Readers, I am attending a family wedding in beautiful Vermont, and will resume posting
on my return. I hope all had a wonderful 4th of July.
Michele Kearney
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
While Trump Isolates the U.S., It’s ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ for the Rest of the World – Foreign Policy
While Trump Isolates the U.S., It’s ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ for the Rest of the World – Foreign Policy: Globalization is alive and well. It’s just the United States sitting on the sidelines.
U.S. Slaps Duties on Vietnam Steel in Ramp-Up of Tension - Bloomberg
U.S. Slaps Duties on Vietnam Steel in Ramp-Up of Tension - Bloomberg: The U.S. Commerce Department imposed duties of more than 400% on steel imports from Vietnam, accusing some businesses of shipping products from the Southeast Asian nation to evade the levies in a further escalation of tension between the two trading partners.
Hidden Costs of Energy Mandates
Hidden Costs of Energy Mandates: When politics overrides customer preferences, the economics get fuzzy and customers may be signing up for more than they bargained for.
PG&E Creditors Object To D&O Insurance Purchase - Law360
PG&E Creditors Object To D&O Insurance Purchase - Law360: The unsecured creditors of PG&E want to zap a bid by the bankrupt power utility to pay $50 million to boost its directors and officers insurance, calling it a waste of money that’s premised on an “unlikely parade of horribles” wiping out nearly $500 million in existing coverage.
PG&E Bankruptcy Court Rejects FERC’s “Concurrent” Jurisdiction over PPA Rejection - Lexology
PG&E Bankruptcy Court Rejects FERC’s “Concurrent” Jurisdiction over PPA Rejection - Lexology: In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California held that the…
PG&E Grant to Reduce Wildfire Risk | Transmission & Distribution World
PG&E Grant to Reduce Wildfire Risk | Transmission & Distribution World: Funds for firefighters and Community/Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams in Northern California
PG&E seeks legislative help to resolve 2017 and 2018 wildfire claims -
PG&E seeks legislative help to resolve 2017 and 2018 wildfire claims - PG&E wants to be able to finance its existing wildfire claims using new bonds it would pay off gradually by diverting shareholder profits. The company is pushing for amendments to a wildfire bill the California Legislature is currently considering.
Why Does Turkey Want S-400 Missiles? – LobeLog
Why Does Turkey Want S-400 Missiles? – LobeLog: by Bulent Aras Turkey’s decision to buy S-400 missiles from Russia has generated considerable debate in the country about the impact on Turkish-American and Turkey-NATO relations, Turkey’s change o…
Pope Releases New Video Ahead of World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Pope Releases New Video Ahead of World Day of Migrants and Refugees
‘It is not just about migrants. It’s about not excluding anyone.
Misleading White House Claims Target Iran – LobeLog
Misleading White House Claims Target Iran – LobeLog: by Peter Jenkins A White House press statement, dated July 1, claims that there is a “longstanding non-proliferation standard of no enrichment for Iran.” This claim is false. For more than 40 years…
The Kids Aren’t Alright | The New Republic
The Kids Aren’t Alright | The New Republic: #UnwantedIvanka and the equally omnipresent Jared aren't just meme-able jokes, they're conduits for graft and possible threats to national security.
The condition of migrants is a pro-life issue, Fr. Pavone. | Scott Eric Alt
The condition of migrants is a pro-life issue, Fr. Pavone. | Scott Eric Alt: In his denial of solidarity with migrants, Fr. Pavone makes himself part of the Culture of Death.
California tees up wildfire liability bill as utility, consumer groups diverge on solutions
California tees up wildfire liability bill as utility, consumer groups diverge on solutions
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Earth to Mars in 100 days: The power of nuclear rockets
Earth to Mars in 100 days: The power of nuclear rockets: The solar system is a really big place, and it takes forever to travel from world to world with traditional chemical rockets. But one technique developed back in the 1960s might provide a way to shorten our travel times dramatically: nuclear rockets.
Ten Capabilities That Make The U.S. Navy's Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers Indispensable
Ten Capabilities That Make The U.S. Navy's Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers Indispensable: There are some military missions only a large-deck, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can accomplish.
Miners, lawmakers seek quota on uranium imports | From The Wire |
Miners, lawmakers seek quota on uranium imports | From The Wire | CASPER – Wyoming is home to one of the largest untapped reserves of uranium in the world.
Hinkley Point C: The latest photos from Britain's nuclear power station as it reaches 'biggest milestone' - Somerset Live
Hinkley Point C: The latest photos from Britain's nuclear power station as it reaches 'biggest milestone' - Somerset Live: Britain's first nuclear power station in more than 20 years will provide low carbon electricity to millions of homes
GE Steam Power To Support Cernavoda NPP - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
GE Steam Power To Support Cernavoda NPP - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Floating NPP Gets 10-Year Operating License - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Floating NPP Gets 10-Year Operating License - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Second EPR Unit Connected To Grid - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Second EPR Unit Connected To Grid - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
EDF to curb Bugey nuclear reactor output as Rhone river flow slows - Reuters
EDF to curb Bugey nuclear reactor output as Rhone river flow slows - Reuters: French utility EDF said on Friday that power generation at its 3,600 megawatt (MW) Bugey nuclear power plant in eastern France could be curbed from Tuesday July 2 due to a lower flow rate of the Rhone river.
Safer Nuclear Reactors Are on the Way - Scientific American
Safer Nuclear Reactors Are on the Way - Scientific American: Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
Candidates Should Heed Obama, Clinton on Nuclear Power – InsideSources
Candidates Should Heed Obama, Clinton on Nuclear Power – InsideSources: President Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, labor unions, and a growing number of climate change advocates worldwide, including progressive heads of
DOE awards $49M for advanced nuclear technology projects - Daily Energy Insider
DOE awards $49M for advanced nuclear technology projects - Daily Energy Insider: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $49.3 million for 58 advanced nuclear technology projects in 25 states. © Shutterstock The awards fall under DOE’s nuclear energy programs including the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) ... Read More »
Chinese nuclear forces, 2019 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Chinese nuclear forces, 2019 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: China’s nuclear arsenal includes about 290 warheads for delivery by ballistic missiles and bombers and is likely to grow over the next decade,
What really went wrong at WIPP: An insider’s view of two accidents at the only US underground nuclear waste repository - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
What really went wrong at WIPP: An insider’s view of two accidents at the only US underground nuclear waste repository - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: A deep look at larger problems with the Energy Department and its contractors.
FirstEnergy Solutions could be closing two nuclear power plants |
FirstEnergy Solutions could be closing two nuclear power plants | State leaders are considering adding a fee on every electricity bill in the state in order to stop the plants from closing prematurely.
Iran nuclear deal: What exceeding Iran's uranium stockpile limit means
Iran nuclear deal: What exceeding Iran's uranium stockpile limit means: The breach doesn't radically change Iran's roughly one-year breakout period to weapons-grade enrichment levels, but what Iran is threatening next is what's really worrying, experts say.
UN investigating reports that Iran has breached stockpile limit of nuclear deal - The Washington Post
UN investigating reports that Iran has breached stockpile limit of nuclear deal - The Washington Post: The Iranian foreign minister said the move was “reversible” but warned that Iran could continue to reduce its commitment to the pact.
The simple reason why nuclear power is finished – Dr Richard Dixon - The Scotsman
The simple reason why nuclear power is finished – Dr Richard Dixon - The Scotsman: Half of Scotland’s nuclear reactors are off-line over safety concerns, but the lights still stayed on, writes Dr Richard Dixon.
'Chernobyl on Ice': Nuclear Plant Barge Headed Across Arctic Circle | Common Dreams News
'Chernobyl on Ice': Nuclear Plant Barge Headed Across Arctic Circle | Common Dreams News: Shipment of nuclear plant across polar waters draws criticism
Safer Nuclear Reactors Are on the Way - Scientific American
Safer Nuclear Reactors Are on the Way - Scientific American: Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
Nuclear power is helping to drive the climate crisis | Letters | Environment | The Guardian
Nuclear power is helping to drive the climate crisis | Letters | Environment | The Guardian: Letters: Linda Rogers says the CBI has its head in the sand over nuclear reactors and Iain Climie wants politicians prepared to fund action to combat the climate emergency
Deadline is blown, but Ohio nuclear plant operators say there's still time for bailout - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH
Deadline is blown, but Ohio nuclear plant operators say there's still time for bailout - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH: The proprietors of two struggling nuclear power plants in Ohio say they're continuing with plans to shut down their Lake Erie facilities, but add that they can switch gears to keep them operating if the state legislature passes a bailout bill quickly.Meanwhile, an opponent of the bailout is continuing his efforts to keep that from happening, and he says it's a battle that could affect negotiations over Ohio's belated budget.Rep. Mark Romanchuk, R-Ontario, said the Davis-
'Floating Chernobyl?' Nuclear Plant Heads Across Arctic Circle - EcoWatch
'Floating Chernobyl?' Nuclear Plant Heads Across Arctic Circle - EcoWatch: Its official name is the "Akademik Lomonosov," but critics call it a "floating Chernobyl."
'Chernobyl on Ice': Nuclear Plant Barge Headed Across Arctic Circle | Common Dreams News
'Chernobyl on Ice': Nuclear Plant Barge Headed Across Arctic Circle | Common Dreams News: Shipment of nuclear plant across polar waters draws criticism
Federal agencies test emergency plan for FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant | WRVO Public Media
Federal agencies test emergency plan for FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant | WRVO Public Media: The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission evaluated the FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant in Oswego County for its
NRC Board to Hold Hearings on Texas Storage Proposal -- Environmental Protection
NRC Board to Hold Hearings on Texas Storage Proposal -- Environmental Protection: A Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hear oral arguments on petitions for an adjudicatory hearing on Interim Storage Partners' license application for an interim facility to store spent nuclear fuel in Andrews County, Texas.
NRC Spends $639 From Nuclear Waste Fund - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Spends $639 From Nuclear Waste Fund - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
NRC has hearing on Oak Ridge site that could host small nuclear reactors - Oak Ridge Today
NRC has hearing on Oak Ridge site that could host small nuclear reactors - Oak Ridge Today: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a hearing for an application for a site in west Oak Ridge where small modular nuclear reactors could be built. The hearing has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Wednesday, August 14, at the NRC in Rockville, Maryland. The NRC will discuss an early site permit application submitted by …
EM Update July 2, 2019
Midnight in Chernobyl | Book by Adam Higginbotham | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
Midnight in Chernobyl | Book by Adam Higginbotham | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster: Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham - NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Journalist Adam Higginbotham’s definitive, years-in-the-making account of the Chernobyl...
Outlook bleak for California's 2019 fire season - Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly: The Newspaper of California State Government and Politics.
Outlook bleak for California's 2019 fire season - Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly: The Newspaper of California State Government and Politics.: California is on the brink of a potentially disastrous fire season in 2019. And there is concern that the problem is not going to be solved soon.
PG&E in California Wants to Securitize Some Profits to Cover Wildfire Costs
PG&E in California Wants to Securitize Some Profits to Cover Wildfire Costs: PG&E Corp. is lobbying for legislation that would allow the bankrupt California utility giant to securitize some of its profits to pay for past
Gov. Newsom, majority of California lawmakers accepted money from convicted felon PG&E |
Gov. Newsom, majority of California lawmakers accepted money from convicted felon PG&E | A convicted federal felon donated more than four million dollars to influence California politics and the money was accepted by California Gov. Gavin Newsom the vast majority of members of the state legislature, and both major political parties. That felon: PG&E.
Nuclear Plant Journal
The Digital version of Nuclear Plant Journal's May-June 2019 issue is now available online. To access this issue, click here or cut-and-paste the link given below in your browser:
This issue includes articles by industry experts on enabling nuclear power plant modernization, successful refueling outage, I & C commissioning of AP 1000 reactors in China, Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL), and progress of Vogtle 3 nuclear power plant.
Additional innovation articles include 2019 The Nuclear Energy Institute's Top Innovative Practice (TIP) award winners, increasing pump’s Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR) under emergency conditions, and the ARMOR (Abrasion Resistant, More Oxidation Resistant) fuel rod protection efforts.
Vogtle 1-4 is on the cover.
The issue also includes utility, industry & corporation news; industry's new products & contracts; new document announcements, a meeting and training calendar; and research & development efforts.
The digital version is "user friendly". The Table of Content on page 5 is linked to the respective referenced pages. All the listed advertisements on page 8 in the List of Advertisers are linked to the respective advertisements. All e-mails and web site URLs in the Journal are live. Web site listings in the Advertiser Web Directory on page 8 are also live.
Contact for any questions.
With best regards.
Yours Sincerely
Newal Agnihotri
Fax: 630-852-8787
Website: http://www.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Hinkley Point C: The latest photos from Britain's nuclear power station as it reaches 'biggest milestone' - Somerset Live
Hinkley Point C: The latest photos from Britain's nuclear power station as it reaches 'biggest milestone' - Somerset Live: Britain's first nuclear power station in more than 20 years will provide low carbon electricity to millions of homes
Proponents of nuclear waste dump have a new strategy: Just buy us off - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper
Proponents of nuclear waste dump have a new strategy: Just buy us off - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper: A new tactic is coming to light in the decades-long effort by other states to get a nuclear waste dump rammed into Nevada. And like other strategies in that effort, it’s astonishing — in a bad way.
California Regulator Considers Penalty Against PG&E for 2017 Wildfires
California Regulator Considers Penalty Against PG&E for 2017 Wildfires: California utilities regulator has opened a case to evaluate and consider penalties against power and gas utility PG&E Corp for its involvement in the
Ratepayer Group Sides With PG&E Bondholders on Exclusivity - WSJ
Ratepayer Group Sides With PG&E Bondholders on Exclusivity - WSJ: California’s leading advocacy group for electricity ratepayers wants the bankruptcy court overseeing PG&E’s restructuring to let the troubled utility’s various stakeholders chime in on how it should be overhauled.
Saudi Arabia invites South Korea for Neom, Qiddiya, first nuclear plant - Business - Construction Week Online
Saudi Arabia invites South Korea for Neom, Qiddiya, first nuclear plant - Business - Construction Week Online: Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman lauds role of Korean companies such as Hyundai Heavy Industries in Saudi projects
John Garamendi: Reports of accepting North Korea as a nuclear power is 'not a good thing' - Washington Times
John Garamendi: Reports of accepting North Korea as a nuclear power is 'not a good thing' - Washington Times: Rep. John Garamendi on Monday said reports of the Trump administration considering accepting North Korea as a nuclear power is "not a good thing" for the region.
Ohio Nuclear Bailout in Limbo at Corporate Deadline - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Ohio Nuclear Bailout in Limbo at Corporate Deadline - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Russia to tow controversial nuclear power station to Arctic: report | TheHill
Russia to tow controversial nuclear power station to Arctic: report | TheHill: Russia will tow a controversial floating nuclear power plant to the Arctic next month, CNN reported Sunday.
Trump Admin Considering Accepting North Koreas Nuclear Power
Trump Admin Considering Accepting North Koreas Nuclear Power: As Donald Trump came off of his unprecedented visit to North Korea over the weekend, a new report suggests that the president's administration is thinking about
EDF eyes lifespan extension with Tricastin 1 nuclear reactor upgrade - Reuters
EDF eyes lifespan extension with Tricastin 1 nuclear reactor upgrade - Reuters: PAUL-TROIS-CHÂTEAUX, France (Reuters) - French state-controlled utility EDF has started a 250 million euro ($284.65 million) maintenance and upgrade works at its 900 megawatt Tricastin 1 nuclear reactor that could enable it operate for another ten years.
Nuclear power industry heading toward smaller, cheaper, faster build designs: ClearPath | Utility Dive
Nuclear power industry heading toward smaller, cheaper, faster build designs: ClearPath | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
Opinions on nuclear project at SC plant clash at public forum | News |
Opinions on nuclear project at SC plant clash at public forum | News | Open arms and vocal support for producing nuclear weapon cores at the Savannah River Site sharply contrasted with questions, criticism and pushback Thursday night at a government-led public forum in
Desalination: expensive, environmentally problematic, but increasingly necessary - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Desalination: expensive, environmentally problematic, but increasingly necessary - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: It’s been a long time coming for desalination—de-sal for short. For decades, we have been told it would one day turn oceans of salt water into fresh and quench the world’s thirst. But progress has been slow. That is now changing, as desalination is coming into play in many places around the world.
NRC Readies Public Meetings on Decommissioning Advisory Boards - ExchangeMonitor
NRC Readies Public Meetings on Decommissioning Advisory Boards - ExchangeMonitor: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Rosatom plans fuel research in Czech Republic - World Nuclear News
Rosatom plans fuel research in Czech Republic - World Nuclear News: TVEL and the Czech research center Řež have signed a cooperation agreement in materials science studies and research. TVEL, the nuclear fuel manufacturer subsidiary of Russia’s Rosatom, announced today that Czech scientists will conduct experiments on the irradiation of nuclear construction materials in the CVŘ research reactor and also carry out pre-irradiation and post-irradiation studies.
Rössing sale gets final approval - World Nuclear News
Rössing sale gets final approval - World Nuclear News: The Namibian Competition Commission has conditionally approved China National Uranium Corporation’s acquisition of Rössing Uranium Limited. It is the only approval needed for the transaction to be completed. Rössing, the world's longest-running open pit uranium mine, has been in operation since 1976 and has a nameplate capacity of 4500 tonnes U3O8 per year.
Joint Commission discusses practical solutions to Iran deal - World Nuclear News
Joint Commission discusses practical solutions to Iran deal - World Nuclear News: The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has tasked experts to look into practical solutions for Iran’s export of low-enriched uranium and heavy water. Participants in its meeting last week have also announced the progress of a special purpose vehicle - known as INSTEX - to enable European businesses to maintain non-dollar trade with Iran without breaking US sanctions.
New Solar + Battery Price Crushes Fossil Fuels, Buries Nuclear
New Solar + Battery Price Crushes Fossil Fuels, Buries Nuclear
TVA 20-year plan includes up to 14 GW new solar, but even more gas is possible
TVA 20-year plan includes up to 14 GW new solar, but even more gas is possible
The Secret Cost of Running Your Kitchen | The Energy Collective Daily

The Secret Cost of Running Your Kitchen | The Energy Collective Daily |
- The Secret Cost of Running Your Kitchen
- Visualizing Marcellus (PA) oil & gas production (through April 2019)
- Are There Potential Downsides of Going to 100 Percent Renewable Energy?
- How to rehabilitate old oil supertankers
- The global transition to clean energy, explained in 12 charts
- Cryptocurrency miners are using subsidized energy in Iran, and it’s weighing on the national grid
- U.S. Oil Companies Find Energy Independence Isn’t So Profitable
- Could This New Approach Unlock Gigawatts Of Native American Solar Energy Potential?
- Avoiding Range Anxiety with an EV Road Trip Checklist
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