Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Crisis in Syria Is What a Post-U.S. Middle East Looks Like | The National Interest
The Crisis in Syria Is What a Post-U.S. Middle East Looks Like | The National Interest: Any realistic process of a U.S. constructive disengagement from the Middle East should start with an open debate on the role that regional powers would have in the region.
PG&E Power Lines Remain Risky to California, Even During Blackouts - WSJ
PG&E Power Lines Remain Risky to California, Even During Blackouts - WSJ: The failure of a PG&E power line minutes before a wildfire broke out in California’s wine country starkly shows how the company’s electric system continues to pose risks to the safety of millions of residents.
PG&E transmission tower broke near origin of Kincade Fire - SFChronicle.com
PG&E transmission tower broke near origin of Kincade Fire - SFChronicle.com: The utility told regulators Thursday that it detected an outage on a high-voltage line near the origin point of the Kincade Fire around the time it ignited.
PG&E connection to Kincade Fire could deepen utility’s jeopardy - SFChronicle.com
PG&E connection to Kincade Fire could deepen utility’s jeopardy - SFChronicle.com: The small metal link that broke on a Burned Mountain transmission tower is as precarious as the company’s financial and political outlook if investigators connect PG&E’s equipment to the Kincade Fire.
NorCal officials explore leaving PG&E amid historic blackouts | The Sacramento Bee
NorCal officials explore leaving PG&E amid historic blackouts | The Sacramento Bee: PGE blackouts across Northern California have cities exploring whether to buy parts of the utility to make their own power companies. Some like SMUD in Sacramento could annex PG&E electricity lines.
‘Potentially historic’ windstorm bears down on Bay Area, PG&E outages set for Saturday - SFChronicle.com
‘Potentially historic’ windstorm bears down on Bay Area, PG&E outages set for Saturday - SFChronicle.com: The National Weather Service warned Saturday of a “potentially historic” windstorm this weekend, as PG&E prepared to preemptively black out more than 2 million people starting Saturday afternoon across huge swaths of the state to avert catastrophic wildfires.
Fact Sheet - PG&E Power Shutoff & Red Flag Warning - Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information
Fact Sheet - PG&E Power Shutoff & Red Flag Warning - Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information: Fact Sheet – PG&E Power Shutoff & Red Flag Warning Weather The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a Red Flag Warning and a High Wind Warning for the North Bay mountains, valleys, and coastlines from 8 pm Saturday (10/26) to 11 am Monday (10/28). Per NWS, this is a 1 in 15-year weather event, that …
New California Wildfire Unsettles PG&E Bankruptcy - WSJ
New California Wildfire Unsettles PG&E Bankruptcy - WSJ: Although California officials haven’t determined what caused the blaze, PG&E said it became aware of a broken wire on one of its transmission lines in the area shortly before it began, raising fears among investors it ultimately could be found liable.
PG&E to make decision on outages by Saturday morning | abc7news.com
PG&E to make decision on outages by Saturday morning | abc7news.com: PG&E officials are warning of another public safety shutoff. This could be the biggest one so far and may start as early as Saturday night.
PG&E admits it may have been responsible for igniting California fire | PBS NewsHour
PG&E admits it may have been responsible for igniting California fire | PBS NewsHour: California's biggest utility admitted its electrical equipment may have ignited a ruinous wildfire spreading over the state's wine country Friday, despite blackouts imposed across the region to prevent blazes.
Did PG&E power lines cause the destructive Kincade fire? Here is what we know - Los Angeles Times
Did PG&E power lines cause the destructive Kincade fire? Here is what we know - Los Angeles Times: Kincade fire: PG&E shut off power again as winds returned, but to fewer customers. Questions about the utility and the Sonoma County blaze are addressed.
Kincade Fire: PG&E transmission tower had broken wire near wildfire
Kincade Fire: PG&E transmission tower had broken wire near wildfire: While the cause of the Kincade Fire is under investigation, PG&E says there was a faulty wire on a transmission tower near the blaze near Geyserville
PG&E Power Lines Remain Risky to California, Even During Blackouts - WSJ
PG&E Power Lines Remain Risky to California, Even During Blackouts - WSJ: The failure of a PG&E power line minutes before a wildfire broke out in California’s wine country starkly shows how the company’s electric system continues to pose risks to the safety of millions of residents.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Wyden Bill Requires Declassification, No Exceptions – Federation Of American Scientists
Wyden Bill Requires Declassification, No Exceptions – Federation Of American Scientists: A bill introduced by Senator Ron Wyden would require the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence to declassify "any and all information" regarding actions by the government of Saudi Arabia to assist Saudi nationals who are accused of crimes in the United States to flee the country.
As Senat
As Senat
Combating Malicious Cyber Acts, Penny by Penny – Federation Of American Scientists
Combating Malicious Cyber Acts, Penny by Penny – Federation Of American Scientists: Updated below
The Department of the Treasury blocked one transaction by a foreign person or entity who was engaged in malicious cyber activities earlier this year, using the national emergency powers that are available pursuant to a 2015 executive order.
But the value of the intercepted transa
The Department of the Treasury blocked one transaction by a foreign person or entity who was engaged in malicious cyber activities earlier this year, using the national emergency powers that are available pursuant to a 2015 executive order.
But the value of the intercepted transa
US ballistic missile defenses, 2019: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Vol 0, No 0
US ballistic missile defenses, 2019: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Vol 0, No 0: (2019). US ballistic missile defenses, 2019. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Ahead of Print.
Sellafield nuclear plant samples disposed of by mistake - BBC News
Sellafield nuclear plant samples disposed of by mistake - BBC News: Plant bosses say the error did not pose a risk to the public, the workforce or the environment.
EBR-II experience aided ARC-100 SMR design review | Nuclear Energy Insider
EBR-II experience aided ARC-100 SMR design review | Nuclear Energy Insider: ARC Nuclear Canada, Inc has successfully completed the first phase of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Vendor Design Review (VDR) for its ARC-100 advanced small modular reactor (SMR). The phase 1 assessment provides detailed feedback about the vendor’s understanding of the CNSC’s requirements for a nuclear power plant in Canada but does not certify the design or licence the reactor.
Thermal vitrification could reduce waste volumes by 90% | Nuclear Energy Insider
Thermal vitrification could reduce waste volumes by 90% | Nuclear Energy Insider: UK-based Costain has been awarded a contract by Sellafield to demonstrate its plasma vitrification technology.
Enhanced nuclear energy online class aims to inform and inspire | MIT News
Enhanced nuclear energy online class aims to inform and inspire | MIT News: More than 3,000 users hailing from 137 countries signed up for the MIT Department of Nuclear Energy's debut massive open online course (MOOC), “Nuclear Energy: Science, Systems and Society,” which debuted last year on MITx. Now, the course will be offered again in spring 2020, with key upgrades.
'Rarest Drug on Earth' Cancer Treatment Could Become More Common After Lab Creates Radioactive Isotope
'Rarest Drug on Earth' Cancer Treatment Could Become More Common After Lab Creates Radioactive Isotope: A pair of Canadian labs have announced a successful production run of a rare isotope used to fight cancer.
California power outages this weekend could be largest yet - Los Angeles Times
California power outages this weekend could be largest yet - Los Angeles Times: This weekend's planned power outages could be the largest yet in California, as utilities such as Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison order wide blackouts to prevent more blazes — and more wildfire liability — amid strong, hot winds.
Microgrids alone cannot eliminate wildfire risk | Utility Dive
Microgrids alone cannot eliminate wildfire risk | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
Largest planned wind farm in US gets key federal approval | Utility Dive
Largest planned wind farm in US gets key federal approval | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
Canadian breakthrough in radioisotope production - World Nuclear News
Canadian breakthrough in radioisotope production - World Nuclear News: Two Canadian research organisations have completed the first joint production run of actinium-225 (Ac-225), one of the rarest medical radioisotopes in the world. The high-purity isotope was produced using a high-energy cyclotron at the TRIUMF particle accelerator centre in Vancouver and processed at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories' (CNL) Chalk River laboratories in Ontario.
Belgian support for keeping reactors running beyond 2025 rises - World Nuclear News
Belgian support for keeping reactors running beyond 2025 rises - World Nuclear News: Support by the Belgian public for keeping the country's nuclear power plants in operation beyond 2025 has risen to 46% of those surveyed, up from 30% recorded in a 2017 poll. The percentage of respondents who believe the share of nuclear power in Belgium's electricity mix should be reduced has fallen to 59% from 75% in 2017. Trade body Forum Nucléaire says the increase in support shown by the 18-month barometer survey is "remarkable".
Kursk II-2 core catcher arrives on site - World Nuclear News
Kursk II-2 core catcher arrives on site - World Nuclear News: The core catcher for the second unit at Kursk II in Russia has been delivered to the construction site in Western Russia. Kursk II will be the first nuclear power plant to use the VVER-TOI (typical optimised, with enhanced information) reactor design.
Nuclear energy can bridge the skills gap in Africa, says Rosatom DG - World Nuclear News
Nuclear energy can bridge the skills gap in Africa, says Rosatom DG - World Nuclear News: Speaking to African heads of state and representatives from Russian, African, and international business and government agencies, Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov yesterday emphasised the benefits of nuclear energy in job creation and regional economic development. At the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi, Russia, Likhachov said global inequality in technological, industrial and socio-economic development was "acutely felt" in Africa.
Can a New Generation of Reactors Help Overcome Our Nuclear Aversion?
Can a New Generation of Reactors Help Overcome Our Nuclear Aversion?: Public attitudes toward nuclear power are governed more by fear than by logic.
Could Someone Actually Steal a U.S. Nuke?
Could Someone Actually Steal a U.S. Nuke?: Even though nukes are heavily guarded and hard to hack, there are other, less obvious risks if they go rogue.
Fight Over Nuclear Bailout Law Could Go To Ohio Supreme Court | The Statehouse News Bureau
Fight Over Nuclear Bailout Law Could Go To Ohio Supreme Court | The Statehouse News Bureau: This week brought a close to one chapter for Ohio's nuclear power plant bailout law, House Bill 6. But another could be starting. The group fighting
Inside the nation's largest nuclear power plant - Chamber Business News
Inside the nation's largest nuclear power plant - Chamber Business News: The nation's largest nuclear power plant, Palo Verde Generating Station west of Phoenix, provides 70 percent of the state's carbon-free energy.
Nobel Laureate Wants to Blast Nuclear Waste With Lasers Until It's Safe - ExtremeTech
Nobel Laureate Wants to Blast Nuclear Waste With Lasers Until It's Safe - ExtremeTech: Mourou believes that it may be possible to transmute nuclear waste into a safer form. This isn't medieval alchemy, though. ...
Rosatom CEO Believes That Nuclear Energy Is the Key to Bridging the Skills Gap in Africa
Rosatom CEO Believes That Nuclear Energy Is the Key to Bridging the Skills Gap in Africa: SOCHI, Russia, Oct. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Speaking to African heads of state, representatives from Russian, African, and international business and...
£16bn Wylfa nuclear power plant decision pushed back
£16bn Wylfa nuclear power plant decision pushed back: Leadsom was expected to rule on the application for a development consent order (DCO) for the Wylfa Newydd plant this week. However, the business secretary
RICHARD BELL: Nuclear power heightens peril of nuclear weapons | Local-Perspectives | Opinion | The Chronicle Herald
RICHARD BELL: Nuclear power heightens peril of nuclear weapons | Local-Perspectives | Opinion | The Chronicle Herald: RICHARD BELL
In his Oct. 12 column, “Four parties’ climate change platforms blowing smoke; nuclear power offers way forward,” Bill Black says he wants to “have an honest conversation about climate change after the
In his Oct. 12 column, “Four parties’ climate change platforms blowing smoke; nuclear power offers way forward,” Bill Black says he wants to “have an honest conversation about climate change after the
Nuclear Industry's $23 Billion Bailout Request Shows Why It Should Have 'No Role to Play' in Solving Climate Crisis: Study | Common Dreams News
Nuclear Industry's $23 Billion Bailout Request Shows Why It Should Have 'No Role to Play' in Solving Climate Crisis: Study | Common Dreams News: "For the sake of taxpayers, electricity consumers and the climate, Congress must stop this endless nuclear boondoggle."
Floating Nuclear Power: Chernobyl On Ice Or The Future Of Energy? | OilPrice.com
Floating Nuclear Power: Chernobyl On Ice Or The Future Of Energy? | OilPrice.com: Nuclear energy has long-faced a negative public stigma, but floating plants could save lives and help rebuild its image
Wind power vs. nuclear power: You decide | Cape Gazette
Wind power vs. nuclear power: You decide | Cape Gazette: Two recent stories in the Cape Gazette Oct. 4 and Oct. 11, plus a supportive editorial, tell the story of a proposed connection facility in Fenwick State Park for 15 massive 120-megawatt wind turbines that will stand 853 feet tall, 15 to 20 miles...
Movement to block nuclear plant rescue in Ohio gets setback | Miami Herald
Movement to block nuclear plant rescue in Ohio gets setback | Miami Herald: A federal judge says a group trying to overturn the financial rescue for Ohio's two nuclear power plants can't have more time to collect signatures needed for a statewide vote.
Alert system for failing nuclear plant pipes uses thin films and sound vibrations | News | School of Engineering | Vanderbilt University
Alert system for failing nuclear plant pipes uses thin films and sound vibrations | News | School of Engineering | Vanderbilt University: Alert system for failing nuclear plant pipes uses thin films and sound vibrations. A failing pipe can be tough to spot. It may cause a puddle, produce another sign of damage, or simply burst before detection. A flooded kitchen or laundry room is messy and inconvenient, but the stakes are much, much higher in nuclear power plants – which on average contain many miles of pipeline. As concern...
Enhanced nuclear energy online class aims to inform and inspire
Enhanced nuclear energy online class aims to inform and inspire
Revamped version of MITx MOOC includes new modules on nuclear security, nuclear proliferation, and quantum engineering.
Nuclear Power Plant Market Will Reflect Significant Growth Prospects during 2019-2026 | Top Players: EDF, Exelon Nuclear, Duke Energy, Entergy Corporation – Market Report Gazette
Nuclear Power Plant Market Will Reflect Significant Growth Prospects during 2019-2026 | Top Players: EDF, Exelon Nuclear, Duke Energy, Entergy Corporation – Market Report Gazette: Market Report Gazette provides latest industry trending news, news service, IT & Technology news helps businesses connect with their target audiences in technology, healthcare, devices industry across world.
Could Small-Scale Nuclear Power Plants Be A Game-Changer?
Could Small-Scale Nuclear Power Plants Be A Game-Changer?: A proliferation of small, localized nuclear power plants in private hands could be a boon for Industry and the environment.
Fukushima Update 10/25/2019

Fukushima Update
10/25/2019 –
IOC president
will publicize Fukushima food safety at next year’s Olympic Games… A British
university study says a nuclear evacuation is much more dangerous than staying
Native American Pueblo leaders oppose nuclear facility near Carlsbad, Hobbs - Oil & Gas 360
Native American Pueblo leaders oppose nuclear facility near Carlsbad, Hobbs - Oil & Gas 360: The latest oil and gas news, dedicated to all things oil and gas: people, technologies, transactions, trends, and macro-economic analysis that impact commodity prices.
Encouraging Congress to Enact the Best Possible Environmental Regulations | The Energy Collective Daily

Encouraging Congress to Enact the Best Possible Environmental Regulations | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Encouraging Congress to Enact the Best Possible Environmental Regulations
- How Renewable Energy Models Can Produce Misleading Indications
- How much credit does RGGI deserve for the Northeast’s progress on emissions?
- Millions Must Get Solar and Batteries or Live Without Utility Power
- How Reforming Fossil Fuel Subsidies Can Go Wrong: A lesson from Ecuador
- Electric Vehicles: VW vs. Tesla. Game on!
- The War of the Currents
- Power trends (Brazil)
- Gizmos & Gadgets: Modular Cryogenic Storage Battery Developed for Energy Utilities
- If the energy sector is to go carbon-neutral, rapid innovations are needed
- Imagine a Day With One Water
- My Gift to Climate Alarmists • Premiered Sep 20, 2019 - 12:51 minutes
- Drax ‘strengthens’ biomass sustainability policy with new advisory board
- Neste to power Finnish production facilities using renewable wind energy
- Exxon’s Climate Fraud Trial Opens to a Packed New York Courtroom
- GPI Testifies Before US House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Are Fossil Fuel Interests Bankrolling The Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement?
Are Fossil Fuel Interests Bankrolling The Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement?: If nuclear energy represents roughly 62% of carbon-free power in the U.S., why are 13 nuclear plants at risk of closure over the next two years?
Global warming eclipses nuclear war as top concern: Nobel laureate - Daily Nation
Global warming eclipses nuclear war as top concern: Nobel laureate - Daily Nation: Experts call for implementation of green policies to curb climate crisis
Southwest tribes oppose spent nuclear fuel storage plans - The Morning Call
Southwest tribes oppose spent nuclear fuel storage plans - The Morning Call: Native American leaders from New Mexico are opposing plans that call for storing in the desert Southwest tons of spent nuclear fuel from power plants around
NRC Mulls Terminating Special Nuclear Material Security Rulemaking - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Mulls Terminating Special Nuclear Material Security Rulemaking - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
NRC confirms Vogtle manager wrongly removed employee from plant who raised safety concerns - News - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA
NRC confirms Vogtle manager wrongly removed employee from plant who raised safety concerns - News - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA: A manager at the construction site for Plant Vogtle's new nuclear reactors has been issued a confirmatory order for discrimination by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The commission concluded that Thomas Saunders violated the agency's employee protection regulations by having an employee removed from the Vogtle site in July 2017, knowing the employee had raised concerns about safety-related welding and other issues, according to a commission release. The employee was fired by Saunders
NRC: Plant Vogtle manager fired employee who raised safety issues
NRC: Plant Vogtle manager fired employee who raised safety issues: The federal government's Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a confirmation order against a plant manager at Plant Vogtle for discrimination.
How to Electrify Your Fleet: Lessons from Cities Charging Ahead Fleet Studies | The Energy Collective Daily

How to Electrify Your Fleet: Lessons from Cities Charging Ahead Fleet Studies | The Energy Collective Daily |
- How to Electrify Your Fleet: Lessons from Cities Charging Ahead Fleet Studies
- Climate Politics/Capitol Light (35)
- Is the future of fracking now in doubt?
- Massachusetts city considers requiring climate warnings on gasoline pumps
- 100% Clean: How Do We Actually Get There?
- Pennsylvania has an opportunity to lead on methane as EPA falters
- The Environment Bill and Responses to CCC Progress Reports
- Visualizing Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Production (Through August 2019)
- The not so essential role of electricity storage
- Energy and the exchange rate in Brazil
- 'Artificial leaf' successfully produces clean gas
- Is PG&E's planned power outages a strategy for the future?
Movement to Block Ohio Nuclear Plant Rescue Gets Setback - Business Journal Daily
Movement to Block Ohio Nuclear Plant Rescue Gets Setback - Business Journal Daily: By JOHN SEEWER Associated Press TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — A group attempting to overturn the roughly $1 billion financial rescue for Ohio’s two nuclear power plants won’t get additional time to collect signatures needed for a statewide vote, a federal judge has ruled. The decision issued Wednesday night comes after the group missed a deadline …
Wylfa: Anglesey nuclear power plant planning decision deferred - BBC News
Wylfa: Anglesey nuclear power plant planning decision deferred - BBC News: The UK government wants to know more about the impact of the £13bn plans before agreeing proposals.
Russia to set up nuclear power plants in Rwanda
Russia to set up nuclear power plants in Rwanda: As Russia aims to build closer ties with Africa, Rwanda signs off on a deal to advance the use of nuclear energy with the help of Russian expertise.
GEH signs Poland SMR agreement; Orano wins EDF support contract
GEH signs Poland SMR agreement; Orano wins EDF support contract
https://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/geh-signs-poland-smr-agreement-orano-wins-edf-support-contract?utm_campaign=NEI%2024OCT19%20Newsletter%20%28NEIsmr%20Database%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua&elqTrackId=81b29ace10da44d98667503ec6b5fd30&elq=f959a3fe50634921a8725315a3f221d2&elqaid=48788&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=29722Thermal vitrification could reduce waste volumes by 90%
Thermal vitrification could reduce waste volumes by 90%
https://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/thermal-vitrification-could-reduce-waste-volumes-90?utm_campaign=NEI%2024OCT19%20Newsletter%20%28NEIsmr%20Database%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua&elqTrackId=a0643271b3a14a78b1e699a020c68f15&elq=f959a3fe50634921a8725315a3f221d2&elqaid=48788&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=29722EBR-II experience aided ARC-100 SMR design review
EBR-II experience aided ARC-100 SMR design review
PG&E may pay $5 million for batteries, hotel vouchers for people with disabilities - SFChronicle.com
PG&E may pay $5 million for batteries, hotel vouchers for people with disabilities - SFChronicle.com: PG&E may provide $5 million to help Californians serious medical conditions pay for costs incurred during wildfire-prevention outages.
PG&E Outages Day Two | Blackouts continue, shots fired at PG&E truck – Chico Enterprise-Record
PG&E Outages Day Two | Blackouts continue, shots fired at PG&E truck – Chico Enterprise-Record: Citing a high risk of fire weather, Pacific Gas and Electric Corp. continued Thursday to shut off power to areas of Chico, Oroville, Paradise and Magalia, as well as large portions of the rest of t…
Has PG&E improved its communication during forced power outages? - SFChronicle.com
Has PG&E improved its communication during forced power outages? - SFChronicle.com: After acknowledging they were not prepared for the power outage that hit 34 counties earlier this month, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has worked to fix its website and improve its communication.
New Attack On PG&E Worker As Latest Round Of Power Shutoffs Begins – CBS San Francisco
New Attack On PG&E Worker As Latest Round Of Power Shutoffs Begins – CBS San Francisco: As power was shut off for the first of nearly 180,000 Northern California residents with a second round of preventive power outages Wednesday afternoon, PG&E's CEO confirmed another attack on a utility worker in the Central Valley.
PG&E Shuts Down Power In Parts Of 17 Northern California Counties : NPR
PG&E Shuts Down Power In Parts Of 17 Northern California Counties : NPR: California's largest utility says "critical fire weather" makes outages necessary in 17 counties.
French nuclear group Orano's uranium mine in Niger to close in 2021 - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters
French nuclear group Orano's uranium mine in Niger to close in 2021 - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters: French nuclear group Orano's COMINAK uranium mine in Niger will shut down in March 2021 due to the depletion of its reserves, the mine's board of directors said on Wednesday.
Brazil narrows field to China, Russia, France for Angra 3 nuclear partner - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters
Brazil narrows field to China, Russia, France for Angra 3 nuclear partner - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters: Brazil's state nuclear power company Eletronuclear plans to complete its long-delayed Angra 3 plant by partnering with either China's National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), France's EDF or Russia's Rosatom, its president Leonam Guimaraes told Reuters.
UPDATE 3-French regulator sees no need to halt EDF reactors over defective welds - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters
UPDATE 3-French regulator sees no need to halt EDF reactors over defective welds - Agricultural Commodities - Reuters: French utility EDF can continue operating nuclear reactors that have generators with defective welding, the country's ASN nuclear regulator said in a statement on Thursday, easing fears of potentially tight power supplies during winter.
Temporary uranium disposal site proposed south of Durango
Temporary uranium disposal site proposed south of Durango: A temporary disposal site for uranium tailings that were once used in construction projects around Durango has been proposed south of town, but...
Halfway house resident in Upper Darby orders uranium, prompts hazmat team response | News | delcotimes.com
Halfway house resident in Upper Darby orders uranium, prompts hazmat team response | News | delcotimes.com: UPPER DARBY — The Delaware County Certified Hazardous Materials Response Team made an unusual visit to a West Chester Pike halfway house Monday afternoon after a resident there received an
Closing Old NJ Nuclear Power Plant Has Allowed Population of Tiny, Stinging Jellyfish to Thrive — And Multiply - NBC New York
Closing Old NJ Nuclear Power Plant Has Allowed Population of Tiny, Stinging Jellyfish to Thrive — And Multiply - NBC New York: Tiny jellyfish that had been sucked into the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant and killed by heated water are now thriving and multiplying
Blood Sampler Acts as a Radiation Dosimeter | Machine Design
Blood Sampler Acts as a Radiation Dosimeter | Machine Design: Dosimeter could streamline medical care in case of a nuclear accident or dirty-bomb attack.
Judge rejects appeal for more time to gather HB 6 referendum signatures - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH
Judge rejects appeal for more time to gather HB 6 referendum signatures - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH: U.S. District Judge Edmund A. Sargus Jr. ruled Wednesday night that Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts turned to the wrong court in its bid for additional days to supplement its petition drive that failed to collect enough signatures by Monday's submission deadline. The organization can appeal to a higher federal court or take the matter to the Ohio Supreme Court.
Shutdown of N.J. nuclear plant has a surprising stinging consequence - The Morning Call
Shutdown of N.J. nuclear plant has a surprising stinging consequence - The Morning Call: The shutdown of one of the nation's oldest nuclear power plants last year is having a surprising, stinging consequence for a New Jersey bay
Brazil narrows field to China, Russia, France for Angra 3 nuclear partner
Brazil narrows field to China, Russia, France for Angra 3 nuclear partner: Brazil's state nuclear power company Eletronuclear plans to complete its long-delayed Angra 3 plant by partnering with either China's National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), France's EDF or Russia's Rosatom, its president Leonam Guimaraes told Reuters. Eletronuclear will decide by the
Russia's Next Nuclear Power Play Is Underway | OilPrice.com
Russia's Next Nuclear Power Play Is Underway | OilPrice.com: Moscow is extending a potentially exciting nuclear energy deal to Azerbaijan, but should Baku accept?
Judge denies more time to nuclear referendum effort | Toledo Blade
Judge denies more time to nuclear referendum effort | Toledo Blade: COLUMBUS — A federal judge late Wednesday night refused to grant more time to a petition effort to give Ohio voters a chance to second-guess a new law ...
“I don’t know what they were thinking or expecting”: PG&E continues to bungle communication as second major blackout begins
“I don’t know what they were thinking or expecting”: PG&E continues to bungle communication as second major blackout begins
California urges energy providers procure additional 4 GW to avoid potential shortages starting in 2021
California urges energy providers procure additional 4 GW to avoid potential shortages starting in 2021
WANO 'as relevant as always' after 30 years, says CEO - World Nuclear News
WANO 'as relevant as always' after 30 years, says CEO - World Nuclear News: Corporate leadership, the support required for new entrants and units to start up safely and on time, how to maintain a safe and reliable workforce, industry innovations, and a young generation perspective of the next 30 years of the nuclear industry, were the key issues discussed during the World Association of Nuclear Operators' 15th Biennial General Meeting, held in London on 20-22 October.
SMRs expand energy choice, says Perry - World Nuclear News
SMRs expand energy choice, says Perry - World Nuclear News: Nuclear power can help nations attain energy security, diversity and decarbonisation, and the USA is "ready and willing" to offer its technology to achieve this, US Energy Secretary Rick Perry told a US-EU High-Level Industrial Forum this week.
Viewpoint: Australia must review its outdated regulations on nuclear - World Nuclear News
Viewpoint: Australia must review its outdated regulations on nuclear - World Nuclear News: It is not too late for Australia to join nuclear power countries in the fight against climate change, writes Tania Constable, CEO of Minerals Council of Australia.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
PG&E Must Explain Why Inspections Missed Tree and Equipment Damage Exposed in Massive Shutoff: Judge - NBC Bay Area
PG&E Must Explain Why Inspections Missed Tree and Equipment Damage Exposed in Massive Shutoff: Judge - NBC Bay Area: As more PG&E power shutoffs loom, a federal judge has given PG&E until the end of the month to account for the more than 100 problems apparently missed by its inspectors and tree trimming crews before the...
California Power Outages Map: San Francisco Bay Area, More Counties Where PG&E Plans to Cut Electricity Again
California Power Outages Map: San Francisco Bay Area, More Counties Where PG&E Plans to Cut Electricity Again: More than 200,000 households and businesses will be without power for the second time in October.
PG&E releases maps of potential power shutoff areas | KRCR
PG&E releases maps of potential power shutoff areas | KRCR: PG&E has released maps of the general areas that could face power shutoffs Wednesday and Thursday due to increased fire danger. Tehama County is no longer included in the list of counties that could face outages. The potential outages include more than 23,000 customers in Butte County. The wind event in the Sierra Foothills is expected to begin around 5pm Weds. PG&E will be giving final notification to affected customers 8-12 hours prior to that.
Map of Potential Power Shutoffs in Northern California by PG&E | KQED Science
Map of Potential Power Shutoffs in Northern California by PG&E | KQED Science: The utility could initiate power shutoffs beginning Wednesday.
Peach Bottom nuclear plant has equipment malfunction during refueling
Peach Bottom nuclear plant has equipment malfunction during refueling: The type of emergency was classified as an “unusual event,” which is the least severe on the scale set by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The ultimate Middle East missile target: Nuclear reactors
The ultimate Middle East missile target: Nuclear reactors: What if a nuclear reactor had been the target of last month’s accurate missile attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities? We might now be mopping up a Middle East Chernobyl. The lesson should be clear: Don’t build more large reactors in the region. They’re radioactive sitting ducks.
Recognized by High-End Market, CNNC Signed the Largest Nuclear Power Contract in Europe
Recognized by High-End Market, CNNC Signed the Largest Nuclear Power Contract in Europe: BEIJING, Oct. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is a nuclear power plant constructor and operator specializing in nuclear...
Poland’s richest man teams up with GE Hitachi on nuclear reactor | Financial Times
Poland’s richest man teams up with GE Hitachi on nuclear reactor | Financial Times: Chemicals billionaire Michal Solowow aims to cut the country’s reliance on coal
Wylfa: Anglesey nuclear power plant planning decision deferred - BBC News
Wylfa: Anglesey nuclear power plant planning decision deferred - BBC News: The UK government wants to know more about the impact of the £13bn plans before agreeing proposals.
French-German-Russian firms plan work for Hungary's Paks II project - World Nuclear News
French-German-Russian firms plan work for Hungary's Paks II project - World Nuclear News: Rusatom Automated Control Systems, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, and the Franco-German consortium Framatome-Siemens have signed an agreement to manufacture, deliver and commission automated process control systems for units 5 and 6 of the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary. The contract was awarded by competitive tender, Rosatom said.
Ethiopia, Russia extend cooperation in nuclear energy - World Nuclear News
Ethiopia, Russia extend cooperation in nuclear energy - World Nuclear News: Ethiopia and Russia today signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy during the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi. The document was signed by Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov and Ethiopian Minister of Innovation and Technology Getahun Mekuria.
World must value nuclear, says IEA chief - World Nuclear News
World must value nuclear, says IEA chief - World Nuclear News: The world must learn to value nuclear energy for its energy security and reliability attributes, but most of all for its contribution to reducing carbon emissions before it is too late, the International Energy Agency's Fatih Birol has told a US-EU high-level forum.
Wind Problems
In the last 20± years, there have been multiple types of wind energy
conflicts with the military. These problems have fallen into the following
six (6) general categories:
1- Tall structures obstructing low-level flight paths
<https://www.pagerpower.com/news/military-low-flying-and-tall-structures/ >,
2- Weather
<https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/04/29/noaa-nws-document-wind-turbines-affect-weather-radar-create-false-storm-impressions/ >
radar interferences,
3- Navigation
<https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/11/13/wind-farms-creating-dead-zones-for-military-radar-report-warns/ >
radar interferences,
4- Other radar interferences (e.g. ROTHR
<http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/OTHR_AN_TPS_71_ROTHR.html >),
5- Infrasound problems caused to service personnel and sensitive military
equipment: here
<https://waubrafoundation.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Castelo-Branco-low-frequency-noise-military-operations.pdf >
and here
<https://www.seismosoc.org/news/mapping-industrial-hum-in-the-u-s/ >, and
6- Specialized cases (e.g. interference with military drone operation
<http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/news03/fort-drum-officials-talk-wind-turbine-challenges-plans-to-work-with-developers-20170729 >).
Put another way, these interferences can have one or more of these
—the lives of military personnel are jeopardized,
—the military facility’s mission is sabotaged,
—the military facility’s operational readiness is undermined,
—the military facility is more likely to have a BRAC
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_Realignment_and_Closure > downgrade,
—our national security is compromised.
What needs to be fixed nationally is the Clearinghouse process which is
highly biased towards promoting wind (vs protecting our military). Please
carefully read Wind Turbines and our National Security
<http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Military/DoD_Clearinghouse_Basics.pdf > for
background about the DoD Clearinghouse. It explains how it was created,
and what its real objectives are. It cites examples of where wind energy
interference with the military have been well-documented — and have
compromised our national security.
Despite multiple instances of wind energy interference, (e.g. see these
examples <http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Military/Military_Report2.pdf > in
NC) wind lobbyists have kept the federal government from making the major
improvements to the DoD Clearinghouse process that would genuinely benefit
the military. This puts a stake in the heart of the claim that the
Clearinghouse is all about protecting the military (or our national
security). This has also forced states to fill the gap (e.g. what Texas
did in 2017 with S277
<http://news.cctexas.com/news/defense-communities-celebrate >
Once the public (and our representatives) understand the facts, they
should not be susceptible to the wind industry’s claims that the DoD
Clearinghouse process is an objective or thorough assessment and
resolution of any wind energy interferences with military facilities and
our national security. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Note that in the DoD process there is zero analysis of any wind energy
benefits — they are simply assumed. That’s a major error, as any military
costs or degradations should only be agreed to IF there are objectively
proven net benefits.
There are many other non-military reasons against offshore wind
energy — e.g. see this page <http://wiseenergy.org/offshore-wind/ > that
lists numerous studies.
conflicts with the military. These problems have fallen into the following
six (6) general categories:
1- Tall structures obstructing low-level flight paths
2- Weather
radar interferences,
3- Navigation
radar interferences,
4- Other radar interferences (e.g. ROTHR
5- Infrasound problems caused to service personnel and sensitive military
equipment: here
and here
6- Specialized cases (e.g. interference with military drone operation
Put another way, these interferences can have one or more of these
—the lives of military personnel are jeopardized,
—the military facility’s mission is sabotaged,
—the military facility’s operational readiness is undermined,
—the military facility is more likely to have a BRAC
—our national security is compromised.
What needs to be fixed nationally is the Clearinghouse process which is
highly biased towards promoting wind (vs protecting our military). Please
carefully read Wind Turbines and our National Security
background about the DoD Clearinghouse. It explains how it was created,
and what its real objectives are. It cites examples of where wind energy
interference with the military have been well-documented — and have
compromised our national security.
Despite multiple instances of wind energy interference, (e.g. see these
examples <http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/
NC) wind lobbyists have kept the federal government from making the major
improvements to the DoD Clearinghouse process that would genuinely benefit
the military. This puts a stake in the heart of the claim that the
Clearinghouse is all about protecting the military (or our national
security). This has also forced states to fill the gap (e.g. what Texas
did in 2017 with S277
Once the public (and our representatives) understand the facts, they
should not be susceptible to the wind industry’s claims that the DoD
Clearinghouse process is an objective or thorough assessment and
resolution of any wind energy interferences with military facilities and
our national security. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Note that in the DoD process there is zero analysis of any wind energy
benefits — they are simply assumed. That’s a major error, as any military
costs or degradations should only be agreed to IF there are objectively
proven net benefits.
There are many other non-military reasons against offshore wind
energy — e.g. see this page <http://wiseenergy.org/offshor
lists numerous studies.
Defense Communities Celebrate | City of Corpus Christi
Defense Communities Celebrate | City of Corpus Christi: (AUSTIN) -- Texas defense communities are celebrating passage of legislation to protect military bases with aviation missions from encroachments by wind turbine developments -- Senate Bill 277 by Senator Donna Campbell (R-New Braunfels) and...
Wind Turbines and our National Security
Wind Turbines and our National Security
DoD_Clearinghouse_Basics - DoD_Clearinghouse_Basics.pdf
DoD_Clearinghouse_Basics - DoD_Clearinghouse_Basics.pdf
GEH And Synthos SA Of Poland Sign MOU On BWRX-300 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
GEH And Synthos SA Of Poland Sign MOU On BWRX-300 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Countdown to Death of Christianity in Parts of Middle East Ticks Louder
Countdown to Death of Christianity in Parts of Middle East Ticks Louder
CA utility PG&E announces another wildfire power shutoff | The Sacramento Bee
CA utility PG&E announces another wildfire power shutoff | The Sacramento Bee: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said another public safety power shutoff will begin Wednesday afternoon in the Sierra foothills and parts of the Bay Area and rural California.
California ditched coal. The gas company is worried it's next - Los Angeles Times
California ditched coal. The gas company is worried it's next - Los Angeles Times: Southern California Gas is engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to preserve the role of its pipelines in powering society.
American Scientists Are About to Start Shooting Plasma Guns in a Bid to Achieve Controlled Nuclear Fusion
American Scientists Are About to Start Shooting Plasma Guns in a Bid to Achieve Controlled Nuclear Fusion: The team at Los Alamos National Laboratory will fire "supersonic jets of ionized gas" at a chamber to compress fusion fuel.
IAEA Releases Concluding Summary of Conference on Climate Change and Role of Nuclear Power | IAEA
IAEA Releases Concluding Summary of Conference on Climate Change and Role of Nuclear Power | IAEA: Nuclear power has a major role to play in decarbonizing the energy sector to achieve global climate goals but will need enabling policies including a fair allocation of system costs to reach its full potential, the President of the International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power said in his concluding summary released today.
As Poland Exits Coal, a Billionaire Offers First Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg
As Poland Exits Coal, a Billionaire Offers First Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg: Poland’s second-richest man may beat the government in building the nation’s first nuclear power plant.
African countries mull nuclear energy as Russia extends offers | Business| Economy and finance news from a German perspective | DW | 22.10.2019
African countries mull nuclear energy as Russia extends offers | Business| Economy and finance news from a German perspective | DW | 22.10.2019: Moscow is sure to tout nuclear energy at the Russia-Africa Summit, selling it as a solution for the continent's power supply woes. So just how concerned should we be about its intentions and Africa's readiness?
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Announces Small Modular Reactor Technology Collaboration in Poland
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Announces Small Modular Reactor Technology Collaboration in Poland: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Synthos SA will collaborate on potential deployment applications for GEH’s BWRX-300 small modular reactor in Poland.
Recognized by High-End Market, CNNC Signed the Largest Nuclear Power Contract in Europe
Recognized by High-End Market, CNNC Signed the Largest Nuclear Power Contract in Europe: BEIJING, Oct. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is a nuclear power plant constructor and operator specializing in nuclear...
Nuclear workers sent to hospital; equipment called inadequate | The State
Nuclear workers sent to hospital; equipment called inadequate | The State: Three workers at the Westinghouse nuclear fuel plant on Bluff Road in Lower Richland were sent to the hospital last week as more problems were uncovered at the atomic fuel factory near Columbia.
Judge to rule whether to give anti-nuclear effort new life | Toledo Blade
Judge to rule whether to give anti-nuclear effort new life | Toledo Blade: COLUMBUS — Ohio’s consumer bailout of two Lake Erie nuclear power plants is now law, but an effort to subject it to voter referendum is in the hands of a ...
Swedish regulator gives go-ahead to expand nuclear waste plant - Energy & Oil - Reuters
Swedish regulator gives go-ahead to expand nuclear waste plant - Energy & Oil - Reuters: Sweden's radiation safety authority on Tuesday supported an application to expand and continue the operations of a radioactive waste repository on the country's eastern coast.
Anglesey nuclear power plant set for planning boost - BBC News
Anglesey nuclear power plant set for planning boost - BBC News: The £13bn plans are on hold after a deal could not be reached over the price paid for energy.
How green is your bond? EU battle lines drawn on investment rules - Reuters
How green is your bond? EU battle lines drawn on investment rules - Reuters: A battle over whether oil, coal and nuclear fuel can classify as "green" is expected to begin on Wednesday when EU states and lawmakers begin talks on sustainable investment rules.
NRC confirms Vogtle manager wrongly removed employee from plant who raised safety concerns - News - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA
NRC confirms Vogtle manager wrongly removed employee from plant who raised safety concerns - News - The Augusta Chronicle - Augusta, GA: A manager at the construction site for Plant Vogtle's new nuclear reactors has been issued a confirmatory order for discrimination by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The commission concluded that Thomas Saunders violated the agency's employee protection regulations by having an employee removed from the Vogtle site in July 2017, knowing the employee had raised concerns about safety-related welding and other issues, according to a commission release. The employee was fired by Saunders
Parts of county to be tested for radiological contaminants - Washington Times
Parts of county to be tested for radiological contaminants - Washington Times: A private company will test schools and homes near a former uranium enrichment plant in Ohio for radiological contaminants after trace amounts of enriched uranium were found at a nearby middle school over the summer.
Hermes gets FDA clearance for radiation dose software
Hermes gets FDA clearance for radiation dose software: AuntMinnie.com is the largest and most comprehensive community Web site for medical imaging professionals worldwide. Radiologists, technologists, administrators, and industry professionals can find information and conduct e-commerce in MRI, mammography, ultrasound, x-ray, CT, nuclear medicine, PACS, and other imaging disciplines.
Mission Support Alliance’s Hanford site contract extended | Tri-City Herald
Mission Support Alliance’s Hanford site contract extended | Tri-City Herald: Mission Support Alliance’s Hanford site contract to provide services across the nuclear reservation has been extended up to 6 months as DOE prepares to award a new contract. Leidos is the primary MSA owner.
Judge says Nevada can sue to remove half-ton of plutonium | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Judge says Nevada can sue to remove half-ton of plutonium | Las Vegas Review-Journal: A federal judge ruled Monday that Nevada can file an amended lawsuit to ask the federal government to remove a half-ton of plutonium secretly shipped to the state last year.
How “stalkerware” apps are letting abusive partners spy on their victims
How “stalkerware” apps are letting abusive partners spy on their victims
Many women are unaware that they are being spied on with apps hidden on their phones. App-store owners must do more.
South Pole’s ozone hole shrinks to smallest since discovery - The Boston Globe
South Pole’s ozone hole shrinks to smallest since discovery - The Boston Globe: The ozone hole near the South Pole this year is the smallest since it was discovered, but it is more due to freakish Antarctic weather than efforts to cut down on pollution, NASA reported.
New EPA chief in New England barred from many decisions because of conflicts - The Boston Globe
New EPA chief in New England barred from many decisions because of conflicts - The Boston Globe: A former chemical industry lobbyist, Dennis Deziel, has been barred from overseeing a range of vital issues in N.E. because of conflicts of interest that could compromise his public duties.
PG&E waits to make decision on power shutdown | The Sacramento Bee
PG&E waits to make decision on power shutdown | The Sacramento Bee: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said a potential power blackout Wednesday could affect 189,000 households and businesses across 16 counties, slightly less than the estimate of 209,000 PG&E released Monday.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Trump On Going To War With Iran: ‘We May Have To’ – LobeLog
Trump On Going To War With Iran: ‘We May Have To’ – LobeLog: President Trump said this week that he may have to start a new war, specifically singling out Iran. “I’m trying to get out of wars. But we may have to get in wars, too. OK? We may have to get…
Long-Awaited Energy Plan Calls For Small And Modular Nuclear Plants :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Long-Awaited Energy Plan Calls For Small And Modular Nuclear Plants :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: There is a business case for smaller and modular nuclear power plants of between 300 MW and 600 MW to be built in South Africa, but upfront planning is needed because of long lead times, the country’s new energy plan says.
The plan, known as the integrated resource plan, says the development of such plants elsewhere in the world is “particularly interesting for South Africa”.
“Small nuclear units will be a much more manageable investment when compared to a fleet approach,” the plan says.
The plan, known as the integrated resource plan, says the development of such plants elsewhere in the world is “particularly interesting for South Africa”.
“Small nuclear units will be a much more manageable investment when compared to a fleet approach,” the plan says.
Rwanda approves nuclear power deal with Russia - The East African
Rwanda approves nuclear power deal with Russia - The East African: A move that is expected to bolster relations between the two countries.
Poland's richest man to work with GE Hitachi on mini nuclear plant - Reuters
Poland's richest man to work with GE Hitachi on mini nuclear plant - Reuters: Synthos, a chemical group owned by Poland's richest man Michal Solowow, has agreed to work with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy on developing technology for a small modular reactor (SMR), Hitachi said on Monday.
Energoatom Considers Westinghouse Fuel For Rovno Reactors :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Energoatom Considers Westinghouse Fuel For Rovno Reactors :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Representatives of Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom and US-based Westinghouse Electric Company met today to discuss the possible introduction of Westinghouse-made fuel into Units-1 and -2 of the Rovno nuclear power station in western Ukraine.
Energoatom said the purpose of the meeting was for the Ukrainian team to study foreign experience with the operation of VVER-440 type reactors running on Westinghouse fuel.
The US company used to supply VVER-440 fuel for Finland’s two-unit Loviisa nuclear power station, but in 2009 ceased production of this particular fuel type. In 2014, Westinghouse began examining the option of restarting its VVER-440 fuel production capabilities.
Energoatom said the purpose of the meeting was for the Ukrainian team to study foreign experience with the operation of VVER-440 type reactors running on Westinghouse fuel.
The US company used to supply VVER-440 fuel for Finland’s two-unit Loviisa nuclear power station, but in 2009 ceased production of this particular fuel type. In 2014, Westinghouse began examining the option of restarting its VVER-440 fuel production capabilities.
Southwest tribes oppose spent nuclear fuel storage plans
Southwest tribes oppose spent nuclear fuel storage plans: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Native American leaders from New Mexico are opposing plans that call for storing in the desert Southwest tons of spent nuclear fuel from power plants around the...
Nevada officials anticipate Perry's replacement to have same views on Yucca Mountain - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper
Nevada officials anticipate Perry's replacement to have same views on Yucca Mountain - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper: Energy Secretary Rick Perry's departure from the Trump administration isn't breaking the heart of any Nevadans involved in fighting the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump …
U.S. Energy Secretary Perry to step down December 1: DOE - Reuters
U.S. Energy Secretary Perry to step down December 1: DOE - Reuters: U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who told President Donald Trump last week he would resign late in the year, intends to step down on Dec. 1, the energy department said on Monday.
Group misses deadline to get nuclear plant bailout on ballot
Group misses deadline to get nuclear plant bailout on ballot: TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — A group trying to overturn the financial rescue for Ohio's two nuclear power plants says it doesn't have enough signatures needed for a statewide vote. Ohioans Against...
Orano to supply services to three French plants - World Nuclear News
Orano to supply services to three French plants - World Nuclear News: French utility EDF has awarded a contract worth almost EUR100 million (USD111 million) to Orano to provide services to its Paluel, Civaux and Gravelines nuclear power plants. The contract runs until 2024, with an option for two additional years.
GEH signs agreement for small modular reactor in Poland - World Nuclear News
GEH signs agreement for small modular reactor in Poland - World Nuclear News: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy has announced an agreement to collaborate on the potential application of its BWRX-300 small modular reactor technology in Poland. The North Carolina, USA-headquartered company said yesterday it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Synthos SA, a Polish manufacturer of synthetic rubber and one of the country's biggest producers of chemical raw materials.
Czech Republic needs more nuclear units, report shows - World Nuclear News
Czech Republic needs more nuclear units, report shows - World Nuclear News: The Czech Republic will need to build not only one new unit at its Dukovany nuclear power plant, but also more reactors at Temelín if it is to avoid becoming dependent on electricity imports from 2030, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček said yesterday. Havlíček cited the latest Mid-term Adequacy Forecast published on 18 October by high-voltage grid operator operator ČEPS.
Anti-Nuclear Bailout Effort Fails To Meet Signature Deadline | WOSU Radio
Anti-Nuclear Bailout Effort Fails To Meet Signature Deadline | WOSU Radio: Opponents of the nuclear power plant bailout declined to submit signatures before the state-mandated deadline for their bid to get a referendum on the law
African countries mull nuclear energy as Russia extends offers | Business| Economy and finance news from a German perspective | DW | 22.10.2019
African countries mull nuclear energy as Russia extends offers | Business| Economy and finance news from a German perspective | DW | 22.10.2019: Moscow is sure to tout nuclear energy at the Russia-Africa Summit, selling it as a solution for the continent's power supply woes. So just how concerned should we be about its intentions and Africa's readiness?
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Announces Small Modular Reactor Technology Collaboration in Poland
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Announces Small Modular Reactor Technology Collaboration in Poland: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Synthos SA will collaborate on potential deployment applications for GEH’s BWRX-300 small modular reactor in Poland.
As Poland Exits Coal, a Billionaire Offers First Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg
As Poland Exits Coal, a Billionaire Offers First Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg: Poland’s second-richest man may beat the government in building the nation’s first nuclear power plant.
Group misses deadline to get nuclear plant bailout on Ohio ballot | wkyc.com
Group misses deadline to get nuclear plant bailout on Ohio ballot | wkyc.com: A group trying to overturn the financial rescue for Ohio's two nuclear power plants says it doesn't have enough signatures needed for a statewide vote.
Oceanic Solutions | The Energy Collective Daily
Oceanic Solutions | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Oceanic Solutions
- Canadian Fossils Stall Out in Bid to ‘Scrub’ the Record on Carbon Emissions
- As 2020 approaches, the climate action spotlight is on forests
- 5 best practices for Canadian methane regulations
- COURTS: Exxon goes to trial next week over secret carbon costs
- Energy performance certificates hold back heat decarbonisation
- Brian DAgostino, SDG&E, Director of Fire Science and Climate Adaptation - Climate Champions Episode 21 | Energy Central
Malfunction at Peach Bottom nuclear plant quickly resolved, posing no safety concerns, regulator says | Local News | lancasteronline.com
Malfunction at Peach Bottom nuclear plant quickly resolved, posing no safety concerns, regulator says | Local News | lancasteronline.com: A malfunction at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant Monday was quickly resolved and posed “no immediate safety concerns,” regulatory officials said.
EM Update October 22, 2019
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