Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, June 26, 2020
'A critical milestone': PG&E first gas-electric IOU to publicly support California's all-electric construction | Utility Dive
'A critical milestone': PG&E first gas-electric IOU to publicly support California's all-electric construction | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Orano completes dismantling of France’s Ulysse research reactor - Nuclear Engineering International
Orano completes dismantling of France’s Ulysse research reactor - Nuclear Engineering International: After five years of works, the project to completely dismantle the experimental nuclear reactor Ulysse has been completed on schedule by teams from France’s Orano jointly with...
EU countries agree their green transition fund will not pay for move to nuclear or fossil gas - Reuters
EU countries agree their green transition fund will not pay for move to nuclear or fossil gas - Reuters: European Union countries agreed on Wednesday that the bloc's flagship fund to wean regions off fossil fuels should not finance nuclear or natural gas projects, despite calls from some Eastern countries for gas to be eligible for EU funding.
Duda, Trump announce nuclear energy deal – The First News
Duda, Trump announce nuclear energy deal – The First News: Presidents Andrzej Duda and Donald Trump announced on Wednesday the signing of a deal on development of nuclear energy in Poland, which Duda said would be signed as soon as possible.
Code breakthrough could greatly improve design of nuclear fusion reactors
Code breakthrough could greatly improve design of nuclear fusion reactors: New code called XGC-S is opening ‘a big window’ for nuclear fusion reactor research by helping train simulators.
Xcel Energy elects Chip Pardee, nuclear energy expert, to board - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal
Xcel Energy elects Chip Pardee, nuclear energy expert, to board - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal: Chip Pardee has over 38 years in the energy industry, and has held leadership roles in both nuclear and non-nuclear operations.
Extinction Rebellion spokeswoman now lobbies for nuclear power | Daily Mail Online
Extinction Rebellion spokeswoman now lobbies for nuclear power | Daily Mail Online: Zion Lights, 36 has switched from Extinction Rebellion to pro-nuclear cause Environment Progress, telling supporters 'The facts didn't really change, but once I understood them, I did'
Physicists spot a new class of neutrinos from the sun | Science News
Physicists spot a new class of neutrinos from the sun | Science News: Researchers with the Borexino experiment in Italy have detected neutrinos produced in the secondary fusion process taking place in the sun’s core.
Wolf Creek among list of nuclear power plants to be discussed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tuesday
Wolf Creek among list of nuclear power plants to be discussed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tuesday: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will have a virtual meeting next week to discuss the safety performance of 12 nuclear power plants across the countr...
Russia begins preparatory work for four new reactors : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Russia begins preparatory work for four new reactors : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Rosenergoatom, the operator subsidiary of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, announced today that preparatory work for the construction of four new reactors has commenced. Two VVER-TOI units are to be built at a new plant near the existing Smolensk site, while two VVER-1200 units will be built as units 3 and 4 of the Leningrad II plant.
Europe needs all energy sources for recovery, says Birol : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Europe needs all energy sources for recovery, says Birol : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: The European Union cannot afford to reduce its energy diversity and will need stronger policies than those currently in place to help it meet its 2030 targets for greenhouse gas emissions, renewables and energy efficiency as well as its long-term climate goals, according to a new review of EU energy policy from the International Energy Agency.
A new lockdown? Yes, but...For fossil fuels! | The Energy Collective Daily

A new lockdown? Yes, but...For fossil fuels! | The Energy Collective Daily |
- A new lockdown? Yes, but...For fossil fuels!
- Big Oil’s Long Bet on Hydrogen Offers a Climate Lifeline
- Hydrogen to become a source of cleaner power on a massive scale
- Exploiting the WEO data to make some projections: What will be the impact of the new economic context for the Energy Sector?
- Near-term headwinds slow renewables’ march
Iconoclasm – and Us - The Catholic Thing
Iconoclasm – and Us - The Catholic Thing: Eduardo Echeverria: If “white” equates to “racist,” our institutions, though democratic, reflect determinism, and empty our actions of moral responsibility.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Judge Orders Decommissioning Temporarily Halted at Former Nuclear Plant | The SandPaper
Judge Orders Decommissioning Temporarily Halted at Former Nuclear Plant | The SandPaper: Ocean County Superior Court Judge Francis R. Hodgson issued an order of temporary restraint to the owners of the shuttered Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating
Incentives For New Nuclear Will Help Recovery, Says NEA :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Incentives For New Nuclear Will Help Recovery, Says NEA :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Governments should incentivise investments in low carbon energy infrastructure such as nuclear energy in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, the Nuclear Energy Agency said in a series of policy briefs published on Wednesday.
The Paris-based agency said “proper policy and market frameworks” are needed to incentivise investment in essential infrastructure that supports low-carbon electricity security and economic development.
It called for “targeted government support for nuclear energy projects” and said there is “a window of opportunity” for governments to support sustained cost reductions in nuclear energy through new-build decisions. This would reinforce the process of “learning by doing” and lead to reductions in construction costs.
The Paris-based agency said “proper policy and market frameworks” are needed to incentivise investment in essential infrastructure that supports low-carbon electricity security and economic development.
It called for “targeted government support for nuclear energy projects” and said there is “a window of opportunity” for governments to support sustained cost reductions in nuclear energy through new-build decisions. This would reinforce the process of “learning by doing” and lead to reductions in construction costs.
Resequencing of Vogtle nuclear plant expansion activities is credit negative: Moody's | S&P Global Platts
Resequencing of Vogtle nuclear plant expansion activities is credit negative: Moody's | S&P Global Platts: Georgia Power s resequencing of construction activities for the Vogtle nuclear plant expansion project is credit negative, Moody s said June 24.
Federal action vital to get nuclear waste off San Onofre’s beach, report says – Orange County Register
Federal action vital to get nuclear waste off San Onofre’s beach, report says – Orange County Register: But task force led by U.S. Rep. Mike Levin made recommendations that some members refused to endorse
Sizewell C planning application accepted for review : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Sizewell C planning application accepted for review : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Plans submitted by EDF Energy for a Development Consent Order for the construction of the Sizewell C nuclear power plant in Suffolk have been accepted for examination by the UK's Planning Inspectorate.
Secretariat set up for Saskatchewan SMR deployment : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Secretariat set up for Saskatchewan SMR deployment : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The government of Saskatchewan has announced the establishment of an office to help in the planning and development of small modular reactors (SMR) in the Canadian province. It said the new office will "coordinate nuclear policy and programme work" within the Climate Change and Adaptation Division in the Ministry of Environment.
World Nuclear Association launches fuel report summary : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News
World Nuclear Association launches fuel report summary : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: World Nuclear Association has published a first-of-a-kind Expanded Summary of the latest edition of its biennial nuclear fuel report. The Association is making the summary, which describes the major conclusions of the 2019 edition of the report, freely available.
The Energy Department’s Dangerous Plutonium Dream - The American Interest
The Energy Department’s Dangerous Plutonium Dream - The American Interest: The Trump Administration wants to reprocess spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium. It's a dream that won't die—but it's never made economic, environmental, or strategic sense.
Report: Company Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Under Criminal Investigation | Earthwhile
Report: Company Decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Under Criminal Investigation | Earthwhile: According to a Politico New Jersey report, Holtec International sued the New Jersey Economic Development Authority in March over the payment of $26 million of a $260 million New Jersey tax incentive, which the agency held up because Holtec allegedy gave a false answer on its 2014 tax credit application.
Federal action vital to get nuclear waste off San Onofre’s beach, report says – Orange County Register
Federal action vital to get nuclear waste off San Onofre’s beach, report says – Orange County Register: But task force led by U.S. Rep. Mike Levin made recommendations that some members refused to endorse
State of New Mexico says nuclear waste project poses too much risk
State of New Mexico says nuclear waste project poses too much risk: The draft environmental impact statement issued in March, found the project would have "minimal" impact on the environment.
Three Big Players Work Together on Bulgarian Nuclear Plant
Three Big Players Work Together on Bulgarian Nuclear Plant: Framatome, Rosatom State Corp., and GE Steam Power signed memorandums of understanding (MOU) to work together on the Belene nuclear power plant in Bulgaria.
Wolf Creek among list of nuclear power plants to be discussed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tuesday
Wolf Creek among list of nuclear power plants to be discussed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tuesday: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will have a virtual meeting next week to discuss the safety performance of 12 nuclear power plants across the countr...
Sask. government continues push for small modular nuclear power | CBC News
Sask. government continues push for small modular nuclear power | CBC News: The Saskatchewan government is continuing its push for nuclear power, announcing Wednesday the establishment of an office to aid in the planning and development of small modular reactors in the province.
New IAEA Webinar Series to Support Countries in Developing Nuclear Power Infrastructure | IAEA
New IAEA Webinar Series to Support Countries in Developing Nuclear Power Infrastructure | IAEA: How should countries go about developing the necessary infrastructure for introducing or expanding a nuclear power programme?
Fierce competition or not, industry exec sees bright future for nuclear power | Toledo Blade
Fierce competition or not, industry exec sees bright future for nuclear power | Toledo Blade: Despite massive bailouts from Ohio and other states to keep noncompetitive nuclear plants such as Davis-Besse in operation, the leader of the nuclear ...
Hydrogen Project Wins Prestigious International Award | The Energy Collective Daily

Hydrogen Project Wins Prestigious International Award | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Hydrogen Project Wins Prestigious International Award
- Global warming: setting the limit
- Podcasts on Nuclear Waste Management by Deep Isolation, a company developing "geological isolation", a possible nuclear waste disposal solution.
- Markets Session 3 - Market Models & Forecasting for Hybrid Power Plants - Mark Ahlstrom - ESIG
- Ditching the diesel: Hydrogen Microgrids
- Virginia regulators seek input on how state should prepare for electric vehicles
- South Korea Makes Progress to Lithium-Oxygen Batteries With Ten Times Higher Energy Densities
- Nevada Accelerates on Clean Cars
- Now is not the time to pump the brakes on fleet electrification
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Underground radioactive waste storage plan near Lake Huron dropped
Underground radioactive waste storage plan near Lake Huron dropped: Ontario Power Generation must now find another long-term solution for the radioactive wastes from its 20 nuclear reactors
Georgia Power Announces Resequencing of Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Planned Activities
Georgia Power Announces Resequencing of Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Planned Activities: Georgia Power today announced a resequencing of certain planned activities at Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4.
Viewpoint: Nuclear's stand-out resilience in an energy crisis : Perspectives - World Nuclear News
Viewpoint: Nuclear's stand-out resilience in an energy crisis : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: When it comes to energy, global market shocks are good at turning assets into liabilities. Except, that is, when the energy is nuclear, writes Alexander Uvarov, editor-in-chief of AtomInfo.ru."The current oil crisis, which erupted against the backdrop of COVID-19, has, according to Scott Lauerman, a spokesman for the American Petroleum Institute, reduced global oil demand from around 100 million barrels per day (prior to the pandemic) to about 30 million barrels a day. It is no wonder then, that such a stark and sudden loss of demand would reduce oil tankers to simple storage containers."
Amazon $2B climate pledge draws praise, skepticism as total carbon footprint rises
Amazon $2B climate pledge draws praise, skepticism as total carbon footprint rises
https://www.utilitydive.com/news/amazon-2b-climate-pledge-draws-praise-skepticism-as-total-carbon-footprin/580424/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202020-06-24%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:28106%5D&utm_term=Utility%20DiveNuclear waste shipment leaves Germany for Russia - BBC News
Nuclear waste shipment leaves Germany for Russia - BBC News: The dispatch of a trainload of waste raises new fears that Russia may become a "dumping ground".
Minerals Council Calls For Research Into Advanced Nuclear Solutions :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Minerals Council Calls For Research Into Advanced Nuclear Solutions :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: The Minerals Council of Australia has called for research into advanced nuclear solutions and accelerated development of the minerals required for a low emissions future, including uranium for nuclear power plants.
In a plan to tackle climate change across the industry, the council endorsed a goal of reaching net-zero emissions “as fast as possible” but without setting a target date.
It said it wanted to see faster development of minerals including uranium, aluminium, copper, nickel, zinc, iron, uranium, base metals, lithium, minerals sands, and rare earths.
In a plan to tackle climate change across the industry, the council endorsed a goal of reaching net-zero emissions “as fast as possible” but without setting a target date.
It said it wanted to see faster development of minerals including uranium, aluminium, copper, nickel, zinc, iron, uranium, base metals, lithium, minerals sands, and rare earths.
Puerto Rico work to update grid, make the territory more energy independent - Daily Energy Insider
Puerto Rico work to update grid, make the territory more energy independent - Daily Energy Insider: © ShutterstockA new report from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) outlines how Puerto Rico is working to meet the challenges of updating its grid and becoming energy independent. Part of the solution could be microreactors. ... Read More »
LLNL Breaks Ground on Exascale Computing Facility Modernization Project | SIGNAL Magazine
LLNL Breaks Ground on Exascale Computing Facility Modernization Project | SIGNAL Magazine: The upgrades will enable the facility to provide exascale-class service to the NNSA laboratories.
US poll shows broad support for renewables, climate measures | Ars Technica
US poll shows broad support for renewables, climate measures | Ars Technica: Latest Pew poll of 11,000 US adults shows (almost) everybody wants more solar.
Energoatom makes plea for fairer market rules : Corporate - World Nuclear News
Energoatom makes plea for fairer market rules : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Ukraine's electricity market discriminates against nuclear power and recent reforms do little to help Energoatom's mounting debts, Petro Kotin, acting president of the state-owned nuclear power plant operator has said. Recent amendments to electricity market regulations enable Energoatom to sell just 5% of its generation through bilateral contracts, but the company wants this to be increased to 50%.
Help coal-dependent countries switch to nuclear, ministers tell EU : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Help coal-dependent countries switch to nuclear, ministers tell EU : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: If the European Commission is serious about its efforts to support the post-virus economic recovery and to achieving a clean energy transition, then it will correct the omission of nuclear energy in its Green Deal package and in the EU Taxonomy, Czech and Polish ministers have written in letters to Frans Timmermans and Kadri Simons, respectively the first vice president of the European Commission and the European commissioner for energy.
UK industry presents nuclear roadmap to net-zero : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News
UK industry presents nuclear roadmap to net-zero : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: Plans for a clean economic recovery and the goal of 'Net Zero by 2050' need commitment to new nuclear power plants, the UK’'s Nuclear Industry Association said today. Ahead of the Climate Change Committee's annual progress update due this week, the NIA has released Forty by ’50: A Nuclear Roadmap, an assessment produced for the government and industry body, the Nuclear Industry Council.
Nuclear Energy Agency unveils plans for post-pandemic recovery : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
Nuclear Energy Agency unveils plans for post-pandemic recovery : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: The OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency has today launched a series of policy briefs that examine nuclear energy's role in the post-COVID economic recovery. The policy briefs, to which World Nuclear Association contributed, have four themes: building resilience; job creation; cost-effective decarbonisation; and unlocking finance.
What's next for nuclear? | Engineer Live
What's next for nuclear? | Engineer Live: The EU: out of the race for civil nuclear geopolitics?
COMMENTARY: Nuclear jobs: How personnel for the Belarusian nuclear power plant are trained
COMMENTARY: Nuclear jobs: How personnel for the Belarusian nuclear power plant are trained: At present specialists are trained for nuclear industry jobs in the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, and the Belarusian National Technical University.
Nuclear Energy Agency unveils plans for post-pandemic recovery : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
Nuclear Energy Agency unveils plans for post-pandemic recovery : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: The OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency has today launched a series of policy briefs that examine nuclear energy's role in the post-COVID economic recovery. The policy briefs, to which World Nuclear Association contributed, have four themes: building resilience; job creation; cost-effective decarbonisation; and unlocking finance.
Is the Green Deal compatible with the Lisbon Treaty and the Energy Charter?
Is the Green Deal compatible with the Lisbon Treaty and the Energy Charter?: Despite COVID-19, many in Brussels – including a green recovery alliance in the EU Parliament and 13 EU Environment Ministers – are pressuring the European Commission (EC) to pursue the rapid implementation of its Green Deal strategy. The EC’s vice-president is insisting in various international newspapers that the COVID-19 crisis demonstrates the necessity to change […]
Help coal-dependent countries switch to nuclear, ministers tell EU : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Help coal-dependent countries switch to nuclear, ministers tell EU : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: If the European Commission is serious about its efforts to support the post-virus economic recovery and to achieving a clean energy transition, then it will correct the omission of nuclear energy in its Green Deal package and in the EU Taxonomy, Czech and Polish ministers have written in letters to Frans Timmermans and Kadri Simons, respectively the first vice president of the European Commission and the European commissioner for energy.
'UK net zero target at risk without nuclear power' - Energy Live News
'UK net zero target at risk without nuclear power' - Energy Live News: A new nuclear power programme with the help of hydrogen, clean fuels and district heating could provide up to 40% of clean energy by 2050, according to a report
SFPUC could be accepting PG&E's nuclear energy | 48 hills
SFPUC could be accepting PG&E's nuclear energy | 48 hills: It's free. It's worth $1.4 million a year. But it's by no means 'clean energy' -- so why is CleanPowerSF considering it?
NRC To Streamline Advanced Non-Light-Water Licensing - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
NRC To Streamline Advanced Non-Light-Water Licensing - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Canadian Joint Project To Develop Micro Modular Reactor - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Canadian Joint Project To Develop Micro Modular Reactor - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
NRC Accepts Oklo Power's Application - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
NRC Accepts Oklo Power's Application - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Rosatom Notes Construction Milestone At Kursk NPP-2 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Rosatom Notes Construction Milestone At Kursk NPP-2 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Digital I&C System Installed At Doel NPP - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Digital I&C System Installed At Doel NPP - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Flushing Begun At Belarus NPP Unit 2 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Flushing Begun At Belarus NPP Unit 2 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Rosatom, GE And Framatome Sign MOU - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Rosatom, GE And Framatome Sign MOU - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
DOE Awards $65 Million In Research Prizes - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
DOE Awards $65 Million In Research Prizes - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Federal Register :: Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Project
Federal Register :: Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Project: On March 20, 2020, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued for public comment a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Holtec International's (Holtec's) application to construct and operate a consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and...
NNSA to host virtual job fair | Federal News Network
NNSA to host virtual job fair | Federal News Network: The National Nuclear Security Administration, which has had success with in-person job hiring fairs, is going virtual.
Dangerous And Uncertain: Coronavirus And The Nuclear Industry - OpEd - Eurasia Review
Dangerous And Uncertain: Coronavirus And The Nuclear Industry - OpEd - Eurasia Review: Accountability has always been a problem in the nuclear industry, despite praises to the contrary. Constantly keeping its muddled head above water
The U.S. is considering revamping its nuclear weapons program. What does this mean for WIPP? | The NM Political Report
The U.S. is considering revamping its nuclear weapons program. What does this mean for WIPP? | The NM Political Report: All systems, no matter how efficient, produce some amount of waste. “Wherever people are doing something, there are trash cans around,” Dr. Robert Hayes joked to NM Political Report. Hayes is an associate professor of nuclear engineering at North Carolina State University and a former principal engineer at New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). […]
Centrus Energy gets a nod from NRC (NYSEMKT:LEU) | Seeking Alpha
Centrus Energy gets a nod from NRC (NYSEMKT:LEU) | Seeking Alpha: Centrus Energy's (LEU -3.0%) application to produce High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium, or HALEU, at its Piketon, Ohio facility is accepted by the Nuclear Reg
Citizens' Panel Reviews Pilgrim Nuclear Settlement | WCAI
Citizens' Panel Reviews Pilgrim Nuclear Settlement | WCAI: The citizens’ panel overseeing the decommissioning of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station met Monday for the first time since the state reached a settlement with
Visualizing Permian Oil & Gas Production (Through March 2020)
Visualizing Permian Oil & Gas Production (Through March 2020)
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Engineers take jobs at Turkey’s first nuclear plant after trainings in Russia - Latest News
Engineers take jobs at Turkey’s first nuclear plant after trainings in Russia - Latest News: Turkey’s first nuclear power plant’s new Turkish staff members, who were trained in Russia for more than 6 years, have said that “zero-defect policy” was at the heart of the challenging training program.
Russian Tests Confirm Safety Of Next-Generation Nuclear Fuel Mix - UrduPoint
Russian Tests Confirm Safety Of Next-Generation Nuclear Fuel Mix - UrduPoint: A new type of mixed uranium-plutonium fuel has cleared safety tests in Russia, the special representative of the countrys atomic energy giant Rosatom said in an interview out Monday
DOE: Trump called for killing advisory panels. What happened? -- Monday, June 22, 2020 -- www.eenews.net
DOE: Trump called for killing advisory panels. What happened? -- Monday, June 22, 2020 -- www.eenews.net: A year after President Trump signed an order for federal agencies to cut a third of federal advisory committees, it appears that the Department of Energy has eliminated two of 15 such panels.
Holtec reaches agreement on decommissioning of Pilgrim nuclear plant - Nuclear Engineering International
Holtec reaches agreement on decommissioning of Pilgrim nuclear plant - Nuclear Engineering International: Officials in Massachusetts have dropped a lawsuit against US-based Holtec International, which allows the $1.13 billion-decontamination and decommissioning of the 670MWe Pilgrim nuclear plant to move forward.Holtec owns the site after the US...
Russian-US-French team angles for Bulgaria’s Belene nuclear power plant - News - GCR
Russian-US-French team angles for Bulgaria’s Belene nuclear power plant - News - GCR: Rosatom, Russia’s state-owned nuclear engineer, has agreed in principle to form a consortium with Framatome ......
Viewpoint: Nuclear's stand-out resilience in an energy crisis : Perspectives - World Nuclear News
Viewpoint: Nuclear's stand-out resilience in an energy crisis : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: When it comes to energy, global market shocks are good at turning assets into liabilities. Except, that is, when the energy is nuclear, writes Alexander Uvarov, editor-in-chief of AtomInfo.ru."The current oil crisis, which erupted against the backdrop of COVID-19, has, according to Scott Lauerman, a spokesman for the American Petroleum Institute, reduced global oil demand from around 100 million barrels per day (prior to the pandemic) to about 30 million barrels a day. It is no wonder then, that such a stark and sudden loss of demand would reduce oil tankers to simple storage containers."
• | Nuclear engineering company Assystem
has acquired WhiteQuest SAS, a French company specialising in the development
of virtual simulation tools for industry. Assystem said the acquisition "plays
a key part in Assystem's digital engineering strategy, enhancing its ability to
help its customers in their digital transformations." It added, "Combining digital
twin concepts with virtual reality techniques makes it easier to solve the problems
faced by multiple companies on the same building site. This is particularly useful
for nuclear unit shutdowns, during decommissioning preparation stages or industrial transfers." |
• | Ghana has completed the first of
three phases for the development of a national infrastructure for nuclear power
in line with IAEA requirements, as it works towards a project to generate 1 GW
of nuclear electricity by 2030, Pulse Nigeria has reported. Coordinator
of the Ghana Nuclear Power Programme Robert Sogbadjie said the government had
already identified four sites for the project but did not name any locations. |
• | Marenica Energy Limited has restarted
uranium exploration in Namibia following the lifting of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions,
with a drilling programme at the previously undrilled Hirabeb tenement. A second
drilling programme will be undertaken at Koppies, the company said. |
• | The United Nations has announced that the 52nd session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 52) and of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 52), already postponed until October this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will now be held next year. The meetings of these bodies are "between meetings", often held in June or July in Bonn, Germany, which are used to make progress on negotiation texts ahead of the Conference of the Parties. COP26, which was scheduled to take place in the UK in November, has already been postponed by 12 months. |
Canada, USA build critical minerals cooperation : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News
Canada, USA build critical minerals cooperation : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: Canada and the USA last week reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening supply chains for critical minerals including uranium in their first working group meetings since finalising a bilateral collaboration agreement earlier this year.
Dismantling of French research reactor completed : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News
Dismantling of French research reactor completed : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: The dismantling of the Ulysse experimental reactor at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission's Saclay site near Paris has been completed. The low-power reactor, which was shut down in 2007, was mainly operated for teaching and continuing education purposes by the National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology.
said most EM sites are in the first phase of reopening operations. The
decision to resume operations is based on many factors, such as health
data, remaining state and local restrictions, and facility preparedness,
he said.
is carefully evaluating projects as sites ramp back up to full
operations. Potential impacts from the pandemic “will be different from
site to site as we move forward,” Shrader said.
said EM remains on track to complete a number of its stated priorities
for 2020. For instance, there is confidence the Salt Waste Processing
Facility will start up this year. Similarly, EM is hopeful for
completion of demolition at the East Tennessee Technology Park at Oak
Ridge, he said.
Shrader said EM appreciates its interactions with local communities that have stakes in its progress.
have shared goals and shared interests in the sites being successful
and cleanups being successful,” Shrader said. “We always appreciate the
support that comes from the communities and we want to continue to build
on that and move forward the best we can.”
-Contributor: Beth Lisann
Oak Ridge Workers Successfully Bring Down ETTP’s Tallest Building
Crews use large winches to tear down a 180-foot tower of the Centrifuge Complex at Oak Ridge.
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. – Workers accomplished a major feat during one of the largest and final demolition projects at the East Tennessee Technology Park
(ETTP) last week. They used powerful mechanical devices known as
winches to pull over the 180-foot tower portion of the Centrifuge
Complex. Click here to view a video of this project.
task was part of a larger effort to take down the Centrifuge Complex — a
series of structures originally built to develop, test, and demonstrate
the capability of centrifuge technology for uranium enrichment. The
last of these facilities ceased operation in the mid-1980s.
The Centrifuge Complex is one of the final major demolition projects remaining at ETTP as the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and its cleanup contractor UCOR strive toward one of EM’s 2020 priorities known as Vision 2020 — the goal to complete demolition and major cleanup at ETTP by the end of the year.
a constant focus on safety, our workforce has done an exemplary job
throughout this project and especially with the challenge of the tower,”
said Ken Rueter, UCOR president and CEO. “As one of the final major
facilities to be demolished at ETTP, this project is taking us a big
leap forward to achieving ETTP cleanup — a historic, first-ever complete
cleanup of a uranium enrichment complex.”
view of the last remaining portions of Oak Ridge’s once sprawling
Centrifuge Complex are shown here before crews pulled down the 180-foot
tower, at left. Workers will now focus on removing the debris and
finalizing demolition on the K-1210 complex, at right. The entire
project is scheduled for completion later this summer.
Workers used powerful winches to pull down the steel beams of the 180-foot tower of Building K-1220 at Oak Ridge.
tallest structure at ETTP, the Centrifuge Complex spanned 235,000
square feet and reached 180 feet in height in some locations. The
challenge involved identifying the best way to take the tower down
safely when conventional demolition equipment is intended for structures
only measuring approximately 100 feet in height.
from OREM and UCOR evaluated a variety of methods to demolish the tower
based on safety, complexity, risk, and equipment availability. The
alternatives included winches, bulldozers, explosives, and a high-reach
processor to cripple the tower.
determined winches met all of the qualifications and were the best
choice. While the approach was a success, it involved a great deal of
preparation, including specialized training to operate the giant winches
capable of pulling down massive steel beams.
Centrifuge Complex was comprised of four sections. Crews are in the
final phases of taking down the last two sections of the complex. Those
include the K-1210 Complex, which served as a pilot plant for testing
feed, withdrawal, and depleted uranium hexafluoride transfer systems,
and the K-1220 Complex, which was used primarily to test production
centrifuges, and contained the 180-foot tower.
the tower down, workers will now focus on removing the debris and
finalizing demolition on the K-1210 complex. The entire project is
scheduled for completion later this summer.
already brought down the K-1004-J laboratory section, an original
Manhattan Project facility built for research and development. They also
finished tearing down the fourth section, the K-1200 facility, known as
the Advanced Machine Development Laboratory and Component Preparation
-Contributor: Wayne McKinney
SRS Facility's Safe Shutdown Leads to $40 Million in Annual Cost Avoidance
install a new hoist in the Main Plant Process Building to be used for
moving waste boxes and drums and other work when the West Valley
Demonstration Project returns to full operations.
WEST VALLEY, N.Y. – An EM facility disposition crew recently replaced a hoist in the Main Plant Process Building, marking the West Valley Demonstration Project’s
(WVDP) first work activity in which workers donned personal protective
equipment while following safety protocols due to COVID-19.
the hoist in the Equipment Decontamination Room, as WVDP operated in an
essential mission-critical posture, also signified progress toward a
broader project — the future demolition of the Main Plant Process
Building — included in EM’s priorities for 2020.
new equipment will be used to shift an aerial lift into a chemical
process cell and move boxes and drums filled with waste when the site
returns to full operations and crews resume deactivation work inside a
former reprocessing cell in the building.
replacing the hoist, employees discussed questions and concerns with
supervisors and senior staff in a collaborative, inclusive manner. The
discussions focused on how to maintain social distancing while helping
one another don and doff personal protective equipment, including
team agreed to a safe approach in which employees maintain six feet of
distance when possible and wear face masks. Only one worker at a time is
allowed to exit an area to avoid clustering, and they must cover the
respirator exhalation ports with towels to reduce exhaled vapor droplets
from escaping while the workers help each other put on equipment, among
other things.
EM WVDP Safety and Site Programs Team Leader Jennifer Dundas commended the team members for their pre-job briefing and work.
employees to speak freely when confronting an issue or challenge is the
best way to solve a problem,” Dundas said. “It fosters the sharing of
ideas and allows everyone an opportunity to be part of the solution. In
the end, their agreed-upon solution helped them to safely complete this
work activity.”
learned from the project will be applied to future cleanup work at the
site. The lessons include the importance of refocusing on safety, being
aware of changing conditions and new protocols, and getting reacquainted
with procedures, work packages, and radiation work permits.
-Contributor: Joseph Pillittere
WIPP’s Nuclear Waste Partnership Earns 83 Percent of Available Award Fee in FY19
worker operates a continuous mining machine 2,150 feet underground at
the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant to create additional disposal rooms for
transuranic waste. The rooms are carved out of 250-million-year-old
bedded salt formation and measure 33 feet wide by 13 feet high, and are
as long as a football field minus the end zone.
Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO) recently released the fiscal 2019 fee
determination for Nuclear Waste Partnership (NWP), the
management-and-operations contractor for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
In total, NWP earned approximately $14.3 million, representing 83
percent of the total fee available in fiscal 2019. NWP’s fee
determination included approximately $3.3 million in subjective award
fee, or 76.1 percent of the available award fee. The contractor also
earned approximately $11 million in fee tied to a set of
performance-based incentives (PBIs), or 85.2 percent of the total
carefully considered the contractor’s performance in five areas of the
fiscal year 2019 performance evaluation measurement plan in determining
the fee award,” said Kirk Lachman, who served as the CBFO deputy manager
and fee determination official.
The award fee determination for NWP’s performance in fiscal 2019 was based on the following five subjective criteria:
- Mission performance
- Regulatory compliance
- Management performance
- Safety and health performance
- Cost control
Some of NWP’s accomplishments in fiscal 2019 were:
- Implemented significant improvements to the transuranic (TRU) waste emplacement processes and procedures that allowed the contractor to maintain shipping rates at eight to 10 shipments per week in fiscal 2019.
- Initiated the first use of a battery electric load haul dump truck in the underground, improving the underground air quality.
- Developed and implemented a plan for recovery of a breached cesium source for another federal organization.
also noted several areas for improvement, including the need to address
longstanding issues to prevent them from developing into more
significant problems; compliance with nuclear safety requirements;
untimely resolution of issues; and subcontractor oversight.
also had the ability to earn fee tied to PBIs, which represented
specific milestones or metrics. The PBIs available for NWP in fiscal
2019 included improved safety in underground operations; additional WIPP
underground air supply ventilation flow rate; WIPP line item capital
asset projects; general plant projects, infrastructure projects, and
major maintenance activities; radiological protection improvements; and
TRU waste emplacement.
More information on WIPP’s fiscal 2019 fee determination, including NWP’s fee scorecard, can be found here.
Outage Accomplishments Improve Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Operations
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’s most recent maintenance outage included
work on ventilation fan motors and systems, shown here.
CARLSBAD, N.M. – EM Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
(WIPP) workers completed an immense amount of work during a two-day
planned power outage that occurred while the site operated in an
essential mission-critical posture due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
WIPP engineering, maintenance, and operations departments completed a
lengthy to-do list during the outage that uncoupled power from the WIPP
core, including the waste handling. It was the culmination of a two-week
push to complete projects during the mission-critical period.
individual involved with this work scope showed several core values
like ownership, respect, continuous improvement, and teamwork,” WIPP
operations manager Don McBride said. “While we did have some hurdles to
clear, each individual pushed through these challenges and we
accomplished this work as a team.”
Substations in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant underground power everything from computers to giant mining machines.
such as this one being installed in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
(WIPP) underground help control airflow in different loops, or circuits.
During the recent maintenance outage, remote controls connected to
WIPP’s Central Monitoring Room were added to some bulkheads.
work included extensive transformer and substation maintenance.
Substations in the WIPP underground power everything from desktop
computers to giant mining machines. Substations take a 13,800-volt feed
from a commercial provider and “step down” the high voltage into usable
voltages at the site. Workers also finished preventive maintenance on
waste hoist circuit breakers, and preventive maintenance, testing, and
other work on ventilation fans.
also performed work on three bulkheads, which help control airflow in
different loops in the WIPP underground, and added remote-control
capability to a louvered bulkhead, known as a regulator, that can
redirect air from one circuit to another. A large rollup door between a
processing bay and the waste hoist was repaired, and a longstanding
connectivity issue between a fire alarm panel and the underground
evacuation lights system was fixed.
audible alarm was added to the shutdown process for the Supplemental
Ventilation System, alerting the Central Monitoring Room in the event
the system shuts down. Workers also completed updates to the central
monitoring system, which monitors all critical systems at the site and
funnels information to the Central Monitoring Room, which is staffed
around the clock.
-Contributor: Roy Neese
Savannah River Site Completes Significant Computer System Upgrades
EM Update | Vol. 12, Issue 14 | June 23, 2020
Cleanup Program on Pace for Many 2020 Priorities, EM’s Todd Shrader Tells ECA
Despite unavoidable impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, EM remains on track this year to realize a number of its cleanup priorities, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Todd Shrader told leaders of the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) during its board meeting held virtually on June 18.
updated the board members on the cleanup program’s activities during
the pandemic and the resumption of operations across EM field sites. ECA
is an organization of local governments adjacent to or impacted by DOE
of the EM team in the field and at headquarters have been working
together to make progress even with the challenges due to COVID-19,
Shrader said, adding EM leadership has been pleased with the
productivity of employees who have been teleworking. Most of the EM
complex transitioned to an essential, mission-critical posture during
the pandemic, and cleanup sites have since begun to ramp back up to full
operations in a phased, deliberate approach.
| |
EM Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Todd Shrader
The HB Line facility at the Savannah River Site is located on top of the H Canyon chemical separations facility.
AIKEN, S.C. – EM workers at the Savannah River Site (SRS) recently finished placing the HB Line, a facility once used to produce plutonium oxide, into a reversible safe shutdown while preserving its capabilities for future use, resulting in an annual cost avoidance of approximately $40 million.
principal scope involved three key tasks: de-inventorying and flushing
facility product and cold chemical lines; dispositioning legacy
plutonium and uranium materials stored and previously used within the
facility; and laying up support systems no longer needed,” said Nick
Miller, HB Line manager.
work in the multi-year effort involved altering the security posture of
the facility, including a reduction in the protective force personnel;
implementing a revision to the facility’s technical safety requirements
to reduce facility minimum staffing requirements; and assimilating the H
Canyon — a chemical processing facility located underneath HB Line —
and HB Line organizations.
so than any commitment delivery or cost reduction, I am most proud of
the courage and resilience of this team to deliver against the
uncertainty and adversity that comes along with a mission change such as
this,” Miller said. “I have always maintained shutting down a plant is
twice as hard as starting one up, mainly because you have to keep the
plant running safely in the meantime. The team executed this work all
in-house, safely, without having to bring on any additional resources.”
2018, DOE suspended plutonium oxide production at HB Line and directed
SRS management and operations contractor Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions (SRNS) to place HB Line in reversible safe shutdown.
Department’s direction to preserve the capabilities of HB Line will
allow us to ensure the facility is ready for use in the case that it is
needed again,” SRNS Senior Vice President of Environmental Management
Operations Wyatt Clark said. “The missions performed in HB Line over the
years have a lasting impact on the site and the nation, and we are
appreciative that some of the extensive experience of its employees can
now be utilized in sister facilities across the site. Thank you to the
employees who worked to ensure a smooth transition and safe layup.”
in the early 1980s, HB Line supported the production of plutonium-238, a
power source for the nation’s deep space exploration program, and to
recover legacy materials stored in H Canyon. HB Line has been used more
recently to make plutonium oxide, a non-weapons usable form of
-Contributor: Lindsey MonBarren
West Valley Prepares for Future D&D Under New Safety Protocols | |
Sandford, forefront, and other operators are shown in the Defense Waste
Processing Facility control room. Savannah River Remediation recently
upgraded its control system hardware and software.
AIKEN, S.C. – The EM program at the Savannah River Site
(SRS) has completed a significant and extensive upgrade to modernize
computer systems across the site's liquid waste facilities and maintain
cybersecurity industry standards.
a two-and-a-half-year process, SRS liquid waste contractor Savannah
River Remediation (SRR) upgraded the distributed control system (DCS) to
a newer platform and completed an entire computer hardware refresh. The
DCS is a specially designed automated control system software with
physical control elements located throughout SRS liquid waste
facilities, including the Defense Waste Processing Facility, Saltstone, and the Tank Farms. These facilities use processing equipment and instrumentation monitored and controlled by operator personnel via the DCS.
than 100 physical DCS controllers throughout the facilities were
replaced to be compatible with the new, modern software and its
processor requirements. The control system software consists of these
controllers within each facility, all connected by a communications
network. The controllers are used to interface with the facility
equipment and instrumentation.
upgrade was a multimillion-dollar infrastructure improvement effort and
a key part in the overall push for upgrading liquid waste systems,
according to SRR Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Project Manager Mark
for and executing infrastructure improvements is key to ensuring
reliable operations, all with an eye toward our core value of continuous
improvement,” Schmitz said. “This project is one on the many
infrastructure projects happening at SRR to ensure liquid waste
operations continue to be robust and efficient well into the future.”
planning went into this project, including use of offline development
and test systems beforehand, and involved people from numerous groups
within SRR. The upgrade was successfully implemented with minimal
facility operational impacts.
DCS upgrade was an effort included in SRR’s strategic plans to position
the liquid waste system to safely operate at higher throughput rates
necessary to support the near-term start of operations of the Salt Waste
Processing Facility.
-Contributor: Colleen Hart
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