Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage - Judicial Watch
Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage - Judicial Watch: Court Excoriates Obama State Department/Justice Department for Possibly Acting in “Bad Faith” and Colluding “to Scuttle Public Scrutiny” of Clinton Private Email Server Court Criticizes Current Justice Department for “Chicanery” District Court Judge Lamberth Orders “Proposed Plan and Schedule for Discovery Within Ten Days” Discovery Must Also Explore Whether Clinton Intentionally Used Private Email Server to “skirt...
TVA to keep cutting carbon with natgas, nuclear power plants: CEO | Reuters
TVA to keep cutting carbon with natgas, nuclear power plants: CEO | Reuters: The chief executive of Tennessee Valley Authority said on Thursday the U.S.-owned power generator will keep cutting carbon emissions in future years after replacing much of its coal-fired fleet with plants run on natural gas, nuclear and renewables.
Hanford workers sprayed with contaminated water | Tri-City Herald
Hanford workers sprayed with contaminated water | Tri-City Herald: 2 Hanford nuclear reservation workers were were accidentally sprayed with water contaminated with chemicals at a radiological facility at the site. 1 was given an emergency shower.
Fusion reactions project attracts UK funding - World Nuclear News
Fusion reactions project attracts UK funding - World Nuclear News: The UK Atomic Energy Authority and First Light Fusion are collaborating to convert fusion reactions into heat to enable clean power production. The ‘Fusion Island’ project is to be partly funded by a government grant.
Optimisation studies begin at Namibian uranium mine - World Nuclear News
Optimisation studies begin at Namibian uranium mine - World Nuclear News: Paladin Energy is embarking on two studies to optimise its Langer Heinrich uranium mine in Namibia in preparation for a restart decision. The company will also examine the potential recovery of vanadium as a by-product at the mine, which is currently under care and maintenance.
Mammoet supports EnBW in dismantling large components of nuclear power plant | AJOT.COM
Mammoet supports EnBW in dismantling large components of nuclear power plant | AJOT.COM: Mammoet Germany has been contracted by EnBW to remove three steam generators and a pressure holder as part of the dismantling of the Neckarwestheim I nuclear power plant (GKN I).
Cabinet Says It Will Cancel Plan to Abolish Nuclear Energy by 2025 - The News Lens International Edition
Cabinet Says It Will Cancel Plan to Abolish Nuclear Energy by 2025 - The News Lens International Edition: The DPP remains committed to phasing out nuclear power – but not by 2025. Tags: nuclear power, nuclear referendum, nuclear energy, Taiwan nuclear referendum, KMT referendum, William Lai
Shellenberger: Time to Rehabilitate Nuclear Power | The Budapest Business Journal on the web | bbj.hu
Shellenberger: Time to Rehabilitate Nuclear Power | The Budapest Business Journal on the web | bbj.hu: Pro-nuclear activist Michael Shellenberger, founder of the California-based global citizens movement Environmental Progress, writer for Forbes and a defeated candidate for governor of California this year, talks exclusively to the Budapest Business Journal about why Europe would benefit from focusing on nuclear energy, not renewables and how Hungary can become more energy-independent.
Political Debate Goes Nuclear After Referendum Keeps Reactors Running - The News Lens International Edition
Political Debate Goes Nuclear After Referendum Keeps Reactors Running - The News Lens International Edition: Taiwan voted to reverse a plan to phase out nuclear power by 2025, but nobody knows what comes next. Tags: nuclear power, nuclear referendum, Taiwan nuclear, Fukushima nuclear disaster, Fukushima referendum
Taiwan debates future of nuclear plants, spent fuel rods | Asia Times
Taiwan debates future of nuclear plants, spent fuel rods | Asia Times: While the island sits on 20,000 spent fuel rods not yet stored securely, a recent referendum result was a severe setback to the 'zero-nuclear' policy
Vermont Public Utility Commission OKs Vt. Yankee sale
Vermont Public Utility Commission OKs Vt. Yankee sale
https://www.recorder.com/vERMONT-yANKEE-22019154Thursday, December 6, 2018
Diversity key for UK nuclear workforce strategy - World Nuclear News
Diversity key for UK nuclear workforce strategy - World Nuclear News: The UK needs 7000 skilled people to join its nuclear sector every year in order to reach a projected peak demand of 100,600 full-time equivalent workers in 2021, a newly released update to the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group's strategic plan has found.
Nuclear important to sustainable energy mix, says UNECE report - World Nuclear News
Nuclear important to sustainable energy mix, says UNECE report - World Nuclear News: All energy sources, including renewables, nuclear and high efficiency fossil fuel with carbon capture and storage, must be considered along with new business models and significant improvements in energy efficiency and productivity to ensure that the energy needed for sustainable development is available and affordable.
China General Nuclear ready to ramp up UK ambitions - World Nuclear News
China General Nuclear ready to ramp up UK ambitions - World Nuclear News: Following the withdrawal of NuGeneration, China General Nuclear is ready to ramp-up its plans for a new plant at Bradwell based on its HPR1000 (Hualong One) design in order to keep the UK's nuclear power programme on track, Robert Davies, chief operating officer of CGN UK said today.
Belarusian nuclear power plant's 330kV switchgear powered up
Belarusian nuclear power plant's 330kV switchgear powered up: While the nuclear power plant is under construction, the switchgear is used to provide reliable power supply for startup and commissioning operations. Once the Belarusian nuclear power plant goes online, the switchgear will be used to feed electricity to the national power grid.
Taiwan decommissions oldest nuclear power rea... | Taiwan News
Taiwan decommissions oldest nuclear power rea... | Taiwan News: Nuclear reactor ceases operation as decommission project faces delays.The first reactor at the Jinshan Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City ceased operations on Dec. 5, and has officially begun a decommission process.
State regulators clear Millstone nuclear plants to compete in zero-emission energy auctions - Hartford Courant
State regulators clear Millstone nuclear plants to compete in zero-emission energy auctions - Hartford Courant: Connecticut regulators rule Millstone plants "at risk for retirement" and should be allowed to compete against wind, solar in zero emission energy auctions.
Developer Sues TVA After It Halts Nuke Site Sale | 2018-12-05 | Engineering News-Record
Developer Sues TVA After It Halts Nuke Site Sale | 2018-12-05 | Engineering News-Record: The multibillion-dollar completion of a nuclear unit at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s unfinished 1,260-MW Bellefonte plant in Alabama is in limbo after the federal power producer refused to complete its sale to Nuclear Development LLC, which has since filed a breach of contract complaint in federal district court. At issue is the transfer by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of deferred construction permits. One unit at the site was about 90% complete, the other 58% finished when construction was stopped in 1988. In 2016, . . .
Feds to Take Closer Look at Concerns Over NJ Company’s Plans for Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository
Feds to Take Closer Look at Concerns Over NJ Company’s Plans for Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository
https://thesandpaper.villagesoup.com/p/feds-to-take-closer-look-at-concerns-over-nj-companys-plans-for-spent-nuclear-fuel-repository/1791400A Gathering Arms Race Between Great Powers
A Gathering Arms Race Between Great Powers: Bottom Line Up Front On December 04, NATO formally accused Russia of being in violation of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Since 2014, the U.S. claims that Russia has developed and tested a cruise missile banned under the landmark treaty. Russian President Vladimir Putin denied developing such a missile, but said his country … Continue reading "A Gathering Arms Race Between Great Powers"
Save the Date! April 30-May 1, 2019 MIT CANES – MITEI Symposium/ A celebration of Dr. Kord Smith’s career
Save the Date! April 30-May 1, 2019 MIT CANES – MITEI Symposium/ A celebration of Dr. Kord Smith’s career
| x |

Save the Date!
Symposium on
Digital Design, Licensing and Operations of Nuclear Power Plants
- A celebration of Dr. Kord Smith’s career –
Hosted by:
MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems (CANES), MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI)
MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems (CANES), MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI)
April 30-May 1, 2019
MIT Campus, Cambridge, Massachusetts
This symposium will showcase the latest advances in informatics, simulation, robotics and AI to reduce the cost of designing,
licensing and operating the nuclear systems of the future. The symposium will also serve as an opportunity
to celebrate the career of our colleague and friend Prof. Kord Smith, who will retire from MIT in the near future.
You are warmly invited to attend.
Add to your calendar April 30-May 1, 2019. Invitations and logistics for this event will be emailed out in the coming
For more information, please contact the symposium
(Pardon, if you received this through duplicate email addresses MIT has for you).
With warm regards,
Symposium Co-chairs,
Jacopo Buongiorno
Kord Smith
Emilio Baglietto
Matteo Bucci
Jacopo Buongiorno
TEPCO Professor and Associate Department Head, Nuclear Science and Engineering
Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems (CANES)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Room 24-206, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Carolyn Carrington | Center Administrator
Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems (CANES)
MIT | Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
77 Massachusetts Avenue | Cambridge, MA 02139 | Bldg. 24-215
MIT Center for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems (CANES)
77 Massachusetts Ave Bldg. 24-215
Cambridge, MA 02139-4301
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Independent Reviews, Environmental Assessments Needed to Build Trust and Inform DOE NNSA’s Plans if it Proceeds with the Dilution and Disposal Process of Surplus Plutonium
Independent Reviews, Environmental Assessments Needed to Build Trust and Inform DOE NNSA’s Plans if it Proceeds with the Dilution and Disposal Process of Surplus Plutonium: If the dilute and dispose approach for disposing of the surplus plutonium in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is fully implemented, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should use two independent review teams to develop public trust in and improve its decisions, says a new interim report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Final containment vessel ring placed for Vogtle Unit 3 | Benzinga
Final containment vessel ring placed for Vogtle Unit 3 | Benzinga: ATLANTA, Dec. 4, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power announced today the latest milestones at the Vogtle nuclear expansion near Waynesboro, Georgia – the ...
State asks to push back deadline on Vermont Yankee sale | Island Packet
State asks to push back deadline on Vermont Yankee sale | Island Packet: Vermont state regulators have again pushed back the deadline for the sale of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant due to a delay on a state decision.
Russia and Rwanda to cooperate in nuclear power - World Nuclear News
Russia and Rwanda to cooperate in nuclear power - World Nuclear News: Russia and Rwanda have signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
Russia completes testing of modified VVER-440 fuel - World Nuclear News
Russia completes testing of modified VVER-440 fuel - World Nuclear News: OKB Gidropress, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, has completed "longevity testing" of fuel assembly models with an optimised hydro-uranium ratio for VVER-440 reactors at the Paks and Loviisa plants.
The lights could go out this winter if we close more coal and nuclear power plants - MarketWatch
The lights could go out this winter if we close more coal and nuclear power plants - MarketWatch: Shortages of natural gas and the closure of many coal- and nuclear-power plants have created a worst-case scenario wherein the United States experiences a cold snap, and sufficient power generation simply isn’t available to meet demand.
50% in nuclear industry: Energy plan for 2030 is ‘unrealistic’:The Asahi Shimbun
50% in nuclear industry: Energy plan for 2030 is ‘unrealistic’:The Asahi Shimbun: Half of companies in the nuclear industry doubt the government’s goal of having nuclear power accoun
Japan cancels $22 billion Turkish nuclear power project | Ahval
Japan cancels $22 billion Turkish nuclear power project | Ahval: A Japan-led consortium has cancelled plans to build a $22 billion nuclear power plant in Turkey citing rising costs and failure to agree revised financing terms with the government.
Poland wants to avoid financing nuclear power with debt | Reuters
Poland wants to avoid financing nuclear power with debt | Reuters: Poland is reluctant to finance the construction of nuclear power stations with debt and hopes to continue talks about the project with the United States, Piotr Naimski, the government official responsible for key energy infrastructure, said on Tuesday.
Harvard scientists see midcentury opening for U.S. nuclear power – Harvard Gazette
Harvard scientists see midcentury opening for U.S. nuclear power – Harvard Gazette: Environmental fellow Michael Ford and climate scientist Daniel Schrag say that improved nuclear power could play an important role in U.S. energy production midcentury and beyond.
New Book Dives Deep into Fukushima Disaster | Benzinga
New Book Dives Deep into Fukushima Disaster | Benzinga: MARIETTA, Ga., Dec. 4, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake (a magnitude 9.0 earthquake just off the coast of Japan) ...
Expanding the Scope of OIRA Review - AAF
Expanding the Scope of OIRA Review - AAF: The Trump Administration is considering expanding the regulatory review provided by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). The NRC is a strong candidate.
Bellefonte nuclear deal implodes: Private developer sues after TVA cancels sale | Utility Dive
Bellefonte nuclear deal implodes: Private developer sues after TVA cancels sale | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
NRC Rules Would Benefit from OIRA Review - AAF
NRC Rules Would Benefit from OIRA Review - AAF: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Trump Administration is considering expanding the White House’s review of regulations to include reviewing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) rules. The NRC is a good candidate for review because its incentive to regulate is misaligned with the safety risks of newer technologies. The benefits of expanding regulatory review to the NRC markedly …
NUCLEAR: Downtime at 'aging' Grand Gulf attracts increased scrutiny -- Tuesday, December 4, 2018 -- www.eenews.net
NUCLEAR: Downtime at 'aging' Grand Gulf attracts increased scrutiny -- Tuesday, December 4, 2018 -- www.eenews.net: The Grand Gulf nuclear plant's issues are gaining attention at a time when the Trump administration continues to mull ways to aid U.S. coal and nuclear plants under a premise of reliability and resilience.
How long can Turkey Point’s reactors stay in business? FPL wants at least 20 more years
How long can Turkey Point’s reactors stay in business? FPL wants at least 20 more years
Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/environment/article222608440.html#storylink=cpy
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Reactor vessel in place at Hongyanhe 6 - World Nuclear News
Reactor vessel in place at Hongyanhe 6 - World Nuclear News: The reactor pressure vessel of unit 6 at the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant in China's Liaoning province was installed on 1 December, Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Company announced today.
Fortum to assist in decommissioning research reactor - World Nuclear News
Fortum to assist in decommissioning research reactor - World Nuclear News: Finnish utility Fortum has signed a letter of intent to cooperate with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in the decommissioning of the Finnish Reactor 1 research reactor and the nuclear power plant structural materials research laboratory.
Bipartisan caucus calls for Pennsylvania to take action - World Nuclear News
Bipartisan caucus calls for Pennsylvania to take action - World Nuclear News: Nuclear energy in Pennsylvania is at a crossroads, according to a newly released report from a bipartisan group of state legislators. The state must avert nuclear plant closures or suffer job loss, community disruption, and higher electricity prices, the Pennsylvania Nuclear Energy Caucus said.
Searching for Vitaly - The American Interest
Searching for Vitaly - The American Interest: Amid the turbulence of Putin’s reign, can the remarkable career of diplomatic virtuoso Vitaly Churkin offer any guideposts for the future of Russia’s relations with the West?
Japan to abandon Turkey nuclear project - Nikkei | Reuters
Japan to abandon Turkey nuclear project - Nikkei | Reuters: Japan is set to scrap a Turkish nuclear power project that had been projected as a model for Tokyo's export of infrastructure, the Nikkei reported https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Japan-to-scrap-Turkey-nuclear-project.
Russia signs nuclear deal with Argentina, competing with China | Euronews
Russia signs nuclear deal with Argentina, competing with China | Euronews: By Geert De Clercq
PARIS (Reuters) - Russia signed a new nuclear cooperation agreement with Argentina, which is already negotiating with China about building nuclear
PARIS (Reuters) - Russia signed a new nuclear cooperation agreement with Argentina, which is already negotiating with China about building nuclear
Russia signs nuclear deal with Argentina, competing with China, World News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
Russia signs nuclear deal with Argentina, competing with China, World News & Top Stories - The Straits Times: PARIS (REUTERS) - Russia signed a new nuclear cooperation agreement with Argentina, which is already negotiating with China about building nuclear reactors.. Read more at straitstimes.com.
As climate change worsens, America faces nuclear closures
As climate change worsens, America faces nuclear closures
Lawsuit launched as Bellefonte sale falters - World Nuclear News
Lawsuit launched as Bellefonte sale falters - World Nuclear News: A lawsuit filed by Nuclear Development LLC alleging that the Tennessee Valley Authority is in breach of contract following the authority's announcement that it will not complete the sale of the partially-built Bellefonte nuclear power plant is without merit, TVA said today.
EM Update December 4, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
Sully, George H.W. Bush's service dog, lies before his casket in viral photo - The Washington Post
Sully, George H.W. Bush's service dog, lies before his casket in viral photo - The Washington Post: “Mission complete,” said Jim McGrath, the Bush spokesman who shared a photo of the service dog’s mournful stance.
Energy & Environmental Newsletter 12/3/18
Copyright © 2018; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisi
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Proposed expansion of Karnataka N-plant "ignores" worldwide anxiety post-Fukishima
Proposed expansion of Karnataka N-plant "ignores" worldwide anxiety post-Fukishima: A news blog carrying articles and stories obtained from alternative quarters
TVA says Bellefonte purchase misses closing date - The Daily Memphian
TVA says Bellefonte purchase misses closing date - The Daily Memphian: Tennessee Valley Authority officials have called off the sale of the Bellefonte Plant in northeastern Alabama at Friday’s deadline for Nuclear Development LLC to close on the purchase. TVA officials confirmed they called off the sale of the mothballed electricity-producing plant because Nuclear Development, owned by Chattanooga developer Franklin Haney, did not have the necessary approval from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission to transfer construction permits.
Will France Fry Its Nuclear Future for Short-Term Political Gain?
Will France Fry Its Nuclear Future for Short-Term Political Gain?
- French President Macron announced a plan this week to execute a “cautious reduction” of its nuclear fleet.
- Despite the promises of Green Party politicians for more a more aggressive schedule, only the Fessenheim nuclear station, built in 1978, is actually scheduled to close by 2020.
- He said France would cap the amount of electricity it derives from nuclear plants at 50% by 2035, which is a delay compared with the goal of 2025 set by his predecessor Francois Hollande.
- Macron said France will not phase out nuclear entirely, as its neighbors Germany and Belgium are planning to do.
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