Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Is Iran ready to build nuclear bombs?
Is Iran ready to build nuclear bombs?
http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2013-03/22/content_28325603.htmNRC postpones safety improvement at Mark 1 reactors, like VY
NRC postpones safety improvement at Mark 1 reactors, like VY Rutland Herald BRATTLEBORO — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted earlier this week to push back safety improvements for the General Electric-designed Mark 1 and 2 nuclear reactors, recommendations made by their own staff after the nuclear disaster in ...http://www.rutlandherald.com/article/20130323/NEWS02/703239925 |
Nuclear News Round Up (18th Mar - 22nd Mar 13)
Nuclear News Round Up (18th Mar - 22nd Mar 13) energyandnuclear.com
18th March 2013 Hinkley Point:
Nuclear new build could boost economy Japan could overtake US and
Germany on solar Second new US reactor in a week under way Gazprom
Energy acquires 10% of business g...http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/03/22/nuclear-news-round-up-18th-mar-22nd-mar-13/?goback=.gde_2437005_member_225462323
Why China won’t act against a nuclear North Korea
Why China won’t act against a nuclear North Korea
Nuclear power generation by country in 2012

Nuclear power generation by country in 2012
Friday, March 22, 2013
Hiroshima Syndrome/ Fukushima Commentary
Hiroshima Syndrome/ Fukushima Commentary
(1) Exaggeration and Fiction Dominate the Spent Fuel Pool Issue in Japan -
The power loss to the F. Daiichi spent fuel pools (SFP) continues to
dominate the Japanese Press. The power loss was caused by an invasive
rat. The switchboards are dubbed makeshift, but they are far from as
primitive as the Press implies. Worst-case embellishments proliferate
and the re-criticality myth continues to be posted as fact. (March 21)
(2) Much Ado About Nearly Nothing: The Latest Fuel Pool Scare in Japan
- An electrical malfunction in a switchboard for four spent fuel pools
at Fukushima Daiichi stopped cooling water flow. The Japanese press is
filled with "what-if" scenarios of SFP doom. the worst-case scenario is
so unlikely that it approaches the impossible…much ado about nearly
nothing! (March 19)
What's Behind China's Global Oil and Gas Buying Spree?
What's Behind China's Global Oil and Gas Buying Spree? And Who's Next? Minyanville.com In fact, we've seen Chinese oil companies embark on an aggressive international energy asset buying spree. In 2012, China's state-owned oil companies coughed out a record $35 billion buying oil and gas assets all over the world. There was, for example, ...http://www.minyanville.com/sectors/energy/articles/What2527s-Behind-China2527s-Global-Oil-and/3/22/2013/id/48857 |
China-Russia: a whole lot of energy deals
China-Russia: a whole lot of energy deals
Financial Times (blog)
A three day visit to Moscow by Xi Jinping got off to a flying start on Friday with the signature of a clutch of agreements that will deepen energy ties between Russia and China. As the Chinese president told reporters after meeting Vladimir Putin in ...http://blogs.ft.com/beyond-brics/2013/03/22/china-russia-a-whole-lot-of-energy-deals/#axzz2OK8YxjCI
Financial Times (blog)
A three day visit to Moscow by Xi Jinping got off to a flying start on Friday with the signature of a clutch of agreements that will deepen energy ties between Russia and China. As the Chinese president told reporters after meeting Vladimir Putin in ...http://blogs.ft.com/beyond-brics/2013/03/22/china-russia-a-whole-lot-of-energy-deals/#axzz2OK8YxjCI
China, Russia agree key energy deals
Business Recorder (blog) -
China's new leader Xi Jinping and his Russian host, President Vladimir
Putin, on Friday oversaw the signing of a raft of energy and other
agreements as they sought to further tighten their countries' already
close partnership. Xi, who is on his first foreign trip as ...http://www.brecorder.com/top-stories/0/1166606/
SCE Considers Futher License Amendment for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
SCE Considers Futher License Amendment for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
from atomic power review by Will Davis
Press release from Southern California Edison reproduced below. http://atomicpowerreview.blogspot.com/2013/03/sce-considers-futher-license-amendment.html----------
SCE Considers License Amendment for San Onofre Nuclear Plant
ROSEMEAD, Calif., March 22, 2013 — Southern California Edison (SCE) is considering voluntarily submitting a license amendment request to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to support the restart of Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The amendment is consistent with SCE’s plan to operate the unit’s steam generators at 70 percent power as a conservative safety measure.
SCE is requesting a meeting with the NRC to discuss the possible amendment. This meeting, which would be open to the public, would provide an opportunity for SCE to discuss with the NRC the scope and content of a potential amendment to ensure it meets regulatory requirements. The meeting will also help SCE evaluate the nature and timeliness of the NRC process for review and approval of the amendment. Separately, SCE representatives have informed the Atomic Safety Licensing Board, the independent, adjudicatory arm of the NRC, of the company’s consideration of submitting a license amendment.
SCE would like to restart Unit 2 by the summer to meet peak customer demand for electricity. The San Onofre nuclear plant is the largest source of baseload generation and voltage support in the region and is a critical asset for reliability and in meeting California’s clean energy goals.
Last week, SCE submitted a detailed operational assessment requested by the NRC that supports safe operation of Unit 2 at 100 percent power for 11 months to answer a request from the NRC related to the plant’s technical specifications. Approval of that assessment would eliminate the need for the license amendment. However, because the NRC may take substantial time to review this operational assessment, SCE is simultaneously considering the license amendment.
“We want to do every responsible thing we can do to get Unit 2 up and running safely before the summer heat hits our region,” said Ron Litzinger, SCE president. “While the NRC continues to review the technical materials we’ve submitted, we’re considering a request for a license amendment so that we can pursue the best path to safe restart while avoiding unnecessary delays.”
If SCE pursues the amendment, it will submit a “No Significant Hazards Consideration” analysis demonstrating that the license amendment does not involve any significant safety risks. Regardless of whether an amendment or SCE’s 100 percent power operational assessment is approved, SCE will only operate Unit 2 at 70 percent power for an initial period of five months, following which the unit will be shut down for steam generator tube inspections.
Additional background information about the potential license amendment can be found at www.SONGScommunity.com.
NRC approval is required before SCE can restart Unit 2. The repair, corrective action and restart plan for Unit 2, along with additional technical information to address questions from the NRC, are available to the public at www.SONGScommunity.com
More information, including videos that explain how a steam generator works and the role San Onofre plays in providing reliable electricity to the region, is available at www.edison.com/SONGSupdateand at www.SONGScommunity.com. San Onofre is jointly owned by SCE (78.21 percent), San Diego Gas & Electric (20 percent) and the city of Riverside (1.79 percent). Follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/SCE) and like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/SCE).
About Southern California Edison
An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company,Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of nearly 14 million via 4.9 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.
Jennifer Manfrè
Principal Manager, Media Relations
Southern California Edison
Lockheed Martin Says This Desalination Technology Is An Industry Game-Changer
Lockheed Martin Says This Desalination Technology Is An Industry Game-Changer
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/lockheed-martin-desalination-graphene-filters-2013-3#ixzz2OIvBUh12
from Clusterstock by Dina Spector
Environmental Law Institute CLE: Environmental Impacts of Shale Development and Hydraulic Fracturing: Key Legal Issues and Future Directions
Environmental Law Institute CLE: Environmental Impacts of Shale Development and Hydraulic Fracturing: Key Legal Issues and Future Directions
from PEN-e from Pace Law School Library by Taryn Rucinski
Co-sponsored by ALI CLE | |||||||||||||
Friday Energy Facts: Is the U.S. Shift from Coal to Natural Gas Stalling Out?
Friday Energy Facts: Is the U.S. Shift from Coal to Natural Gas Stalling Out?
http://theenergycollective.com/jessejenkins/202081/energy-facts-coal-natural-gas-shift-stalling-out?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29Natural Gas: Killing Coal And Nuclear, and Maybe The Grid
Natural Gas: Killing Coal And Nuclear, and Maybe The Grid
"Update and Perspective on Small Modular Reactor Development"
From ANS Nuclear Cafe:
"Update and Perspective on Small Modular Reactor Development"
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has a $452 million program to share
development and licensing costs for selected small modular reactor (SMR)
designs. The DOE’s goal is to have an operating SMR by ~2022.
Jim Hopf takes a close look at the current development and licensing
status, safety advantages, and economic tradeoffs of small modular
reactors. And he explores a very important question: Will the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission allow SMRs to succeed?
"Update and Perspective on Small Modular Reactor Development"
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has a $452 million program to share
development and licensing costs for selected small modular reactor (SMR)
designs. The DOE’s goal is to have an operating SMR by ~2022.
Jim Hopf takes a close look at the current development and licensing
status, safety advantages, and economic tradeoffs of small modular
reactors. And he explores a very important question: Will the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission allow SMRs to succeed?
British nuclear support plans flout EU rules - lawyers
British nuclear support plans flout EU rules - lawyers
"The Era of Coal is Over": Los Angeles Will Move Beyond Coal by 2025
"The Era of Coal is Over": Los Angeles Will Move Beyond Coal by 2025
Huffington Post -
LAcoal-image-cropped Today, after a three-year campaign by tens of
thousands across the city, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joined
our L.A. Beyond Coal activists to publicly announce this blockbuster
news: L.A. will stop using coal by 2025.
Los Angeles to be First Coal Free City in US by 2025
National Geographic -
Mayor of C40 city Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa announcedWednesday
the city's plan — approved Tuesday by the Board of Water and Power
Commissioners — to be coal-free by the year 2025. Los Angeles currently
meets 39% of its energy demand from ...
Utah Intermountain 2 coal plant expected back on late April
Reuters -
March 21 | Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:52pm EDT. March 21 (Reuters) -
Intermountain Power Agency's 900-megawatt (MW) Unit 2 at the
Intermountain coal-fired plant in Utah will likely return to service by
about April 29, a spokesman at the Los Angeles Department ...
Los Angeles to be coal free by 2025
CBS News -
LOS ANGELES The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is taking
steps to wean its dependence on coal by the middle of next decade. The
city utility currently gets 40 percent of its energy from coal-fired
plants in Utah and Arizona. On Tuesday, the ...
LA moves to eliminate reliance on coal-powered energy
Los Angeles Times -
DWP commissioners proceed with plans to dump the utility's interest in a
coal-burning plant in Arizona and convert another plant in Utah to
natural gas. March 19, 2013|By Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times. The
coal-powered Intermountain Power Project in ...
Los Angeles Halts Using Electricity From Coal Plants
Businessweek -
Los Angeles will become the biggest U.S. city to abandon coal-fueled
electricity after the taxpayer- owned utility said it will support
renewable sources, boost energy efficiency and build a new natural-gas
fired plant. The city's Department of Water and Power, ...
LA DWP to be coal-free in 12 years under new plan
Los Angeles Times -
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power will be coal-free within
12 years under a plan announced Tuesday. Under the plan, the utility
would sell off one coal-fired power plant in Arizona and grant approvals
for a second plant in Utah to be converted ...
Los Angeles Bans Coal Power
Energy and Capital -
City officials of Los Angeles hope to adopt a coal-free zone of the
future. Despite the famous smog you may see in front of the Hollywood
Sign, L.A. was able to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 28 percent since
1990, according to Bloomberg. Coal is a cheap ...
CLIMATE CHANGE: LA utility vows to go coal-free
Press-Enterprise (blog) -
Los Angeles officials are expected to announce today, March 22, that
the city will give up all coal-based sources of power generation in the
next 12 years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. LADWP. Mayor Anthony
Villaraigosa, former vice president Al ...
California Public Power Leads the way...away from coal!
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) -
This week the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the publicly
owned electric utility in LA, came up big: announcing a detailed plan to
end the era of coal power for California once and for all. The plan
makes real Mayor Villaraigosa's pledge to make ...
Mayor Villaraigosa Announces Major Steps Towards Eliminating La's Reliance ...
PublicCEO.com -
Mayor Villaraigosa announced actions by the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power (LADWP) that will eliminate Los Angeles' reliance on
coal power by no later than 2025. Vice President Al Gore, Chairman of
Climate Reality Project, will visit Los ...
LA Off Coal by 2025 at the Latest
Energy Collective - Mar 21, 2013
Today the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) Board
unanimously approved its plan to get off of coal by 2025 and replace it
with cleaner energy. This is the culmination of years of work and
negotiation, and sets the stage for the largest ...
LADWP To Transition Away From Coal-Fired Energy
Renew Grid - Mar 21, 2013
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has taken new
steps toward eliminating coal from Los Angeles' power supply.
Representatives of LADWP and Salt River Project have reached what the
utilities describe as "sufficient progress on the ...
LA Public Utility Aims To Eliminate Its Coal Power By 2025
Law360 (subscription) - Mar 20, 2013
Law360, Los Angeles (March 19, 2013, 7:44 PM ET) -- Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio R. Villaraigosa announced Tuesday that the city's Department of
Water and Power, the nation's largest municipally owned utility, will
eliminate its reliance on coal-fueled power ...
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WASTE & RECYCLING: AECL raises liabilities estimate
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Fukushima Updates 3/22
Here are the topics for today's Fukushima updates...
nay-sayers concerning the spent fuel pool cooling system outage are now
dominating the Press coverage in Japan... Not to let the political
opportunity pass, Tokyo ordered Tepco to install multiple power supplies
to the SFP cooling systems... The Nuclear Regulatory Authority will
extend a “grace” period on nukes in order to meet some of the new
regulations... Tokyo says Tepco owes them ~$110 million in
decontamination costs, but the company isn’t so sure... While property
values are dropping across Japan, they are going up significantly in the
tsunami-disaster hit areas of Tohoku.
Rusatom Overseas: The lifespan of a nuclear power plant is 80 years
Rusatom Overseas: The lifespan of a nuclear power plant is 80 years
News of Belarus
The specialist said that after the 80 years, the nuclear power plant is rendered nuclear-safe, fuel is removed as well as other parts that have become radioactive over the years. “The cost of the rehabilitation of the area depends on what we want to http://news.belta.by/en/news/econom?id=710416...
News of Belarus
The specialist said that after the 80 years, the nuclear power plant is rendered nuclear-safe, fuel is removed as well as other parts that have become radioactive over the years. “The cost of the rehabilitation of the area depends on what we want to http://news.belta.by/en/news/econom?id=710416...
Belarusian nuclear station more environmentally friendly than coal-fired power ...
News of Belarus
MINSK, 22 March (BelTA) – The radiation background around the
Belarusian nuclear power plant will be much lower than that around
coal-fired power plants. The information was released by Mr Sergei
Boyarkin, an advisor of ZAO Rusatom Overseas (a ...https://www.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://news.belta.by/en/news/econom%3Fid%3D710416&hl=en&geo=us
Rosatom known for cost-effective and timely project delivery, Boyarkin says
News of Belarus - 4 hours ago
MINSK, 22 March (BelTA) - The state corporation Rosatom, which is the
general contractor of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (NPP)
construction project, is reputed for cost-effective and timely delivery
of projects, Director of Rosatom's programs Sergei ...http://news.belta.by/en/news/econom?id=710453
Entergy document cites drastic fall in value of Vermont Yankee nuclear power ...
Entergy document cites drastic fall in value of Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, raising questions about its viability
Thursday marked the one-year anniversary that Vermont Yankee's initial 40-year operating license expired, and the aging nuclear plant finds itself on rough financial footing. In a November 2012 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, http://vtdigger.org/2013/03/21/entergy-document-cites-drastic-fall-in-value-of-vermont-yankee-nuclear-power-plant-raising-questions-about-its-viability/
NRC Seeks Financial Information From Yankee Owner Entergy
Vermont Public Radio
Federal regulators want more information about Entergy Corporation's
finances after the company dropped the value of its Vermont Yankee plant
by more than two-thirds. Entergy told financial regulators in November
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prefecture, Japan, on March 6, 2013. (Issei Kato/Reuters). NIHONMATSU,
Japan - Shinichi Ouchi's family has ...http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/03/rumors-and-prejudice-plague-fukushima-farmers-two-years-later/274283/
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Energy Collective
The US Department of Energy has a $452 million program to share development and licensing costs for selected small modular reactor (SMR) designs. The DOE's goal is to have an operating SMR by ~2022. Last November, the DOE awarded the first grant to ...http://theenergycollective.com/ansorg/201641/update-and-perspective-small-modular-reactor-development
Energy Collective
The US Department of Energy has a $452 million program to share development and licensing costs for selected small modular reactor (SMR) designs. The DOE's goal is to have an operating SMR by ~2022. Last November, the DOE awarded the first grant to ...http://theenergycollective.com/ansorg/201641/update-and-perspective-small-modular-reactor-development
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Chinese HTGR fuel plant under construction
21 March 2013
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Japan’s multibillion-dollar radiological cleanup
is marred by employment law violations, shoddy working practices and a
shortage of people willing to work.http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/japan/130320/deadly-job-fukushima-cleanup-video
Japan’s multibillion-dollar radiological cleanup
is marred by employment law violations, shoddy working practices and a
shortage of people willing to work.http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/japan/130320/deadly-job-fukushima-cleanup-video
Why the Bankruptcy of Suntech Matters
Why the Bankruptcy of Suntech Matters
The Chinese government is allowing major solar companies to fail, and that’s a good thing. http://www.technologyreview.com/view/512806/why-the-bankruptcy-of-suntech-matters/?utm_campaign=newsletters&utm_source=newsletter-daily-all&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20130322
Bill Gates says nuclear power is the key to solving climate change
Speaking to a group of international energy
executives at the IHS CERAWeek conference this week, Microsoft (Nasdaq:
MSFT) Chairman Bill Gates called nuclear power the most economically
viable way to combat climate change.http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2013/03/bill-gates-says-nuclear-power-is-the-key-to-solving-climate-chan.html?goback=.gde_46854_member_225070529
Great nuclear shift towards Asia predicted
Great nuclear shift towards Asia predicted energyandnuclear.com
Great nuclear shift towards Asia predicted
There’s going to be a “shift towards Asia” in the world’s nuclear power
industry. This despite the region’s previous nuclear powerhouse Japan
scaling down...http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/03/21/great-nuclear-shift-towards-asia-predicted/?goback=.gde_2437005_member_225008028
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