five years it is time to close up shop
Typewriter keys for an Underwood Universal #5 |
This blog has ceased publication and the contents, all 1,600 blog posts,
will remain available in archive status. I appreciate all the support
from readers over the past five years.
The purpose of this blog was to have a “voice” in the dialog about
nuclear energy, the global nuclear renaissance, and to be able to shape
public views. This blog did not merely report the news.
It attempted to answer the "so what" question when it comes to nuclear energy developments.
I think it achieved those objectives. I had a good run. Five years is a long time in the blogsphere.
This blog is called 'Idaho Samizdat" because I spent 20 years working at
the Idaho National Laboratory and have the dust from the volcanic
cinders of the Arco desert in my shoes.
The Idaho lab is the home of the birth of the nation's commercial
nuclear power industry. The "samizdat" part came from the fact it is a
Russian word that means "self-published," which is a great name for a
The blog came to be named "Idaho Samizdat" to distinguish its online
presence both for its geographic birthplace and its heritage as a source
of "unofficial" information. This blog did not speak for any vendor,
agency, or organization.
Publication began in January 2007. The blog was in continuous
publication since then. For the month of April 2012, this blog had over
14,000 visitors and over 45,000 page views according to Google
Analytics. About 63 percent of those visitors came from the U.S., and
the rest came from 70 other countries.
Comments are turned off. I can be reached via email ~ djysrv [at] gmail [dot] com