Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Abu Dhabi races to recruit first generation of nuclear workers
Abu Dhabi races to recruit first generation of nuclear workers The National
Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec), the government company charged with
building and operating the Arab world's first civil nuclear power ...http://www.thenational.ae/business/industry-insights/energy/abu-dhabi-races-to-recruit-first-generation-of-nuclear-workers
Nuclear pact talks to start with Saudis
Nuclear pact talks to start with Saudis The Japan Times
The Abe administration will launch talks with Saudi Arabia next spring to conclude a nuclear power pact and allow Japanese businesses to export ...http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/12/28/national/nuclear-pact-talks-to-start-with-saudis/#.Ur92DRmENDQ
Your View: Nuclear power can really be 'green'
Your View: Nuclear power can really be 'green' SouthCoastToday.com
While it may be theoretically possible to stabilize the climate without nuclear power, in the real world there is no credible path to climate stabilization ...http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20131228/OPINION/312280305
Why Jordan is still pursuing the nuclear (power) option
Residual fears from the Fukushima disaster and low natural gas prices have tempered enthusiasm for nuclear power in many countries, but not Jordan.
What Energy, Environment Issues to Watch in 2014
What Energy, Environment Issues to Watch in 2014
http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/what-energy-environment-issues-to-watch-in-2014-20131227Fukushima Updates 1218
From The Hiroshima Syndrome/Fukushima Commentary -
The Fukushima “Hot Particle” Myth
One of the
incorrectly used terms often used concerning the Fukushima accident is “hot
particle”. It unquestionably has an alarming sound to it, but what does it
really mean? By examining its most-possible meaning, we find the application of
the phrase to the atmospheric releases from Fukushima is entirely
The Terrestrial Energy Integrated Molten Salt Reactor and a supercritical CO2 turbine are both under development and should be commercially ready in about ten years
. One interesting aspect is that
they have far higher power density. They would enable a reactor and
turbine that is about 50 times more power dense than the ones that are
currently in nuclear submarines.
they have far higher power density. They would enable a reactor and
turbine that is about 50 times more power dense than the ones that are
currently in nuclear submarines.
Where On Earth Do We Put Spent Nuclear Fuel?
Where On Earth Do We Put Spent Nuclear Fuel?
Command and Combust America's Secret History of Atomic Accidents
America's Secret History of Atomic Accidents
By Gregory D. Koblentz
Eric Schlosser's Command and Control
is really two books in one. The first is a techno-thriller, narrating a
shocking nuclear accident in gripping detail. The second is more
analytic, exploring the challenge at the heart of nuclear
command-and-control systems: how...http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/140357/gregory-d-koblentz/command-and-combust?sp_mid=44708169&sp_rid=bWljaGVsZXRrZWFybmV5QGdtYWlsLmNvbQS2
Friday, December 27, 2013
Guest: Find a permanent solution for Hanford nuclear waste
Guest: Find a permanent solution for Hanford nuclear waste
The leaking radioactive waste from Hanford poses health risks, writes guest columnist Tom Carpenter.
No penalties for Edison; financial recovery efforts could be complicated
US NRC Blog Update 12/27 Keeping Proper Track of Spent Fuel Pool Conditions
Keeping Proper Track of Spent Fuel Pool Conditions
by Moderator
Lauren Gibson
Project Manager
Japan Lessons-Learned Directorate
the water level is important because if the pool had boiled dry, it
would have damaged the fuel and added to the accident’s radiation
release. The Japanese plant’s staff did the right thing in assuming the
worst and making many attempts to add water to the pool. They even
dropped water from helicopters. If they had known the pools were OK,
however, they would have been able to focus on addressing the real
problem: the damaged reactors.
“spent fuel pool #4” at Fukushima Daiichi did keep its contents safe
during the March 2011 accident, no one could confirm that during the
accident. The plant’s staff and other experts, including the NRC, simply
didn’t have enough information to know what was going on in the pool.
Why not? There was no reliable way to measure the pool’s water level.
experience led the NRC to order U.S. nuclear power plants to add
instrumentation to their spent fuel pools. That way, if an accident
occurs at a U.S. reactor, plant staff will be able to tell when the
spent fuel pool needed attention. Spent fuel pool instrumentation will
help plant staff properly prioritize their accident response and keep
the public safe.
reactors already monitor a small fraction of the water level in the
spent fuel pool. However, this system may not work if power is lost, as
it was at Fukushima, and can’t provide advance warning of low water
NRC’s order requires U.S. reactors to be able to tell whether water is
at or above certain important levels. The highest level means enough
water is available for the normal cooling system to work. The second
level marks the level of water needed to protect someone standing next
to the pool from the fuel’s radiation. The lowest level is still enough
to cover the fuel, but the plant staff should begin adding more water to
the pool.
course, water may be added—and most likely would be—prior to reaching
this point. The order also requires that plant staff must be able to
read these levels from somewhere away from the pool, such as in the
control room.
reactors must install the new instruments no later than two refueling
cycles after they submit their plan to the NRC or by the end of 2016,
whichever comes first. All U.S. plants submitted their instrumentation
plans in February 2013. We’ve been reviewing the plans and we recently
issued interim staff evaluations. These documents give the plants
feedback so they can continue on the right track for implementing the
evaluations also ask plants for additional information we need to
complete our review. While the agency’s final approval is yet to come,
the interim evaluations give plants the confidence to order equipment
and move forward with installing the instruments. We’ll provide the
plants a final staff evaluation when we can conclude that they’ll comply
with the order by the deadline by following their plan. We’ll continue
inspecting plants to confirm they’ve finished complying with the order.
Our website’s Japan Lessons Learned section has a page with more information about the order and related guidance.
Moderator | December 26, 2013 at 9:02 am | Tags: Fukushima, NRC, nuclear power plant, spent fuel, spent fuel pools
| Categories: Radioactive Waste
| URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-1gZ
Southeast Asia Going Nuclear
| ||||
Southeast Asia Going Nuclear Asian Scientist Magazine
Southeast Asian countries are pushing forward in the use of nuclear power technology, says Barry Desker, Dean of the S. Rajaratnam School of ...http://www.asianscientist.com/features/southeast-asia-going-nuclear-2013/
Russia to hand over most modern nuclear technology to Vietnam
VietNamNet Bridge
In May 2010, Russia was selected as the provider of technology for the nuclear power plant 1 in Ninh Thuan province. This is one of two plants under ...http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/science-it/92446/russia-to-hand-over-most-modern-nuclear-technology-to-vietnam.html
High cost of nuclear power puts DAE in a fix
High cost of nuclear power puts DAE in a fix Firstpost New Delhi: As the cost of electricity generation by nuclear power plants, to be set up with the help of French and American companies, is turning out to ..http://www.firstpost.com/india/high-cost-of-nuclear-power-puts-dae-in-a-fix-1306675.html
IAEA Recent Research papers
Radiological objectives and severe accident mitigation strategy for the generation
II PWRs in France in the framework of PLE
506 KB - http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/43/070/43070828.pdf - Text Version
by Cenerino, G.; Dubreuil, M.; Raimond, E.; Pichereau, F. (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN) - Nuclear Safety Division, B.P. 17, 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France))
506 KB - http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/43/070/43070828.pdf - Text Version
by Cenerino, G.; Dubreuil, M.; Raimond, E.; Pichereau, F. (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN) - Nuclear Safety Division, B.P. 17, 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France))
In France, EDF is involved in the construction of a first generation III (Gen III)
reactor (European Pressurized Reactor - EPR) on Flamanville site next to two PWRs.
Plant Life Extension (PLE) of reactors will consequently lead to simultaneous operation
of Gen III and Gen II reactors during a long period of time. As a consequence, EDF
was requested by the French Nuclear Safety Authority to prepare a PWR life management
program including, in addition to an ageing management of Systems, Structures and
Components, a consequent reactor safety enhancement program. The objective was stated
to EDF by the French Nuclear Safety Authority: 'the safety objectives of the Gen III
reactors should be used as a reference for all studies undertaken in the frame of
PLE'. One part of the EDF program deals with additional arrangements able to reduce
more drastically the consequences of any accident. The relevance, according to IRSN,
of the EDF radiological objectives for Design Basis Accidents, of the new EDF objectives
for Severe Accidents (SA) and of the EDF potential modifications for SA mitigation
are presented. (author)Orig. TitleIAEA-CN-194-027_Cenerino
Source/ReportInternational Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Power and Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, Vienna (Austria), European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC/JRC), Brussels (Belgium), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) (France), 3. International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) for Long Term Operations (LTO). Keynotes, papers, presentations, posters, vp, 2012, 8 p, 3. International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) for Long Term Operations (LTO), Salt Lake City, Utah (United States), 14-18 May 2012, IAEA-CN--194, IAEA-CN--194-027, Also available on-line: http://www-pub.iaea.org/iaeameetings/41982/3rd-International-Conference-on-NPP-Life-Management-PLIM-for-Long-Term-Operations-LTO, Full paper, 2 figs, 1 tab, 6 refs
Record TypeReport
Country/Org.International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Ref. Number43070828
Rel. Record43070792
Publ. Year2012
INIS Volume43
INIS Issue32
Power Engineering ELetter Update 12/27
COAL-GEN 2014 call for abstracts
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