Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Elegant simplicity of a CO2 tax and dividend should attract broad spectrum support
Elegant simplicity of a CO2 tax and dividend should attract broad spectrum support
COVER-UP: GE handled Fukushima’s nuclear reactor design, knew it was faulty … “so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident”
COVER-UP: GE handled Fukushima’s nuclear reactor design, knew it was faulty … “so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident”
Fukushima, Japan nuclear disaster continuing
Fukushima, Japan nuclear disaster continuing
https://dearkitty1.wordpress.com/2017/02/11/fukushima-japan-nuclear-disaster-continuing/New regs for Monday: Trains, railroads, nuclear
New regs for Monday: Trains, railroads, nuclear
How To Solve The Nuclear Waste Problem: Put It Back To Work
How To Solve The Nuclear Waste Problem: Put It Back To Work
30 Year Timeline Possible for San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Cleanup
30 Year Timeline Possible for San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Cleanup
http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Issa-San-Onofre-Oceanside-Nuclear-Power-Plant-413421263.htmlNASA launched an unprecedented study of Greenland’s melting. Now, the data are coming in
NASA launched an unprecedented study of Greenland’s melting. Now, the data are coming in
Can We Build Tomorrow’s Breakthroughs?
Can We Build Tomorrow’s Breakthroughs?
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/426389/can-we-build-tomorrows-breakthroughs/?mc_cid=34bd886a7f&mc_eid=e25735476aUS NRC Blog: Principles of Good Regulation: Efficiency
Principles of Good Regulation: Efficiency
Chief Financial Officer
The American taxpayer, the rate-paying consumer, and licensees are all entitled to the best possible management and administration of regulatory activities. The highest technical and managerial competence is required, and must be a constant agency goal. NRC must establish means to evaluate and continually upgrade its regulatory capabilities. Regulatory activities should be consistent with the degree of risk reduction they achieve. Where several effective alternatives are available, the option which minimizes the use of resources should be adopted. Regulatory decisions should be made without undue delay.

As the chief financial officer, I am partial to the efficiency principle. It is one of the reasons that I come to work every day. We are not only federal employees but also taxpayers and citizens, so we should be sure that we’re taking care of the nation’s resources appropriately. In addition to the payments we receive from our licensees, the NRC also receives an appropriation from the Congress each year. It’s “your money” and “our money” at the same time. Efficiency as we execute the agency’s work supports both the public good and the expectations we have as individuals for the best value we can offer.
As part of our focus on efficiency, the NRC has an initiative underway to improve our ability to plan and execute our mission. Known as Project Aim, this is an effort to find ways to better adapt to a dynamic environment and changes in workload. With direction from our Commissioners, the staff is working to “right-size” the agency to ensure we have the skills we need to accomplish our mission; to use agency resources more wisely; to improve the timeliness of our decision-making and respond quickly to changing conditions; and to promote unity of purpose through clearer agency priorities.
As Steering Committee co-chair, I have seen a lot of creativity from the staff as we work though the initial 19 tasks approved by the Commission, especially as we work to make processes more efficient and to shed unnecessary work. By the time we complete this effort, the NRC will have saved a total of nearly $50 million. That’s real money in my book.

For me one of the most important purposes of the principles is cultural. There are many different roles here at the agency. You hear people talk about being a technical or Commission office, as compared to people who provide corporate support. Or the distinction between people in the regions and those here in Rockville, Md. But, no matter your role, the principles apply to all of us. They are a unifying aspect to our culture. I can sit in a meeting with my colleagues in operating reactors or in nuclear materials and wastes and we’d still have an important shared vocabulary that is meaningful and helps us transcend our individual goals and move together toward the right solutions.
This post is the third of five that will explore each of the five principles separately. For the history of the Principles of Good Regulation, read this post.
Another Record Year for Nuclear Power
The Breakthrough Institute
Another Record Year for Nuclear Power
2016 Adds 9.5 GW of Global Capacity http://thebreakthrough.org/index.php/voices/another-record-year-for-nuclear-power
Last year we noted that 2015 was a record year for new nuclear power around the world, with more reactors added than in any year since 1990. But 2016 proved to be an even bigger year for nuclear power, with ten reactors coming online around the world, adding 9.5 gigawatts (GW) of capacity. This was the largest annual addition of nuclear power since 1990, and the largest two-year addition of nuclear power since 1989-90.
NuScale Reactor Nears One Milestone, With More to Follow
NuScale Reactor Nears One Milestone, With More to Follow
Friday, February 10, 2017
Take a look at how Fitzpatrick refuels its nuclear reactor
Take a look at how Fitzpatrick refuels its nuclear reactor
http://cnycentral.com/news/local/take-a-look-at-how-fitzpatrick-refuels-its-nuclear-reactorNuclear power industry revamps climate pitch for Trump era
Nuclear power industry revamps climate pitch for Trump era
The Breakthrough Institute Another Record Year for Nuclear Power 2016 Adds 9.5 GW of Global Capacity
The Breakthrough Institute
Another Record Year for Nuclear Power
2016 Adds 9.5 GW of Global Capacity
Last year we noted that 2015 was a record year for new nuclear power around the world, with more reactors added than in any year since 1990. But 2016 proved to be an even bigger year for nuclear power, with ten reactors coming online around the world, adding 9.5 gigawatts (GW) of capacity. This was the largest annual addition of nuclear power since 1990, and the largest two-year addition of nuclear power since 1989-90.http://thebreakthrough.org/voices/another-record-year-for-nuclear-power
Regulator gives conditional approval for Garoña restart
Regulator gives conditional approval for Garoña restart
Spain's nuclear safety regulator has given conditional approval for the restart and continued operation of the Garoña nuclear power plant, which has been offline for four years. Operator Nuclenor would be required to make a number of safety upgrades.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Regulator-gives-conditional-approval-for-Garona-restart-1002174.html
Spain's nuclear safety regulator has given conditional approval for the restart and continued operation of the Garoña nuclear power plant, which has been offline for four years. Operator Nuclenor would be required to make a number of safety upgrades.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Regulator-gives-conditional-approval-for-Garona-restart-1002174.html
Korsnick: nuclear provides 'critical infrastructure'
Korsnick: nuclear provides 'critical infrastructure'
US policymakers understand the potential impact of losing nuclear plants and states are increasingly recognising the benefits of nuclear power to consumers, the economy and the environment, Nuclear Energy Institute CEO Maria Korsnick said yesterday at its annual briefing to Wall Street analysts.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Korsnick-nuclear-provides-critical-infrastructure-1002177.html
US policymakers understand the potential impact of losing nuclear plants and states are increasingly recognising the benefits of nuclear power to consumers, the economy and the environment, Nuclear Energy Institute CEO Maria Korsnick said yesterday at its annual briefing to Wall Street analysts.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Korsnick-nuclear-provides-critical-infrastructure-1002177.html
Can we Launch Nuclear Waste Into the Sun?
Can we Launch Nuclear Waste Into the Sun?
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup February 10, 2017
Iran’s Latest Missile Test: Scenarios And Implications For The New Administration
Iran’s Latest Missile Test: Scenarios And Implications For The New Administration
By By Farzin Nadimi, / Thursday, February 9, 2017 10:00 AM
Regardless of how the details surrounding Sunday’s
launch shake out, it was an unhelpful move at a time when the Trump
administration is determining its policy toward Iran’s missile program
and broader regional behavior. According to recent media reports, Iran
conducted a weapons test on January 29 that involved either a
nuclear-capable ballistic missile, a
Gaping Hole in Spillway for Tallest U.S. Dam Keeps Growing
Gaping Hole in Spillway for Tallest U.S. Dam Keeps Growing
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-10/gaping-hole-in-spillway-for-tallest-us-dam-keeps-growing?mc_cid=d82dc3c1d1&mc_eid=e25735476aPrinciples of Good Regulation: Efficiency
Principles of Good Regulation: Efficiency
Europe Needs To Shutter All Coal By 2030 Or Risk Missing Paris Agreement Goals
Europe Needs To Shutter All Coal By 2030 Or Risk Missing Paris Agreement Goals
https://cleantechnica.com/2017/02/10/europe-needs-shutter-coal-2030-risk-missing-paris-agreement-goals/California Utilities Propose Spending $1 Billion To Electrify Transportation Sector
California Utilities Propose Spending $1 Billion To Electrify Transportation Sector
Why The Melted Fuel Under Fukushima Could Poison Our Planet With Nuclear Radiation For 1000s Of Years
Don't shoot the messenger!
Why The Melted Fuel Under Fukushima Could Poison Our Planet With Nuclear Radiation For 1000s Of Years
http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/why-the-melted-fuel-under-fukushima-could-poison-our-planet-with-nuclear-radiation-for-1000s-of-yearsIndustry sees 'snowball effect' in N.Y., Ill. policy wins
Industry sees 'snowball effect' in N.Y., Ill. policy wins
Nuclear power industry revamps climate pitch for Trump era
Nuclear power industry revamps climate pitch for Trump era
Fukushima cleaning robot pulled from reactor after camera gets damaged by massive radiation levels inside tsunami disaster site
Fukushima cleaning robot pulled from reactor after camera gets damaged by massive radiation levels inside tsunami disaster site
Thursday, February 9, 2017
EIA: Coal production, generation set to rise over next 2 years
EIA: Coal production, generation set to rise over next 2 years
http://www.utilitydive.com/news/eia-coal-production-generation-set-to-rise-over-next-2-years/435804/Arctic 2.0: What happens after all the ice goes?
Arctic 2.0: What happens after all the ice goes?
Researchers look into the future of the far North for clues to save species and maybe even bring back sea ice.
US Wind Power Capacity Exceeds Hydro for First Time, AWEA Says
US Wind Power Capacity Exceeds Hydro for First Time, AWEA Says
US Installs 8.2 Gigawatts Of New Wind Energy In 2016, Finishes With Second Strongest Quarter Ever
US Installs 8.2 Gigawatts Of New Wind Energy In 2016, Finishes With Second Strongest Quarter Ever
https://cleantechnica.com/2017/02/09/us-installs-8-2-gw-new-wind-energy-2016-finishes-second-strongest-quarter-ever/GAO Report Opens Door for DOE to Walk Away from Defense Waste Repository
GAO Report Opens Door for DOE to Walk Away from Defense Waste Repository
Science in Action: Plans to Rebuild Our National's Infrastructure Must Address Our Aging Electricity Grid
A Nuclear Waste: Why Congress Shouldn't Bother Reviving Yucca Mountain
A Nuclear Waste: Why Congress Shouldn't Bother Reviving Yucca Mountain
Can Climate Change Be Easily Explained?
By David Hone, Chief Climate Change Advisor for Royal Dutch Shell. – February 6
When it comes to galvanizing public support, climate change remains an
elusive issue. While public polling will show that most people are
concerned and agree action should be taken, there are only modest signs
of the groundswell of support needed to drive policy makers to take the
necessary steps, such as implementing a meaningful carbon price across a
broad swathe of the economy. Part of the problem may be a basic
understanding of the issues involved and the ramifications of doing
nothing. Many attempts have been made to confront the communications
challenge of climate change and doubtless there will be many more, but
today we have a new book from HRH The Prince of Wales, climate activist
Tony Juniper and scientist Emily Shuckburgh. The explanation they seek
to offer has been simplified and shortened such that it matches the
requirement of a Ladybird Expert Book. For those who didn’t
grow up on English books (rather than books in English), Ladybird is
famous for its decades old series of standard sized hardback children’s
books, with titles such as Marco Polo and The Story of Music. More
recently, the format has been revived to publish a series of both
humorous and expert books for adults. Read on...http://www.theenergycollective.com/davidhone/2397689/can-climate-change-be-easily-explained
Energy Technologies, Markets, and Government Policies’ Major Impacts on U.S. Carbon Emissions, 2005-2016
By John Miller, Independent Energy Consultant who provides analysis of past, current and developing clean energy sources. – February 6
The U.S. continues to make fairly good progress in reducing its fossil
fuels consumption and associated carbon emissions since the mid-2000’s.
This article updates a previously posted analysis, which detailed
government policies, technologies and market factors that have most
enabled the U.S. to continue reducing its total fossil fuels consumption
and carbon emissions. 2005-16 U.S. Carbon Emissions – U.S. carbon
emissions from fossil fuels consumption peaked just before the 2007-09
Great Recession. Following the recession and the relatively slow
economic recovery, U.S. fossil fuels carbon emissions have continuously
declined on average. U.S. fossil fuels’ carbon emissions nearly peaked
at 6,000 million metric tons per year (MMT/yr.) in 2005. Total carbon
emissions have declined by 935 MMT/yr. or 16% 2005-16. This level of
carbon emissions’ reduction represents over half of the
U.S. Paris Climate Agreement pledge made late last year. Read on...http://www.theenergycollective.com/jemiller_ep/2397667/energy-technologies-markets-and-government-policies-major-impacts-on-u-s-carbon-emissions-2005-2016
New Large Light Water Construction, USA and France
By Will Davis, Communications Director, historian, newsletter editor and board member for the N/S Savannah Association, Inc. – February 8
Recent news that Toshiba will, in all probability, end its venture into
nuclear power plant design and construction has made sort of an
upheaval in the pro-nuclear community. The Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear
plant construction in the US is not going according to plan (and
Westinghouse is owned by Toshiba) and further, purchase of the
architect-engineer and construction functions of these domestic
projects, formerly the business of CB&I / The Shaw Group, and
originally Stone & Webster Engineering, has not led to the desired
results either. Not new is the fact that in Europe, AREVA’s construction
of two new large light water EPR plants in Finland and in France is
also not going well. AREVA has collapsed, and a bailout is in progress;
Toshiba is approaching that possibility. I think at this juncture it’s
helpful to point out some broad similarities between the AP1000 projects
the USA and the EPR projects in Finland / France. First though I’d
direct you to this piece I wrote for ANS Nuclear Cafe on nuclear plant
construction, because it contains vital information to this discussion. Read on...http://www.theenergycollective.com/wdavis/2398003/new-large-light-water-construction-usa-and-france-2
Flamanville reactor blast: No nuclear risk, say officials
Flamanville reactor blast: No nuclear risk, say officials
An explosion and fire have occurred at the Flamanville nuclear plant on France's northern coast but there was no nuclear risk, officials say.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38918010
7 things to know now: Winter storm closings; Sessions confirmed; nuclear plant accident
Austin American-Statesman - 5 hours ago
FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017, file photo, Attorney
General-designate, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. testifies on Capitol Hill
in Washington at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary
Committee. The Senate is working overtime toward ...
Reactor shut down after nuclear plant explosion
CBS News - 3 hours ago
PARIS -- A fire led to a blast in the machine room of a nuclear power
plant on France's northwest coast on Thursday morning but there was no
radiation leak or casualties, operator EDF said. EDF said staff at the
Flamanville plant in Normandy ...
Explosion at French nuclear plant, 'no radiation risk'
Arab News - 1 hour ago
There was an explosion at Flamanville nuclear power plant, pictured in
this file photo, early on Thursday morning. (REUTERS). PARIS: A fire
caused an explosion at the Flamanville nuclear power plant in northwest
France on Thursday, leading the operator ...
Flamanville plant in northern France has been hit by a massive explosion
Courier Mail - 15 minutes ago
A MASSIVE explosion at a French nuclear power plant near the Channel
Islands has reportedly left dozens injured. The blast occurred at
Flamanville plant in northern France. According to initial reports there
is no risk of contamination. Local media are ...
Nuclear Explosion In France: Will Reactor Fire At Flamanville Power Plant Cause Radiation Leaks?
International Business Times - 4 hours ago
An explosion at a nuclear power plant on the coast of France was not
cause for serious concern Thursday, officials said. For reasons yet
unknown, a fire broke out at the Flamanville nuclear power plant in La
Manche, causing a “minor explosion” in a ...
Explosion Hits Nuclear Power Station In Northwest France
Iowa Public Radio - 7 hours ago
The Flamanville nuclear power facility sits on the shore of the English
Channel. Officials say a fire at the plan has been contained. Google
Maps. An explosion at the compound of the Flamanville nuclear power
plant was "a significant technical event ...
There's been an explosion at a major nuclear plant in the English channel
Yahoo News - 2 hours ago
An explosion occurred at the Flamanville nuclear plant in Normandy on
Thursday morning, newspaper France Ouest reports. State-owned
Eléctricité de France (EDF) said in a statement that a fire in a machine
room caused the explosion in a "non-nuclear" ...
Massive explosion at nuclear power plant near British coast leaves several injured
Daily Star - 3 hours ago
MULTIPLE people have been injured after a huge blast ripped through a
nuclear power plant. By Rachel O'Donoghue / Published 9th February 2017.
Play Video. Play. Mute. Current Time 0:00. /. Duration Time 0:00.
Loaded: 0%. 0:00. Progress: 0%. 0:00.
Explosion rocks machine room in Flamanville nuclear plant on France's northwest coast
Regina Leader-Post - 5 hours ago
French authorities say there has been an explosion in a nuclear power
plant's machine room but that there is no leak of radiation. No injuries
have been reported. The local government for the Manche region says
that the blast at the Flamanville plant ...
'No radiation risk' after explosion at French nuclear plant
RFI - 5 hours ago
An explosion at a nuclear power plant on France's north-west coast
caused minor injuries on Thursday. But officials say the blast took
place outside the plant's nuclear zone. The blast took place in the
engine room at the Flamanville plant, 25 ...
Flamanville reactor blast: No nuclear risk, say officials
BBC News - 7 hours ago
An explosion and fire have occurred at the Flamanville nuclear plant on
France's northern coast but there was no nuclear risk, officials say.
"It is a significant technical event but it is not a nuclear accident,"
senior local official Olivier Marmion ...
5 injured in explosion at French nuclear plant, no risk of radioactive leak
CCTV - 5 hours ago
PARIS, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- An explosion at a nuclear plant in
northwestern France on Thursday injured five people, with no potential
risk of a radioactive leak, authorities said. The blast occurred at 10
a.m. (0900 GMT) at the Flamanville plant outside ...
Explosion at French nuclear plant, no contamination risk
The Star Online - 7 hours ago
his file photo taken on November 16, 2016 shows the reactor Flamanville
3 in the construction site of the third-generation European Pressurised
Water nuclear reactor. - AFP. CAEN: An explosion at a nuclear power
station in northern France on Thursday ...
Blast at French nuclear plant does not pose contamination risk, say experts
The Guardian - 7 hours ago
The blast occured at Flamanville nuclear power plant at 9.40am on
Thursday. Photograph: Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty. Share on Facebook ·
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Explosion at French nuclear plant, 'no risk'
Expatica France - 7 hours ago
An explosion at a nuclear power plant in northern France on Thursday
caused minor injuries but took place outside the plant's nuclear zone
and posed no risk of contamination, the authorities said. "It is a
significant technical event but it is not a ...
Explosion at French nuclear plant, no nuclear risk: Report
Times of India - 8 hours ago
PARIS: An explosion occurred at French utility EDF's Flamanville
nuclear plant on Thursday in which there may have been some injuries.
However, there was no nuclear risk from the explosion, French newspaper
Ouest France reported on its web site, citing ...
No radiation released after blast in French nuclear plant's machine room
Times Daily - 3 hours ago
PARIS (AP) — A fire led to a blast in a nuclear power plant's turbine
hall today on France's northwest coast but there was no radiation leak
or casualties, operator EDF and local authorities said. EDF said the
staff at the Flamanville plant in ...
Explosion At French Nuclear Plant, No Risk Of Contamination Or Leakage Yet!
Indiatimes.com - 6 hours ago
A few workers were injured after an explosion occurred at French
utility EDF's Flamanville nuclear plant few hours ago. French nuclear
plant. Reuters. However, there was no nuclear risk from the explosion,
French newspaper Ouest France reported on its ...
Explosion rips through French EDF nuclear power plant near English Channel after fire in reactor engine room
The Sun - 7 hours ago
AN explosion has ripped through a French nuclear power plant near the
English Channel after a fire in one of the reactor engine rooms.
Operator EDF confirmed the blast at its Flamanville plant in northern
France and said there was no radiation leak.
Explosion at French nuclear plant, several reported injured
New Kerala - 6 hours ago
Paris, Feb 9 : : Several people are reported injured in a massive
explosion that took place at a French nuclear power plant near the
English Channel, media reports said. Firefighters were alerted to the
blast and a fire in the engine room at EDFs ...
'No leak' after explosion at French nuclear plant
TRT World - 6 hours ago
French officials play down fears of a nuclear leak after a blast at the
Flamanville nuclear facility. Photo by: Reuters Archive. General view
of the operating power plant in Flamanville, France, April 8, 2011. 6
hours ago. Updated 5 hours ago. Facebook ...
Explosion rocks nuclear power plant in France
Yahoo7 News - 7 hours ago
Emergency crews have raced to the scene of an explosion at a nuclear
power plant in north-western France. There is no nuclear risk, according
to authorities, from the blast at Flamanville but at least five people
have been treated for smoke inhalation.
'Several injured' in nuclear power plant explosion in the English Channel
JOE - 8 hours ago
There has been a large-scale explosion in the engine room of the
Flamanville plant near Manche on the French side of the English Channel.
Local reports suggest the blast occurred shortly after 10am this
morning. Authorities have said that "there's no ...
Explosion at Flamanville nuclear station
ITV News - 6 hours ago
An explosion has ripped through a machine room at the giant power
station on the Norman coast at Flamanville this morning, injuring five
workers but not resulting in any leakage of radioactivity, French
authorities reassured. The blast occurred at 10am ...
Several injured in explosion at French nuclear power plant
BreakingNews.ie - 8 hours ago
Update 1pm: It has being reported five people have been treated after
breathing in smoke following a fire at a nuclear power plant on France's
north-western coast. EDF, which runs the Flamanville complex in
Normandy, says staff immediately brought the ...
Fire at Flamanville takes reactor off grid, 'no associated nuclear risk'
Trend News Agency - 6 hours ago
A fire caused an explosion at EDF's Flamanville nuclear power plant in
northern France on Thursday, leading the utility to take a reactor
offline, but there was no associated nuclear risk, EDF and a local
government official said on Thursday, Reuters ...
Trouble-hit French nuclear plant rocked by explosion
The Local France - 8 hours ago
The nuclear plant at Flamanville, northern France, was hit by an
explosion on Thursday morning that left several injured. Authorities say
there was no risk of contamination. The explosion occurred on Thursday
at 10am in the engine room of the ...
Several Injured In Explosion At Nuclear Power Plant In Flamanville, France
Huffington Post Australia - 8 hours ago
Several people have been injured in an explosion at a nuclear power
plant in France near the English Channel, according to reports. The
explosion is said to have occurred at the EDF Nuclear Power plant in
Flamanville, which is located in north-western ...
Explosion at nuclear power plant in Flamanville, no risk of contamination
Daily Times - 4 hours ago
FRANCE: An explosion has occurred at Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant,
in France's north-western region, officials said, adding that several
people were slightly injured after inhaling the fumes, although there is
no nuclear risk. The incident occurred ...
Fire at French nuclear power plant takes reactor off grid, operator says no associated nuclear risk
Thomson Reuters Foundation - 4 hours ago
PARIS, Feb 9 (Reuters) - A fire caused an explosion at the Flamanville
nuclear power plant in northwest France on Thursday, leading the
operator EDF to take a reactor offline, but there was no risk to the
reactor, EDF and a local official said on Thursday.
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