Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Vermonters say they want industrial wind to go the way of the billboard
Vermonters say they want industrial wind to go the way of the billboard
Friday, January 22, 2016
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Understanding the spent fuel dilemma
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Understanding the spent fuel dilemma
- As Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station prepares to close, the spent fuel debacle looms in our future.
Advanced Reactors Technical Summit III
Advanced Reactors Technical Summit III
NRC Blog Update: NRC Geared Up for Potent Winter Wallop
NRC Geared Up for Potent Winter Wallop
Public Affairs Officer
Region I
What a difference a month makes. As of late December, many East Coast residents were savoring record warmth and a winter which, until that point at least, had been largely devoid of a certain four-letter word (snow), as well as ice.
Fueled by a potent El Nino – a warming of Pacific Ocean waters that occurs every several years – the season was marked more by bustling golf courses and joggers wearing shorts than an abundance of the white stuff.
But now a sizable storm that has piggy-backed on the jet stream is taking aim at the East and promises to deliver what could be a significant winter wallop accompanied by large snow accumulations and strong winds in many areas. As is always the case, the NRC is ready to keep a close watch on nuclear power plants that potentially could be impacted by the storm.
Plant personnel have checklists of specific tasks to be performed when a significant storm – no matter whether a blizzard or a hurricane – is approaching.
For instance, there will be “walkdowns,” or surveys, of plant grounds to ensure there are no objects or debris that could get whipped into the air by strong winds and cause damage to any structures, power lines or the switchyard.
Another activity is to check that tanks that supply fuel to emergency diesel generators are filled. If the flow of power from the grid to the plant is disrupted for any reason, these generators will activate and provide power to key safety systems until the normal electricity alignment can be restored.
There needs to be sufficient fuel on hand in case the generators are needed for any extended period of time.
Also, plant operators must prepare for the possibility of flooding. One way to do this is to follow each site’s procedures, which can involve checking that flood-protection doors are properly secured, putting sandbags in place, stationing portable pumps or other actions.
NRC Resident Inspectors will be monitoring the completion of these activities using their own inspection procedure while also tracking the storm’s track and expected conditions at each site.
All indications are that this storm – dubbed Jonas by the Weather Channel – is one to take seriously. The NRC is prepared to do just that.
For information on how NRC HQ prepares, see this post.
Buried nuclear waste risky, say Stanford experts
Buried nuclear waste risky, say Stanford experts
Radioactive material from the laboratories that design
America's nuclear weapons will have to be buried and kept away from
humans for at least 10,000 years. But three Stanford experts say the
safety analysis of this project needs to be revised to reflect new
strategies that aim to substantially increase the amounts of plutonium
to be disposed of.
CORRECTED-Thai Ratchaburi to spend $208 mln on China nuclear power plant
CORRECTED-Thai Ratchaburi to spend $208 mln on China nuclear power plant
LANL poised to ramp up plutonium pit production, report says
LANL poised to ramp up plutonium pit production, report says
This is the button that could end the world: Nuclear missile trigger revealed.. and it’s in Scotland – Scottish Daily Record
This is the button that could end the world: Nuclear missile trigger revealed.. and it’s in Scotland – Scottish Daily Record
Chinese firms attend UK Civil Nuclear Showcase
Chinese firms attend UK Civil Nuclear Showcase
Clean Air Energy without Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Clean Air Energy without Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Update on LA gas well on ENE News
LA gas well has ‘destabilized’, large crater develops in area — Officials: “Could be catastrophic” — TV: Risk of massive fire, possible explosion — Expert: “If wellhead fails, the thing is just going to be full blast… a horrible, horrible problem” — Company refuses to provide photos or media access (VIDEO)
http://enenews.com/la-gas-destabilized-officials-could-be-catastrophic-tv-experts-highly-flammable-gas-creating-risk-massive-fire-explosion-professor-wellhead-fails-going-be-full-blast-itll-be-horrible-horrible-pr?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ENENews+%28Energy+News%29Thursday, January 21, 2016
Renewables at 90% only IF grid-level storage comes first
Renewables at 90% only IF grid-level storage comes first
http://yesvy.blogspot.com/2016/01/renewables-at-90-only-if-grid-level.html#.VqF1mVKGhRkThe Frightening Prospect of a Nuclear War Is About to Become a Lot More Likely
Lawrence S. Wittner, History News Network: A
fight now underway over newly designed US nuclear weapons highlights
how far the Obama administration has strayed from its commitment to
build a nuclear-free world. The fight concerns a variety of nuclear
weapons that the US military is currently in the process of developing.
D.C. Circuit Denies Stay of Clean Power Plan
D.C. Circuit Denies Stay of Clean Power Plan
Fukushima Update 1/21/16
Fukushima Update 1/21/16 –
Japan’s Fukushima doses are less than natural background exposures… Only 0.046% of Fukushima’s 2015 seafood exceeded the radioactive Cesium limit… Twenty-seven percent of Fukushima’s school lunch foods come from the prefecture… Some Japanese utilities reconsider earthquake-absorbing buildings for emergency response… A former Tepco executive starts a Minamisoma tomato farm.
Japan’s Fukushima doses are less than natural background exposures… Only 0.046% of Fukushima’s 2015 seafood exceeded the radioactive Cesium limit… Twenty-seven percent of Fukushima’s school lunch foods come from the prefecture… Some Japanese utilities reconsider earthquake-absorbing buildings for emergency response… A former Tepco executive starts a Minamisoma tomato farm.
Energy Dept. taking steps to establish used nuclear fuel repository
Energy Dept. taking steps to establish used nuclear fuel repository
The Energy Department is trying a new approach to establish a used nuclear fuel repository, part of which includes seeking consent from ideal candidates that may be interested in hosting a permanent storage site, writes James Conca. The department is also handling a study in North Dakota of a disposal method where waste is lowered into a deep borehole. The borehole is then filled with several layers of special materials. Forbes
The Energy Department is trying a new approach to establish a used nuclear fuel repository, part of which includes seeking consent from ideal candidates that may be interested in hosting a permanent storage site, writes James Conca. The department is also handling a study in North Dakota of a disposal method where waste is lowered into a deep borehole. The borehole is then filled with several layers of special materials. Forbes
ANS Nuclear Cafe Update: Nuclear Agro-Industrial Parks
Nuclear Agro-Industrial ParksBy ansnuclearcafe on Jan 20, 2016 04:12 pmby Will Davis In the 1960s, the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) carried out a fairly large number of investigations into the use of nuclear energy for purposes other Continue Reading → Read in browser » |
Opinion: China and Russia plan to cover the oceans with floating nuclear power plants
Opinion: China and Russia plan to cover the oceans with floating nuclear power plants
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/china-and-russia-plan-to-cover-the-oceans-with-floating-nuclear-power-plants-2016-01-21Amec to provide services to nuclear fusion project in France
Amec to provide services to nuclear fusion project in France
Nuclear convoys branded ‘moving target’ for terrorists
Nuclear convoys branded ‘moving target’ for terrorists
Climate Adaptation in the Electric Sector: Vulnerability Assessments & Resiliency Plans
Climate Adaptation in the Electric Sector: Vulnerability Assessments & Resiliency Plans | |
This paper encourages Investor-Owned Utilities to conduct rigorous vulnerability assessments of their key assets, the system as a whole, and their customers. It also encourages the IOUs to construct. . . MORE »http://www.electricenergyonline.com/detail_news.php?ID=559233&cat=93&bul=1 |
Vladimir Putin Likely Approved Murder of Alexander Litvinenko: Inquiry
Vladimir Putin Likely Approved Murder of Alexander Litvinenko: Inquiry
British inquiry to report on ex-spy's radiation murder
Planet shatters warming records, 2015 hottest 'by far'
Planet shatters warming records, 2015 hottest 'by far'
Miami (AFP) Jan 20, 2016 -
Blistering heat blanketed the Earth last
year like never before, making 2015 by far the hottest year in modern
times and raising new concerns about the accelerating pace of climate
Not only was 2015 the warmest worldwide since 1880, it shattered the
previous record held in 2014 by the widest margin ever observed, said
the report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ...
Study maps temperature increases caused by CO2
Study maps temperature increases caused by CO2
Montreal, Canada (SPX) Jan 21, 2016 -
Earth's temperature has increased by 1C over the past century, and most
of this warming has been caused by carbon dioxide emissions. But what
does that mean locally? A new study published in Nature Climate Change
pinpoints the temperature increases caused by CO2 emissions in different
regions around the world.
Using simulation results from 12 global climate models, Damon Matthews, a
profes ...
Assessing the impact of human-induced climate change
Assessing the impact of human-induced climate change
Berkeley CA (SPX) Jan 21, 2016 -
The past century has seen a 0.8C (1.4 F) increase in average global
temperature, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), the overwhelming source of this increase has been
emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants from human
activities. Scientists have also observed that many of Earth's glaciers,
ecosystems and other systems are already being impacted by ri ...
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
One-stop shop for biofuels
One-stop shop for biofuels
Berkeley CA (SPX) Jan 20, 2016 -
The falling price of gasoline at the pumps may warm the hearts of
consumers but it chills the souls of scientists who recognize that
humankind must curtail the burning of fossil fuels to reduce the threat
of climate change. Biofuels can help mitigate climate change and provide
us with a sustainable source of transportation energy if yields and
production costs are economically competitive. A maj ...
more http://www.biofueldaily.com/reports/One_stop_shop_for_biofuels_999.html
War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Could Send Oil Prices To $250
War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Could Send Oil Prices To $250
Washington DC (SPX) Jan 20, 2016 -
The rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran has quickly ballooned into the
worst conflict in decades between the two countries.
The back-and-forth escalation quickly turned the simmering tension into
an overt struggle for power in the Middle East. First, the execution of a
prominent Shiite cleric prompted protestors to set fire to the Saudi
embassy in Tehran. Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic rel ...
Russia allocates $7 billion to reactor operations over three years
Russia allocates $7 billion to reactor operations over three years
The Russian energy ministry has approved Rosenergoatom's 2016-2018 investment program, allocating almost RUB570 billion ($7 billion) to the civil nuclear power plant operator. The program was approved by a government order dated 14 January and published on the ministry's website yesterday.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/-Russia-allocates-7-billion-to-reactor-operations-over-three-years-20011601.html
The Russian energy ministry has approved Rosenergoatom's 2016-2018 investment program, allocating almost RUB570 billion ($7 billion) to the civil nuclear power plant operator. The program was approved by a government order dated 14 January and published on the ministry's website yesterday.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/-Russia-allocates-7-billion-to-reactor-operations-over-three-years-20011601.html
China, Saudi Arabia agree to build HTR
China, Saudi Arabia agree to build HTR
China and Saudi Arabia have signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. It was one of 14 agreements and memoranda of understanding signed yesterday during a meeting in Riyadh of Chinese president Xi Jinping and Saudi's Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-China-Saudi-Arabia-agree-to-build-HTR-2001164.html
China and Saudi Arabia have signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. It was one of 14 agreements and memoranda of understanding signed yesterday during a meeting in Riyadh of Chinese president Xi Jinping and Saudi's Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-China-Saudi-Arabia-agree-to-build-HTR-2001164.html
Yesterday, tragedy struck the Carson campaign
Yesterday in Iowa, tragedy struck the Carson for President family. As a result, we decided to temporarily suspend campaign activities until Thursday. A van transporting three volunteers and one of our campaign staffers hit a patch of ice and flipped on its side where it was struck by another vehicle. We are thankful that three of the passengers, Drew McCall, Aaron Ohnemus and Ryan Patrick Shellooe, were treated and released from the hospital. Braden Joplin, a 25-year-old volunteer from Midland, Texas and a student at Texas Tech, was transported to Nebraska for additional treatment. Tragically, he passed away at the hospital. I had the privilege of knowing Braden Joplin personally, and am filled with a deep and profound sadness at his passing. A presidential candidate asks a lot of his or her volunteers, working long hours in the cold, under-appreciated. They are the unsung heroes of the political process. The outpouring of support for Braden and his family from fellow candidates, as well as their staffs and volunteers, demonstrates that life will always transcend politics, and I thank them for their kind words. Even after more than 30 years of experience counseling parents and family members in the most difficult of times, it never gets easier. But I find solace in the knowledge of God’s redeeming grace, and I pray that Braden's family finds comfort in the mercy of the Lord. To help lift up Braden's family, we are going to be sending them a collection of thoughts, prayers and kind words from my supporters around the country. After all, Braden was working tirelessly on behalf of all of us, helping to build a better future for our families and loved ones. To submit your thoughts and prayers to Braden's family, please go here now. One of the precious few joys of campaigning is the privilege of meeting bright young men and women who are so enthusiastic about their country that they will freely give of their time and energy to work on its behalf. Braden was one of those bright young men. Thank you for joining my wife Candy and I, as well as the entire Carson for President family as we reflect on the preciousness of life and remember and honor the memory of Braden Joplin. Sincerely, Ben Carson |
The California Gas Disaster: What Comes Next and Where Else Could it Happen?
The California Gas Disaster: What Comes Next and Where Else Could it Happen? |
By Environmental Defense Fund Energy Exchange Blog, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 10:00 AM
ongoing leak at the Aliso Canyon natural gas facility owned by Southern
California Gas has driven more than 2,000 families from their homes in
the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles and prompted Gov. Brown to declare a
state of emergency. It’s dumped an estimated 83 thousand metric tons of
methane into the atmosphere… http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/19/the-california-gas-disaster-what-comes-next-and-where-else-could-it-happen/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25425163&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--uIe6gz9ex5Vhtj9LOA1oyClORlJd3b9l0Nvv580kMDJTMR1DAaRjoVBAH2zIgBTxgL1RExWqTfgLehDTfFnP1-oDXjg&_hsmi=25425163Keep reading →
Energy News Roundup: Oil Set To Drown Markets, EU Energy Projects Announced & Energy Storage Pipelines Increasing
Energy News Roundup: Oil Set To Drown Markets, EU Energy Projects Announced & Energy Storage Pipelines Increasing |
By Conor O'Sullivan, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 1:00 PM
world could find itself drowning in oil this year and prices could fall
further as new Iranian output cancels out production cuts elsewhere,
according to the International Energy Agency. [The Guardian] Today
Member States agreed on a Commission proposal to invest €217 million in
key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and
South… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/19/energy-news-roundup-oil-set-to-drown-markets-eu-energy-projects-announced-energy-storage-pipelines-increasing/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25425163&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8YvUHcDB_PMmnNXNwiV1LU8rtjjEuYaMkDsxttzqk5s9GPB1YAqJDflhNvjmBXsielwUBsR8zGc-WYSXPxCsLeXpEq1g&_hsmi=25425163
Squandering Public Resources, Squandering Our Energy Opportunity
Squandering Public Resources, Squandering Our Energy Opportunity |
By Energy Tomorrow Blog, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 2:00 PM
officials followed President Obama’s State of the Union pledge to
change Washington’s management of fossil fuel resources by announcing
the government will stop issuing new coal leases on federal lands. The
president’s keep-it-in-the-ground energy strategy, first voiced when he
rejected the Keystone XL pipeline last fall, continues unfolding.
Unfortunately, the president doesn’t seem aware… http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/19/squandering-public-resources-squandering-our-energy-opportunity/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25425163&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8OzPBB270AIEFb8cSAgvyHRRiHDItjdM81-eyW8Sau4Oz2ARLpgg53lQnkEpC1rADrdLiGdNgcyWzevLEhN0RKqZh_7A&_hsmi=25425163Keep reading →
Top 10 Things To Know About The Implementation Of The Iran Nuclear Agreement
Top 10 Things To Know About The Implementation Of The Iran Nuclear Agreement |
Les Carnegie, Charles Claypoole, Andrew Galdes, William McGlone, Robert
Price, Robert Sims, Eric Volkman | Latham & Watkins LLP, Tuesday,
January 19, 2016 4:08 PM
EU and UN terminate most of their sanctions on Iran, while the US
implements more limited changes to its longstanding embargo.http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/19/top-10-things-to-know-about-the-implementation-of-the-iran-nuclear-agreement/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25425163&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8Ub8BkX_awxwdYzjzBHD35qvpbE4LEWlpt7Zgqo7yZlA-lkmo_LoFFVGCp3SlsMZ5IiYpQ4NUrqV54daqtdjSRJB2Y_Q&_hsmi=25425163
Energy Department Announces $18 Million To Develop Solar Energy Storage Solutions, Boost Grid Resiliency
Energy Department Announces $18 Million To Develop Solar Energy Storage Solutions, Boost Grid Resiliency |
By U.S. Department of Energy, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 5:00 PM
D.C. – As part of the Energy Department’s Grid Modernization Initiative
announced by Secretary Ernest Moniz last week to improve the
resiliency, reliability and security of the nation’s electrical power
grid, DOE today announced $18 million in funding for six new projects
across the United States. These projects will enable the development and
demonstration of… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/19/energy-department-announces-18-million-to-develop-solar-energy-storage-solutions-boost-grid-resiliency/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25425163&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8SWbkUSEvFxKWHvb1sfOzSf88p0WCoABmpUPhNgnwDn9_IUA9KoqIo7P01AAsPpfRhPJeYn0huuP_pdGP8jCFVQlhP1Q&_hsmi=25425163
NuScale Exec Estimates Modular Reactors In Britain By 2025
NuScale Exec Estimates Modular Reactors In Britain By 2025
https://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2016/01/19/nuscale-exec-estimates-modular-reactors-in-britain-by-2025-011901Nuclear News Roundup for 01/17/16 CNNC to construct prototype floating plant
Nuclear News Roundup for 01/17/16
CNNC to construct prototype floating planthttp://www.theenergycollective.com/dan-yurman/2316896/nuclear-news-roundup-011716
DOE Picks X-energy, Southern Company for Nuclear Reactor R&D Projects; Ernest Moniz Comments
DOE Picks X-energy, Southern Company for Nuclear Reactor R&D Projects; Ernest Moniz Comments
U.S. Acts to Spur Development of High-Tech Reactors
U.S. Acts to Spur Development of High-Tech Reactors
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/20/science/advanced-nuclear-reactors-department-of-energy.htmlDOE To Invest In Small Nuclear Reactor Tech
DOE To Invest In Small Nuclear Reactor Tech
http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/DOE-To-Invest-In-Small-Nuclear-Reactor-Tech.htmlGlobal Nuclear Turbine Generators Consumption Industry 2016 Market Research Report
Global Nuclear Turbine Generators Consumption Industry 2016 Market Research Report
http://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/global-nuclear-turbine-generators-consumption-industry-2016-market-research-report.htmSouth Korea's Shin Kori 3 connected to grid
South Korea's Shin Kori 3 connected to grid
20 January 2016http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newssouth-koreas-shin-kori-3-connected-to-grid-4788763
Work begins on Egypt's first nuclear plant
Work begins on Egypt's first nuclear plant
http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newswork-begins-on-egypts-first-nuclear-plant-4788815Nuclear energy needed to achieve ambitious global climate agreement
Nuclear energy needed to achieve ambitious global climate agreement
An essay in support of nuclear power options for Ontario
An essay in support of nuclear power options for Ontario
Top U.S. diplomat urges China to 'show leadership' on N. Korean nuclear issue
Top U.S. diplomat urges China to 'show leadership' on N. Korean nuclear issue
Taipower defends forecast
Taipower defends forecast
CHANGING OUTLOOK:An estimate of power needs was updated in accordance with declining economic growth and rising environmental awareness, the company said
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
The US Holds More Than 300 Natural Gas Storage Facilities Like the One Leaking in California,
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The US Holds More Than 300 Natural Gas Storage Facilities Like the One Leaking in California, and More
Utilities scrap plans for quake-absorbing structures at 15 nuclear reactors
Utilities scrap plans for quake-absorbing structures at 15 nuclear reactors
A battery of molten metals
A battery of molten metals
Low-cost, long-lasting storage for the grid
Night of the Living Dead, Climate Change-Style How to Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry From Wrecking Our World
Night of the Living Dead, Climate Change-Style
How to Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry From Wrecking Our World
By Bill McKibben
When I was a kid, I was creepily fascinated by the wrongheaded idea, current in my grade school, that your hair and your fingernails kept growing after you died. The lesson seemed to be that it was hard to kill something off -- if it wanted to keep going.
Something similar is happening right now with the fossil fuel industry. Even as the global warming crisis makes it clear that coal, natural gas, and oil are yesterday’s energy, the momentum of two centuries of fossil fuel development means new projects keep emerging in a zombie-like fashion.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.
California Picks Winners For First-Ever Auction Of Distributed Energy As Demand Response
California Picks Winners For First-Ever Auction Of Distributed Energy As Demand Response |
By Greentech Media, Monday, January 18, 2016 10:00 AM
EnergyHub, Green Charge Networks, EnerNOC, eMotorWerks and Stem are
among the winners of experimental utility contracts for grid-edge
flexibility. Late last year, we covered the opening of bids for
California’s Demand Response Auction Mechanism, or DRAM — the state’s
first big attempt to bring distributed energy resources into service for
the grid, from smart thermostats… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/18/california-picks-winners-for-first-ever-auction-of-distributed-energy-as-demand-response/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25377289&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_bAsGkoNFoXSzVIeI-6BVFWGiDYSsImDWG6G9TD0mGtHHga8CLTbV7Slwv59a_maNyuRvVNgIXsdzLU16d8aLd_atpxg&_hsmi=25377289
Statement From Secretary Moniz On Implementation Day For The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action
Statement From Secretary Moniz On Implementation Day For The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action |
By U.S. Department of Energy, Monday, January 18, 2016 5:00 PM
Day is a milestone in the effort to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program
is exclusively peaceful in nature by blocking potential pathways to a
bomb. As a result of years of negotiations and months of preparations
for the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
(JCPOA), Iran’s breakout time has increased from just… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2016/01/18/statement-from-secretary-moniz-on-implementation-day-for-the-joint-comprehensive-plan-of-action/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=25377289&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_DDz2xEaH8eJIyGOUuz_6n0YsG3Mp4AbTmyVodo541SeQapvXthCqu2CAggX-MRQ_xTzVOAV1m3pKFojia8EFrBE7i9w&_hsmi=25377289
Massive bloody tumors appearing ever more frequently in Pacific sealife, as U.S. government and media continue to ignore Fukushima radiation
Massive bloody tumors appearing ever more frequently in Pacific sealife, as U.S. government and media continue to ignore Fukushima radiation
‘Nuclear deal marks a new beginning for country's economy’
‘Nuclear deal marks a new beginning for country's economy’
Abu Dhabi Bank to Invest $10 Billion in Environmental Projects
Abu Dhabi Bank to Invest $10 Billion in Environmental Projects | |
Anna Hirtenstein
| |
January 18, 2016 | Post Your Comment
| |
The National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC announced that it
will invest $10 billion in green projects over the next decade.
Full Article
Palo Verde nuclear power plant continues to defy desert
Palo Verde nuclear power plant continues to defy desert
Obama Is About To Launch A New Nuclear Arms Race. There’s a Better Way.
Obama Is About To Launch A New Nuclear Arms Race. There’s a Better Way.
NASA launches new programme to defend Earth from asteroids
NASA launches new programme to defend Earth from asteroids
http://www.ibnlive.com/news/tech/nasa-launches-new-programme-to-defend-earth-from-asteroids-1191468.htmlNew NASA Programme To Protect Earth From Asteroids
NASA starts new programme to protect Earth from asteroids
NASA has started a new programme called the Planetary Defence Coordination Office (PDCO) which will coordinate the space agency's efforts to detect and track near-Earth objects (NEOs), a media report said.
http://www.financialexpress.com/article/lifestyle/science/nasa-starts-new-programme-to-protect-earth-from-asteroids/197480/Nasa starts new programme to protect Earth from asteroids, comets
than 13,500 near-Earth objects of all sizes have been discovered to
date — over 95% of them since Nasa-funded surveys began in 1998
Russia developed plan to blow up asteroids headed for Earth with NUCLEAR BOMBS in bid to save the planet
Russia developed plan to blow up asteroids headed for Earth with NUCLEAR BOMBS in bid to save the planet
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3406897/Russia-developed-plan-blow-asteroids-headed-Earth-NUCLEAR-BOMBS-bid-save-planet.html#ixzz3xj7GyJYH
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Nuclear warheads could save Earth from asteroids
Russia has plans to nuke Earth-bound asteroids, if necessary
Fuel removal machine for Fukushima Daiichi 3
Fuel removal machine for Fukushima Daiichi 3
A system has been developed specifically to remove the pile of machinery and debris atop the fuel pond at the damaged Fukushima power plant in Japan. The system consists of an 81.6-ton fuel handling machine and a 99-ton crane for delivering fuel transfer vessels. The crane can also seal the vessels and move them to the reactor building's ground floor. World Nuclear News http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/WR-Fuel-removal-machine-for-Fukushima-Daiichi-3-1801164.html
New organization needed to regain public trust in Monju management
New organization needed to regain public trust in Monju management
The Monju fast breeder reactor must be put under the control of "an organization that can regain public trust that has now been lost in its operation and management," writes The Yomiuri Shimbun editorial board. Nuclear Regulation Authority-conducted inspections of the reactor over the last four years have unveiled a number of regulatory violations. The editorial board writes that "an organization capable of properly carrying out required inspections is an essential condition for managing a nuclear power plant." The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun (1/18) http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0002689924Lawmaker decries uranium travel to Savannah River Site
Lawmaker decries uranium travel to Savannah River Site
Shipments of highly enriched uranium from Canada to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina have been met with disapproval by Rep. Brian Higgins, D-N.Y., who believes the transaction is too risky to attempt. However, the Energy Department has called the transfer a "low risk" event due to the safety precautions being taken. The containers being used have been designed to transport HEU and have been certified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, said SRS spokesman Jim Giusti. Aiken Standard (S.C.) ( http://www.aikenstandard.com/article/20160118/AIK0101/160119426/1007/lawmaker-decries-uranium-travel-to-srs
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