Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Friday, October 11, 2024


WHY ISRAEL IS GOING TO BOMB IRAN'S NUCLEAR FACILITIES Graham E Fuller 12 October 2024 The chances are high that Israel is going to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities in the very near future. The rationale is extensive and compelling. 1- Because Israel can. The Israeli military possesses all the necessary aircraft and weaponry to attack and largely obliterate Iranian nuclear facilities. 2- Because no one can or will stop Israel from carrying out such an operation. Biden claims that he is opposed to any such step by Israel, but such claims are scarcely credible when the US has consistently backed Israel's genocidal policies against Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and broad civilian targets in Lebanon. No one will believe that Washington is not giving Israel the wink to go ahead via back channels. In point of fact, it would be nearly impossible for Washington to stop any such Israeli operation short of Requiring the disavowal of Israel's entire strategic game In the region up to now – which Washington has not done and will not do. Does anyone really believe that once Israel has carried out the destruction of Iranian nuclear facilities that Washington would then move to punish Israel for or its act? Such a proposition is laughable. Whatever Washington's public statements might be it is eminently clear that the entire Washington foreign policy establishment would privately applaud such an action by Israel, as will virtually every member of the US Congress, Israel would clearly be able to "get away with" any such action and indeed gain much private support in the US and even parts of Europe. 3- Such a military act is entirely consistent with Netanyahu's performance up-to-date. Although he has not actually uttered the words, to anyone following Natania's lifelong career it is clear that he sees this moment of conflict in the Middle East as a culmination of everything he has worked for. No, not regional peace, but for final total Israeli domination of the entire region. Netanyahu surely knows that he has alienated large numbers of people in the west, including considerable number of Jews who condemn him for his blood thirsty acts of ethnic cleansing among Palestinians within Israel. Netanyahu is clearly prepared to take the hit, but he also has a clear eye on the history books. While many liberals in the West may condemn his policies, he is confident tat in the long view of history, he will be viewed in Israeli history as the single most important Israeli leader in the history of the nation who brought to fruition the grand vision of a Greater Israel. And meanwhile, such act also keep him in power and out of jail. 4- while any geostrategic observer of the Middle East knows that "history never stops," it is now more abundantly clear than ever that the impulses of vengeance across Arab and other Muslim world in the Middle East will be on high boil for generations. Just think of the number of Gazans alone who have lost fathers, sons, babies, mothers, daughters, grandparents and other relatives under the unremitting Israeli onslaught. Hardly everyone will seek personal blood vengeance from Israeli or Jewish individuals, but if even one out of 10 Gazans will act out of revenge, that presents a formidable long-term terrorist threat, not just to Jews, but to the West and especially America that is so deeply complicit in the spilling of Muslim blood. And it goes without saying that while the number of genuine antisemites in the world may not be that many, their numbers are on the rise given the new "justification"of their anti-Semitic views through the horrors of the Middle East war. This will be a devastating long-term legacy of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and their many sympathizers. Large numbers of Jews, who have little fondness for Bibi Netanyahu are vividly aware of this rise of spoken, and more importantly, unspoken new reservoir of anti-Semitic feeling. 5- by carrying out the destruction of Iranian nuclear facilities by Israel – not officially earmarked by Iran for military purposes – Iran will be for generations bitterly hostile against Israel. And it will certainly find such an attack by Israel to be the single most powerful argument for the continued need for Iran to develop Nuclear weapons – the only guarantee against future Israeli military attack. 6-Although Iran is economically deeply wounded by decades of American punishing sanctions against it, it is one of only two countries in the Middle East that truly matter in a geopolitical arena in the near future. Here Iran would certainly have to rank as number one. Whatever actions taken by Israel against Iran, Tehran will clearly be determined to rebuild it strategic strength. The second significant geopolitical power in the region is Turkey. Turkey has no love for Israel. And ironically, both Turkey and Iran, both of which possess some elements of democratic process within each of their states – have been more outspoken and supportive of the Palestinian cause than any Arab state in the region except for dirt-poor but gutsy Yemen. 7- Authoritarian Arab rulers may publicly wring their hands at Palestinian suffering, but they also deeply fear the Palestinians as representing one of the very few truly mass nationalistic movements in the entire Arab world. The last thing most Arab autocrats want to see is mass political movements emerging in their own countries with blood in their eyes which will lead to their own overthrow from power when not protected by Washington. 8- The same is not true of Arab public opinion itself, or "the Arab Street". Here there are strong pro-Palestinian sympathies who view them as the most prominent of the many victims of western colonial control in the Middle East over decades and centuries. When public opinion begins to be expressed in political action calling for voice in Arab foreign affairs, the Arab world will become a far more dangerous place for Israel – who can right now at least count on rich Gulfi rulers to keep the the emotional power of their own citizens under control. That indeed is a second reason why most Arab rulers fear and dislike the Iranian regime as well--no, not because Iranians are Shiite Muslims , but because Iran is virtually the only country in the Middle East that actually underwent a genuine mass revolution that brought down Americas "best friend in the Middle East", the Shah of Iran. The current Iranian regime probably has limited numbers of strong supporters within the country. But Iranian nationalism is an exceptionally powerful force – and hass been so for hundreds of years. Even if many of its citizens dislike the clerical regime in Tehran, the destruction by Israel of its nuclear facilities wll be deeply resented as a massive assault against Iranian prestige, power, and dignity. One wonders what the half-life of such anti-Israeli feelings will be over the decades to come in Iran. Of course, the ultimate absurdity is the idea that Iran, in a post Israeli strike – or even in a situation of collapse of the clerical regime – will suddenly change its colors, rush to embrace Washington, Israel and the west, and disavow any geopolitical role in the region. Indeed, there is no remote reason for believing that a successor regime to the present clerical rulers --probably military --will be any less nationalistic or adventuristic in its foreign policies. In Netanyahu's thinking, now is probably the best time to strike Iran. The region is in shambles. There is no meaningful international voice being raised against Israel that can or will do anything. Biden and hi neutered secretary of state Blinken – also known as "Bibi's lawyer" – will only nominally wring their hands at the growing regional instability In which Washington is becoming an evermore irrelevant geopolitical player. Question: Will Netanyahu decide to strike before, or after the important BRICS Summit coming up in Kazan' Russia in two weeks time? Increasing Israeli military attacks against Muslim countries and societies will be keenly noted in Kazan', especially since large numbers of other BRiCS States also are Muslim and fairly firmly rooted in the growing concept of "the Gobal South." If Natanyahu strikes Iran before the meeting in Kazan', with Russia and China in attendance such an attack on Iran will have huge impact on the attendees – perhaps precisely what Israel seeks to ensure – that the "Global South" not forget its military weak stance in the world. Perhaps delivering that lesson to a group of states who have no love for Israel in any case– seeing it as a tool of western neo colonial power. –The message of intimidation to them is far more important than any flack against the Israeli state. Washington would largely cheer such a smack down by Israel against the BRICS grouping. On the other hand, if Netanyahu waits until the BRICS summit has passed, the backlash will be less immediate, although certainly will still have longer standing duration. Either way, this presages a powerful new move towards a new and more durable formation of two Geo political blocks – the declining West, in denial about its own decline, and the emergence of the new powerful political and economic group of the BRICS Which Washington unwisely now seems to perceive as a hostile group. Truly, a self fulfilling prophecy. If the BRICS grouping is drawn into deeper engagement in the Middle East geopolitical struggle, it will certainly be ever more deeply committed to an anti-Israeli anti-neo colonial anti-western policy. And that will suit Moscow and Beijing just fine – the chief authors of this new international grouping of rising importance. In short, I believe that the factors pushing Netanyahu to an early attack on Iranian nuclear facilities are greater than ever before. And although Washington supposedly does not want to be drawn into yet another war in the Middle East, if war breaks out between Israel and Iran, you can be sure that Washington will be in the thick of it– Just like Bibi wants it. Graham E Fuller is a former vice chair of the national intelligence Council at the CIA responsible for long-term global strategic forecasting. He served as an intellence operations officer across much of the Middle East.

Nobel Peace Prize spotlights 70 years of nuclear survivor activism - Nikkei Asia

Nobel Peace Prize spotlights 70 years of nuclear survivor activism - Nikkei Asia

Israel pressure pushing Iran over the nuclear edge - Asia Times

Israel pressure pushing Iran over the nuclear edge - Asia Times

Our Infrastructure Is Too Old - The Breakthrough Journal

Our Infrastructure Is Too Old - The Breakthrough Journal

US Still Believes Iran Has Not Decided to Build a Nuclear Weapon, US Officials Say

US Still Believes Iran Has Not Decided to Build a Nuclear Weapon, US Officials Say

Iran Makes USA's Biggest Arab Ally Change Sides With 'Nuclear Bomb Test', Oil Attack Threat?| Israel | Hindustan Times

Iran Makes USA's Biggest Arab Ally Change Sides With 'Nuclear Bomb Test', Oil Attack Threat?| Israel | Hindustan Times

Chinese official urges certain countries to reduce role of nuclear weapons

Chinese official urges certain countries to reduce role of nuclear weapons

Japanese atomic bomb survivors' group wins 2024 Nobel Peace Prize - Nikkei Asia

Japanese atomic bomb survivors' group wins 2024 Nobel Peace Prize - Nikkei Asia

Utilities Must Reinvent Themselves to Harness the AI-Driven Data Center Boom | Bain & Company

Utilities Must Reinvent Themselves to Harness the AI-Driven Data Center Boom | Bain & Company

Was California too quick to abandon nuclear power? – San Diego Union-Tribune

Was California too quick to abandon nuclear power? – San Diego Union-Tribune

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Next USEA Press Briefing: Experts Sought To Examine Electric Supply Chain Resilience after Disasters - Guest Post

Dear Friends, The damage wrought by hurricanes Helene and Milton is without precedent. Historians point to various strong hurricanes in the past, including one in Florida 100 years ago. But Helene and Milton are different. The next weather disaster will be different, too. A century ago, electricity wasn’t the essential commodity in those regions it is today. Indeed, many homes across Florida and North Carolina didn’t have electricity. The National Rural Electrification project was a part of FDR's New Deal. After providing humanitarian aid to people struggling in the aftermath of these two powerful hurricanes and the attendant tornadoes, the need to restore electricity is paramount. That won’t be easy. Some utilities must rehabilitate or rebuild their infrastructure from the ground up. An unprecedented army of 50,000 technicians from utilities across the country is struggling to get the power back up in Florida. These are the first responders who are often overlooked, but they are as heroic as those who braved rising water to rescue stranded residents from cars and rooftops. Overhanging this rebuilding effort is the supply chain. Where will the hardware be sourced? Much of it hasn't been manufactured in America for decades. The electric supply chain has been wobbly ever since COVID-19. Now it is torn asunder and must be rebuilt fast. It isn’t a time to obstruct essential needs. The electric supply chain is stretched not just nationwide but worldwide. There are heavy demands from Ukraine, and there will be even more needs when rebuilding begins in Gaza and Lebanon. Here are some of my thoughts on the situation: We are facing a huge crisis that hasn’t yet been comprehended by the political class. The recent hurricanes are a game-changer which will influence the design and building of utility systems going forward. We need a Marshall Plan for America, above politics, to rebuild parts of the nation that have been flattened by natural disasters. We need a supply chain "czar" with wide authority to strengthen the supply chain and prepare the nation for the next weather incident or other outage. The United States Energy Association will hold the next in its series of monthly virtual press briefings on Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. ET on the supply chain and what can be done to speed essentials — like transformers and other hardware -- from where they are made to where they are needed. I organize and host these briefings, which are broadcast live on Zoom and are open to the press and the public. Mark Menezes, USEA president and CEO, and a former deputy secretary of energy, welcomes participants and is on hand to lend his expertise. The tone is collegial. The format is a panel of senior energy reporters questions a panel of experts on a topic. The aim is to leave reporters with information for a story they can either write that day or bank for future stories. If you have expertise in the electric supply chain, or views on how to make it more resilient, and if either you or someone you know would like to participate on the experts panel, please get in touch with me. Electricity is more important than it has ever been and it gets more so daily. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-_tPMWTtRA6z21s5IjQRWA Cheers, Llewellyn Executive Producer and Host "White House Chronicle" on PBS; Columnist, InsideSources Syndicate; Contributor, Forbes; Energy Central; Commentator, SiriusXM Radio Mobile: (202) 441-2702 Website: whchronicle.com

Nuclear Stability in the 21st Century – The Diplomat

Nuclear Stability in the 21st Century – The Diplomat

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

Funding secured for modular NPP - Nuclear Engineering International

Funding secured for modular NPP - Nuclear Engineering International

The DOE picks six HALEU deconverters. What have we learned? -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

The DOE picks six HALEU deconverters. What have we learned? -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Big tech is bringing nuclear power back to life

Big tech is bringing nuclear power back to life

U.S. Supreme Court takes up West Texas nuclear waste plan | The Texas Tribune

U.S. Supreme Court takes up West Texas nuclear waste plan | The Texas Tribune

Lawmakers advance measure opening Wyoming to possible nuclear fuel waste storage | News From The States

Lawmakers advance measure opening Wyoming to possible nuclear fuel waste storage | News From The States

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors

Nuclear regulator says agency is implementing broad new law

Nuclear regulator says agency is implementing broad new law

First reactor launched for Yakutia nuclear icebreaker - World Nuclear News

First reactor launched for <i>Yakutia</i> nuclear icebreaker - World Nuclear News

U.S. Bank Commits $98 Million Toward NuScale SMR Project in Romania : r/NuclearPower

U.S. Bank Commits $98 Million Toward NuScale SMR Project in Romania : r/NuclearPower

U.S. finds new use for warheads of unexploded nuclear bombs — and it solves two major problems at once : r/nuclear

U.S. finds new use for warheads of unexploded nuclear bombs — and it solves two major problems at once : r/nuclear

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Lawmakers advance measure opening Wyoming to possible nuclear fuel waste storage - WyoFile

Lawmakers advance measure opening Wyoming to possible nuclear fuel waste storage - WyoFile

CEI's The Surge: Nuclear Supreme Court case, the ADVANCE Act, and more - Competitive Enterprise Institute

CEI's The Surge: Nuclear Supreme Court case, the ADVANCE Act, and more - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Enviro Groups Seek To Overturn Nuclear Plant Renewal Rules - Law360 UK

Enviro Groups Seek To Overturn Nuclear Plant Renewal Rules - Law360 UK

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

No, Palisades wouldn’t be the first time a nuclear plant got a restart - mlive.com

No, Palisades wouldn’t be the first time a nuclear plant got a restart - mlive.com

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors | Utility Dive

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors | Utility Dive

Nuclear Reactor License Renewal Rule Draws New Legal Challenge

Nuclear Reactor License Renewal Rule Draws New Legal Challenge

Boiling Point: Jane Fonda's anti-nuclear arguments don't make sense

Boiling Point: Jane Fonda's anti-nuclear arguments don't make sense

Opportunities and obstacles for the Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission | Utility Dive

Opportunities and obstacles for the Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission | Utility Dive

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors | Utility Dive

NRC updates streamlined environmental review proposal for new nuclear reactors | Utility Dive

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

iran nuclear bomb test: Unusual earthquake raises alarms: Is Iran testing its first nuclear bomb? - The Economic Times

iran nuclear bomb test: Unusual earthquake raises alarms: Is Iran testing its first nuclear bomb? - The Economic Times

Iran’s main nuclear facilities, long in Israel’s sights

Iran’s main nuclear facilities, long in Israel’s sights

Biden Warned Putin Not to Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine, New Book Says - Newsweek

Biden Warned Putin Not to Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine, New Book Says - Newsweek

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

Report explores use cases for advanced nuclear energy

There’s a Big Problem With Using Nuclear Rockets to Get to Mars

There’s a Big Problem With Using Nuclear Rockets to Get to Mars

U.S. Mainland in the Crosshairs: North Korea Begins Construction of First Nuclear Powered Submarine - Reports

U.S. Mainland in the Crosshairs: North Korea Begins Construction of First Nuclear Powered Submarine - Reports

Microsoft Deal to Restart Three Mile Island Could Be a Game-Changer - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Microsoft Deal to Restart Three Mile Island Could Be a Game-Changer - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Is restarting Three Mile Island really a good idea? - Fast Company

Is restarting Three Mile Island really a good idea? - Fast Company

Supreme Court takes up interim storage case | Hogan Lovells - JDSupra

Supreme Court takes up interim storage case | Hogan Lovells - JDSupra

A Nuclear Warning From Hurricane Helene - CounterPunch.org

A Nuclear Warning From Hurricane Helene - CounterPunch.org

Palisades corrosion exceeds estimates - Nuclear Engineering International

Palisades corrosion exceeds estimates - Nuclear Engineering International

U.S. Supreme Court Takes Up Nuclear Waste Storage Cases | Insights | Holland & Knight

U.S. Supreme Court Takes Up Nuclear Waste Storage Cases | Insights | Holland & Knight

How Nuclear Solutions Can Solve America’s Surging Energy Demand | Nasdaq

How Nuclear Solutions Can Solve America’s Surging Energy Demand | Nasdaq

Big Tech has cozied up to nuclear energy - The Verge

Big Tech has cozied up to nuclear energy - The Verge

How the US Lost the Solar Power Race to China

How the US Lost the Solar Power Race to China

Enhancing Strategic Deterrence: Israel, Iran, and Limited Nuclear War - JURIST - Commentary - Legal News & Commentary

Enhancing Strategic Deterrence: Israel, Iran, and Limited Nuclear War - JURIST - Commentary - Legal News & Commentary

Will the Middle East crisis affect Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia? It's complicated

Will the Middle East crisis affect Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia? It's complicated

The high-stakes gamble: Can missile defence systems truly intercept nuclear warheads? - World News

The high-stakes gamble: Can missile defence systems truly intercept nuclear warheads? - World News

DOE ~ US Needs to Plans 3X Expansion of Nuclear by 2050 | Neutron Bytes

DOE ~ US Needs to Plans 3X Expansion of Nuclear by 2050 | Neutron Bytes

Bank backing gives US nuclear new momentum | Reuters

Bank backing gives US nuclear new momentum | Reuters

US looks to resurrect more nuclear reactors, White House adviser says

US looks to resurrect more nuclear reactors, White House adviser says

Big Tech is upending the clean energy landscape | Utility Dive

Big Tech is upending the clean energy landscape | Utility Dive

America’s Top Performing Nuclear Plants Rely on Electrical Builders, Industries to Expand and Extend the Life of Their Critical Electrical Assets -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

America’s Top Performing Nuclear Plants Rely on Electrical Builders, Industries to Expand and Extend the Life of Their Critical Electrical Assets -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Mid-Atlantic Coast and Midwest selected for nuclear-to-hydrogen H2Hubs -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Mid-Atlantic Coast and Midwest selected for nuclear-to-hydrogen H2Hubs -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Why Microsoft Wants Three Mile Island's Nuclear Power - The Journal. - WSJ Podcasts

Why Microsoft Wants Three Mile Island's Nuclear Power - The Journal. - WSJ Podcasts

Philippines, South Korea to Study Bataan Nuclear Plant Rehabilitation – BNN Bloomberg

Philippines, South Korea to Study Bataan Nuclear Plant Rehabilitation – BNN Bloomberg

IAEA team samples seawater near Fukushima plant to ensure safe release of wastewater | AP News

IAEA team samples seawater near Fukushima plant to ensure safe release of wastewater | AP News

U.S. Bank Commits $98 Million Toward NuScale SMR Project in Romania

U.S. Bank Commits $98 Million Toward NuScale SMR Project in Romania

Russia to consider restricting uranium exports, Putin says - World Nuclear News

Russia to consider restricting uranium exports, Putin says - World Nuclear News

Equipment arrives at Niger mine as government support continues - World Nuclear News

Equipment arrives at Niger mine as government support continues - World Nuclear News

DC Circuit upholds FERC order on NextEra Seabrook circuit breaker | Utility Dive

DC Circuit upholds FERC order on NextEra Seabrook circuit breaker | Utility Dive

Supreme Court steps into a fight over plans to store nuclear waste in rural Texas and New Mexico | AP News

Supreme Court steps into a fight over plans to store nuclear waste in rural Texas and New Mexico | AP News

Opinion: Financing the future of clean energy—Green bonds in the nuclear sector -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Opinion: Financing the future of clean energy—Green bonds in the nuclear sector -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Federal watchdog says NRC needs to address more radiological risks, including “dirty bombs” -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Federal watchdog says NRC needs to address more radiological risks, including “dirty bombs” -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Reports: Japan’s leaders call for nuclear reactor restarts -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Reports: Japan’s leaders call for nuclear reactor restarts -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Google considers sourcing from nuclear power plants, says CEO Pichai - Nikkei Asia

Google considers sourcing from nuclear power plants, says CEO Pichai - Nikkei Asia

Kairos Power Breaks Ground on Molten Salt Production Facility | Department of Energy

Kairos Power Breaks Ground on Molten Salt Production Facility | Department of Energy

US' new nuclear subs face delay with costs soaring past $130 billion

US' new nuclear subs face delay with costs soaring past $130 billion

Israel May Not Be Able to Take Down Iran's Nuclear Sites on Its Own - Business Insider

Israel May Not Be Able to Take Down Iran's Nuclear Sites on Its Own - Business Insider

Microsoft signs groundbreaking energy deal with nuclear plant to power AI data centers: 'Energy sources that can consistently deliver'

Microsoft signs groundbreaking energy deal with nuclear plant to power AI data centers: 'Energy sources that can consistently deliver'

Nuclear rockets could travel to Mars in half the time − but designing the reactors that would power them isn’t easy

Nuclear rockets could travel to Mars in half the time − but designing the reactors that would power them isn’t easy

Kairos Power and its molten salt–cooled nuclear reactors | MIT Technology Review

Kairos Power and its molten salt–cooled nuclear reactors | MIT Technology Review

Japan's tokamak sets world record with 160-cubic-meter plasma volume

Japan's tokamak sets world record with 160-cubic-meter plasma volume

US DREAM TEAM to 3D print tungsten for use in nuclear fusion reactors

US DREAM TEAM to 3D print tungsten for use in nuclear fusion reactors

Scientists make major leap that could prevent catastrophic failures in fusion reactors — here's how it could unlock the secret to limitless energy

Scientists make major leap that could prevent catastrophic failures in fusion reactors — here's how it could unlock the secret to limitless energy

Utility-Scale Batteries & Pumped Storage Return About 80% of the Electricity they Store - CleanTechnica

Utility-Scale Batteries & Pumped Storage Return About 80% of the Electricity they Store - CleanTechnica

Refurbished Three Mile Island Payment Structure Is Not Quite What It Seems - CleanTechnica

Refurbished Three Mile Island Payment Structure Is Not Quite What It Seems - CleanTechnica