New 800 MW natural gas-fired power plant begins operations early
Power Engineering Magazine
"With California's San Onofre nuclear plant off-line and power reserve margins expected to be tight, it is more important than ever that the CPV Sentinel Energy Project be available to support electric reliability this summer," said John Murphy, Senior ...
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Pitching Nuclear Energy: The Value of New Plant Construction
It will take me several days to digest all of the things I
learned and heard at the Nuclear Energy Assembly, both from the podium
and in the valuable “hallway conversations.”
Interview: China vows to play peaceful role in Arctic region development: Chinese embassador
China will act as a serious player and peaceful power after it
has been accepted by the Arctic Council as a formal observer, Chinese
Embassador to Finland Huang Xing has said.
Industry Groups Urge Supreme Court To Ban EPA From Regulating CO2
(Credit: Philippe Lissac / GODONG) Conservative states, business
groups, fossil fuel companies, and politicians who deny the science of
climate change are petitioning the Supreme Court to reverse
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations on greenhouse gases
and to weaken the Clean Air Act. This would involve the Court either
limiting or reversing its own 2007 decision, Massachusetts v. EP
EPA Is Required To Regulate Carbon Pollution From Existing Power Plants
EPA is legally obligated to issue rules regulating CO2 from
existing power plants. Dave Roberts at Grist is (eternally) puzzled that
folks don’t seem to know that. Since eternity is a very long time —
only slightly longer than the lifetime of some CO2 molecules in the air —
I’ll repost his key points: In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled in Mass
v. EPA that CO2 qualifies as a pollutant under the Clea
U.S. Now One Step Closer To Being Net Natural Gas Exporter
Exporting natural gas just got easier. This afternoon, the
Department of Energy approved the second application for a facility to
export liquefied natural gas (LNG) worldwide. Today’s approval to export
up to 1.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day goes to Freeport
LNG Expansion, on Quintana Island in Texas, for 25 years. The approval
process now moves to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commis
6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of northeast Japan
May 18, 2013 – JAPAN - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9
jolted northeastern Japan on Saturday, but no tsunami warning was
issued, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The earthquake was later
upgraded by the USGS to a 6.0 magnitude. Tokyo Electric Power Co’s
(9501.T) two nuclear plants in Fukushima reported no new irregularities
after the quake, Kyodo news agency said. Onagawa n
by The Extinction Protoco...
Building Solar in Spain Instead of Germany Could Save Billions
Kevin Bullis
May 17, 2013
Building Solar in Spain Instead of Germany Could Save Billions
Building solar and wind projects in the wrong place is wasting billions of dollars in Europe.
US Solar 2013 Halftime Update: Victories and Ongoing Initiatives
US Solar 2013 Halftime Update: Victories and Ongoing Initiatives
Fracking and Solar: Friends, Foes or the Bridge to Clean Energy Adoption?
Fracking and Solar: Friends, Foes or the Bridge to Clean Energy Adoption?
EU Should Scrap Energy Subsidies to Fight Warming, Poland Says
EU Should Scrap Energy Subsidies to Fight Warming, Poland Says
Breakdown: Penetration of Renewable Energy in Selected Markets
Breakdown: Penetration of Renewable Energy in Selected Markets
West Fertilizer Blast May Have Been Criminal Act: Authorities
West Fertilizer Blast May Have Been Criminal Act: Authorities urged to clarify nuclear cost overruns
Ministers urged to clarify nuclear cost overruns
The Government has been urged to clarify who will bear the risk of any cost overruns in building new nuclear plants, after ministers appeared to suggest the burden could fall on consumers. still 'optimistic' about nuclear power despite EDF and China concerns
Coalition still 'optimistic' about nuclear power despite EDF and China concerns
Building programme advancing, says minister as expectations of timetable delay at Hinkley Point grow and Chinese 'lose interest'
Nuclear Iran Unlikely to Tilt Regional Power Balance – Report
Nuclear Iran Unlikely to Tilt Regional Power Balance – Report
By Jim Lobe and Joe Hitchon
Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Nuclear Fusion - Plasmoid Ion Density Tripled but 100 times less due to metal impurities in filaments
Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Nuclear Fusion - Plasmoid Ion Density Tripled but 100 times less due to metal impurities in filaments News Round Up (13th May – 17th May 2013)
13th May 2013 14th May 2013
- DECC seeks views on radioactive disposal facility
- Senior Nuclear Fire Safety Engineer, Warrington
- Severn Trent receives takeover approach
- Nuclear Safety Assessor – Risley or Sellafield
Fracking and Solar: Friends, Foes or the Bridge to Clean Energy Adoption?
Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” has been widely criticized by
environmentalists who cite concerns with water pollution and methane
leakage from this high-volume method of extracting natural gas. However,
the burning of natural gas is undoubtedly better for the planet than
the burning of coal. Some experts are now saying that — toxic chemicals
This Week in Energy: The Natural Gas Games Begin
Let the natural gas export games begin; acronymic US oil and gas
forecasts intended to shock and awe; a decisively bad turn for the
petro-politics conflict in Syria; and a peak at this week’s Premium
Newsletter line-up, and a special report for readers that looks at the
coming boom in geothermal power generation …Before we start with today’s
roundup I just wanted to take a few moments to mention t
by (Ja...
Japanese Fast Reactor Found to Be on Active Fault
The discovery and disclosure that Japan's Monju experimental fast
breeder reactor is sitting atop an active seismic fault line may well
represent the end of the road for that plant, which in turn could have
wide reverberations. The reactor, which was meant to be powered
eventually by plutonium recovered from conventional reactor fuel, was
closed for 14 years after a fire in 1995. Then, a
Generator Maker Pitched San Onofre Repairs
GENERATOR MAKER PITCHED SAN ONOFRE REPAIRS GENERATOR ... U-T San Diego The manufacturer of faulty steam generators that have sidelined the San Onofre nuclear plant proposed long-term repairs last year that were never adopted by the plant operator. Plant operator Southern California Edison is currently seeking permission ...
Westinghouse, SNPTC join forces for SMR
Westinghouse, SNPTC join forces for SMR World Nuclear News Westinghouse and China's State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) are to work together to develop a small modular reactor (SMR) design licensable ... |
Advocates Tout Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations
Advocates Tout Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations National Defense Magazine The Department of Energy is now pushing the once dormant small modular nuclear reactor concept for civilian applications. The Tennessee Valley Authority and ... |
Harvey Wasserman: San Onofre at the No Nukes Brink
Harvey Wasserman: San Onofre at the No Nukes Brink
Friday, May 17, 2013
The Cost of Wind Part II
In Part I, we explored past and present wind costs and noted
rapid inflation. This was the first step in an exploration of David
Roberts' claim that renewable electricity was less expensive than
nuclear generated electricity, but there are many other factors that I
did not touch on or barely mentioned in Part I that require further
exploration.Nuclear reactors typically generate ninety percent of
by Charles Barton
Nye County official blasts Sen. Reid's "hypocrisy" on nuclear waste disposal
Nye County official blasts Sen. Reid's "hypocrisy" on nuclear waste disposal Las Vegas Review-Journal The low-level nuclear waste landfill, in Area 5 at the security site, is 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The planned Yucca Mountain repository has been quashed by the Obama administration at Reid's urging. The security site intends to accept the Oak ... |
The 2013 Energy Trust Barometer: Mixed Readings
The 2013 Energy Trust Barometer: Mixed Readings
Building New Nuclear- the challenges ahead: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2012-13 - Energy and Climate Change Contents
Building New Nuclear- the challenges ahead: Government Response to
the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2012-13 - Energy and Climate
Change Contents
Coalition still 'optimistic' about nuclear power despite EDF and China concerns
Coalition still 'optimistic' about nuclear power despite EDF and China concerns
Building programme advancing, says minister as expectations of timetable delay at Hinkley Point grow and Chinese 'lose interest'
The Energy [R]evolution will be Tweeted
The Energy [R]evolution will be Tweeted
Bloom Energy Raises $130M More for Fuel Cell Future
Iran says ready for nuclear talks with world powers
Iran says ready for nuclear talks with world powers, Georgia senators voice MOX support
S.C., Georgia senators voice MOX support
New Nuclear Plants Benefit South Carolina
New Nuclear Plants Benefit South Carolina
Babcock & Wilcox gets $366M naval contract
Babcock & Wilcox gets $366M naval contract News Release on Moniz Confirmation
Nuclear Energy Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact :
For Release :202.739.8000
Nuclear Energy Industry Congratulates Moniz On Confirmation as Secretary of Energy
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Senate today approved
the nomination of Ernest J. Moniz, director of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology’s Energy Initiative, as Secretary of Energy. The
Nuclear Energy Institute’s president and chief executive officer,
Marvin Fertel, made the following comments in response to the
“We congratulate Dr. Moniz on his confirmation as Secretary of Energy and look forward to working with him to ensure that nuclear energy continues to play a vital role in our nation’s energy and environmental policy.
“Sustained economic growth requires affordable, reliable electricity supplies. Nuclear energy is uniquely capable of adding significant amounts of electricity to the grid around the clock without emitting any greenhouse gases. Dr. Moniz recognizes this reality, and we expect that nuclear energy technologies will be part of a diverse portfolio of electricity options DOE supports to strengthen our nation and its economy in an environmentally sound manner.
“Among the emerging technologies that merit greater Energy Department support are the small reactor designs that will have a variety of applications—from desalinization of water to industrial process heat to electricity production that can be increased incrementally, roughly 300 megawatts at a time. We have welcomed the agency’s establishment of a public-private, cost-shared licensing program for small reactors. But it is important that DOE meet its funding commitments at the pace needed to expeditiously develop at least two small reactor designs as Congress has stipulated. DOE’s fiscal 2014 budget request doesn’t do that.
“Similarly, DOE should fulfill its commitments to the Russian Federation and the state of South Carolina with timely completion of the mixed oxide fuel fabrication facility being built at the Savannah River Site. The project increases employment in the region at the same time that it advances the conversion of nuclear weapons into reactor fuel that will produce electricity and further sustain U.S. economic growth.
“Having served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, Dr. Moniz has a clear sense of the course our nation should take to safely, securely and successfully manage commercial used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from U.S. defense programs over the medium and long terms. This includes development of a repository for long-term disposal and, pending permanent disposal, development of consolidated storage facilities for used nuclear fuel at volunteer sites. It remains imperative, in accordance with existing law, that the Department of Energy resume efforts to license the planned repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
“We urge Dr. Moniz to move expeditiously on this and other nuclear energy priorities for the betterment of our nation’s energy security.”
“We congratulate Dr. Moniz on his confirmation as Secretary of Energy and look forward to working with him to ensure that nuclear energy continues to play a vital role in our nation’s energy and environmental policy.
“Sustained economic growth requires affordable, reliable electricity supplies. Nuclear energy is uniquely capable of adding significant amounts of electricity to the grid around the clock without emitting any greenhouse gases. Dr. Moniz recognizes this reality, and we expect that nuclear energy technologies will be part of a diverse portfolio of electricity options DOE supports to strengthen our nation and its economy in an environmentally sound manner.
“Among the emerging technologies that merit greater Energy Department support are the small reactor designs that will have a variety of applications—from desalinization of water to industrial process heat to electricity production that can be increased incrementally, roughly 300 megawatts at a time. We have welcomed the agency’s establishment of a public-private, cost-shared licensing program for small reactors. But it is important that DOE meet its funding commitments at the pace needed to expeditiously develop at least two small reactor designs as Congress has stipulated. DOE’s fiscal 2014 budget request doesn’t do that.
“Similarly, DOE should fulfill its commitments to the Russian Federation and the state of South Carolina with timely completion of the mixed oxide fuel fabrication facility being built at the Savannah River Site. The project increases employment in the region at the same time that it advances the conversion of nuclear weapons into reactor fuel that will produce electricity and further sustain U.S. economic growth.
“Having served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, Dr. Moniz has a clear sense of the course our nation should take to safely, securely and successfully manage commercial used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from U.S. defense programs over the medium and long terms. This includes development of a repository for long-term disposal and, pending permanent disposal, development of consolidated storage facilities for used nuclear fuel at volunteer sites. It remains imperative, in accordance with existing law, that the Department of Energy resume efforts to license the planned repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
“We urge Dr. Moniz to move expeditiously on this and other nuclear energy priorities for the betterment of our nation’s energy security.”
Southern CEO: Vogtle nuke expansion nearing midway point
Southern CEO: Vogtle nuke expansion nearing midway point
ANs Update: Nuclear Matinee: Taylor Wilson's radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors
Nuclear Matinee: Taylor Wilson’s radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors
By pbowersox on May 17, 2013 01:00 amA video was uploaded recently at TED Talks which has caused a bit of a stir around the internet. Nuclear scientist Taylor Wilson, 19 years of age, enthusiastically sets out to solve the problem that underlies all others: Energy. In … Continue reading →
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May edition of ANS journal Fusion Science and Technology
By pbowersox on May 16, 2013 01:00 pmThe May 2013 edition of the technical journal Fusion Science and Technology (FST) is available electronically and in hard copy for American Nuclear Society member subscribers and others. FST is the leading journal of information on fusion plasma and plasma engineering … Continue reading →
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War With Iran? New Study Shows Massively Distorted Media Coverage of Iranian Nuclear Program
War With Iran? New Study Shows Massively Distorted Media Coverage of Iranian Nuclear Program Updates 5/17

Today's Fukushima update topics -
Tepco says
the F. Daiichi cistern leakage is much less than initial estimates...
The groundwater discharge issue continues in the headlines... On Tuesday, the Tsugura mayor asked Tokyo to make “cautious deliberations” concerning the geologic seams below Tsugura unit #2. On Wednesday the NRA’s seismic panel announced that the geologic seam under Tsurguga #2 is definitely seismic. On Friday,
the president of Japco blasted the NRA's decision as premature,
unscientific and unacceptable... NHK World says Fukushima Prefecture's
decontamination shows “little progress”... River eels in Tokyo have
Cesium levels above the national limit.
France Must Decide on Energy Mix Before Reactors Close, ASN Says
France Must Decide on Energy Mix Before Reactors Close, ASN Says regulator to recommend reopening nuclear reactors -paper
Belgian regulator to recommend reopening nuclear reactors -paper
China steps up efforts to export nuclear reactors - including Westinghouse’s
China steps up efforts to export nuclear reactors - including Westinghouse’s
Editorial: Look to WIPP for safe storage of nuke waste
Editorial: Look to WIPP for safe storage of nuke waste
POWER magazine’s Design & Construction Guidebook

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The POWER online store offers useful tools which allow power generation professionals to better do their jobs.
Group orders of over three copies, please contact Sarah Garwood at for discounted pricing.
How GE and a leading utility are changing the smart-grid game
How GE and a leading utility are changing the smart-grid game
12 Things to Know on Energy Investment Needs in the Asia Pacific
12 Things to Know on Energy Investment Needs in the Asia Pacific power plant shut down after signs of corrosion, cracking found
Nuclear power plant shut down after signs of corrosion, cracking found
Is SoCalEd Mired In Crisis Or Controversy?
5/16/2013 @ 6:25PM |481 views
Is SoCalEd Mired In Crisis Or Controversy?
New post on BraveNewClimate: Green Junk - In praise of waste by Barry Brook
New post on BraveNewClimate |
Green Junk – In praise of wasteby Barry Brook |
This makes sense... or does it?
This post has two purposes.
First, for those who don't follow my Twitter feed (hey,
why don't you?), I'd like to highlight some terrific work from Geoff
Russell and Ben Heard that has hit the 'net over the past few weeks.
These are all 'must reads' - with the first of them going viral in the
retweet world!
A devastating critique of Jim Green's anti-science nonsense -- who
recently shot a 'junk science' attack against respected climatologist
James Hansen:
I'd like to present a little philosophical message from Geoff Russell
on waste. This recapitulates some arguments made forcefully by Tom Blees
in Prescription for the Planet.
title of this piece will hopefully arouse curiosity, but I have to
confess it's not quite what I believe. My parents lived through the
depression so I was bought up to be frugal. We weren't poor by any
means, but my mother didn't go to a restaurant until she was in her mid
forties. For my parents, particularly during my younger years, waste was
anathema, a serious moral issue. Attempting to leave any part of a meal
uneaten would be responded to with industrial grade suggestions to
think about poor people going to bed hungry who'd be glad of the food we
children were attempting to throw out. Those attitudes struck root and
are so clearly sensible on many levels that it was a personal shock to
suddenly realise that when they are applied to energy, they are worse
than wrong; they are dangerous.
What can possibly be wrong with promoting energy efficiency?
Spanish generate 5.8 tonnes of CO2 per person your year
(t-CO2/person/yr) while the Swedes produce almost 20 percent less at
5.07 t-CO2/person/yr. So can the Spanish turn off more lights, watch
less TV, drive less, eat more raw food, use smaller more efficient
fridges, cars, computers and so on to save 20 percent and get themselves
down to the Swedish level?
possibly. But it's an incredibly brainless way to reduce emissions.
Partly because it won't ever get them low enough to be sustainable, but
more importantly because it may impede the deep and meaningful changes
that will.
Economic Recovery Will Lead To More New Build In US, Says NEI Head
17 May (NucNet): As the US economy rebounds and electricity
demand increases, additional nuclear power plant construction can be
anticipated beyond the five reactors already being built in Georgia,
South Carolina and Tennessee, the Nuclear Energy Institute’s chief
executive has told industry leaders.
Russia Ready To Finance New Build In Vietnam, Says Rosatom
17 May (NucNet): Russia says it is ready to offer financial
assistance as part of its potential involvement in construction of the
first nuclear power plant in Vietnam.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
The last week in Japan brought positive news at Fukushima Daiichi
– where Tokyo Electric Power Co. said an underground tank leak was much
smaller than originally thought – and bad news for two other nuclear
plants, where decisions by regulators are likely to keep them
offline.Recent developments related to the 2011 nuclear accidents that
followed Japan's earthquake and tsunami include ......(r
Contract to lay out new Wylfa plant
Contract to lay out new Wylfa plant
Work to develop the design of Horizon Nuclear Power’s proposed new plant
at Wylfa in the UK is set to start.
The existing Wylfa site currently houses two Magnox reactors, one still
operating but due to shut next year (Image: Magnox Sites)Horizon, which
was acquired by Hitachi of Japan in November 2012, plans to build
between four and six Advanced Boiling Water
by assystem admin
Nuclear Matinee: Taylor Wilson’s radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors
A video was uploaded recently at TED Talks which has caused a bit
of a stir around the internet. Nuclear scientist Taylor Wilson, 19
years of age, enthusiastically sets out to solve the problem that
underlies all others: Energy.
In this video, Wilson announces his variation of a Molten Salt Small
Modular Reactor, and explains some of the anticipated advantages of this
version of “factory-produced
Westinghouse Services Contract with Accenture
Press release below from Westinghouse
Agreement will allow global standardization of processes and tools- To
be delivered from the U.S., Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia
PITTSBURGH, May 16, 2013 – Westinghouse Electric Company today announced
that it has signed a Sourcing and Procurement Services agreement with
the g
The New Prize: Asia’s “Fire Ice” Gas Revolution
The New Prize: Asia’s “Fire Ice” Gas Revolution
"The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimates there could be up to 100,000 trillion cubic feet of gas hydrates globally."
Iran's chief nuclear negotiator: we're being asked to make all the sacrifices
Iran's chief nuclear negotiator: we're being asked to make all the sacrifices
Saeed Jalili, Iran's top nuclear negotiator and a contender in the June presidential election, sat down with the Monitor to share his views about an 'unbalanced' nuclear offer made by world powers.
Regulators to increase oversight of FPL’s Turkey Point nuclear plant
Regulators to increase oversight of FPL’s Turkey Point nuclear plant
Is solar cheaper than nuclear?
Is solar cheaper than nuclear?
CIA head visits Israel to discuss Syria, Iran's nuclear program
CIA head visits Israel to discuss Syria, Iran's nuclear program
John Brennan met with Defense Minister Ya'alon; the Defense Ministry did not provide details of the meeting; Russian FM Lavrov says Russia plans to go ahead with sale of missile defense systems to Syria.
New US Energy Secretary confirmed, supports nuclear energy and natural gas
New US Energy Secretary confirmed, supports nuclear energy and natural gas
San Onofre
Public Comments due 5/16/2013: Stop NRC ... - San Onofre Safety San Onofre may be approved for restart WITHOUT repair or replacement of defective parts. Deadline for public comments is May 16, 2013 BEFORE 9 pm Pacific ... | |||||
Edison plans for another summer without San Onofre - The Desert Sun Southern California Edison is once again urging customers in the Coachella Valley and across the utility's 50000-square-mile service territory to start conserving ... | |||||
Federal board issues mixed ruling on San Onofre | San Onofre hasn't produced power since January 2012, after a small radiation leak led to the discovery of unusual damage to tubing that carries radioactive ... |

We are pleased by all the positive feedback we have received from the global nuclear industry since announcing the 2013 New Nuclear International Conference. Attendees from more than 80 countries have been invited.
We will be hearing from experts covering all major reactor types:
- Small Modular Reactors
- Heavy Water Reactors
- Light Water Reactors
- Gen II Reactors
- Gen III/III+ Reactors
- Gen IV Reactors
Since our last update, we have been in touch with prospective participants from:
Brazil | Kazakhstan | Holland |
Canada | Kenya | UAE |
Egypt | Russia | UK |
France | Saudi Arabia | USA |
Germany | Thailand | Vietnam |
We encourage you to register soon in order to guarantee your ability to attend. Early bird registration rates and hotel discounts are currently available for those who act soon.
We look forward to seeing you in Abu Dhabi this November.
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