Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
PG&E makes hard sell for Diablo Canyon renewal
PG&E makes hard sell for Diablo Canyon renewal
In an effort to garner public approval for its license renewal
request, representatives from PG&E dined a roomful of local business
and community leaders Friday as they described how the Diablo Canyon
Power Plant pumps http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2013/06/28/2565307/pge-makes-hard-sell-for-diablo.html
Obama's Climate Action Plan
Obama's Climate Action Plan
week's speech by the President outlined a broad plan of action intended
to combat climate change. At Atomic Power Review, Will Davis presents
links to the speech text, as well as the official White House documents
concerning the plan and its relation to nuclear energy. Further links
from successive days with perspective and analysis, as well as the
author's response to one particular portion of the speech, round
out the post.
Proposed Nuclear Waste Legislation
Senators Introduce Bipartisan, Comprehensive Nuclear Waste ... “Stalemate can't solve our nation's nuclear waste issues. ... “In addition to creating an independent Nuclear Waste Administration to manage nuclear waste, the ... www.energy.senate.gov/public/ |
US senators introduce nuclear waste bill - Electric Power | Platts ... US senators introduce nuclear waste bill - Read this Platts electric power news article here. Plus discover more electric power market news, products & services. www.platts.com/.../US- |
Nuclear Waste Bill Fails to Address Spent Fuel Pools | Union of ... Four senators introduced a bill today calling for interim storage sites for nuclear waste, but they neglected to address current safety and security issues ... www.ucsusa.org/news/.../ |
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US senators introduce nuclear waste bill
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Distributed Generation: California’s Future
Distributed Generation: California’s Future
Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology 65
Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology 65
Obama and the New Climate Change Paradigm
Obama and the New Climate Change Paradigm
IEA: Renewables To Exceed Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy By 2016
IEA: Renewables To Exceed Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy By 2016
North Korea to discuss nuclear talks in Moscow - report
North Korea to discuss nuclear talks in Moscow - report
On Nuclear Waste Bill, Senators Look to Public for Help By MATTHEW L. WALD
On Nuclear Waste Bill, Senators Look to Public for Help
By MATTHEW L. WALDhttp://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/28/on-nuclear-waste-bill-senators-look-to-public-for-help/?smid=tw-share&_r=1
Oil drilling off Santa Barbara coast? House Republicans say yes
Oil drilling off Santa Barbara coast? House Republicans say yes Los Angeles Times Tom McClintock (R-Granite Bay) assailed the "ideological extremism'' that has put the California coast off-limits to new energy exploration. Drilling opponents, he said, "have had their way in California for a full generation. I've watched their folly ...http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-oil-drilling-santa-barbara-coast-house-20130628,0,3123571.story |
Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority Blasts #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Revised Plan for Decommissioning As "Pie In The Sky"
Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority Blasts #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Revised Plan for Decommissioning As "Pie In The Sky"
Nuclear News Round Up (24th – 28th June 13)
une 28, 2013

24th June 2013
25th June 2013
27th June 2013
28th June 2013
Nuclear News Round Up (24th – 28th June 13)
- Growing support for nuclear France
- Two oil firms get approval for Lincolnshire drilling
- UK’s nuclear clean-up programme to cost billions more than expected
World First for High Level Waste Plants
World First for High Level Waste Plants
Climate-Change Policy In America, Europe, And China
Climate-Change Policy In America, Europe, And China
Earthquake Could Cause Los Alamos Plutonium Facility to Collapse
Earthquake Could Cause Los Alamos Plutonium Facility to Collapse
Energy News Roundup: Myths & Conspiracies, Rumors and Secret Government Payments
Energy News Roundup: Myths & Conspiracies, Rumors and Secret Government Payments
Renewables Hold Promise, but Predictable Policy is Critical
Renewables Hold Promise, but Predictable Policy is Critical
Natural Gas and Renewables are Complements, Not Competitors
Natural Gas and Renewables are Complements, Not Competitors
President’s Speech Prompts Reassessment of Keystone XL Rejection Risk
President’s Speech Prompts Reassessment of Keystone XL Rejection Risk
The Nicaragua Canal Plan’s Energy Connection
The Nicaragua Canal Plan’s Energy Connection
San Onofre Update 6/29
Edison to Ax 600 Jobs at San Onofre HispanicBusiness.com Southern California Edison will lay off 600 nonunion employees at the San Onofre nuclear power plant starting in about two months, the utility announced Wednesday. The layoffs, a result of Edison's decision to close the plant permanently, are the first ...http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/2013/6/28/edison_to_ax_600_jobs_at.htm |
Gary Griggs, Our Ocean Backyard: Shuttering of San Onofre Santa Cruz Sentinel The closing and decommissioning of San Onofre, which will cost more than $2.7 billion, leaves one remaining operating commercial nuclear power plant in California. Diablo Canyon, on the coast south of Morro Bay, has struggled with its own issues, most ...http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_23562184/gary-griggs-our-ocean-backyard-shuttering-san-onofre |
OC Residents Outraged With Higher Utility Bills Allegedly Due To San Onofre ... CBS Local ALISO VIEJO (CBSLA.com) — Orange County residents were outraged Thursday with possible hikes in their utility bills allegedly due to the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Laguna Hills resident Felicia Berschauer received a letter ...http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_23562184/gary-griggs-our-ocean-backyard-shuttering-san-onofre |
Life After San Onfore: Lights Out this Summer? Patch.com SCE announced it would permanently shutter the 2,300-megawatt San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station earlier this month. That puts the whole regional power grid under pressure, said Danny Zaragoza, director of electric distribution operations for San ...http://missionviejo.patch.com/groups/business-news/p/nuclear-plant-closure-lights-out-this-summer |
CA's power grid is ready for heat wave, but be ready for Flex Alerts 89.3 KPCC The agency that operates California's power grid said Friday it has ample supply to meet the needs of California as a heat wave takes hold throughout the state. It's the first major heat event since the San Onofre nuclear plant went offline in January ...http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/06/28/37965/cas-power-grid-is-ready-for-heat-wave-but-be-ready/ |
CUSD Trustees Receive Safety Recommendations San Clemente Times (blog) Trustee Anna Bryson suggested that since the funding the district received for emergency planning from Southern California Edison was somewhat in doubt due to the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, the district should look for ...http://www.sanclementetimes.com/blog/2013/06/28/cusd-trustees-receive-safety-recommendations/ |
San Onofre: the fallout from closing California's nuclear plant
San Onofre: the fallout from closing California's nuclear plant
Last week a California utility announced it would close the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. That closure, along with the shutting down of other nuclear plants, will have serious consequences for consumers and slow efforts to reign in greenhouse gas emissions, Styles writes.
Posted on June 28, 2013 San Luis Obispo County: How Diablo Canyon Powers the Economy
Posted on June 28, 2013
San Luis Obispo County: How Diablo Canyon Powers the Economy
As Obama targets climate change, Westinghouse bangs the nuclear drum
As Obama targets climate change, Westinghouse bangs the nuclear drum
Why India's Trade Policies Hurt the U.S. Solar Industry and Jobs
Why India's Trade Policies Hurt the U.S. Solar Industry and Jobs
Fracked Gas Isn’t a Bridge Fuel—It’s a Gangplank
Fracked Gas Isn’t a Bridge Fuel—It’s a Gangplank
by Josh Fox
Central Texas Dreams Big for Solar Energy Center
Central Texas Dreams Big for Solar Energy Center
Central Texas Dreams Big for Solar Energy Center Texas A&M University-Central Texas (TAMU-CT) is opening the doors for what it claims will be the planet's biggest solar energy test facility, a 50-MW undertaking spanning both commercial demonstrations and testing, with an
Missing Nuclear Material May Pose Attack Threat: IAEA
Missing Nuclear Material May Pose Attack Threat: IAEA
Nuclear and radioactive materials are still going
missing and the information the United Nations atomic agency receives
about such incidents may be the tip of the iceberg, said a senior U.N.
Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation
Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation
Thorium testing in the Halden Research Reactor — IFE
Thorium testing in the Halden Research Reactor — IFE
In 2013 a project for testing thorium fuel was started in the Halden Research Reactor. The aim is to qualify thorium as light water reactor (LWR) fuel.
In 2013 a project for testing thorium fuel was started in the Halden Research Reactor. The aim is to qualify thorium as light water reactor (LWR) fuel.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Economic Impact of Diablo Canyon
PG&E has put together a great report on the economic impact of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
Westinghouse lands DOE funding for advanced reactor research
Westinghouse lands DOE funding for advanced reactor research
NRC Seeks Public Comment on Spent Fuel Pool Study
13-053: NRC Seeks Public Comment on Spent Fuel Pool Study NRC Seeks Public Comment on Spent Fuel Pool Study. The NRC is interested ... www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc- |
NRC seeking public input - News 10 Now - YNN.com The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking the public's comments on a recent study on the removal of spent reactor fuel. centralny.ynn.com/content/top. |
What Made Him Tick ‘Robert Oppenheimer,’ a Biography by Ray Monk By GEORGE JOHNSON
What Made Him Tick
‘Robert Oppenheimer,’ a Biography by Ray Monk
By GEORGE JOHNSONhttp://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/30/books/review/robert-oppenheimer-a-biography-by-ray-monk.html?nl=books&emc=edit_bk_20130628&_r=0
U.S., Japan work to analyze disaster radiation levels
U.S., Japan work to analyze disaster radiation levels
Washington (UPI) Jun 27, 2013 - U.S. and Japanese agencies say they've cooperated on developing a method for analyzing airborne radiological monitoring data following nuclear accidents. The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency reported new method has been used to perform a detailed study of survey data taken by the two agencies in the months following the March 2011 Fukushi ... morehttp://www.spacemart.com/reports/US_Japan_work_to_analyze_disaster_radiation_levels_999.html
Washington (UPI) Jun 27, 2013 - U.S. and Japanese agencies say they've cooperated on developing a method for analyzing airborne radiological monitoring data following nuclear accidents. The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency reported new method has been used to perform a detailed study of survey data taken by the two agencies in the months following the March 2011 Fukushi ... morehttp://www.spacemart.com/reports/US_Japan_work_to_analyze_disaster_radiation_levels_999.html
Outside View: Azerbaijan decides Europe's energy security
Outside View: Azerbaijan decides Europe's energy security
Washington (UPI) Jun 27, 2013 - Azerbaijan on Wednesday decide the fate of energy security in Central and Southern Europe. After more than a decade of diplomatic and commercial wrangling, the so-called Southern Gas Corridor from the Caspian Sea to EU markets was determined by the holders of the gas: Azerbaijan's state energy company SOCAR, which has emerged as a major regional energy player. The company chose T ... morehttp://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Outside_View_Azerbaijan_decides_Europes_energy_security_999.html
Washington (UPI) Jun 27, 2013 - Azerbaijan on Wednesday decide the fate of energy security in Central and Southern Europe. After more than a decade of diplomatic and commercial wrangling, the so-called Southern Gas Corridor from the Caspian Sea to EU markets was determined by the holders of the gas: Azerbaijan's state energy company SOCAR, which has emerged as a major regional energy player. The company chose T ... morehttp://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Outside_View_Azerbaijan_decides_Europes_energy_security_999.html
U.S. smart grid to reach $26.7B by 2017 Read more: U.S. smart grid to reach $26.7B by 2017 - FierceSmartGrid http://www.fiercesmartgrid.com/story/us-smart-grid-reach-267b-2017/2013-06-26#ixzz2XY7p3j00 Subscribe at FierceSmartGrid
U.S. smart grid to reach $26.7B by 2017
Read more: U.S. smart grid to reach $26.7B by 2017 - FierceSmartGrid http://www.fiercesmartgrid.com/story/us-smart-grid-reach-267b-2017/2013-06-26#ixzz2XY7p3j00
Subscribe at FierceSmartGrid
New big idea: go small
New big idea: go small
B&W’s nuclear group in Lynchburg is designing the nation’s first small modular reactor; will power companies care?http://www.virginiabusiness.com/index.php/news/article/new-big-idea-go-small/324132/
Obama picks Colorado utility board chief for FERC chair - Macfarlane, Shelanski confirmed - EPA's 'transparency' crusader - House takes up Hastings offshore bill - Moniz sees future for coal
Obama picks Colorado utility board chief for FERC chair - Macfarlane, Shelanski confirmed - EPA's 'transparency' crusader - House takes up Hastings offshore bill - Moniz sees future for coal
⌂ News Senate confirms Macfarlane to new term leading NRC
Senate confirms Macfarlane to new term leading NRC
Chairman Macfarlane Confirmed For A Five-Year Term
Chairman Macfarlane Confirmed For A Five-Year Term
Paperwork permitting, we expect her to be sworn into her new term as early as Monday morning.
The NRC is headed by five Commissioners nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate for staggered five-year terms, with one Commissioner’s term ending on June 30th of each year. One of the five is designated as the Chairman and official spokesperson of the Commission. The other Commissioners are: Kristine Svinicki, George Apostalakis, William Magwood and William Ostendorff.
Macfarlane was originally selected to complete the final year of the term held by the previous chairman. That term expires June 30.
This is what she had to say about the confirmation:
“I am honored by the trust the President has placed in me by nominating me for a full term on the Commission, and grateful that the Senate has confirmed my appointment.
“The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission fulfills an essential mission for the American people, with nuclear safety and security our paramount priority. During the past year, I’ve taken great pride in leading this exceptional agency. We have accomplished a substantial amount, and I am pleased that we will be able to continue this work. I will work with my Commission colleagues and the staff to ensure that the NRC continues to excel. I will remain committed to transparency and continue to seek opportunities to further public engagement. I will also continue to champion the importance of regulatory independence.
“There are a number of significant issues facing the Commission. I have full confidence that we will meet the challenges ahead.”
URS to support Holtec SMR development
URS to support Holtec SMR development (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-URS_to_support_Holtec_SMR_development-2806134.html )
Holtec International is teaming up with engineering, construction and technical services company URS Corporation to develop its SMR-160 small modular reactor (SMR).
Holtec International is teaming up with engineering, construction and technical services company URS Corporation to develop its SMR-160 small modular reactor (SMR).
Russian company signs up for Rooppur studies
Russian company signs up for Rooppur studies (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Russian_company_signs_up_for_Rooppur_studies-2806137.html )
A contract signed by NIAEP-AtomStroyExport of Russia with the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission will pave the way for preparations prior to the construction of Bangladesh's first nuclear power plant.
A contract signed by NIAEP-AtomStroyExport of Russia with the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission will pave the way for preparations prior to the construction of Bangladesh's first nuclear power plant.
Loan guarantee for Hinkley Point C
Loan guarantee for Hinkley Point C (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Loan_guarantee_for_Hinkley_Point_C-280613ST.html )
The UK government has announced that EDF Energy's proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant is eligible for a multi-billion pound loan guarantee.
The UK government has announced that EDF Energy's proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant is eligible for a multi-billion pound loan guarantee.
H.R. 850, Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013
H.R. 850, Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013
cost estimate
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on May 22, 2013
Fukushima Update 6/28 Who Are Fukushima’s Tsunami Refugees?
Who Are Fukushima’s Tsunami Refugees?
there are thousands of permanently homeless Fukushima residents due to
the tsunami of 3/11/11. Who are they? Are they getting the same
subsidies as nuclear accident refugees? Why isn't the Press reporting on
"Philosophy, Shale Gas, and the ANS Annual Meeting"
ANS Nuclear Cafe:
"Philosophy, Shale Gas, and the ANS Annual Meeting"
"Philosophy, Shale Gas, and the ANS Annual Meeting"
Atoms for the Future 2013 - Registration is now open for the major international event in France in October !
Atoms for the Future 2013 - Registration is now open for the major international event in France in October !
The SFEN JG is pleased to invite you to
the 2013 edition of « Atoms for the Future ». This edition aims at
providing a wide overview of the interactions and environnment between
the Nuclear Energy and the Power Grid.
It will be held from October 21st to 24th. It is composed of 2 days of conferences and 2 days of visits. The conferences will be held at the UIC in Paris (16 rue Jean Rey, 75016 Paris). High ranked speakers have already confirmed their venue;-)
Registration is now open. We will be pleased to welcome you!
It will be held from October 21st to 24th. It is composed of 2 days of conferences and 2 days of visits. The conferences will be held at the UIC in Paris (16 rue Jean Rey, 75016 Paris). High ranked speakers have already confirmed their venue;-)
Registration is now open. We will be pleased to welcome you!
Atoms for the Future 2013 sfenjg.org
ANS Update: Nuclear Matinee: Pandora’s Promise – Talks at Google
Nuclear Matinee: Pandora’s Promise – Talks at Google
By ansnuclearcafe on Jun 28, 2013 01:00 amGoogleTalks recently conducted a highly informative and entertaining interview session featuring Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, director Robert Stone, and the cast of the film Pandora’s Promise: Stewart Brand, Gwyneth Cravens, Michael Schellenberger, and Mark Lynas. How and why … Continue reading →
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Will Obama’s Climate Policy Spur New Energy Technologies?
Will Obama’s Climate Policy Spur New Energy Technologies?
The impact of proposed carbon-emissions regulations on energy innovation could be small without direct R&D funding.
EIA Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatt-hour of electricity?
The amount of fuel used to generate electricity depends on the efficiency or heat rate of the generator (or power plant) and the heat content of the fuel. Power plant efficiencies (heat rates) vary by types of generators, power plant emission controls, and other factors. Fuel heat contents also vary.Two formulas for calculating the amount of fuel used to generate a unit of electricity:
- Amount of fuel used per kilowatt-hour (kWh) = Heat Rate (in Btu per kWh) / Fuel Heat Content (in Btu per physical unit)
- KWh generated per unit of fuel used = Fuel Heat Content (in Btu per physical unit) / Heat Rate (in Btu per kWh)
Amount of fuel used to generate one kilowatt-hour (kWh):
- Coal = 0.00053 Short Tons or 1.07 Pounds
- Natural Gas = 0.00798 Mcf (1,000 cubic feet)
- Residual Fuel Oil = 0.00184 Barrels (or 0.08 gallons)
KWh generated per unit of fuel used:
- 1,870 kWh per Ton of Coal or 0.9 kWh per Pound of Coal
- 125 kWh per Mcf (1,000 cubic feet) of Natural Gas
- 542 kWh per Barrel of Petroleum, or 13 kWh per Gallon
Power plant heat rate
Coal = 10,444 Btu/kWh
Natural Gas = 8,152 Btu/kWh
Petroleum = 10,829 Btu/kWh
Fuel heat contents
Coal = 19,530,000 Btu per Short Ton (2,000 lbs) Note: heat contents of coal vary widely by types of coal
Natural Gas = 1,021,000 Btu per 1,000 Cubic Feet (Mcf)
Petroleum Fuel Oil = 5,871,390 Btu per Barrel (42 gallons) Note: Heat contents vary by type of petroleum product
Last updated: February 15, 2013
Other FAQs about Electricity
- Can I choose the electricity supplier where I live?
- Can I generate and sell electricity to an electric utility?
- Does EIA have city or county-level energy consumption and price data?
- Does EIA have county-level energy production data?
- Does EIA have data on each power plant in the United States?
- Does EIA have data on peak and hourly electricity demand?
- Does EIA have electricity prices by state?
- Does EIA have information on the service territories of U.S. electric utilities?
- Does EIA have maps or information on the location of electric power plants and transmission lines in the United States?
- Does EIA publish electric utility rate, tariff, and demand charge data?
- How is electricity used in U.S. homes?
- How many and what kind of power plants are there in the United States?
- How many nuclear power plants are in the U.S. and where are they located?
- How many smart meters are installed in the U.S. and who has them?
- How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatt-hour of electricity?
- How much does it cost to build different types of power plants in the United States?
- How much does it cost to generate electricity with different types of power plants?
- How much electricity does a typical nuclear power plant generate?
- How much electricity does an American home use?
- How much electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the United States?
- How much electricity is used for cooling in the United States?
- How much electricity is used for lighting in the United States?
- How much energy is consumed in the world by each sector?
- How much of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are associated with electricity generation?
- How much of world energy consumption and electricity generation is from renewable energy?
- How old are U.S. power plants?
- What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
- What is a capacity factor?
- What is the difference between electricity generation capacity and electricity generation?
- What is the efficiency of different types of power plants?
- What is the outlook for home heating fuel prices this winter?
- What types and amounts of energy are
Energy Secretary Optimistic on Obama’s Plan to Reduce Emissions
Energy Secretary Optimistic on Obama’s Plan to Reduce Emissions
Senate Appropriators Reverse Obama's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Cuts
Senate Appropriators Reverse Obama's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Cuts
U.S. News & World Report
Kingston Reif, director of nuclear non-proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told U.S. News that Senate appropriators reversed nearly all - $73 million - of the administration's cuts to GTRI efforts.http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/06/27/senate-appropriators-reverse-obamas-nuclear-non-proliferation-cuts
U.S. News & World Report
Kingston Reif, director of nuclear non-proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told U.S. News that Senate appropriators reversed nearly all - $73 million - of the administration's cuts to GTRI efforts.http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/06/27/senate-appropriators-reverse-obamas-nuclear-non-proliferation-cuts
Energy Development on Public Lands is Robust: U.S. Interior Deputy Secretary at Platts Energy Podium
Energy Development on Public Lands is Robust: U.S. Interior Deputy Secretary at Platts Energy Podium
Hayes, who is leaving his post to teach at Stanford Law School in the fall, defended his department's efforts despite criticism from some in Congress that the Obama administration isn't moving fast enough to make more public lands available for energy development.
"It is incredibly frustrating how politicized this issue has become," Hayes said. "On the oil side, onshore, we've gone up by 35% in terms of oil being produced on our public lands."http://media.prnewswire.com/en/jsp/latest.jsp?resourceid=7102398&access=EH
Microgrids and Energy Security: The Business Case
Microgrids and Energy Security: The Business Case
PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 6/28
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
Williams assessing damage to Geismar
chemical facility The explosion originated in the propylene fractionator area of the plant. The piping, heat exchangers and reboilers in the area just adjacent to the propylene fractionator have been seriously damaged and will likely need to be replaced. Full Article Share: |
PennEnergy Video News
Update From China's shale gas pipeline, to Saipem's new contract in Nigeria, to the new 3rd highest acreage holder in Namibia, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• China's first shale gas pipeline coming from CNPC
• Enbridge oil pipeline returns to service
• New offshore Nigeria oil exploration contract for Saipem
• Labat becomes 3rd largest offshore acreage holder in Namibia
• ANGA responds to President’s Climate Change Plan
• Tiandi President talks data management’s role in staffing and project costs
• Norway opens more of the Arctic for oil and gas exploration
• Volve offshore oil field observation wells completed
• Egypt oil well successful for Sea Dragon Energy
• CNOOC natural gas development platform to get Emerson automation
• GE highlights commitment to Russian oil and gas sector
• China's first shale gas pipeline coming from CNPC
• Enbridge oil pipeline returns to service
• New offshore Nigeria oil exploration contract for Saipem
• Labat becomes 3rd largest offshore acreage holder in Namibia
• ANGA responds to President’s Climate Change Plan
• Tiandi President talks data management’s role in staffing and project costs
• Norway opens more of the Arctic for oil and gas exploration
• Volve offshore oil field observation wells completed
• Egypt oil well successful for Sea Dragon Energy
• CNOOC natural gas development platform to get Emerson automation
• GE highlights commitment to Russian oil and gas sector
Power Engineering Top News Stories 6/28
Top Stories | |||
| Obama vows carbon cap for power plants in climate policy overhaul President also wants renewable capacity to double again by 2020. Read More Share: | ||
| Reaction to Obama climate speech varies by interest group Reactions differ widely based on which industry is affected. Read More Share: | ||
| Tenaska cancels plans for coal gasification power plant Tenaska says Taylorville plant is "no longer viable." Read More Share: | ||
| U.S. House 2014 budget proposal slashes funding for nuclear investment Nuclear energy programs' budgets will be cut 13.5 percent. Read More Share: |
In Case You Missed It
• Duke Energy plans to reduce emissions at Crystal River coal-fired units
• Honeywell to design, build on-site power facility
• Workers break ground at natural gas-fired power plant
• Wells Fargo to invest $100mn in solar PV projects
• Ten solar energy projects installed at Walmart, Sam's Clubs in Maryland
• NRC seeks public comment on nuclear spent fuel pool study
• Bankrupt electric carmaker re-emerges as energy storage manufacturer
• Summer residential electric bills to hit four-year low
• U.S.-Russia partnership has converted 19,000 nuclear warheads to civilian energy
• Enel Green Power signs $100mn loan agreement
• Construction begins on 20 MW flywheel energy storage project
• Greenwood Energy purchases solar power projects
• NRG to convert two coal-fired power plants to burn natural gas
• TVA to explore voluntary layoffs to cut costs
• Largest solar power project in Vermont in the works
• Supreme Court to review decision to repeal Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
• DNV KEMA releases floating offshore wind turbine standard
• CHP system to power two buildings
• GE opens wind energy services center in Brazil
• NYT: MOX nuclear fuel project on its way out
• Appalachian Power plans $337mn power grid upgrade in W. Va.
• SunCoke to pay nearly $2mn settlement for Clean Air Act violations
• Renewable sources to power more worldwide than gas, nuclear
• Duke Energy plans to reduce emissions at Crystal River coal-fired units
• Honeywell to design, build on-site power facility
• Workers break ground at natural gas-fired power plant
• Wells Fargo to invest $100mn in solar PV projects
• Ten solar energy projects installed at Walmart, Sam's Clubs in Maryland
• NRC seeks public comment on nuclear spent fuel pool study
• Bankrupt electric carmaker re-emerges as energy storage manufacturer
• Summer residential electric bills to hit four-year low
• U.S.-Russia partnership has converted 19,000 nuclear warheads to civilian energy
• Enel Green Power signs $100mn loan agreement
• Construction begins on 20 MW flywheel energy storage project
• Greenwood Energy purchases solar power projects
• NRG to convert two coal-fired power plants to burn natural gas
• TVA to explore voluntary layoffs to cut costs
• Largest solar power project in Vermont in the works
• Supreme Court to review decision to repeal Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
• DNV KEMA releases floating offshore wind turbine standard
• CHP system to power two buildings
• GE opens wind energy services center in Brazil
• NYT: MOX nuclear fuel project on its way out
• Appalachian Power plans $337mn power grid upgrade in W. Va.
• SunCoke to pay nearly $2mn settlement for Clean Air Act violations
• Renewable sources to power more worldwide than gas, nuclear
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