A 20-Year Low in US Carbon Emissions
New York Times (blog) -
Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the United States from
January through March were the lowest of any recorded for the first
quarter of the year since 1992, the federal Energy Information
Administration reports. The agency attributed the decline to a ...
Is The US Carbon Emissions Drop Real 'Weight' Loss, Or Just A Fad Diet?
Huffington Post -
As any credible health professional will tell you, the only way to
realize and sustain healthy weight loss over the long-term is with
discipline, a balanced diet, and a consistent regiment of exercise. So
what does this have to do with energy and climate?
CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low
PITTSBURGH (AP) — In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon
dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen
dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years, and government officials
say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful ...
US carbon emissions in surprise drop
Bangkok Post -
The smoke stacks at American Electric Power's (AEP) Mountaineer coal
power plant in New Haven, West Virginia in 2009. US emissions of carbon
dioxide blamed for climate change fell in 2011 and have slipped to a
20-year low this year as the the world's ...
AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low
Atlanta Journal Constitution -
By KEVIN BEGOS. The Associated Press. PITTSBURGH — In a surprising
turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the
atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20
years, and government officials say the biggest ...
What's Reducing Carbon Emissions? Natural Gas.
Daily Beast -
US-Energy-Gas-Environment Workers change pipes at Consol Energy
Horizontal Gas Drilling Rig exploring the Marcellus Shale outside the
town of Waynesburg, PA on April 13, 2012. (MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty
Images). One of the unsung innovations ...
CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low; some experts optimistic on global ...
Fox News -
FILE - in this June 25, 2012 file photo, a crew works on a drilling rig
at a well site for shale based natural gas in Zelienople, Pa. In a
surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into
the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its ...
Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Are Putting the Kabosh on Clean Energy
Wired News (blog) -
Since the 1950s, the US has had a perverse approach to energy. In
effect we have maximized demand by building bigger, hungrier cars,
homes, and lifestyles and minimized supply by limiting oil drilling,
coal mining, and nuclear development. And how do we ...
US carbon emissions drop to 20-year low
Sky News Australia -
The amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the
US has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years as power plant operators
switch from coal to natural gas. Michael Mann, director of the Earth
System Science Center at Penn State University, ...
Carbon dioxide surprise sees decreased levels being released
Philadelphia Inquirer - 19 hours ago
Carbon dioxide surprise sees decreased levels being released.
PITTSBURGH - In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide
being released into the atmosphere in the United States has fallen
dramatically, to its lowest level in 20 years, and ...
In a surprise, CO2 emissions fall to 20-year low in US
Mainly because power plants have switched from coal to natural gas,
climate-changing carbon dioxide emissions hit an unexpected 20-year low
earlier this year, the Associated Press reports. AP cites a
"little-noticed technical report" released earlier this ...
US Carbon Emissions: 2012 Levels At 20 Year Low
Huffington Post -
co2 Emissions Levels 20 Year Low, Us Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Us
Carbon Dioxide Emissions Levels, Us Carbon Emissions, Us Carbon
Emissions Levels, Us co2 Emissions Levels, Green News. PITTSBURGH — In a
surprising turnaround, the amount ...
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, August 17, 2012
A 20-Year Low in US Carbon Emissions
Record Heat, Drought Pose Problems for US Electric Power
Thousands of cracks found in Belgian nuclear power plant
Thousands of cracks found in Belgian nuclear power plant EUobserver.com BRUSSELS - Belgium's nuclear safety chief, Willy De Roovere, on Thursday (16 August) said there could be thousands of cracks in the reactor vessel of the ageing Doel 3 nuclear reactor situated 25 km outside Antwerp and 3 km from the Dutch border.http://euobserver.com/justice/117266 |
Florida's Nuclear Energy Industry Under Fire
Florida's Nuclear Energy Industry Under Fire
Florida's energy industry, like any regulated industry, has to be concerned about legislative or regulatory threats that may negatively impact its bottom line. For example, NextEra Energy, Inc., Florida's largest supplier of residential electricity ...http://politic365.com/2012/08/17/floridas-nuclear-energy-industry-under-fire/
Florida's energy industry, like any regulated industry, has to be concerned about legislative or regulatory threats that may negatively impact its bottom line. For example, NextEra Energy, Inc., Florida's largest supplier of residential electricity ...http://politic365.com/2012/08/17/floridas-nuclear-energy-industry-under-fire/
Ukraine badly needs waste nuclear fuel storage facility, says Emergencies Ministry
Ukraine badly needs waste nuclear fuel storage facility, says Emergencies Ministry
Interfax -
17:45. Ukraine needs to give a serious thought to building a
centralized storage facility for waste nuclear fuel since waste fuel
from Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs), which is temporary stored in
the Russian Federation will start to come back from 2013, ...http://www.interfax.com.ua/eng/main/114609/
Emergencies Ministry concerned about lack of storage facilities for nuclear waste
ForUm - 12 hours ago
Emergencies Ministry concerned about lack of storage facilities for
nuclear waste. Emergencies Ministry of Ukraine has expressed concern
over the absence of sufficient number of facilities to keep nuclear
waste on the territory of the country. "The question ...http://en.for-ua.com/news/2012/08/17/161330.html
Nuclear Meltdown
Nuclear Meltdown
A collection of the nuclear panic that has occurred over the years from Hiroshima to the Fukushima nuclear power plant today
Nuke Plant closer than Fukushima to Epicenter of Last Year's Earthquake ...
Nuke Plant closer than Fukushima to Epicenter of Last Year's Earthquake ...
TopNews United States - 12 hours ago
In their latest findings, Nuclear experts have appreciated the benefits
of designing a structure with enough safety margins that have been
noticed now as a Japanese nuclear power plant that is built closer to
the epicenter of last year's devastating earthquake ... Nuke Plant closer than Fukushima to Epicenter of Last Year's Earthquake ...
A Rational View of Nuclear Power
A Rational View of Nuclear Power
Wall Street Journal - 3 hours ago
Social Sharing: On |OffNot You? What's This. Share videos you watch on
WSJ Live with your Facebook friends. Videos you watch here will
automatically be posted to your timeline. Log OutIf this is not you or
you want to change users, logout. Note: You will be ...http://live.wsj.com/video/a-rational-view-of-nuclear-power/8E32D9D0-CEE8-4504-BD35-1207DB9C37DC.html#!8E32D9D0-CEE8-4504-BD35-1207DB9C37DC
The Panic Over Fukushima
The Panic Over Fukushima
Wall Street Journal
Japan's nuclear accident was a great human tragedy, but its long-term health effects have been exaggerated—and the virtues of nuclear power remain. Article; Video; Slideshow; Comments. more in Life & Culture | Find New $LINKTEXTFIND$ » ...http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444772404577589270444059332.html
Wall Street Journal
Japan's nuclear accident was a great human tragedy, but its long-term health effects have been exaggerated—and the virtues of nuclear power remain. Article; Video; Slideshow; Comments. more in Life & Culture | Find New $LINKTEXTFIND$ » ...http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444772404577589270444059332.html
China Energy Update 8/17
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China turns to fracking to help meet growing energy demand Public Radio International PRI Hydraulic fracturing has recently emerged as an alternative source of energy in the United States. Now China, the world's largest energy consumer, is experimenting with it. The Chinese government hopes the controversial technology will help wean the ... | ||
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Obstacles hurting Canada-China energy investment Legal Business Online Chinese energy firms are particularly interested in the Canadian oil and gas sector, and have invested more than $7 billion in the last year alone. Alberta's oilsands are the world's third-largest proven reserve of crude, and the Nexen bid is China's ... | ||
Daqo New Energy Announces Second Quarter 2012 Results Sacramento Bee CHONGQING, China, Aug. 17, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Daqo New Energy Corp. (NYSE: DQ) ("Daqo New Energy" or the "Company"), a leading polysilicon manufacturer based in China, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second ... | ||
China's Hunt for Gold Goes Overseas Wall Street Journal BEIJING—After years of scooping big overseas energy and industrial metal assets, China is gaining momentum in another commodity sector: gold. China National Gold Group Corp.'s potential $3.9 billion bid to acquire African Barrick Gold PLC is the ... | ||
Renewables Rout Ends as Asian Bidders Seek Q-Cells, A123: Energy Businessweek The slump in renewable energy shares is ending as bidders from China and South Korea signaled interest in German solar manufacturer Q-Cells SE (QCE) and A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), a U.S. maker of batteries for electric cars. Wanxiang Group Corp. of ... | ||
Energy bar Vancouver Sun read these stories at financialpost.com/ energy. Official study. Obstacles hurting Canada-China energy investment. Stark differences. Obama spars with Romney on energy policy. follow us on. twitter. @fpenergy Barrelful of energy news @Yad_FPEnergy ... CNC World - China's energy industry The move has not only triggered fierce debate over China's fuel pricing mechanism, but also indicates the urgent need to develop energy substitutes to counter ... www.cncworld.tv/.../26829_ |
China Energy Market Weekly Report_卓创资讯
No.172 China Energy Market Weekly Report. ... No.171 China Energy Market Weekly Report. 08-10-2012. No.170 China Energy Market Weekly Report. 08-03- ...
China's energy use down 2 per cent in 2011 | Eco-Business.com
By Michelle Del Gallego-Ngo
Government data issued on Thursday show that China cut its energy usage by 2.01 percent in 2011 to 0.79 tonnes of standard coal equivalent for every 10000 yuan (US$1570) of China's GDP. Beijing recorded the greatest decline, dropping ...
Eco-Business - Asia's Cleantech...
Fukushima Update 8/17

Here's the topic summaries of today's Fukushima Updates. Click the link for the full reports.
The Tokyo government ordered Tepco to not
tell the Press that unit #3 at F. Daiichi was in a very dangerous
state, early on March 14... A study by the National Defense Medical
College and Ehime University shows public slander and criticism
contributed more to the mental stress of Fukushima workers than fear of
radiation... The Tokyo government has begun a comprehensive survey of
Fukushima evacuees to see how many want to return home. The government
estimates that about 15,000 residents from inside the former no-go zones
will not be allowed to return home in the foreseeable future because of
possible exposures in excess of 20 mSv... Nearly 700 Japanese retirees
want to volunteer in the F. Daiichi
recovery, but Tokyo is not cooperating.
Tepco/Tokyo executives considered full F. Daiichi abandonment
Tepco/Tokyo executives considered full F. Daiichi abandonment
now seems that Tepco/Tokyo may have actually deliberated full
abandonment of F. Daiichi during the accident. Tepco teleconferencing
during March 14 reveals that the
possibility was discussed among some Tokyo executives. This shows that
Tepco’s incessant denial of considering abandonment has been less than
US Nuclear Energy Foundation "Evangelizing Nuclear Advocacy by Bringing Science to Citizens"
Studies examine health consequences of meltdown, damage to Fukushima nuclear power plants in Japan
Studies examine health consequences of meltdown, damage to Fukushima nuclear power plants in Japan
Chicago IL (SPX) Aug 17, 2012
The results of two studies in the August 15 issue of JAMA report on the
psychological status of workers at the Fukushima nuclear power plants in
Japan several months after the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011,
and the amount of internal radiation exposure among residents of a city
north of the power plant that experienced a meltdown.
As reported in a Research Letter, Jun Shigemura, M.Dhttp://www.terradaily.com/reports/Studies_examine_health_consequences_of_meltdown_damage_to_Fukushima_nuclear_power_plants_in_Japan_999.html
Carving up Turkey’s nuclear energy market
Carving up Turkey’s nuclear energy market
by noreply@blogger.com (Dan Yurman)
The question is how big is the bird and will any of the proposed deals fly?http://djysrv.blogspot.com/2012/08/carving-up-turkeys-nuclear-energy-market.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FYiuo+%28Idaho+Samizdat%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
ANS Friday Matinee: Idaho National Laboratory’s CAVE
Friday Matinee: Idaho National Laboratory’s CAVE
by pbowersox
Idaho National Laboratory‘s Computer Assisted Virtual Environment (CAVE) at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies allows scientists and engineers to literally walk into their data and examine it.Users can tour a building still under design, plot a new transmission route over terrain, open a valve, or… delve into the core of a nuclear reactor.
Wheeler and Harding discuss ANS Utility Working Conference
Atomic Show #188 - Wheeler and Harding discuss ANS Utility Working Conference
Butterflies are not human analogs. Radiation not only mutagen released in Fukushima by tsunami
Butterflies are not human analogs. Radiation not only mutagen released in Fukushima by tsunami
Ethanol in Gas Tanks Makes Food on Your Table Cost More
Ethanol in Gas Tanks Makes Food on Your Table Cost More
by Bloomberg
Record-high corn prices should be sending a clear message to policy makers in Washington: Requiring people to put corn-based fuel in their gas tanks is a bad idea. Since 2005, the U.S. government has mandated that gasoline contain ethanol, almost all of it derived from corn. . .http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-16/ethanol-in-gas-tanks-makes-food-on-your-table-cost-more.html
Record-high corn prices should be sending a clear message to policy makers in Washington: Requiring people to put corn-based fuel in their gas tanks is a bad idea. Since 2005, the U.S. government has mandated that gasoline contain ethanol, almost all of it derived from corn. . .http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-16/ethanol-in-gas-tanks-makes-food-on-your-table-cost-more.html
Abundant oil and gas are putting the kabosh on clean energy
Oil & Gas are Putting the Kabosh on Clean Energy
by Peter Schwartz, Wired
Peter Schwartz, Wired
Since the 1950s, the US has had a perverse approach to energy. In effect we have maximized demand by building bigger, hungrier cars, homes, and lifestyles and minimized supply by limiting oil drilling, coal mining, and nuclear development. And how do we make up the difference? We buy oil from the people who hate us most.http://www.wired.com/business/2012/08/mf_naturalgas/
Since the 1950s, the US has had a perverse approach to energy. In effect we have maximized demand by building bigger, hungrier cars, homes, and lifestyles and minimized supply by limiting oil drilling, coal mining, and nuclear development. And how do we make up the difference? We buy oil from the people who hate us most.http://www.wired.com/business/2012/08/mf_naturalgas/
Nuclear's Dilmemma: Few Jobs, Just Energy
Nuclear's Dilmemma: Few Jobs, Just Energy
by William Tucker, Nuclear TH
William Tucker, Nuclear TH
America's energy future is a contest between coal and wind. Which can create more jobs? If you think there's a better option, you don't have a place at the table. And that's where nuclear stands today. Sure, there may be questions about potential accidents and the effects of radiation, but the real problem is this: Nuclear is so energy intensive that it doesn't produce enough jobs to create a political constituency.http://www.nucleartownhall.com/blog/william-tucker-nuclear%E2%80%99s-problem-%E2%80%94-too-much-energy-not-enough-jobs/
America's energy future is a contest between coal and wind. Which can create more jobs? If you think there's a better option, you don't have a place at the table. And that's where nuclear stands today. Sure, there may be questions about potential accidents and the effects of radiation, but the real problem is this: Nuclear is so energy intensive that it doesn't produce enough jobs to create a political constituency.http://www.nucleartownhall.com/blog/william-tucker-nuclear%E2%80%99s-problem-%E2%80%94-too-much-energy-not-enough-jobs/
A123 Systems which got a quarter-billion dollar green technology grant from the Obama administration Just sold out to the Chinese
A123 Systems which got a quarter-billion dollar green technology grant from the Obama administration Just sold out to the Chinese.
A123 Systems gets $465 million rescue from Chinese auto parts maker madeinusanews.com
A123 Systems which got a quarter-billion
dollar green technology grant from the Obama administration Just sold
out to the Chinese.
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Human Capital: Australia Subsea
Human Capital: Australia Subsea
Australia is one of the most important emerging markets in the
global energy industry. With an increased focus on offshore exploration
and production, its energy sector has grown aggressively and quickly
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