Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
IAEA:Fast Reactors Provide Sustainable Nuclear Power for "Thousands of Years"
Fast Reactors Provide Sustainable Nuclear Power for "Thousands of Years"
This schematic shows the BN 1200 MW fast reactor now under development
in the Russian Federation. (Image provided by OAO I.I. Afrikantov OKB
Mechanical Engineering)
"Waste" Into Energy
The technology relies upon a "closed fuel cycle", which means that spent fuel is reprocessed after its initial use in a reactor. Instead of sending the spent fuel into storage and eventually long-term disposal, the materials are reused, in particular the "fertile" material. The "fertile" material is not fissionable, but it can be converted into fissionable material by exposure to radiation in a reactor. Once converted into fissile material, it will be consumed in the chain reaction. This conversion from "fertile" to "fissionable" material significantly improves nuclear fuel efficiency. Fast reactors can thus be used to breed more fissile material than they consume or to burn nuclear waste or for a combination of these two tasks. In short, they offer significant benefits in making nuclear energy production more sustainable.
"The fast breeder technology has the potential to make the production of energy from uranium 100 times more efficient than with the existing thermal reactor, reducing the amount and toxicity of radioactive waste, as well as the heat emanating from the waste, and also shortening the waste's hazardous lifetime span," says Monti.
International Conference
From 4 to 7 March 2013, more than 600 experts from 28 countries will be gathering in Paris for a four-day IAEA International Conference to review fast reactor and fuel cycle technology advances, safety, economic and proliferation-resistant related issues. This IAEA Conference is hosted by the Government of France through the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN), in cooperation with the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
The Conference provides a forum for the exchange of information about such new developments. It will also seek to identify gaps and key issues that need to be addressed towards the industrial-scale introduction of fast reactors, including public acceptance. As well, there will be a focus on engaging young people in innovative fast reactor and fuel-cycle development concepts.
Keynote addresses will be delivered by Laurent Michel, Director General of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy; Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA (by video); Bernard Bigot, Chair of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA); and Yutaka Sagayama, vice-Chair of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). The last IAEA-organized Fast Reactor Conference was held in Kyoto, Japan in 2009.
Strategic Planning
Fast breeder technology was developed in the 1960s with demonstration and prototype reactors operating in a number of countries, including China, France, Germany, India, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. There are 12 experimental fast reactors and six commercial size prototypes with outputs from 250 - 1200 MW that have been constructed or are in operation. The Russian Federation currently operates the most powerful commercial fast reactor, the BN-600 in Beloyarsk, and is constructing the BN-800. It recently launched a "Federal Target Programme" entitled New Generation Nuclear Power Technologies for 2010-2015 With Outlook to 2020, aimed at the development of several fast reactor technologies as well as related fuel cycles. There are programmes to develop and implement innovative fast nuclear energy systems in China, France, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, among other countries. In Europe, a strategy and technological pathway for fast reactors includes the development of a sodium cooled fast reactor as a first track, aligned with Europe's prior experience, and two alternative fast reactor technologies to be explored on a longer timescale: lead cooled fast reactors and gas cooled fast reactors. And a number of initiatives, including the Generation IV International Forum and the IAEA's International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), are continuing research on fast reactor technology. Experts expect that the first Generation IV fast reactor demonstration plants and prototypes will be in operation by 2030 to 2040.
-- By Peter Rickwood and Peter Kaiser, IAEA Division of Public Information; Experts from the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy contributed to this article.
Washington: Proposed Revision to Design of Structures, Components ...
Washington: Proposed Revision to Design of Structures, Components ... Power Engineering Magazine The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is revising the following sections in Chapter 3, “Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems” and is soliciting public comment on NUREG-0800, “Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety ...http://www.power-eng.com/news/2013/03/02/washington-proposed-revision-to-design-of-structures-components-equipment-and-systems.html | NRC-2013-0041 - Cryptome [7590-01-P]. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. [NRC-2013-0041]. Proposed Revision to Design of Structures, Components,. Equipment and Systems ... cryptome.org/2013/02/nrc13- |
KINPOE convocation : ‘Nuclear power necessary for meeting energy demand’
KINPOE convocation : ‘Nuclear power necessary for meeting energy demand’
Turkey-MENA Nuclear Industry Congress 2013
Turkey-MENA Nuclear Industry Congress 2013
CSRwire.com (press release) - Mar 1, 2013
The main motivation behind this congress is to provide a vital platform
for all nuclear energy players to know about the prospects of the
regional market and learn from each other to common develop the Turkey
and MENA nuclear power industry.http://www.csrwire.com/events/2125
Activists Cheer American Nuclear Power Exit - While They Ignore Climate Change
Activists Cheer American Nuclear Power Exit - While They Ignore Climate Change Science 2.0 Though staunchly opposed to nuclear power, the Obama administration said in 2012 that it was "jumpstarting" the nuclear industry with a loan guarantee. Financial markets were not buying it, just like they have not bought similar claims as far back as ...http://www.science20.com/news_articles/activists_cheer_american_nuclear_power_exit_while_they_ignore_climate_change-105227 |
Fukushima Radiation levels dropped 40%

Science Ministry (MEXT) has released a map showing the radiation levels
over the year between November, 2011 and November, 2012 decreased by
40% within 80 kilometers of F. Daiichi. MEXT says half of the drop is
due to Cs-134 decay, and the other half due to rainwater flushing plus
decontamination efforts. MEXT adds that all areas outside the 80km
radius are now below the 1 millisievert per year national limit. The
Ministry map is entirely in Japanese, but the admittedly anti-nuclear
Asahi Shimbun posted it in English with as many negative assumptions as
they could muster. Here's the Asahi Shimbun link...
Nuclear Energy Restart: New Tsunami Safety Measures in Japan
Nuclear Energy Restart: New Tsunami Safety Measures in Japan
http://theenergycollective.com/ansorg/193151/tsunami-safety-measures-japanese-nuclear-power?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29'I am one of the Fukushima fifty'
'I am one of the Fukushima fifty': One of the men who risked their lives to prevent a catastrophe shares his story
They displayed a bravery few can comprehend, yet very little is
known about the men who stayed behind to save Japan’s stricken nuclear
plant. In a rare interview, David McNeill meets Atsufumi Yoshizawa, who
was at work on 11 March 2011 when disaster struck
Supporting Vermont Yankee: New Posts about the e-Book
Supporting Vermont Yankee: New Posts about the e-Book
Meredith and George Angwin have written an e-book,
Voices for Vermont Yankee available for Kindle and Nook. The book
contains 21 statements that people made in favor of Vermont Yankee at
Public Service Board hearings in Vermont. In this post at Yes Vermont
Yankee, two pro-nuclear bloggers describe how the e-book inspired them,
and Meredith Angwin explains why she felt the e-book would be useful to
the nuclear community.
Fukushima Coomentary: Was Naoto Kan Responsible for Fukushima Daiichi’s Unit #1 Explosion?

Today's Fukushima Commentary -
Was Naoto Kan Responsible for Fukushima Daiichi’s Unit #1 Explosion?
October, former Japanese PM Naoto Kan published his Fukushima memoirs,
again saying he single-handedly saved Tokyo. A January 26, 2013, Japan
Times editorial covered Kan’s book with highly sympathetic journalism.
After reviewing all my saved information, a chilling question entered my
mind – was Naoto Kan the single-most responsible person for the March
12, 2011, hydrogen detonation at unit #1?
BUCKNER: U.S. irresponsibility on nuclear waste Reprocessing policy dangerously short-sighted
BUCKNER: U.S. irresponsibility on nuclear waste
Reprocessing policy dangerously short-sighted
ANS Update: On federal investment in Small Modular Reactor technology
On federal investment in Small Modular Reactor technology
By pbowersox on Mar 01, 2013 04:45 pmTaxpayers for Common Sense on February 27 issued a press release targeting the Department of Energy for “wasting more than half a billion dollars” on its small modular reactor (SMR) development cost-sharing program. Leaving aside the historically essential role of … Continue reading →
Read in browser »
China Grabbing More Satellite Launch Business
China Grabbing More Satellite Launch Business
China is looking to increase its share of the global commercial satellite
launching business, targeting a 15 percent share by 2020, a leading space
program official said Saturday.
China is looking to increase its share of the global commercial satellite
launching business, targeting a 15 percent share by 2020, a leading space
program official said Saturday.
"The electric grid: the greatest invention of all time expanded after women won the vote"
"The electric grid: the greatest invention of all time
expanded after women won the vote"
Post blurb: “The electric grid exists today because human slavery is
immoral and inefficient. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
the Suffrage March on Washington, Steve Aplin discusses the social
movement that brought electricity—the greatest equalizing force in
human history—into every modern home.”
Post URL: http://canadianenergyissues.com/2013/02/27/the-electric-grid-greatest-invention-of-all-time/
Blog URL: www.canadianenergyissues.com
expanded after women won the vote"
Post blurb: “The electric grid exists today because human slavery is
immoral and inefficient. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
the Suffrage March on Washington, Steve Aplin discusses the social
movement that brought electricity—the greatest equalizing force in
human history—into every modern home.”
Post URL: http://canadianenergyissues.
Blog URL: www.canadianenergyissues.com
Little Cancer Risk from Fukushima A new report from the World Health Organization predicts only very minimal increases in cancer risk for residents in the vicinity of the nuclear disaster. -
See more at: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34565/title/Little-Cancer-Risk-from-Fukushima/#sthash.h0AZFM3j.dpuf
Little Cancer Risk from Fukushima
A new report from the World
Health Organization predicts only very minimal increases in cancer risk
for residents in the vicinity of the nuclear disaster.
- See more
http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34565/title/Little-Cancer-Risk-from-Fukushima/#sthash.h0AZFM3j.dpuf"The inherent shallowness of "market-based" arguments against nuclear"
"The inherent shallowness of "market-based" arguments against nuclear"
often "free market" critiques of nuclear are but a thin paint job over
an ideological vehicle; a more robust (and fair) critique would also
examine the inherent (and unequal) regulatory barriers to energy
"Serious climate advocates don't turn upon their vanguard"
"Serious climate advocates don't turn upon their vanguard"
A key way to distinguish "serious"
environmentalists from the dilatory variety is in how they treat the
vanguard against climate change: nuclear energy.
Natural Gas Exports A Strong Positive For Economy, API Tells DOE
Natural Gas Exports A Strong Positive For Economy, API Tells DOE
from Marcellus Shale Resources by Press Release
some U.S. natural gasA naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and
non-hydrocarbon gases beneath the earth’s surface – often in association
with petroleum. in the form of LNGNatural gasA naturally occurring
mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases beneath the earth’s
surface – often in association with petroleum. converted to a liquid for
transport or storage.
Premier to resign if Nuke 4 work halted
Premier to resign if Nuke 4 work halted
GM to Boost Electric Vehicle Production 20 Percent
GM to Boost Electric Vehicle Production 20 Percent
from The Energy Collective - The world's best thinkers on energy & climate by JosephRomm
a difficult first year in 2011, sales of the Chevy Volt shot up to a
respectable 23,461 car sales for 2012 — driven largely by consumer
demand reacting to high gas prices.
Imperial County betting its future on renewable energy - latimes.com
Imperial County betting its future on renewable energy - latimes.com Imperial County, which has California's highest jobless rate, is betting its future on renewable energy such as solar, wind and geothermal projects. www.latimes.com/la-fi- |
A Glimpse Into The Future Of Renewable Energy In ... - Solar Industry based group focused on fostering a transition to local energy systems, were among the stakeholders that presented their views to the California Energy ... www.solarindustrymag.com/e107_ |
Can You Cut Your Breast Cancer Risk by Skipping Mammograms?
Can You Cut Your Breast Cancer Risk by Skipping Mammograms?
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/03/02/3d-tomosynthesis-more-risky.aspx?e_cid=20130302_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130302Natural Gas Dethrones King Coal As Power Companies Look To Future
Natural Gas Dethrones King Coal As Power Companies Look To Future
A Blog’s Adieu
The Times is discontinuing the Green blog, which was created
to track environmental and energy news and to foster lively discussion
of developments in both areas. This change will allow us to direct
production resources to other online projects. But we will forge ahead
with our aggressive reporting on environmental and energy topics,
including climate change, land use, threatened ecosystems, government
policy, the fossil fuel industries, the growing renewables sector and
consumer choices.
Thanks to all of our readers.
Thanks to all of our readers.
How Iran Went Nuclear
How Iran Went Nuclear
Veteran weapons inspector Olli Heinonen on how the U.N.'s 'Stockholm Syndrome' has aided Tehran's drive for the bomb—and why an unsettling secret may be lurking in the Iranian desert.
Budget Hearing on Nuclear Nonproliferation and. Naval Reactors Programs
Opening Statement Chairman Frelinghuysen Budget Hearing on ...
Budget Hearing on Nuclear Nonproliferation and. Naval Reactors Programs ... national defense programs: nuclear nonproliferation, and naval reactors. I'd like to ...
Budget Hearing on Nuclear Nonproliferation and. Naval Reactors Programs ... national defense programs: nuclear nonproliferation, and naval reactors. I'd like to ...
US may face inevitable nuclear power exit March 1, 2013
US may face inevitable nuclear power exit
March 1, 2013http://phys.org/news/2013-03-inevitable-nuclear-power-exit.htmlQ&A with Jeremy Rifkin on nuclear power
Introduction: US nuclear exit?
In a 2012 progress report on federal energy
initiatives, the Obama administration enthusiastically asserted that it
was “jumpstarting”
the nuclear industry. It noted that “the Department of
Energy issued a conditional commitment for a loan guarantee to support
the first US nuclear reactors in more than three
decades. The project … will bring two new Westinghouse AP1000 reactors
supporting 3,500 construction jobs and 800 permanent
jobs” (White House, 2012: 12).
US May Face Inevitable Nuclear Power Exithttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130301122927.htm
US may face inevitable
nuclear power exit
March 1, 2013
In a 2012 report, the Obama administration announced that it was
"jumpstarting" the nuclear industry. Because of the industry's long
history of permitting problems, cost overruns, and construction delays,
financial markets have been wary of backing new nuclear construction for
decades. The supposed "nuclear renaissance" ballyhooed in the first
decade of this century never materialized. And then came Fukushima, a
disaster that pushed countries around the world to ask: Should nuclear
power be part of the energy future? In the third and final issue in a
series focused on nuclear exits, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
published by SAGE, turns its attention to the United States and looks at
whether the country's business-as-usual approach may yet lead to a
nuclear phase-out for economic reasons.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-03-inevitable-nuclear-power-exit.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-03-inevitable-nuclear-power-exit.html#jCp
Assystem Energy & NuclearNuclear News Round Up (25th Feb – 1st Mar)
Assystem Energy & Nuclear
Energy and Nuclear Industry News and Views
Nuclear News Round Up (25th Feb – 1st Mar)
- Fennovoima selects Toshiba but keeps options open
- British firm helps South Africa increase renewable generation
- Clear view in unit 3′s pool
- Nuclear fuel called ‘exotics’ to leave Dounreay
- Building begins at wind farm on West Yorkshire moors
- Wind energy generation beats gas
- New chief for WANO
- Magnox decommissioning milestones
- Energy and Nuclear Vacancy List
And the DOE energy innovation award goes to … a new type of nuclear power
And the DOE energy innovation award goes to … a new type of nuclear power
MIT grad students start molten-salt reactor company
MIT grad students start molten-salt reactor company; score 4 ...
"Transatomic Power, the youthful molten salt reactor company based in Cambridge, Mass., has added four nuclear industry veterans to its technical advisory ...
"Transatomic Power, the youthful molten salt reactor company based in Cambridge, Mass., has added four nuclear industry veterans to its technical advisory ...
Friday, March 1, 2013
There's Only One Thing Stopping Enemy Nations From Smashing The US Power Grid
There's Only One Thing Stopping Enemy Nations From Smashing The US Power Grid
from Business Insider by Geoffrey Ingersoll and Michael Kelley
The recent discovery "Chinese" hackers probing America's electrical grid serves as a reminder of a potential cyber attack that could far surpass the destructive impact of Stuxnet, which is believed to have been released by the U.S. and Israel to attack Iranian industrial machinery.
Tom Simonite, of MIT Tech Review, recently confirmed that a devastating attack on the grid is a viable option:http://www.businessinsider.com/nations-had-electric-wmd-for-years-2013-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29
Some Far Out (at Least for Now) Energy Ideas By MATTHEW L. WALD
Some Far Out (at Least for Now) Energy Ideas
By MATTHEW L. WALDhttp://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/01/some-far-out-at-least-for-now-energy-ideas/?smid=tw-shareStaring down setbacks, Areva CEO still bullish on nuclear sales
Staring down setbacks, Areva CEO still bullish on nuclear sales
End Of The World In 2036?
Friday, March 1, 2013
End Of The World In 2036?
Asteroid Apocalypse -- Michio Kaku, The Daily Beast/Newsweekhttp://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2013/03/end-of-world-in-2036.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+WarNewsUpdates+%28War+News+Updates%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
REPORT: Keystone Pipeline Approved As Environmentally Sound
REPORT: Keystone Pipeline Approved As Environmentally Soundhttp://www.businessinsider.com/keystone-pipeline-decision-2013-3?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clusterstock+%28ClusterStock%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
Why the Leaking Underground Tanks at Hanford Have Nothing to Do With Used Nuclear Fuel at US Nuclear Power Plants
Why the Leaking Underground Tanks at Hanford Have Nothing to Do With Used Nuclear Fuel at US Nuclear Power Plants
Eric McErlain sets the record straight on sloppy reporting and the leaking tanks of defense waste at the Hanford site.
Eric McErlain sets the record straight on sloppy reporting and the leaking tanks of defense waste at the Hanford site.
Nuclear Energy and the Value of CWIP
Nuclear Energy and the Value of CWIP
Mitch Singer takes issue with a Forbes article questioning the value of concurrent cost recover for new nuclear construction
No Tears, Please, for Nuclear Energy
No Tears, Please, for Nuclear Energy
Mark Flanagan takes a look at recent reporting predicting the decline of nuclear energy and comes away unimpressed.
Mark Flanagan takes a look at recent reporting predicting the decline of nuclear energy and comes away unimpressed.
300 Reasons Utilities Should Do These 3 Things for Distributed Solar
300 Reasons Utilities Should Do These 3 Things for Distributed Solar http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/blog/post/2013/03/300-reasons-utilities-should-do-these-3-things-for-distributed-solar?cmpid=rss
Build It And They'll Come: Georgia Power Kicks Off 210-MW Solar Program
Build It And They'll Come: Georgia Power Kicks Off 210-MW Solar Program
by James Montgomery, Associate Editor, RenewableEnergyWorld.com
US NRC Blog Update: NRC Notifies Licensees of Sequestration Impacts
And the DOE energy innovation award goes to … a new type of nuclear power
And the DOE energy innovation award goes to … a new type of nuclear power
http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/and-the-doe-energy-innovation-award-goes-to-8230-a-new-type-of-nuclear-power/13905Are Small Modular Reactors a Better Nuclear Solution, or Just More
Are Small Modular Reactors a Better Nuclear Solution, or Just More ...
If the predictions of the organizations working on SMRs are correct, we could be seeing a whole mess of new, smaller reactors popping up all over America by ...
If the predictions of the organizations working on SMRs are correct, we could be seeing a whole mess of new, smaller reactors popping up all over America by ...
NRC news updates 3/1
| ||
Rep. Lee Terry takes NRC to task over delays in Fort Calhoun restart Omaha World-Herald WASHINGTON — Rep. Lee Terry pressed the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday about ongoing delays in the effort to restart the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant. Allison Macfarlane, who heads the commission, was testifying on Capitol Hill when ...http://www.omaha.com/article/20130301/NEWS/703019932/1707 | ||
Rep. Kinzinger Questions Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Ensure Best ... Utility Products A lot of what you've heard today is about the regulatory process and I believe that the members who support nuclear power want to ensure that the commission is operating under the best process for the safety of the plants. I hope you'll help us in this ...http://www.utilityproducts.com/news/2013/03/01/rep-kinzinger-questions-nuclear-regulatory-commission-to-ensure-best-methods-for-plant-safety.html | ||
U.S. nuclear regulators on hot seat over post-Fukushima rules The Hill (blog) Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) came under fire Thursday from lawmakers, who grilled them over a slate of controversial new safety rules being contemplated in the wake of the disaster at Fukushima. After the 2011 accident at the ...http://thehill.com/blogs/regwatch/legislation/285607-us-nuclear-regulators-on-hot-seat-over-post-fukushima-regulations | ||
Capps Questions NRC Chairwoman About Diablo Canyon Relicensing Noozhawk During a hearing this week of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Rep. Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara, questioned Nuclear Regulatory Committee Chairwoman Allison MacFarlane about the importance of gathering and considering additional ... http://www.noozhawk.com/article/030113_capps_questions_nrc_chairwoman_diablo_canyon/ See all stories on this topic » | ||
Lobbying Flurry Precedes U.S. Vote on Fukushima Rules Bloomberg The staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission recommended in November that the radiation-scrubbing filters be required on 31 aging reactors. The commission itself is now voting on the proposal, a process that is expected to conclude in coming ...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-01/lobbying-flurry-precedes-u-s-vote-on-fukushima-rules.html |
China’s Growing Methanol Economy
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 01:00 AM PST
dependence on Middle East oil against increasing fuel demand continues
to challenge China in its ongoing urbanization and industrialization.http://theenergycollective.com/znesheiwat/191971/china-s-growing-methanol-economy?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29
Shale Gas and Tight Oil: Boom? Bust? Petering Out?
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:00 AM PST
and industry must recognize that shale gas and oil are not cheap or
inexhaustible: 70% of US shale gas comes from fields that are either
flat or in decline.http://theenergycollective.com/billchameides/192611/shale-gas-and-tight-oil-boom-bust?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29
Fukushima Updates 3/1
Here's the topics for today's Fukushima updates.
will eventually restart idled nuclear plants... The World Health
Organization says the cancer risk due to the Fukushima accident is tiny.
Many expert critics say WHO is exaggerating risks and hurting the
people of Japan... One Japanese professional feels that psychological
damage to Fukushima refugees is getting worse... Another highly
radioactive fish has been taken from the F. Daiichi quay... America will
have a new Ambassador to Japan. Japan's Press says it will be Caroline
Nuclear waste news update 3/1
Sequester Energy Cuts Could Affect Nuclear Waste Cleanup At Sites Including ... Huffington Post In this March 23, 2004 file photo, workers at the tank farms on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Wash., measure for radiation and the presence of toxic vapors. Six underground radioactive waste tanks at the nation's most contaminated ...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/01/sequester-energy-cuts-hanford-nuclear-cleanup_n_2789516.html?utm_hp_ref=green See all stories on this topic » |
'Recycling' of Radioactive Waste - a Dark Future AllAfrica.com Cancer-causing countertops? Radioactive frying pans and braai tongs? This could become a reality soon: The United States Department of Energy (US DoE) wants to mix radioactive metal from nuclear weapons factories with clean scrap metal and let it enter ...http://allafrica.com/stories/201303010487.html |
DOE: Budget cuts may slow nuclear waste cleanup MiamiHerald.com WASHINGTON -- Cleanup of radioactive waste at nuclear sites across the country - including one in Washington state where waste tanks may be leaking 1,000 gallons per year - would be delayed under automatic spending cuts set to take effect Friday.http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/02/28/3259450/apnewsbreak-budget-cuts-may-slow.html |
'Interim' nuclear fuel storage could bring more waste to SRS The Augusta Chronicle “The people of Aiken are proud of our service to the country during the Cold War, but this does not mean we will consent to become the nation's nuclear waste dump,” said Lisa Darden, a co-founder of the group. “All efforts should be made now to clean ...http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/metro/2013-02-28/interim-nuclear-fuel-storage-could-bring-more-waste-srs?v=1362092992 |
News coerage update of Fukushima Cancer Risk
WHO sees higher cancer risks in Fukushima Pref.
The Daily Yomiuri -
GENEVA (Jiji Press)--The World Health Organization has said in a report
that it has found rises in cancer risks in areas most affected by
radiation leaked from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. In the
report released Thursday, the WHO assessed ...
Greenpeace slams WHO over Fukushima radiation
euronews -
Greenpeace has criticised the World Health Organisation's (WHO)
assessment of radioactive risks around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant.
The environmental group says the WHO has not sufficiently taken into
account the potential long-term health risks to ...
Fukushima disaster residents 'have an extra risk of cancer'
The Times (subscription)
Girls living nearest to the Fukushima nuclear disaster zone have almost
a 70 per cent increased risk of thyroid cancer, the World Health
Organisation says. Their lifetime chances of getting the disease rose by
two-thirds, from 0.75 per cent to 1.25 per cent.
UN report: Slightly higher cancer risk, barely detectable, for those nearest Japan ...
Calgary Herald -
LONDON - Two years after Japan's nuclear plant disaster, an
international team of experts said Thursday that residents of areas hit
by the highest doses of radiation face an increased cancer risk so small
it probably won't be detectable. In fact, experts ...
Risk of thyroid cancer up 70% for those who lived in the shadow of Fukushima
Ghana Broadcasting Corporation -
People living in areas most contaminated by radiation following the
Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011 are likely to have a higher
risk of getting cancer. An assessment by the World Health Organization,
or WHO, estimates risks in the general ...
Meltdown: Despite the Fear, the Health Risks from the Fukushima Accident Are ...
TIME - 6 hours ago
An anti-nuclear protest in Tokyo in April 2012. Japan is likely to
begin restarting its shutter atomic plants. Email · Print; Share.
Facebook · Twitter · Tumblr · LinkedIn · StumbleUpon · Reddit · Digg ·
Mixx · Delicious · Google+. Comment. Follow @TIME. The World ...
Japan riled by WHO's Fukushima cancer warning
Tokyo: Japan on Friday insisted warnings by the World Health
Organisation of a rise in the risk of cancer for people in Fukushima
were overblown, saying the agency was unnecessarily stoking fears. The
UN's health agency said the 2011 nuclear disaster had ...
Japan questions WHO's report over health risks
China Daily -
TOKYO - The Japanese Environment Ministry questioned a World Health
Organization (WHO) report which said cancer risk for people in the most
contaminated area in Fukushima increased after a nuclear disaster caused
by tsunami in 2011 in the prefecture.
New report highlights cancer risk
Herald Scotland -
A magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, killed nearly
19,000 people and devastated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant,
triggering meltdowns, spreading radiation and forcing about 160,000
people to flee their homes. It was the worst ...
Infants in Fukushima face greater risk of cancer: WHO
Times of India
Infants in Japan's Fukushima prefecture are at greater risk of
developing cancer after the March 2011 accident at the Dai-Ichi nuclear
power plant, the World Health Organization says in a report released
here on Thursday. People living near Dai-Ichi were ...
Cancer risk from Fukushima disaster small, report says
Los Angeles Times -
The 9.0-magnitude Tohoku-Oki earthquake and resulting tsunami that
triggered a meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
has resulted in only a small increase in lifetime cancer risks for
people living nearby, and an even smaller risk for ...
Fukushima raises cancer risk
BDlive -
GENEVA — PEOPLE in the area worst affected by the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear accident two years ago have a higher risk of developing certain
cancers, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday. A
magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami on ...
Fukushima residents at higher risk of cancer
Irish Independent -
Fukushima residents at higher risk of cancer. Comments. Email; Print;
Font Size. Stephanie Nebehay – 01 March 2013. People in the area worst
affected by Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident two years ago have a
higher risk of developing certain cancers, ...
Slightly higher cancer risk seen for Fukushima victims
Boston Globe -
the highest increases in cancer risk appeared for people exposed as
infants. Chris Meyers /Reuters. In the report, the highest increases in
cancer risk appeared for people exposed as infants to radiation from
Fukushima in the most heavily affected areas.
Record cesium level found in Fukushima fish
Asahi Shimbun -
A record concentration of radioactive cesium--5,100 times the
government's food safety standard--was detected in a fish caught near
the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the plant's operator said
Feb. 28. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the reading of ...
Record high radiation found in fish in Japan's Fukushima
Xinhua -
TOKYO, March 1 (Xinhua) -- A fish contaminated with radiation levels as
much as 5,100 times of legal limits has been caught near Japan's
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, hitting a record high, said the nuclear
plant operator. The Tokyo Electric Power ...
Japan cancer risks rise
ABC Online -
The World Health Organisation has released a report saying the risk of
thyroid cancer in those living within a 20km radius of the 2011
Fukushima nuclear disaster has risen. Thyroid cancer among women exposed
to radiation as infants were expected to be up ...
Japanese disaster films highlight victims' stories
The News International -
The unnerving clicks of dosimeters are constant as people wearing white
protective gear quickly visit the radiated no-go zones of decayed farms
and empty storefronts. Evacuees huddle on blankets on gymnasium floors,
waiting futilely for word of ...
Fukushima disaster has raised cancer risk: WHO
Times of India -
LONDON: The worst health fears over the Fukushima nuclear accident
following the tsunami in Japan two years ago, has now been confirmed.
The first-ever analysis of the global health effects due to radiation
exposure after the Fukushima accident has ...
WHO Sees Low Health Risks From Fukushima Accident
New York Times -
TOKYO — A study published on Thursday by the World Health Organization
on the health risks associated with the disaster at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant suggested that the risk for certain types of
cancers had increased slightly among ...
Fukushima cancer risk slightly up for those exposed to highest radiation dose
Toronto Star -
In this April 7, 2011 file photo, Japanese police, wearing suits to
protect them from radiation, search for victims inside the deserted
evacuation zone around the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactors. By:
Raveena Aulakh Global Environmental reporter, ...
Fukushima cancer risk near plant
Sky News Australia - Feb 28, 2013
Updated: 07:32, Friday March 1, 2013. Fukushima cancer risk near plant.
Fukushima disaster raised the cancer risk for people living near the
atomic plant, but no jump in cases is expected elsewhere, the UN's
health agency says, sparking an angry reaction ...
Cancer risk from Fukushima nuclear plant disaster "quite small," says World ...
CBS News - Feb 28, 2013
LONDONPeople exposed to the highest doses of radiation during Japan's
Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in 2011 may have a slightly higher risk
of cancer but one so small it probably won't be detectable, the World
Health Organization said in a report ...
WHO assesses cancer risk from Fukushima radiation
Livemint - Feb 28, 2013
Experts calculated that people in the most affected regions had an
additional 4-7% overall risk of developing cancers including leukaemia
and breast cancer. Photo: AFP. Also Read. Gandhigiri against cancer ·
Sun Pharma arm to make generic version of ...
PROMETHEUS TRAP (15): US maintained sense of urgency over nuclear accident
Asahi Shimbun - Feb 28, 2013
Editor's note: This is the final part of a series that has run in the
past under the overall title of The Prometheus Trap. This series deals
with the different responses between Japan and the United States in
dealing with the Fukushima nuclear accident of 2011 ...
Report: Fukushima's radiation damaged more souls than bodies
CNN - Feb 28, 2013
(CNN) -- Two years ago, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake generated a tsunami
of historic proportions that waylaid Japan's northeast coastline,
including a nuclear power plant. As Fukushima Daiichi unraveled in
global public view with fire, explosions and ...
Much of Fukushima's fallout was gone with the wind
Nature.com - Feb 28, 2013
Cancer risks from nuclear disaster concentrated in a few radiation
hotspots. Declan Butler. 28 February 2013. Children evacuated from the
Fukushima region take potassium iodide to prevent thyroid cancer after
the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011.
WHO downplays Fukushima cancer risk
Financial Times - Feb 28, 2013
People exposed to the highest radiation doses during the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear emergency in 2011 have only a slightly raised risk of
developing some cancers, according to an assessment released by the
World Health Organisation on Thursday.
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