Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Can Europe Achieve a Clean, Affordable Power Balance?
Can Europe Achieve a Clean, Affordable Power Balance?by Nigel Blackaby, Power Engineering International | March 27, 2014 | 5 Comments |
Change is sweeping the European power industry as the integration of renewables gains pace. How Europe eventually navigates through these dramatic changes will fascinate power decision makers globally. The debate over whether rene... Full Articlehttp://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2014/03/maintaining-the-power-balance-in-europe?cmpid=SolarNL-Saturday-March29-2014 |
Is the Ukraine Crisis Compromising Germany's Renewable Energy Future?
Is the Ukraine Crisis Compromising Germany's Renewable Energy Future?by Geir Moulson, Associated Press | March 28, 2014 | 1 Comment |
The crisis in Ukraine has added an extra dose of uncertainty to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's biggest domestic project: shifting the country from nuclear to renewable energy sources. Full Articlehttp://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2014/03/is-the-ukraine-crisis-compromising-germanys-renewable-energy-future?cmpid=SolarNL-Saturday-March29-2014 |
3 Chinese state firms looking to build nuclear plants abroad
3 Chinese state firms looking to build nuclear plants abroad
State Nuclear
will consider various financing options to help potential customers as
it targets opportunities in Brazil, UK and South Africa
Xi and Obama Meet on Sidelines of Security Summit
Xi and Obama Meet on Sidelines of Security Summit
Obama, Xi Meet at Nuclear Security Summit
Secrets about suspected Israeli theft of U.S. weapons-grade nuclear material declassified - IRmep
Secrets about suspected Israeli theft of U.S. weapons-grade nuclear material declassified - IRmep
On March
18, 2014 ISCAP, the highest declassification authority in the U.S.,
released 84 pages (PDF) of formerly secret information about
investigations into the illegal diversion of weapons-grade nuclear
material from a Pennsylvania plant into the clandestine Israeli nuclear
weapons program.
DOE Officials Highlight Challenges Facing Baseload Nuclear Power
DOE Officials Highlight Challenges Facing Baseload Nuclear Power
http://www.nei.org/News-Media/News/News-Archives/DOE-Officials-Highlight-Challenges-Facing-Baseload"Nuclear Kingdom: Saudi Arabia's Atomic Ambitions"
"Nuclear Kingdom: Saudi Arabia's Atomic Ambitions"
Policy Brief, Washington Institute for Near East PolicyMarch 27, 2014
Authors: Olli Heinonen, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Simon Henderson
Rosatom buys into Fennovoima
Russia's state nuclear corporation Rosatom has acquired a 34%
stake in Fennovoima, the company proposing to build the Hanhikivi
nuclear power plant in Finland. The plant is to feature a
Russian-supplied reactor.
94% of Electricity in 2013 Came from Reactors, Dams and Fossil Fuels
94% of Electricity in 2013 Came from Reactors, Dams and Fossil Fuels
Russia, Kuwait discuss prospects for nuclear energy peaceful use
Russia, Kuwait discuss prospects for nuclear energy peaceful use
China to use Russian nuclear reactor as prototype
China to use Russian nuclear reactor as prototype
"MOSCOW - China will use Russia's evolutionary third generation nuclear pressurized water reactor as a prototype, announced Russia's Rosatom on Friday.According to a statement by Russian energy company Rosatom, a delegation composed of Chinese National Nuclear Energy Company and Jiangsu Nuclear Energy Council officials paid a visit to nuclear engineering company Atomenergoproekt located in St Petersburg.
Jiangsu Nuclear Energy Council Deputy Director Lyu Dzhaohua said they discussed the delivery of the 3rd and 4th unit to the Tyanvan Nuclear Plant, the largest nuclear plant in mainland China, built with Russian cooperation.
While Chinese National Nuclear Energy Company Deputy Director Yuy Peygen said they also negotiated a plan to use Atomenergoproekt's "AES-2006" energy facility project as a prototype for the 5th and 6th units of the nuclear plant.
AES-2006 is a third generation evolutionary pressurized water reactor based on Russian VVER plants, which were developed by OKB Gidropress, a Rosatom subsidiary."
Company stumbles have Energy Dept., Capitol Hill worried about $450 million nuclear program
Company stumbles have Energy Dept., Capitol Hill worried about $450 million nuclear program
Countering Moscow: Europe's Nuclear Options
Countering Moscow: Europe's Nuclear Options
Projects such as the U.K.'s planned Hinckley Point C are critical to energy security. Brussels must not get in the way.
Thyroid cancer prevalence not increased near nuclear power plants
Thyroid cancer prevalence not increased near nuclear power plants
http://www.healio.com/endocrinology/thyroid/news/online/%7Bebb78803-2d0e-4ce3-9ee0-c008eb418b44%7D/thyroid-cancer-prevalence-not-increased-near-nuclear-power-plantsDubai to secure nuclear power from Abu Dhabi
Dubai to secure nuclear power from Abu Dhabi
The emirate rules out - for now - plan to build a nuclear power plant
Watts Bar staff swells to 5,000 as nuclear power backers say more reactors help jobs
Watts Bar staff swells to 5,000 as nuclear power backers say more reactors help jobs
Vermont board OKs plans to close down Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant by end of year
Vermont board OKs plans to close down Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant by end of year
Texas nuclear power plants seek new workforce
Texas nuclear power plants seek new workforce
"What Did We Learn From Three Mile Island?"

"What Did We Learn From Three Mile Island?"
Rod Adams on the 35th anniversary of the accident at Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station -- lessons learned and lessons still being learned
Guest Post by Llewellyn King: Always His Own Man: a Rembrance of Jim Schlessinger

This is the obit running in The Energy Daily
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: White House Chronicle
Date: Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Schlesinger
His Own Man: a Remembrance of Jim Schlesinger
Llewellyn King
Rodney Schlesinger was assistant director of the Bureau of the
Budget, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, director of the
CIA, secretary of defense, secretary of energy , chairman of The
MITRE Corporation, managing director of Lehman Brothers Holdings
Inc., and my friend. He was a colossus in Washington; a great Sequoia
who towered in the forest.
who died on Thursday, more than anyone I've known in public life
including presidents, prime ministers and industrial savants, knew
who he was. From that came a special strength: he didn't care what
people thought of him. What he did care about were the great issues
of the time.
was a man of granite, steel and titanium and he could take abuse and
denunciation – as he did, most especially, as the first secretary
of energy. He also had extraordinary intellectual ability. No name,
time or date evaded him, and he understood complex issues, from
geopolitical balances to the physics of the nuclear stockpile.
Goldman, a key member of Schlesinger's circle in government and in
life, said his genius was in capturing huge quantities of information
and synthesizing it into a course of action. He also had phenomenal
energy, going to work very early in the morning and staying up late
at night. During his tenure at the Department of Energy, he had to
testify on Capitol Hill almost daily, so he checked in at 5 a.m. to
get the work done. His relaxation was birdwatching.
was a great public servant; someone who venerated public service
without regard to its rewards. He drove a VW Beetle for years and
lived in a modest house in the suburbs. Even as secretary of defense,
a post from which he could order up airplanes, ships and limousines,
he kept an extraordinary modesty. Pomp was not for him.
he was a tough customer. Schlesinger spared none with his invective
and regarded the creation of enemies as part of the normal course of
getting things done.
getting things done was what he was good at -- rudely awakening
somnolent bureaucrats, angering whole industries and unsettling
cliques, as he did at the CIA. Wherever he was in charge, he applied
his boot to the sensitive hind regions of the complacent, the lazy
and the inept. He punctured the egos of the self-regarding and kept
military men waiting, tapping their feet and examining their watches.
at the CIA, Schlesinger and I were engaged in a long conversation
about the British Empire – a favorite subject – when his aide,
who had been hovering, came back for the second or third time and
said, “Sir, the admiral has been waiting for an hour already.”
“Good,” said Schlesinger. Then, as an aside to me, he said, “It's
good for admirals to wait.”
another occasion, when I was part of a press party traveling with
Schlesinger after the opening of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve site
in a salt cavern in Louisiana, Schlesinger sent his trusted and
well-liked press chief John Harris back to the reporters to say that
Schlesinger wanted to talk to me. I went forward to the executive
cabin, where the secretary of energy was playing the harmonica.
taking requests,” he said.
blurted out the few songs I knew, and he played on -- and on and on.
about half an hour, Harris came forward again to say that the other
reporters, including Steve Rattner, who was to become a billionaire
Wall Street investor, but was then a reporter with The New York
Times' Washington bureau, wanted to know why I was getting an
exclusive interview.
wouldn't be mollified with the assurance that I was listening to the
great man play the harmonica. Rattner in particular, believed that I
had some big story that I'd publish in The Energy Daily and
embarrass him and The Times.
Energy Daily, too, had involved Schlesinger. I reported on
nuclear power for the trade publication Nucleonics Week, which
is how I had met him at the Atomic Energy Commission. But at night, I
worked as an editor at The Washington Post. Quite suddenly,
President Richard Nixon nominated Schlesinger to replace Richard
Helms as director of the CIA, and The Post op-ed pages were
flooded with articles about Helms, but not a word about the new man
in Langley. I asked Meg Greenfield, the storied editorial page
editor, why she didn't publish something about Schlesinger. No one,
she said, knew anything about Schlesinger.
avowed as I did, and the result was a longer-than-usual piece that
she published on a Saturday. It became the “go to” archival
resource for a generation of journalists writing about Schlesinger.
But it cost me my day job, as my editor didn't think I should be
writing in The Washington Post. So I started what became The
Energy Daily.
trick to friendship with James Schlesinger was disputation. He'd like
people he could talk to and especially argue with. I argued -- over
Scotland's most famous product -- about American exceptionalism; the
uses of force; the limits to power; the Gulf War; the Saudis; obscure
points of grammar, as he was strict grammarian who always found time
to telephone me, and later e-mail me, to correct my slippages.
argued for more than 40 years and loved every syllable of it.
also argued vigorously over Bill Clinton. I was Schlesinger's guest
at the legendary Alfalfa Club dinner in Washington and I fell into
conversion with the president, Bill Clinton. When I returned to the
table, looking pleased, Schlesinger exclaimed, “You've been talking
to him!” -- as though this was some huge betrayal.
also didn't like Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford, the latter having
fired him.
admired what he called “intellectual structure.” But I could
never get him to define it.
to the end of Schlesinger's life, my wife, Linda Gasparello, and he
were engaged in a complicated and loving dispute over Henry II and
Eleanor of Provence. He loved that kind of thing.
are ill-advised to care too deeply for the men they write about.
Schlesinger was my treasured exception.
King is executive producer and host of “White House Chronicle” on
PBS. His e-mail is lking@kingpublishing.com.

Friday, March 28, 2014
An energy stock for the data-center boom
An energy stock for the data-center boom
This company is partnering with tech giants to build facilities all over the country, and its shares have jumped 168% in the last year.
Energy Economist: The battered state of EU-Russia energy relations
Energy Economist: The battered state of EU-Russia energy relations
http://blogs.platts.com/2014/03/28/russia-eu-ukraine-energy/James R. Schlesinger, Willful Aide to Three Presidents, Is Dead at 85 By ROBERT D. McFADDEN
James R. Schlesinger, Willful Aide to Three Presidents, Is Dead at 85
By ROBERT D. McFADDENhttp://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/28/us/politics/james-r-schlesinger-cold-war-hard-liner-dies-at-85.html?_r=0
Could Ukraine crisis spur new forms of nuclear energy?
Could Ukraine crisis spur new forms of nuclear energy?
MOX Project: Important Part of the U.S. Nonproliferation Program
MOX Project: Important Part of the U.S. Nonproliferation Program
http://us.arevablog.com/2014/02/24/mox-project-important-part-of-the-u-s-nonproliferation-program/In Memoriam: James R. Schlesinger
Mar 27, 2014 07:00 pm | The Editors and Publishers
Schlesinger’s brand of high-minded realism—combining strategic thinking, pragmatism, and a commitment to America’s principles as a source of strength and leadership—continues as Center’s and The National Interest’s defining philosophy today. We will greatly miss him, and especially his penetrating analysis and wise counsel, which have been essential in our work. Nevertheless, Jim’s legacy will continue to shape everything that we do in trying to understand today’s uncertain world.http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/memoriam-james-r-schlesinger-10141
Utilities eye more non-nuclear power output
Utilities eye more non-nuclear power output
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/03/26/business/utilities-eye-more-non-nuclear-power-output/#.UzWjFhlXBDQSendai nuclear plant only one to pass requirements for NRA screening before summer
Sendai nuclear plant only one to pass requirements for NRA screening before summer
China working on uranium-free nuclear plants in attempt to combat smog
China working on uranium-free nuclear plants in attempt to combat smog
Beijing brings forward deadline for world's first thorium-fuelled facility in attempt to break reliance on fossil fuels
SPECIAL REPORT-The U.S. government lab behind China's nuclear power push
SPECIAL REPORT-The U.S. government lab behind China's nuclear power push
http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/12/20/breakout-thorium-idINL4N0FE21U20131220ABB to Improve Reliability of Power Grid in Saudi Arabia
ABB to Improve Reliability of Power Grid in Saudi Arabia
Japan steps up shift to coal, gas amid nuclear shutdowns
Japan steps up shift to coal, gas amid nuclear shutdowns
Lawmakers worry China will top U.S. in scientific research
Lawmakers worry China will top U.S. in scientific research
Utilities natural gas efficiency investments top $1B
Utilities natural gas efficiency investments top $1B
Policy battles brewing over distributed energy
Policy battles brewing over distributed energy
http://www.fierceenergy.com/story/policy-battles-brewing-over-distributed-energy/2014-03-28?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internalPGE to focus on customer-side resources
PGE to focus on customer-side resources http://www.fierceenergy.com/story/pge-focus-customer-side-resources/2014-03-28?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal
Power Engineering's Top Stories 3/28
Top Stories | |||
GHG permit issued for natural gas-fired power
plant The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a greenhouse gas (GHG) permit for El Paso Electric’s planned natural gas-fired power plant in Texas. Read More Share: |
Crystal River Nuclear Plant's unused fuel
assemblies to be sold by Duke Energy Florida Duke Energy Florida (NYSE: DUK) will sell 76 unused nuclear fuel assemblies from its retired Crystal River Nuclear Plant. Read More Share: |
U.S. lawmakers ask for passage of wind energy PTC,
ITC Members of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate have signed letters asking for the extension of the wind production tax credit (PTC) and the investment tax credit (ITC). Read More Share: |
Black Hills Corp. retires coal-fired power plant in
Wyoming Black Hills Corp. closed down a 22-MW coal-fired power plant in Wyoming due to federal environmental regulations. Read More Share: |
The Week's Most Read Articles | |||
Mitsubishi Hitachi signs $77.8 million deal for
501J gas turbine A deal to build what may be the most efficient combined cycle power plant in the U.S. was finalized last week in Tulsa, Okla. Read More Share: |
Duke contemplates retiring additional coal-fired
capacity in response to coal ash spill Duke Energy is considering closing units at two coal-fired plants in response to the coal ash spill at Dan River in North Carolina, according to a report from the Charlotte Business Journal. Read More Share: |
Video: Island Station coal-fired power plant
imploded Demolition crews imploded the Island Station coal-fired power plant on Sunday, near the Mississippi river, in St. Paul, Minn. Read More Share: |
Natural gas-fired combined cycle project gains EPC
contractor The Louisiana Energy and Power Authority (LEPA) signed an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Robins & Morton to build a 64-MW combined cycle power plant in Morgan City, La. Read More Share: |
More Headlines
• NRG Energy enters joint venture for gas-to-liquids, renewable fuels
• Swinerton awarded contract for 40 MW of Duke solar power projects
• EIA: U.S. coal inventory low due to cold temperatures
• Dragonfly Solar, SolarWorld to deliver solar power to utility co-ops
• $1.3bn contract signed for hydroelectric power plant in Canada
• Capstone to install CHP technology at LA health care facilities
• Watts Bar nuclear reactor taken offline for refueling
• France’s decision on price for nuclear competitors delayed
• Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 reconnected after maintenance
• U.S., Czech Republic open nuclear energy research center
• Wind Coalition releases energy study for Oklahoma
• Report: Global wind industry installs 20% less capacity in 2013
• Iowa wind farm to relocate
• Cape Wind secures $400M more in financing for offshore project
• Duke Energy releases plans for coal ash basins
• Areva installs I&C system in U.S. nuclear power plant
• Offshore wind farm could supply power to Long Island
• NRG Energy enters joint venture for gas-to-liquids, renewable fuels
• Swinerton awarded contract for 40 MW of Duke solar power projects
• EIA: U.S. coal inventory low due to cold temperatures
• Dragonfly Solar, SolarWorld to deliver solar power to utility co-ops
• $1.3bn contract signed for hydroelectric power plant in Canada
• Capstone to install CHP technology at LA health care facilities
• Watts Bar nuclear reactor taken offline for refueling
• France’s decision on price for nuclear competitors delayed
• Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 reconnected after maintenance
• U.S., Czech Republic open nuclear energy research center
• Wind Coalition releases energy study for Oklahoma
• Report: Global wind industry installs 20% less capacity in 2013
• Iowa wind farm to relocate
• Cape Wind secures $400M more in financing for offshore project
• Duke Energy releases plans for coal ash basins
• Areva installs I&C system in U.S. nuclear power plant
• Offshore wind farm could supply power to Long Island
Industry Trends | |||
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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Economic
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White Papers | |||
Study and Design Considerations of HRSG Evaporators
in Fast Start Combined Cycle Plants The ability of horizontal HRSGs cyclic operation has been discussed and widely reported in literatures and studies. However, the operation and design life of HRSGs become more important when the system is operated with fast startup times. Read More Share: |
Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Within the Oil &
Gas Industry Two white papers within this document address the stress corrosion cracking that occurs as a result of the conjoint action of mechanical loading in a corrosive environment, like offshore rigs Read More Share: |
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