Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
The effect on purified water by radioactivity via Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
浄水場の浄水(水道水)の放射能測定結果 The effect on purified water by radioactivity via 東京都水道局 Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government
資料は浄水場の浄水(水道水)の放射能測定結果 The effect on purified water by radioactivity浄水場の浄水(水道水)の放射能測定結果
The effect on purified water by radioactivity
今後とも測定を継続して行いますが、公表方法を一部変更いたします。これまで土日及び祝日以外は、結果を当日公表としてきま したが、平成25年4月から、測定結果が不検出(検出下限値未満)の場合は、翌日に公表いたします。また、土日及び祝日については、これまでと同様に翌開 庁日に測定結果をまとめて公表いたします。
Main purification plant多摩地区の浄水所等
Purification plant in Tama area測定結果はこちら
Click here for information測定結果はこちら
Click here for information
(PDF 一部)
試料採取日 平成25年12月2、5、9、12日
(玉川浄水場 試料採取日 平成25年11月5、11、18、25日)
三郷浄水場 Cs:313Bq/kg
金町浄水場 Cs:281Bq/kg
玉川浄水場 Cs:194Bq/kg
朝霞浄水場 Cs:72Bq/kg
東村山浄水場 Cs:57Bq/kg
三園浄水場 Cs:55Bq/kg
小作浄水場 Cs:9Bq/kg
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Simply Information Unit 3 Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Data
“There have been a number of unsubstantiated rumors going around about
“new problems” at unit 3. Information is always better than rumor. We
pulled the reactor data for the last week for unit 3. Temperatures are
within expected and historical levels.” For more, see this analysis at SimplyInfo.
have been a number of unsubstantiated rumors going around about “new
problems” at unit 3. Information is always better than rumor. We pulled
the reactor data for the last week for unit 3. Temperatures are within
expected and historical levels. Xenon 135 is monitored as an indicator
of fission and is consistent at levels well below anything that would
indicate anything outside of normal for the state of unit 3. The steam
at unit … Read entire article »
has begun a seismic review of the condition of unit 3. With the debris
removed from the refueling floor, efforts have begun to inspect the
building for more damage. They will begin reviewing the refueling floor
with a camera hung from a crane tomorrow. TEPCO also intends to do
similar work on all levels of the building but does not clarify how they
intend to reach some portions of the building that fell in … Read entire article »
News announced yesterday that preparations are underway to remove the
debris from the unit 3 spent fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi. The debris
in unit 3′s spent fuel pool is much more excessive and complicated than
unit 4. In unit 3′s pool is a tangle of rebar and concrete along with
the refueling crane. The refueling crane apparently fell in the pool
during the explosion. One end landed on the fuel racks.
Along with the … Read entire article »
mentions that debris removal work on the 1st floor of unit 3 is
underway. The work had been on various planning documents but is now
confirmed to be ongoing.
The work is being done by way of robotic equipment. The confirmation
came as the SoRa robot developed an oil leak. This debris removal will
help both robots and workers gain entry to more of the building. SoRa
was built by Hitachi-GE. TEPCO does not state … Read entire article »
Unit 3 Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Data
December 31st, 2013 | Add a Comment
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TEPCO Begins Seismic Review Of Unit 3
December 18th, 2013 | Add a Comment
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Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool; Debris Removal Preparation Begins
November 29th, 2013 | Add a Comment
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Debris Removal At 1st Floor Unit 3 Fukushima Underway
November 26th, 2013 | Add a Comment
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Unit 3 Leaking Alpha Radiation
August 14th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO put out a report on
alpha emitters found in the gas removal systems for units 1-3. This
appears to be the first reporting of this.
Units 1 and 2 were tested and said to be below detection. Unit 3 is
leaking a certain amount of alpha emitters out the gas removal system
and is likely leaking the same out the damaged reactor well on the top.
Some of the isotopes listed are expected. What appears unusual is that
only unit 3 is cited as detecting them. Since unit 3 was running a
partial load of MOX plutonium fuel is this a roundabout admission by
TEPCO that 3 is leaking detectable amounts of plutonium due to the fuel
Since TEPCO plays coy, or possibly lazy and only lists “all alpha”
radiation … Read entire article »
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TEPCO Admits Containment Failure At Unit 3
July 25th, 2013 | Add a Comment
Most in the know have
strongly suspected this since 2011 but TEPCO finally admitted this
today. Unit 3′s containment structure is failed via the reactor well.
This came about as the press questioned TEPCO about the ongoing steam
leak source at unit 3. TEPCO had been declaring it to be rain leaking
onto a warm structure up until now.
Ex-SKF translates this from the TEPCO PR representative at today’s press
“it was around this area where the steam was coming from inside the
reactor’s Containment Vessel right after the accident [explosion of
Reactor 3 on March 14, 2011"]
LaPrimavera at Ex-SKF found this perplexing as he didn’t remember TEPCO
admitting this in 2011 while they today act like everyone knew. He is
right, TEPCO never admitted this and the one statement about … Read entire article »
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UPDATE: New Radiation Readings At Unit 3 Reactor Well
July 24th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO released some
additional radiation readings for the reactor well of unit 3 today. They
can be seen below on an overlay of the heat image released previously.
These readings show that the high readings released yesterday are not
isolated and that the entire reactor well area is quite high in
radiation. There does appear to be some focal effect coming off of the
source of the hot spot (temperature) area.
TEPCO’s updated
report http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/handouts/2013/images/handouts_130724_05-e.pdf
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TEPCO Releases Unit 3 Radiation Levels, Shows New Problem
July 24th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO published this new
document today that includes more radiation readings for the reactor
well of unit 3. These new readings done as an overlay on the recent
heat image really shows the problem. The highest readings are focused on
the heat readings. The area near the spent fuel pool gate are higher
and the location where the steam is leaking is elevated compared to the
adjacent readings.
This still requires more analysis to determine what may be going on
beneath the thick concrete reactor well cover. The readings are all
considerably high with many higher than what was found at unit 2. Unit 2
has been sealed off after TEPCO discovered extremely high levels of
radiation were leaking out the blow out panel of the refueling floor at
that unit.
Unit … Read entire article »
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TEPCO Hides Unit 3 Data, Who Watches TEPCO?
July 17th, 2013 | 1 Comment
After months of data about
water and little else, TEPCO remains mum on unit 3. Considerable
progress has been made in removing the debris on the refueling floor.
This reveals what could be considerable information and evidence related
to the meltdown and massive blast at unit 3.
The last report on unit 3 was in late May when they installed a cover
over the spent fuel pool. Since then the webcam at the plant shows the
back wall and most of the tangle of debris has been removed. This
process will reveal the state of the damaged side of the refueling deck
and the condition of the reactor well components.
What could be determined in 2011 was that the south side of the
building’s upper floors had collapsed and considerable steam had … Read entire article »
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New Leak Found Near Unit 3 At Fukushima Daiichi
July 12th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO is admitting to
increased levels of radiation near unit 3. An increased amount of beta
radiation and cesium was found today near the unit 3 intake canal in
groundwater well #3. These levels increased since July 4th when beta was
at “none detected” to 1400 bq/liter.
addition to the well water increase, they found an elevated reading in a
seawater piping trench just outside the unit 3 turbine building. The
contamination levels inside the turbine buildings were all at about the
same contamination level. TEPCO doesn’t mention exactly where in the
turbine buildings they took those readings. What this testing showed is
that something is creating contaminated water that is showing up at the
seafront outside the turbine buildings and near unit 3. This is outside
the previous thought … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 Fukushima Daiichi Debris Removal Near Completion
June 20th, 2013 | Add a Comment
Debris removal has been
ongoing during the last month as TEPCO attempted to distract the public
with the leaking ponds issue. Photos below from the TEPCO webcam show
the rapid progress in just the last few weeks. The image in early June
shows the back wall structure is still in place and much of the roof
trussing debris was still on top of the refueling floor. About 50% of
the trussing and debris is gone compared to earlier in the month. Half
of the back wall frame is removed.
TEPCO has reported little or nothing since they did beam removal work on
the spent fuel pool months ago. As unit 4 was cleared off TEPCO
provided multiple updates and images of the complicated work to removal
the refueling floor and reactor … Read entire article »
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Highly Radioactive Debris Found On Unit 3 Refueling Floor
May 4th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO has announced that a
piece of highly radioactive debris has been pulled off of the refueling
floor of unit 3. The object read 540 mSv/h and was removed by robotic
equipment. So far no photos of the object or description of where on the
refueling floor it was found have been provided by TEPCO. Ex-SKF has
full translations of the two TEPCO statements.
We have been monitoring the progress of the refueling floor debris
removal. As of last week they were nearing the area over the reactor
well. These photos show where they were in the clean up last week.
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Temporary Power Failure At Fukushima Daiichi, Not A Repeat From Last Week
April 5th, 2013 | Add a Comment
Unit 3 lost power to the
spent fuel pool cooling system yet again. So far no cause has been
admitted and the other units are reported to still have power. The power
system at unit 3 was out for about 3 hours before being restored.
This incident is not building public confidence after a rat took out
power to the plant in recent weeks.
Read more:
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Unit 3 Location Of Crane & Mast In Pool
February 20th, 2013 | Add a Comment
In an attempt to better
understand how the crane is situated in the spent fuel pool of unit 3 we
developed some illustrations. Using various TEPCO reports, diagrams and
photos we were able to estimate the location of both items within the
spent fuel pool.
The first flat map shows the crane location in green and the mast in
pink per TEPCO’s original version of the map. The red blocks are known
location of fuel based on a 2010 photo of the spent fuel pool.
Additional fuel may have been offloaded into the pool since the photo
was taken.
The second image attempts to show both items in within the pool.
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Analysis: Unit 3 Mast In Pool Inspection
February 18th, 2013 | 1 Comment
TEPCO released a new video
and handout of the unit 3 mast that fell deeper into the spent fuel
We have processed the video into about 200 still images that can be
found here.
The full video of the inspection can be found on our Youtube channel.
TEPCO estimates one end of the mast landed along the east wall with the
end resting on a control rod drive rack. The other end appears to be
resting tangled in concrete and rebar debris on top of the fuel racks.
Portions of the middle of the mast can be seen spanning above the fuel
racks by a few inches. What appears to have been the structure that
originally held the mast into the fuel crane can be seen partially down
the mast.
What is of … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 Daiichi Pool Accident Analysis
February 9th, 2013 | Add a Comment
TEPCO announced this week
that the 1.5 ton mast for the refueling crane fell into the pool and
sank as they tried to remove debris from the pool. TEPCO has done some
testing of radiation levels near the pool and does not think there was
fuel damage based on not finding drastically elevated levels.
The mast falling could create a couple of potential damage situations.
It could fall and damage the fuel assemblies held in the pool. It could
also damage or puncture the spent fuel pool metal liner causing a leak
in the pool. The condition of the liner or the concrete pool has not
been confirmed by TEPCO to date.
The mast that fell looks like this under normal conditions. It has
minimal connections to the refueling crane.
TEPCO released these … Read entire article »
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New Paper: Gamma Radiation Damage To Fukushima Units 1- 4 Spent Fuel Pools
January 24th, 2013 | Add a Comment
fukuleaks.org/web has
released another new paper taking an in depth look into the ongoing
challenges at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. This new work
investigates the technical issues involved with the ongoing degradation
of the spent fuel pools. Gamma radiation is an ongoing problem for the
steel and concrete that composes the spent fuel pools. Aspects of the
disaster have drastically changed that damage mechansim. The paper can
be found online and also in PDF format for download or reading on book
Gamma Radiation Damage To Fukushima Units 1- 4 Spent Fuel Pools
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Atomic Rats, Fishing For Beams & Cleaning Up The Common Pool At Daiichi
December 20th, 2012 | 2 Comments
Workers at the plant are
reporting seeing rats at Daiichi. Worker Happy11311 mentioned seeing
them and was worried they would damage cables at the plant. They could
cause obvious safety problems if they chewed on electrical or water
lines. Small animals also pose the risk of getting into equipment and
causing issues by tripping electrical systems. Then there is the problem
of rats being in contact with high levels of radiation then making them
highly contaminated. This can cause problems as they then spread the
contamination up the food chain or take it with them if they leave the
immediate area.
TEPCO successfully pulled the steel beam that had fallen in the spent
fuel pool of #3 back in October. They did a practice run and installed
some safety bumpers … Read entire article »
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Robot Inspection Of Unit 3 Finds Increasing Radiation Levels, New Robot Fails.
November 28th, 2012 | 1 Comment
TEPCO reports the results
of a robot inspection in unit 3 at Fukushima Daiichi. The initial work
was to look at the improvised duct hose to remove gas from the reactor
The new robot FRIGO-MA failed to work due to a bug. TEPCO sent in
Packbot and Quince instead. TEPCO did not state the nature of the
inspection other than to look at the gas duct hose. It appears the
concern was due to increasing radiation levels in the area. TEPCO was
likely inspecting the duct as the source of the possible increase. No
leaks or damage were found on the duct.
What they found was that the containment door and track were the source
of the increased radiation levels. Workers had a .52 mSv exposure dose
for their work. Packbot … Read entire article »
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TEPCO Inspects Gas Control & Introduces A New Robot
November 28th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO announced they are
sending in robots to inspect an improvised gas control duct in unit 3.
They do not say why they are inspecting the “duct” that looks more like a
reinforced hose. This duct was quite obviously installed by humans at
some earlier date yet TEPCO never reported this specifically. Now they
will send in robots because the radiation levels are too high.
While this is good as far as protecting workers and using robots for
mundane tasks, the exposures of the workers that installed the duct were
likely quite high. The worker seen in the image is wearing a yellow
protective suit seen when workers have to go into extremely high
radiation areas.
TEPCO also introduced a new robot.
FRIGO-MA built by Mitsubishi
Details on the work at unit 3 and … Read entire article »
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Oops! Worker Bumps Reactor Water Valve At Fukushima Daiichi Changing Water Rate
November 27th, 2012 | Add a Comment
A worker installing pipe
insulation bumped a valve controlling the feedwater cooling for unit 3
at Fukushima Daiichi. This increased the water injection rate to 7 tons
per hour from 5.8 tons per hour. Once it was discovered workers adjusted
the valve back down.
Such events highlight the fragile nature of the plant where critical
systems have no protection or safety systems.
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permission. … Read entire article »
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Indecision, Handouts And Heating Up Fuel Pools
November 7th, 2012 | Add a Comment
The NRA panel of experts
was supposed to decide today if the Oi nuclear plant would be allowed to
continue operating or not. Instead of a decision they have decided upon
more tests.
TEPCO says it needs $125 billion USD to continue making compensation
payments and to cover the cost of decontaminating areas covered in
fallout from the leaking nuclear plant. This amount is equal to 2% of
Japan’s GDP. A recent video stated these costs were only to cover
possibly the next two years. Some experts said the constant need for
huge sums of money to deal with the nuclear disaster would turn TEPCO
into a “shell” that exists only as a vehicle to deal with the disaster.
By contrast the Price Anderson Act in the US, a law that … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 Debris Accident & Pool Damage
September 27th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO began removing debris
using remote control cranes last week. Reports from worker Happy11311
indicated that they didn’t have a detailed plan for removing the debris
but were going to determine as they go what appeared to be safe to
remove next. After the steel beam fell into the pool he reported in more
detail how difficult the work at unit 3 really is. They work in a
remote booth while in full radiation protection gear and respirators, he
commented that the crane and camera shake adding to the difficulty. He
compared it to a big game of Jenga.
The Denki Shimbun reported that the twisted steel and debris on top of
unit 3 are bent inward making the removal much more difficult than at
unit 4 where most of the … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 SFP Inspection, Reactor Cap Removed At Unit 4
September 13th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO has been progressing
on work at Fukushima Daiichi to deal with units 3 and 4. The reactor
(RPV) cap was removed from the top of unit 4. It appears TEPCO has
removed all of the large heavy gear that had been sitting on the top
west floor of the damaged reactor building. This removal should help
with building stability.
This image shows the yellow containment cap, tool pit crane,all of the
concrete reactor well plug and the reactor cap have been removed.
More images of unit 4′s work can be found in our photo gallery here.
The TEPCO handout on the work: handouts_120913_03-e
Work at unit 3 involved looking into the spent fuel pool as they prepare
to begin removing debris from what is left of the refueling deck. Most
of the images were looking … Read entire article »
Unit 3 Robot Entry Video & New Enhanced Images
May 24th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO sent robot Quince 2
into unit 3 at Daiichi to inspect the TIPS room. Damage to some of the
electrical panels, water on the floors were found. The door for the
hallway into the TIPS room was blown into the hallway, door frame and
all. The mangled door can be seen blocking the end of the TIPS room
hallway. The door frame in pieces with on on the floor in the
foreground. The holes in the door frame piece match the holes in the
concrete door way.
The video can be found
here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIzAXojFLA0&feature=youtu.be
PDF document describing findings and radiation
readings: handouts_120524_08-j
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Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool Videos & Enhanced Images
April 16th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO finally released the
videos of the unit 3 spent fuel pool. The videos do give a better look
at the situation than the previously released images TEPCO provided last
Comments with each image. Images are free to reuse or redistribute,
please leave the watermark intact.
Click on any image to enlarge.
TEPCO videos:
fuel racks with debris and what looks like fuel assembly handles at top.
Twisted sheet metal and wire rod in the pool.
Twisted sheet metal and what may be the same brown/green algae growing
on surfaces.
Close up of steel debris. Piece to the right has a jagged edge.
Steel beam and piece of rebar to the right. Jagged edge on the steel.
Rebar in the pool.
Portions of the refueling crane.
More refueling crane
Debris on top of some sort of sheet material above fuel racks.
Close … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 Torus Inspection Video And New Images And Analysis
March 15th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO has released a video
of the 8 minute trip into unit 3. We have some enhanced still images
from the video.
Some noted information that has come out of the video:
The torus room door is bowed out both across the width and height of the
door as if it either experienced considerable pressure or was struck by
Workers could not open the door even with attempts to kick it open.
Structures between the air lock door and the torus door had strike
damage and large pieces of debris.
What looks like a pipe that has been moved about a foot away from
original location.
Unit 3 video on YouTube. Unit 2 video forthcoming.
If you find something new of note please mention over at our HipChat
live blog or in the comments.
Images below with … Read entire article »
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TEPCO Sending Workers Into Units 2 & 3 Basements In A Few Hours
March 13th, 2012 | Add a Comment
TEPCO intends to send
workers into the sub basement of units 2 and 3 on March 14th (a few
hours from now) to inspect the torus area.
The work will consist of checking for radiation levels, temperature,
humidity, water levels etc. and possibly opening the door into the torus
room. TEPCO thinks workers will receive a dose of 10 mSv each for the
trip. This work could be both risky and significant since there is some
speculation that corium or at least very highly radioactive water may
reside in the torus.
Unit 3 currently shows as .2 sV/h torus radiation
Unit 2 currently shows at 16 sV/h torus radiation at the “B” sensor.
TEPCO has this flagged as failed. If this reading is accurate that is a
very dangerous level of radiation.
Sievert to … Read entire article »
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A Series Of Unfortunate Events at Fukushima Daiichi
January 7th, 2012 | 1 Comment
There have been a number of
odd happenings recently at the plant. What they all mean right now is
not totally clear.
On January 2nd, the day after the widespread new years quake, the
radioactive fallout levels in Fukushima and also in Chiba spiked. A
weird white ash was reported by some in Chiba, no word if this is
related in any way.
On January 6th the cesium levels detected leaking out of unit 3′s intake
canal tripled in one day.
We still have no explanation for the rush of police cars, fire engines
and two buses of workers to Daiichi on January 6th (Japan time). Checks
of TEPCO’s plant status reports say nothing of an incident at the plant
and nothing has been reported out of those who watch the press
There … Read entire article »
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Unit 3 Cooling Was Turned Off The Day Before Explosion
December 22nd, 2011 | Add a Comment
The cooling system at unit 3
was turned off the day before the massive explosion. The plant director
was not informed for an hour of the action. Suspension of cooling
caused the reactor to be without water for 6.5 hours. The RCIC cooling
system was running low on battery power. Without checking the reactor
pressure, workers shut off the RCIC system and attempted to start a fire
pump system to feed water into the reactor. This fire pump system is
low pressure and can only operate at 7 atmospheres or less of pressure.
Pressure at the time of the attempt was about 40 atmospheres.
The fire pump system was unable to inject water due to the high pressure
and the batteries required to operate the containment venting system
were not working. … Read entire article »
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1.6 Sievert Hot Spot Found In Unit 3
November 21st, 2011 | Add a Comment
Recently a 1.3 Sievert hot
spot was found near the containment hatch inside unit 3. This hot spot
appeared to be water leaking out of the hatch via a set of tracks in the
floor. Now the same area is showing as 1.6 Sieverts. The water is
assumed to be leaking from the containment structure and the areas near
the hatch are also very high. Unit 3 has had an ongoing problem of
levels too high for workers to enter. They have tried a number of things
including debris removal, robot vacuuming of the 1st floor but the
levels still prevent workers from spending any meaningful amount of time
in the building. This is seriously hampering clean up efforts.
TEPCO and MOX advocates have previously claimed that the MOX fuel in … Read entire article »
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Experts New Theories On Units 2 and 3
November 20th, 2011 | Add a Comment
Researcher, Fumiya Tanabe
thinks the suppression chamber of unit 2 was damaged during the initial
earthquake. He cites the much larger total releases from unit 2 as
evidence. This would pattern with the high water radiation flowing out
of unit 2′s intake canal early in the disaster. Tanabe also points out
that this would have dire consequences for the safety of all nuclear
reactors in Japan or elsewhere that sit on fault lines. Tanabe is a
former JAEA official and currently works for another nuclear research
agency in Ibaraki.
Read more at Ex-SKF
The architect that built unit 3 claims that the melted fuel has burned
through containment and the building in a “China Syndrome”. He explains
that if the fuel hits a significant vein of water it could cause a
hydrovolcanic … Read entire article »
Filed under: The Latest
620 mSv/h Found In Unit 3
November 6th, 2011 | Add a Comment
TEPCO announced that they
have found 620 mSv/h in unit 3 by robots. These levels are high enough
to restrict entry. No reason for the extremely high readings was given.
The high reading was near a containment lock but readings closer to the
lock were 215 mSv/h. TEPCO has had ongoing problems with high levels in
unit 3 but no specific reasons have been given.
Map of the hot spot can be found on the last page of this TEPCO handout.
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Filed under: Plant Status, The Latest
Fukushima Unit 3 steam-explosion theory
September 12th, 2011 | 2 Comments
Fukushima Unit 3
steam-explosion theory
by Ian Goddard
The signature event of the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns was the large
mushroom-cloud explosion of Unit 3 on March 14th. In contrast, the
explosion of Unit 1 lacked any notable vertical projection. Yet Tokyo
Electric Power Company assumes each was a hydrogen explosion in the
upper-deck above the reactor. However, because dramatically different
effects suggest different causes, let us consider an evidence-based
model wherein the Unit-3 explosion was a steam explosion that vaporized
tons of injected seawater into a mushroom cloud and that triggered
secondary hydrogen explosions.
Figure 1: Unit 1 lacked the vertical magnitude and mushroom cloud of
Unit 3.
So it seems something extra happened at Unit 3. The mushroom cloud
is composed of tons of mass consistent with tons of vaporized water.
The risk of a steam explosion during a meltdown in … Read entire article »
Filed under: The Latest
More Censorship In Japan And Worldwide
September 8th, 2011 | Add a Comment
A Japanese blogger has
documented multiple instances of the video of unit 3 exploding being
removed from YouTube. He included links to specific videos along with
the take down date. One states that Fukushima Central Television has
forced the take down of these videos. This raises questions about their
ability to force censorship on a service that resides outside Japan. A
US blogger had a similar video taken down but his used a portion of one
of the unit 3 explosions in a larger video. He was able to get that
video reinstated by You Tube.
(Editors note: I also had a video of unit 3′s explosion removed from my
You Tube account)
The unit 3 explosion video was shown by many news outlets throughout the
world and it is unclear if … Read entire article »
Filed under: TEPCO, The Latest
TEPCO Releases Document Claiming Unit 3 Blew Up Unit 4
August 27th, 2011 | Add a Comment
TEPCO released a schematic
claiming it explains that unit 3 caused the explosion in unit 4. It
shows high radiation readings in the exhaust treatment equipment of unit
4 and states that there was a backflow of gas into unit 4.
If this is the case and unit 3 had so much hydrogen generating ability
that it destroyed two reactors in massive explosions what does that say
about MOX fuel safety?
TEPCO document in English
TEPCO document in Japanese
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Enhanced Photos Inside Unit 3 Fukushima Daiichi
July 28th, 2011 | Add a Comment
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Removal Of Spent Fuel In Units 3 & 4 Made A Priority
July 16th, 2011 | 1 Comment
No additional details are
given such as how the fuel will be removed or how quickly. TEPCO has
announced that the removal has become a priority on the next phase of
Having TEPCO recognize the urgency of doing this is a small step
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or in more than a phrase or quote, please contact us first to obtain
permission. … Read entire article »
Plutonium From Nuclear Tests Lingers in the Atmosphere
Plutonium From Nuclear Tests Lingers in the Atmosphere
Don’t worry, scientists say that it’s not a threat to human health but instead could be a marker of how air circulates
Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/plutonium-from-nuclear-tests-lingers-in-the-atmosphere-180948081/#ixzz2q7t8eQat
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12!: http://bit.ly/1cGUiGv
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter
Southeast Asia must remove $51 billion of fossil fuel subsidies that distort energy markets: IEA chief
Southeast Asia must remove $51 billion of fossil fuel subsidies that distort energy markets: IEA chief
The International Energy Agency chief economist Fatih Birol says governments are starting to phase these out, but there must be a sense of urgency to remove these distortions to foster more competitive, efficient energy markets
http://www.eco-business.com/news/southeast-asia-must-remove-51-billion-fossil-fuel-subsidies-distort-energy-markets-iea-chief/China Eyeing High-Temperature Reactors to Increase Domestic Nuclear Power Capacity and Boost Reactor Exports
Research and Markets: China Eyeing High-Temperature Reactors to Increase Domestic Nuclear Power Capacity and Boost Reactor Exports
http://www.fortmilltimes.com/2014/01/08/3205137/research-and-markets-china-eyeing.htmlPakistan sets target at 40000 MW of electricity through nuclear plants by 2050
Pakistan sets target at 40000 MW of electricity through nuclear plants by 2050
Financial Express Bangladesh - Jan 8, 2014
Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrives for the official
photograph of the Commonwealth heads of states during the opening
ceremony of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in
Colombo November 15, 2013. — Reuters photo. http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2014/01/09/12854
A safer world, filled with nukes
A safer world, filled with nukes
The Nation - Jan 9, 2014
Is the best way to limit the spread of nuclear weapons actually to
loosen restrictions on atomic energy deals around the world? That's the
counterintuitive policy prescription currently being debated by the
Congress, the White House, the nuclear industry, and ...http://www.nation.com.pk/international/10-Jan-2014/a-safer-world-filled-with-nukes
Rosatom is in discussion for construction of 40 nuclear units abroad
ROSATOM is in discussion for construction of 40 nuclear units abroad Energy Bangla
Russia's state nuclear corporation-Rosatom's foreign order portfolio to date comprises 20 nuclear power reactors and construction of 40 more reactors ...
Congenital Malformation and Stillbirth in Germany and Europe Before and After the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident Hagen Scherb* and Eveline Weigelt
Congenital Malformation and Stillbirth in Germany and Europe Before and After the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Hagen Scherb* and Eveline Weigelt
South Korean Nuclear Scandal Update

Atomic Power Review
South Korean Nuclear Scandal Update
Atomic Power Review, Will Davis continues coverage of the South Korean
nuclear corruption and parts scandal with this latest develoment - plus
background links to previous coverage.
DoD's Recent Solicitation for Potassium Iodide
DoD's Recent Solicitation for Potassium Iodide
The Defense Logistics Agency posted a solicitation on FedBizOpps in 2012 asking
contractors for 75,000 packages of potassium iodide tablets because the
“recent earthquake in Japan in March of 2011 and the resultant nuclear crisis
has renewed interest in this item.”
Cost Estimation of Research Reactor Decommissioning.
New publication
Ed Bradley
Section Head at IAEA
Cost Estimation of Research Reactor Decommissioning.
New Steps to Strengthen the Nation’s Energy Infrastructure
New Steps to Strengthen the Nation’s Energy Infrastructure
By US Department of Energy on January 10, 2014 at 5:00 PMEditor’s note: This article originally appeared on the White House blog.
Today, President Obama signed a memorandum establishing the federal government’s first Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) process, fulfilling an important commitment from his Climate Action Plan and ensuring that federal energy policies continue to meet the nation’s economic, environmental and security goals. Over the next four years, the QER will provide a comprehensive review of these policies in the context of a changing energy landscape.
The ways that this country produces and uses energy are changing in ways that few people could have predicted a decade ago. As an Administration we’ve pursued an all-of-the-above energy strategy, and, as a result, we are now more energy secure than at any time in recent history, and we have cut our carbon pollution in the process. We have more than doubled our production of electricity from wind and solar since the President took office, and we have set a goal to double it again by 2020.
We are also producing more of our own conventional fuels. The United States is now the number one natural gas producer in the world, and, for the first time in decades, the United States is now producing more oil at home than it imports from abroad. These are important steps to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and responsibly leverage our nation’s home-grown energy resources.
At the same time, Americans and people around the world are already experiencing the very real impacts of climate change. These include increased prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, and more severe droughts — all of which pose far-reaching consequences for American families, communities and businesses. That’s why the President is taking steady, responsible steps to cut greenhouse gas pollution to protect our kids’ health and begin to slow the effects of climate change, leaving a cleaner, more stable environment for future generations.
The QER process launched today is designed to further address the challenge of leveraging America’s domestic energy resources while strengthening our energy security and the health and resilience of our planet for future generations.
The first installment of the QER review will focus on America’s infrastructure for transmitting, storing and delivering energy — much of which was built decades ago. This includes the 200,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, 2.2 million miles of local distribution circuits that make up our nation’s electric grid, 300,000 miles of transmission pipelines and hundreds of processing plants and underground storage facilities that make up America’s natural gas infrastructure network.
Over four years, successive installments of the QER will provide a comprehensive set of recommendations on how best to transform America’s energy production, delivery and consumption systems to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The QER will identify important opportunities to modernize, expand, replace or transform our energy infrastructure system so that it better accommodates changes in energy supply, integrates cutting-edge information and security technologies and meets increasing demand for new consumer services.
And because of the complexity of the U.S. energy system — including its regional nature, substantial private-sector ownership and the multi-layered network of regulations that govern it — we know that a successful QER will require the active participation of many federal agencies and close engagement of partners in Congress, civil society, the private sector and state, local and tribal governments.
Together, we are poised to craft a blueprint for modernizing our energy system and increasing America’s competitiveness. We look forward to delivering the first installment in January 2015 and creating opportunities to solicit broad stakeholder input as we embark on this important task.
What You Should and Shouldn’t Worry about after the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns
What You Should and Shouldn’t Worry about after the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns
Fresh meltdowns at the devastated nuclear facility
are unlikely but years of slow, dangerous labor to repair the existing
damage are guaranteed
David Biello
All The Best, Scientifically Verified, Information on Fukushima Impacts
All The Best, Scientifically Verified, Information on Fukushima Impacts
leadership today is holding its first public meeting with staff,
industry and outside groups to discuss one of the agency's most
difficult post-Fukushima safety recommendations, No. 1: Clarifying the
NRC's regulatory framework. Agency staff released a paper and several
supplemental documents on the subject last month. NRC commissioners will
get commentary this morning from the Nuclear Energy Institute, the
International Atomic Energy Agency, the Union of Concerned Scientists
and a lengthy panel of NRC staff members (The agenda: http://1.usa.gov/1gO47He).
Among the conclusions the staff plan to present is the recognition that
"Some improvements to framework are warranted to enhance clarity,
efficiency, and effectiveness of NRC’s regulatory process," including
added clarity around the role of voluntary industry initiatives in the
agency's regulatory process. The meeting begins at NRC headquarters in
Rockville, Md., at 9 a.m. Webcast: http://video.nrc.gov/
Tepco sets the record straight on F-D #3 "steam" emanations
Tokyo Electric Company has posted "Regarding Certain Overseas Reports on
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station". It sets the record straight
on the "steam" emanations from F. Daiichi unit #3, provides a graphic
depiction (in English), and addresses the wild allegations of
underground explosions on December 31, 2013. http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/announcements/2014/1233524_5932.html
Harvard battery aims to shrink wind energy storage costs
Battery advance could boost renewable energy take-up BBC News
Battery advance could boost renewable energy take-up BBC News
A Harvard University team came up with a way to drive down the cost of flow battery technology, which is capable of storing energy on large scales ...http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25674738
Clean energy storage on the cheap in new flow battery - CSMonitor ...
Clean energy storage on the cheap in new flow battery - CSMonitor ...
new battery developed by Harvard scientists uses an inexpensive
chemical and a unique structure to address the intermittent nature of
wind and ...
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