Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Nuke plant shutdowns will have ripples across Pa. economy | Opinon | PennLive.com
Nuke plant shutdowns will have ripples across Pa. economy | Opinon | PennLive.com: Pennsylvania's nuclear industry produces over 40 percent of the state's electricity.
Ohio's Kucinich Picks Nuclear Power
Ohio's Kucinich Picks Nuclear Power: Nuclear power is under attack from the deregulated energy market in Ohio but Dennis Kucinich, a long-standing opponent to nuclear power, seems to understand the problem better than most. He wants to re-regulate the energy market and doesn’t want to close Ohio’s nuclear plants.
Ohio's Kucinich Picks Nuclear Power
Ohio's Kucinich Picks Nuclear Power: Nuclear power is under attack from the deregulated energy market in Ohio but Dennis Kucinich, a long-standing opponent to nuclear power, seems to understand the problem better than most. He wants to re-regulate the energy market and doesn’t want to close Ohio’s nuclear plants.
If Trump Blows Up the Deal, Iran Gets the Bomb | by Jeremy Bernstein | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
If Trump Blows Up the Deal, Iran Gets the Bomb | by Jeremy Bernstein | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books: The IAEA has certified that—some minor violations aside—the Iranians have implemented the agreement. What happens if there is no agreement? The IAEA inspectors would leave the country and the program would restart at full bore. Most experts estimate that it would be a matter of months before the Iranians built their first bomb. The notion that President Trump has of somehow getting a “better deal” is delusional. There is no better deal. The Iranians have everything they need to make nuclear weapons—including uranium. The JCPOA is our best, and perhaps our only, chance of preventing Iran from getting the bomb.
Trump threatens China with new $100 billion tariff plan
Trump threatens China with new $100 billion tariff plan: President Donald Trump ratcheted up the trade war rhetoric with China on Thursday evening.
Here’s how the US needs to prepare for the age of artificial intelligence - MIT Technology Review
Here’s how the US needs to prepare for the age of artificial intelligence - MIT Technology Review: Government indifference toward AI could let the US lose ground to rival countries. But what would a good AI plan actually look like?
The “Black Mirror” scenarios that are leading some experts to call for more secrecy on AI - MIT Technology Review
The “Black Mirror” scenarios that are leading some experts to call for more secrecy on AI - MIT Technology Review: Artificial intelligence could sway elections, help Big Brother, and make hackers way more dangerous, suggests a new report.
The U.S. Leads in Artificial Intelligence, but for How Long? - MIT Technology Review
The U.S. Leads in Artificial Intelligence, but for How Long? - MIT Technology Review: Government policies overshadow AI’s biggest gathering.
“The Relentless Pace of Automation” - MIT Technology Review
“The Relentless Pace of Automation” - MIT Technology Review: Artificial intelligence could dramatically improve the economy and aspects of everyday life, but we need to invent ways to make sure everyone benefits.
India Slashes Plans for New Nuclear Reactors by Two-Thirds | Neutron Bytes
India Slashes Plans for New Nuclear Reactors by Two-Thirds | Neutron Bytes: The Financial Express, one of India’s major newspapers, reports that the Narendra Modi government, which had set the ambitious 63,000 MW nuclear power capacity addition target by the year 2031-32, …
Thursday, April 5, 2018
DPRK nuclear reactor ‘possibly shut down’ - The Japan News
DPRK nuclear reactor ‘possibly shut down’ - The Japan News: WASHINGTON (Jiji Press) — New satellite imagery suggests that North Korea has shut down a plutonium-producing reactor at its Yongbyon nuclear complex for the time being, the 38 North website said Wednesday.
Why are unions so keen on nuclear jobs? | Letters | Environment | The Guardian
Why are unions so keen on nuclear jobs? | Letters | Environment | The Guardian: Letter: Andy Stirling and Phil Johnstone reply to criticism of their analysis of the government’s infatuation with nuclear power
Nuclear power firms woo Middle East | News | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
Nuclear power firms woo Middle East | News | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific: Middle Eastern countries are welcoming nuclear power firms promising to meet their energy needs, while most of the world worries over reactor costs.
Cyprus to protest Turkey’s planned nuclear power plant - The Washington Post
Cyprus to protest Turkey’s planned nuclear power plant - The Washington Post: Cyprus says it will lodge protests over the construction of Turkey’s first nuclear power plant a few dozen kilometers from the east Mediterranean island nation.
Fukushima update 4/5/18
Fukushima update 4/5/18 –
School reopens in Iitate Village for the first time in seven years… A new emergency hospital opens in Tomioka Town… Prize-winning novelist Miri Yu will open a bookstore in repopulating Minamisoma… Japco gives more communities control over reactor restarts… A non-radioactive steam leak at a nuke plant makes headlines across Japan.
School reopens in Iitate Village for the first time in seven years… A new emergency hospital opens in Tomioka Town… Prize-winning novelist Miri Yu will open a bookstore in repopulating Minamisoma… Japco gives more communities control over reactor restarts… A non-radioactive steam leak at a nuke plant makes headlines across Japan.
Does the Departure of Rex Tillerson Signal the End for the Nuclear Deal With Iran? - Carnegie Middle East Center - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Does the Departure of Rex Tillerson Signal the End for the Nuclear Deal With Iran? - Carnegie Middle East Center - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: A regular survey of experts on matters relating to Middle Eastern and North African politics and security.
Security Implications of China’s Military Presence in the Indian Ocean | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Security Implications of China’s Military Presence in the Indian Ocean | Center for Strategic and International Studies: Download the Brief The issue: China’s increased military presence in the Indian Ocean should not come as a surprise. China is following in the traditional path of other rising powers; it is expanding its military operations to match its interests abroad.
Boeing's Role in the Iran Nuclear Deal Must Be Investigated
Boeing's Role in the Iran Nuclear Deal Must Be Investigated: Is it possible that the Iran nuclear deal�was pushed through without being considered a treaty because of the involvement�of Boeing?
The simple argument for keeping nuclear power plants open - Vox
The simple argument for keeping nuclear power plants open - Vox: We need more carbon-free power, not less.
No: 1 8- 010 April 5, 2018 CONTACT: Scott Burnell , 301- 415- 8200 NRC to Issue New Reactor Licenses to Florida Power and Light for Turkey Point Site Near Miami
to Issue New Reactor Licenses to Florida Power and Light
for Turkey Point Site
Modi government cuts nuclear power capacity addition target to one-third - The Financial Express
Modi government cuts nuclear power capacity addition target to one-third - The Financial Express: The Narendra Modi government, which had set the ambitious 63,000 MW nuclear power capacity addition target by the year 2031-32, has cut it down to 22,480 MW, a Lok Sabha answer has revealed.
New Jersey lawmakers advance bill to rescue nuclear industry | News | heraldcourier.com
New Jersey lawmakers advance bill to rescue nuclear industry | News | heraldcourier.com: TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey lawmakers on Thursday advanced legislation to give the state's nuclear power industry a $300 million annual rate-payer-financed rescue package.
Trump says emergency aid sought by FirstEnergy to be examined | Crain's Cleveland Business
Trump says emergency aid sought by FirstEnergy to be examined | Crain's Cleveland Business: 'We'll be looking at that. We're trying,' President Donald Trump said during remarks in West Virginia's coal country, in an apparent reference to utility FirstEnergy Corp.'s request for emergency aid to keep its money-losing power plants open.
ANS Nuclear Policy Wire April 5, 2018 Re: Power Plays
April 5, 2018
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup April 5, 2018
Turkish-Russian-Iranian Summit: Limits to a Tripartite Entente - The Globalist
Turkish-Russian-Iranian Summit: Limits to a Tripartite Entente - The Globalist: Putin has Turkey exactly where he wants it: as an upset NATO ally willing to break ranks with the alliance's stance toward Russia.
US-China trade war to hurt Korean exporters
US-China trade war to hurt Korean exporters: Amid escalating tension between the United States and China on trade, concern is growing that Korean exporters will be the hardest hit. In response, the trade ministry has unveiled plans to diversify the country's export markets to overcome the problem.
What’s Wrong with Trump’ New National Security Advisor
What’s Wrong with Trump’ New National Security Advisor: Philip M. GIRALDI: Beyond the general concerns regarding the nomination of John Bolton as National Security Advisor, there is also the specific issue of his impending access to the most highly classified intelligence information that the United States possesses.
The Risks of Misperception in the Nuclear Standoff with North Korea
The Risks of Misperception in the Nuclear Standoff with North Korea: To have any chance of success, U.S. strategy toward North Korea must be guided by an accurate sense of how Kim’s regime thinks and what it knows about Washington. Failure to do so could lead the United States to stumble into the worst conflict since World War II.
Global Nuclear Waste Management System Market Analysis by Growth Factors, Development Trends and Opportunities & Forecast Analysis to 2022 - openPR
Global Nuclear Waste Management System Market Analysis by Growth Factors, Development Trends and Opportunities & Forecast Analysis to 2022 - openPR: Press release - Research N Reports - Global Nuclear Waste Management System Market Analysis by Growth Factors, Development Trends and Opportunities & Forecast Analysis to 2022 - published on openPR.com
Trump busy ruining all efforts on combating nuclear proliferation - Mehr News Agency
Trump busy ruining all efforts on combating nuclear proliferation - Mehr News Agency: TEHRAN, Apr. 05 (MNA) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif said Wed. that US President Trump is destroying all efforts on combatting nuclear proliferation in the past years by allocating huge amounts of money to reconstruct nuclear weapons.
What to Expect When US Exits the Nuclear Deal
What to Expect When US Exits the Nuclear Deal: In return for its good will, Iran has seen broken promises and has good reason to Japanize its nuclear program, write Salman and Hasti Savafi of the International Peace Studies Center – London.
Ontario Power Generation - Hearing Begins for OPG's Pickering Nuclear Station
Ontario Power Generation - Hearing Begins for OPG's Pickering Nuclear Station: The hearing for Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to renew the operating licence for Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (GS) gets unde. . .
US plans to build new nukes to lead to new nuclear arms race - Mehr News Agency
US plans to build new nukes to lead to new nuclear arms race - Mehr News Agency: TEHRAN, Apr. 05 (MNA) – Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif said Thu. that the US plans to spend $1.2 trillion to modernize and build new nuclear weapons will lead to new nuclear arms race, calling on NAM to pursue disarmament priorities during the UN High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament.
Lab to Lead Consortium for Demonstrating Remote Monitoring of Nuclear Reactors - The Independent: News
Lab to Lead Consortium for Demonstrating Remote Monitoring of Nuclear Reactors - The Independent: News: Harnessing the unusual characteristics of the elusive subatomic particles known as antineutrinos, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will lead a new international multi-laboratory and university collaboration for nonproliferation research.
Russia President to Launch Construction of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant
Russia President to Launch Construction of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant: Sputnik reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin is starting a two day visit to Ankara during which he, jointly with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will co-chair a High-Level Turkish-Russian Cooperation Council meeting and discuss bilateral cooperation and international issues.
Federal funds allow full nuclear test site cleanup | NWADG
Federal funds allow full nuclear test site cleanup | NWADG: An additional $10 million in federal funding announced Wednesday will allow for the full cleanup of a nuclear reactor test site in rural Washington County, officials said.
Ecuador To Ratify Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons
Ecuador To Ratify Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons: QUITO--Ecuador is working today on the ratification procedure of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons, whose text was sent by the Foreign Ministry to the Presidency's Legal Secretariat.
DOE Should Reject FirstEnergy’s False Narrative
DOE Should Reject FirstEnergy’s False Narrative
By By Energy Tomorrow Blog, / April 4, 2018 10:00 AM
Ohio-based utility FirstEnergy’s efforts to land a bailout from consumers have crossed over from the problematic to the absurd. With the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in January rejecting a bid to alter the electricity marketplace in ways that would favor some generating facilities over others, FirstEnergy last week launched an end-run around FERC, asking U.S. Energy Secretary
Keep reading →https://breakingenergy.com/2018/04/04/doe-should-reject-firstenergys-false-narrative/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy+Newsletters+Master+List&utm_campaign=2f649f0d76-MAILCHIMP_BD_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_88392479a3-2f649f0d76-411632309
NRA to remove most dosimeters in Fukushima as radiation drops:The Asahi Shimbun
NRA to remove most dosimeters in Fukushima as radiation drops:The Asahi Shimbun: Japan’s nuclear watchdog will remove 80 percent of its radiation dosimeters in Fukushima Prefecture
The Future of a Nuclearised Middle East - The Wire
The Future of a Nuclearised Middle East - The Wire: The simple fact that the Saudis are going nuclear in order to counter Iran is not an encouraging factor for the future stability of the Middle East.
Hackers hit communications system of Energy Transfer Partners pipeline | Utility Dive
Hackers hit communications system of Energy Transfer Partners pipeline | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals.
New trade paradigm defies post-WWII world US built | TheHill
New trade paradigm defies post-WWII world US built | TheHill: The new paradigm calls into question the international rules-based system the U.S. has painstakingly built.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Exclusive: Foreign visas plunge under Trump
Exclusive: Foreign visas plunge under Trump: POLITICO analysis tracks 12 month visa decline for countries across the world
Terrestrial Energy Plans Molten Salt Project for Idaho - The Energy Collective
Terrestrial Energy Plans Molten Salt Project for Idaho - The Energy Collective: Terrestrial Energy USA and Energy Northwest have announced that they have reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the terms of the possible siting, construction and operation of an Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR®) power plant at one of its candidate sites, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in southeastern Idaho. This blog first reported the …
Hanson: No Investment in Water Infrastructure - California Agriculture News | California Agriculture
Hanson: No Investment in Water Infrastructure - California Agriculture News | California Agriculture: Victor Davis Hanson: Water Projects Not Close to What's Needed By Laurie Greene, Founding Editor California Ag Today recently spoke with Victor Davis Hanson, a Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Hanson
Alternative Energies Now Cheaper Than Nuclear for UK Power Sources | Greener Ideal
Alternative Energies Now Cheaper Than Nuclear for UK Power Sources | Greener Ideal: Wind and solar energy accounted for nearly a third of all electric power in the UK in 2017 - shading nuclear for the first time.
Will the US Surrender Commercial Nuclear to Russia & China? | RealClearEnergy
Will the US Surrender Commercial Nuclear to Russia & China? | RealClearEnergy: The fate of American industrial icon Westinghouse is now in the hands of regulators, now that the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court has approved its reorganization plan.
Last year,...
Last year,...
Op-Ed: Why Private Investors Must Fund 'New Nuclear' Power Right Now
Op-Ed: Why Private Investors Must Fund 'New Nuclear' Power Right Now: Joseph Lassiter has high hopes for “new nuclear” technology, which he believes can meet the world’s urgent demand for power. But its success requires big, immediate investments from the private sector.
Pins in San Onofre nuclear waste canisters are extraneous, manufacturer says – Orange County Register
Pins in San Onofre nuclear waste canisters are extraneous, manufacturer says – Orange County Register: There are 88 pins at the bottom of each nuclear waste canister entombed at San Onofre since February, and even if each one failed, completely blocking the flow of cooling helium, the canisters woul…
NRC Renews SwRI Contract to Operate Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses | Business Wire
NRC Renews SwRI Contract to Operate Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses | Business Wire: CNWRA supports NRC with technical assistance for research and nuclear regulatory reviews
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup April, 4, 2018
A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.
North Korea Kim Jong-un will not give up North Korea’s nuclear weapons A leading Korea expert says the Trump-Kim meeting should be canceled All bets off on the Korea summit outcome Blue House reiterates support for “comprehensive, step-by-step resolution” of North Korean nuclear issue China tells North Korea it welcomes efforts on denuclearization United States If we walk away from the Iran nuclear deal, what then? Anticipating Trump’s next move, aides prep Iran deal pullout Trump needs the Iran nuclear deal too much to kill it International Why Iran won’t rush to a bomb if Trump pulls out of the nuclear deal Akkuyu nuclear plant: Turkey and Russia's atomic connection Strategic stabilization: A window of opportunities for Russia and the US Japan warned US over reductions to nuclear arsenal and sought flexible deterrence, 2009 memo reveals Safety checks of trouble-prone nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Aomori to resume General Interest The cause MLK fought for that we tend to forget Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
Canada Sets Course for a Domestic SMR Industry | Neutron Bytes
Canada Sets Course for a Domestic SMR Industry | Neutron Bytes: The Canadian Government is mapping out an industrial strategy to become a global leader in the design, development, manufacturing, and use of small modular reactors (SMRs). The Canadian Nuclear Saf…
Will the US Surrender Commercial Nuclear to Russia & China? | RealClearEnergy
Will the US Surrender Commercial Nuclear to Russia & China? | RealClearEnergy: The fate of American industrial icon Westinghouse is now in the hands of regulators, now that the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court has approved its reorganization plan.
Last year,...
Last year,...
Pickering supports Ontario’s economy, report says
Pickering supports Ontario’s economy, report says: The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) says the continued operation of the Pickering nuclear power plant until 2024 would be a benefit to Ontario's economy, its local communities, its climate change goals and the stability of its energy system. The OCC made its comment in a report released yesterday in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA).
Belgium maintains nuclear phase-out policy
Belgium maintains nuclear phase-out policy: The Belgian government has approved a new "energy pact" that maintains the previous policy to phase out nuclear energy in the country by 2025. A draft bill on the new federal energy strategy will be submitted to the cabinet by the end of May.
Tesla’s Model 3 Is Now America’s Best-Selling Electric Car - Bloomberg
Tesla’s Model 3 Is Now America’s Best-Selling Electric Car - Bloomberg: That’s the good news buried under Elon Musk’s rocky first quarter. But a question remains: Is it sustainable?
New study shows seafloor erosion now occurring like coastal land loss
New study shows seafloor erosion now occurring like coastal land loss: Scientists have discovered that the seafloor from the Mississippi River Delta to the Gulf of Mexico is eroding like the land loss that is occurring on the Louisiana coast. During the 20th century, thousands of dams were built on Mississippi River tributaries stopping the flow of fine silt, clay and other sediment from reaching the delta and seafloor to offset erosion. Without this sediment, land —in the form of wetlands and the seafloor— is lost, which threatens offshore and inland infrastructure in the face of waves, hurricanes and surge, or flooding, from storms. Land loss also affects marine plants and animals as well as how pollution is absorbed and broken down. In this new comprehensive study, scientists have mapped the retreat of the seafloor from the Mississippi River Delta into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time. This research was published recently in the journal Marine Geology.
APNewsBreak: US suspects cellphone spying devices in DC
APNewsBreak: US suspects cellphone spying devices in DC: For the first time, the U.S. government has publicly acknowledged the existence in Washington of what appear to be rogue devices that foreign spies and criminals could be using to track
Why good people turn bad online | Mosaic
Why good people turn bad online | Mosaic: Meet the scientists finding out how we can defeat our inner trolls and build more cooperative digital societies.
Trump Tariffs Stick It to U.S. Manufacturers, Not China - Bloomberg
Trump Tariffs Stick It to U.S. Manufacturers, Not China - Bloomberg: Firms might as well give back half of that $26 billion-a-year tax cut they just got.
Silicon Valley Grapples With Security Risks After YouTube Shooting - Bloomberg
Silicon Valley Grapples With Security Risks After YouTube Shooting - Bloomberg: Tech offices are modeled after college campuses. Will they rethink their layouts?
Tech CEOs call for gun control following YouTube shooting
Tech CEOs call for gun control following YouTube shooting: Several Silicon Valley leaders called for increased gun control on Tuesday afternoon after a woman at the headquarters of YouTube shot and wounded three people before taking her own life.
YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate - Bloomberg
YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate - Bloomberg: YouTube, a popular media site for firearms enthusiasts, this week quietly introduced tighter restrictions on videos involving weapons, becoming the latest battleground in the U.S. gun-control debate.
YouTube shooter told family members she 'hated' the company
YouTube shooter told family members she 'hated' the company: SAN BRUNO, Calif. (AP) — A woman who believed she was being suppressed by YouTube and told her family members she "hated" the company opened fire at the company's headquarters in
YouTube shooter's father says she was angry at company
YouTube shooter's father says she was angry at company: Ismail Aghdam said his daughter was found sleeping in her car by Mountain View police the night before the attack.
What happens when eMobility goes mainstream?
What happens when eMobility goes mainstream? |
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