Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Iran asks U.N. to condemn Israeli nuclear program following airstrike - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

Iran asks U.N. to condemn Israeli nuclear program following airstrike - Middle East - Jerusalem Post: Iran has asked the United Nations to force Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

How China has Become the World's Fastest Expanding Nuclear Power Producer

How China has Become the World's Fastest Expanding Nuclear Power Producer

This huge round structure, called 'the dome', is only one piece in China’s Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, which is currently under construction. (Photo: M. Klingenböck/IAEA)
Some countries are introducing nuclear power for the first time; others are expanding their fleet. This is one of the topics on the agenda of the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st century. This article sheds light on China as the fastest expanding nuclear power producer in the world.
It has 38 nuclear power reactors in operation and 19 under construction1/. It has increased its number of operating reactors by more than ten times since 2000 and plans to bring five units into commercial operation this year alone. It is China, the fastest expanding nuclear power generator in the world.
"We have a well-established, complete system in place, not only from the point of view of design, but also manufacturing, quality assurance, safety and construction."
Zheng Mingguang, President, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute
“China is a big country. We have higher energy demand than other countries, but also more room for nuclear power,” said Zheng Mingguang , President of the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI).
 In the list of ‘expanding countries’ in the world, China stands at the very top, followed by Russia with seven reactors under construction, India six and the Republic of Korea three. Currently, the countries with most reactors in operation are the United States, France, Japan and China.
Trying to curb its reliance on coal, which pollutes the air and is hard to transport from the coal mines in the west and north of the country to the economically developed southeast coast, China is building most of its reactors along this coast. With nuclear, it plans to increase energy security, lower its reliance on coal and oil and limit CO emissions while keeping up with its economic growth.
A test for the world
China’s 19 reactors under construction include several advanced models. “The nuclear industry is watching China put the first AP1000 reactors in Sanmen and Hiayang in operation,” said Nesimi Kilic, nuclear engineer at the IAEA. Out of these, Sanmen-1 is expected to be finished by 2018.
The EPR reactor in Taishan is also expected to enter commercial operation in 2018. With the commissioning of Sanmen-1, more more such reactors could be built in other countries, according to Kilic. “China has become a pilot for the world,” he remarked.
The economics of nuclear
China’s energy regulator, the National Energy Administration, is expected to set the country's nuclear capacity target to 120-150 gigawatts by 2030, up from about 38 in 2017. Thanks to this scale, nuclear is economically competitive, Chinese experts have said.
“We have a well-established, complete system in place,” Zheng said. “Not only from the point of view of design, but also manufacturing, quality assurance, safety, construction, and so on. This is why nuclear power in China is economically feasible.”
Localizing the technology — design and manufacturing in China — is what is giving the Chinese an advantage and making this expansion possible, Kilic said. China has the facilities, the technology and the human capability.
Expansion abroad
China’s ambitions are also global as it plans to export nuclear power reactors in the future.“With technological development, the economy of nuclear power could be better in the future,” Zheng said, adding that countries need to support each other. China is already sharing best practices from its experience, using the IAEA as a platform.
1/ These figures do not include six units in operation and two units under construction in Taiwan, China.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Report: Florence floodwaters breach dam near retired Duke plant, potentially leaking coal ash | Utility Dive

Report: Florence floodwaters breach dam near retired Duke plant, potentially leaking coal ash | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Outage at Exelon's Mystic plant drove tight ISO-NE Labor Day conditions | Utility Dive

Outage at Exelon's Mystic plant drove tight ISO-NE Labor Day conditions | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.

A virtual visit to a nuclear test site - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A virtual visit to a nuclear test site - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: A new multimedia documentary about France's prolonged nuclear test program puts viewers in the shoes of people who helped shut it down.

At inter-Korean summit, little of substance on denuclearization - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

At inter-Korean summit, little of substance on denuclearization - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Bulletin columnist Duyeon Kim on this week’s meeting in Pyongyang between Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un.

North Korean verification: Good enough for government work? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

North Korean verification: Good enough for government work? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Any verification regime for eliminating North Korean nuclear weapons is likely to involve uncertainty. But a degree of uncertainty might be an acceptable price to pay.

Mini-nukes: Still a horrible and dangerous idea

Mini-nukes: Still a horrible and dangerous idea


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Nuclear power’s weapons link: Cause to limit, not boost exports - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Nuclear power’s weapons link: Cause to limit, not boost exports - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: The criticism that supporters of US nuclear exports have found most difficult to counter has been that their wares give an importing country a big leg up on getting a bomb. Now comes Michael Shellenberger, a prominent nuclear power advocate, who casts all this aside. Yes, he writes, there is a strong link between nuclear electricity and weapons, and in fact most countries that built nuclear power plants did so with weapons at least partly in mind. But this is not so much a confession as a sales pitch. He thinks the weapons potential of nuclear power plants actually prevents war—the weapons shadow cast by nuclear plants itself deters enemies—and that this attribute should be exploited as a sales advantage by US nuclear exporters. Shellenberger’s assessment of the nuclear power-weapons link is important rhetorically because it comes from the nuclear side of the house. One reason is that it’s a ridiculous proposal based on half-baked ideas. But there is a serious side to this too. Unfortunately, his views, foolish as they are, are not so different from primitive views privately held in high official and semi-official nuclear circles. It is useful to bring them out of hiding, and we ha

South Korea is first mover with Saudi nuclear program | Neutron Bytes

South Korea is first mover with Saudi nuclear program | Neutron Bytes: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has signed an $1 billion agreement with South Korea to build a 300 MWt PWR reactor. The SMART reactor has a design that uses integral steam generators and advanced…https://neutronbytes.com/2015/09/07/south-korea-is-first-mover-with-saudi-nuclear-program/

ROK / KSA deal for 100 MW SMART Reactor could be a model for U.S. | Neutron Bytes

ROK / KSA deal for 100 MW SMART Reactor could be a model for U.S. | Neutron Bytes: A deal inked in 2011 between ROK and KSA could be seen as a model to form the basis for an agreement for U.S. firms to export nuclear technology to KSA. Is anyone looking into this? In November 201…

A Reader on Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Energy Program

A Reader on Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Energy Program


Iran dismisses U.S. offer of talks, says Washington broke last deal | Reuters

Iran dismisses U.S. offer of talks, says Washington broke last deal | Reuters: Iran hit back at a U.S. offer of negotiations on Thursday, saying Washington had violated the terms of the last big deal they agreed, the 2015 nuclear accord.

Fukushima Update 9/20.2018

Fukushima Update 9/20.2018 –

The latest state of evacuee compensation has been posted… Dairy farming returns to Katsurao… The number of Tohoku region evacuees due to the 2011 quake, tsunami, and nuke accident drops to 75,000.


A Citizen's Guide to America's Forever Wars and the Secrecy that Sustains Them | OpenTheGovernment.org

A Citizen's Guide to America's Forever Wars and the Secrecy that Sustains Them | OpenTheGovernment.org: America's Forever Wars and the Secrecy that Sustains Them

A Citizen's Guide

Paks II building work to start soon, says Russian president - World Nuclear News

Paks II building work to start soon, says Russian president - World Nuclear News: Construction of two new units at the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary is expected to start soon, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a press conference in Moscow on 18 September.

Indian cyclotron begins radioisotope operations - World Nuclear News

Indian cyclotron begins radioisotope operations - World Nuclear News: India's largest medical cyclotron - Cyclone-30 - is now operational, the country's Department of Atomic Energy announced yesterday. As well as producing medical radioisotopes, it will also have dedicated beamlines for material science and nuclear physics research.

Entergy orders Framatome accident-tolerant fuel rods - World Nuclear News

Entergy orders Framatome accident-tolerant fuel rods - World Nuclear News: Framatome is to supply and install chromium-coated fuel rods into unit 1 of Entergy's Arkansas Nuclear One nuclear power plant. The contract marks the first use of the accident tolerant fuel in the unit.

Operating licence extensions for Olkiluoto units - World Nuclear News

Operating licence extensions for Olkiluoto units - World Nuclear News: The Finnish government has approved a 20-year extension to the operating licences of units 1 and 2 at Finnish utility Teollisuuden Voima Oyj's Olkiluoto nuclear power plant.

New Jersey looks to wind energy to make up for nuclear plant loss

New Jersey looks to wind energy to make up for nuclear plant loss


PG&E bills set to rise after Brown signs Diablo Canyon bill

PG&E bills set to rise after Brown signs Diablo Canyon bill: Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday set the stage for higher PG&E utility bills by signing legislation to ease the impacts from the shutdown of the Diablo Canyon facility, California's last remaining nuclear power plant.

US nuclear innovation legislation makes progress - World Nuclear News

US nuclear innovation legislation makes progress - World Nuclear News: Bipartisan legislation designed to drive US nuclear innovation including the commercialisation of advanced reactors has gone forward to be signed into law after approval by the House of Representatives. Congress has also approved a USD121 million increase in funding for US nuclear R&D for fiscal 2019.

Sen. Murkowski makes case for nuclear reactors - KTVA 11 - The Voice of Alaska

Sen. Murkowski makes case for nuclear reactors - KTVA 11 - The Voice of Alaska: One of Alaska's U.S. senators has put her support behind nuclear energy, saying the nation needs more advanced reactors.

Anti-Nuke Groups Concerned About Plans For Vermont Yankee's Radioactive Waste | Vermont Public Radio

Anti-Nuke Groups Concerned About Plans For Vermont Yankee's Radioactive Waste | Vermont Public Radio: If you’re on the road in Vermont this week and happen upon a giant nuclear waste cask being towed by a white pickup truck, don’t panic — the cask itself is

September 20 Natural Gas Storage Report: Nuclear Outages Remain Elevated | Seeking Alpha

September 20 Natural Gas Storage Report: Nuclear Outages Remain Elevated | Seeking Alpha: This Thursday, we expect EIA to report 2,722 bcf of working gas in storage for the week ending September 14. We anticipate to see an injection of 86 bcf, which

There's More Than Cooling Towers: Inside A Nuclear Power Plant | WNIJ and WNIU

There's More Than Cooling Towers: Inside A Nuclear Power Plant | WNIJ and WNIU: For some people, their first thought of a nuclear power plant involves cooling towers, meltdowns, and the comically incompetent Homer Simpson. But needless

Meeting will focus on how to reuse Diablo Canyon facilities following shutdown | Local News | santamariatimes.com

Meeting will focus on how to reuse Diablo Canyon facilities following shutdown | Local News | santamariatimes.com

NRC Renews Two Indian Point Units' Licenses -- Occupational Health & Safety

NRC Renews Two Indian Point Units' Licenses -- Occupational Health & Safety

Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues renewed operating licenses for Indian Point - Daily Energy Insider

Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues renewed operating licenses for Indian Point - Daily Energy Insider: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Monday renewed operating licenses for the two operating units at Indian Point Energy Center, Units 2 and 3, located in Buchanan, New York.Credit: Entergy Entergy, the owner of ... Read More »

Judge rejects FirstEnergy's bonus retention plan for nuke plant workers - News - The Times - Beaver, PA

Judge rejects FirstEnergy's bonus retention plan for nuke plant workers - News - The Times - Beaver, PA: A bankruptcy judge has rejected a FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. plan that would have paid bonuses to nearly 1,000 nuclear power plant employees.

Canadian investor emerges as potential rescuer of troubled Cumbrian nuclear power plant | This is Money

Canadian investor emerges as potential rescuer of troubled Cumbrian nuclear power plant | This is Money

French draft power sector reform draws criticism from independent firms | Reuters

French draft power sector reform draws criticism from independent firms | Reuters: The French government plans to reform the way independent power firms buy nuclear electricity from state-run EDF, but has drawn criticism from the smaller firms which say the draft proposals will reduce competition and increase their costs.

Sen. Murkowski makes case for nuclear reactors - KTVA 11 - The Voice of Alaska

Sen. Murkowski makes case for nuclear reactors - KTVA 11 - The Voice of Alaska

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina restores personnel access as flooding eases | S&P Global Platts

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina restores personnel access as flooding eases | S&P Global Platts: Duke Energy workers have access to its 1,978 MW Brunswick nuclear plant near Wilmington, North Carolina, as flood waters around the station receded, the company said in a report to the US Nuclear Regu

Connecticut's 'zero-carbon' energy call draws bid from nuclear plant | masslive.com

Connecticut's 'zero-carbon' energy call draws bid from nuclear plant | masslive.com: The inclusion of Millstone Nuclear Power Plant in the bid process was controversial.

Nuclear power lobbyist Michael Shellenberger learns to love the bomb

Nuclear power lobbyist Michael Shellenberger learns to love the bomb: Decades of deceit have been thrown overboard with the new nuclear sales pitch, argues JIM GREEN. The new sales pitch openly links nuclear power to weapons and argues that weapons programs will be jeopardised unless greater subsidies are provided for the civil nuclear industry

China Set to Fire Up World’s First AP1000 Nuclear Reactor - Bloomberg

China Set to Fire Up World’s First AP1000 Nuclear Reactor - Bloomberg: China will soon be ready to start commercial operations of the world’s first next-generation AP1000 nuclear reactor, possibly setting off a renewed push by the country into atomic power after years of delays and billion-dollar cost blowouts.

Nuclear Power: To Be or Not to Be? – The Vector

Nuclear Power: To Be or Not to Be? – The Vector: The term ‘nuclear’ is often met with negative connotations. From weapons to radioactivity, anything involving nuclear properties is considered a danger to the world. However, nuclear energy may be the key to achieving clean energy that can be accessible to everyone. Nuclear energy is a resource that relies on the fission or (fusion) of atoms, freeing energy from them. Fossil fuels continue to pollute our planet, and other solutions have yet to prove themselves. With growing demands for energy, the debate concerning the use of nuclear energy has risen to the fore. But what is the deal with nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy can be the answer to the world's energy crisis. The current supply of energy, fossil fuels, does damage to our planet's ecosystem. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), nuclear energy releases the lowest amount of greenhouse gas than any other source. With concern over climate change growing, it has been looked at again for potential power production.

Nuclear energy also boasts a high fuel to power ratio, having the ability to power whole cities with just one reactor. Aside from cities, nuclear reactors would be beneficial to smaller communities. In part

Nuclear Power Could Be Key In Reaching Climate Goals | OilPrice.com

Nuclear Power Could Be Key In Reaching Climate Goals | OilPrice.com

Koreas Summit Kick-Starts Stalled Nuclear Talks With US | World News | US News

Koreas Summit Kick-Starts Stalled Nuclear Talks With US | World News | US News: WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he has invited North Korea's foreign minister to meet with him next week to continue discussions on efforts to get the North to abandon its nuclear weapons.

More radioactive slag found in Niagara Falls State Park – The Buffalo News

More radioactive slag found in Niagara Falls State Park – The Buffalo News

CA Governor Brown approves Diablo Canyon settlement for SLO | The Tribune

CA Governor Brown approves Diablo Canyon settlement for SLO | The Tribune

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina restores personnel access as flooding eases | S&P Global Platts

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina restores personnel access as flooding eases | S&P Global Platts: Duke Energy workers have access to its 1,978 MW Brunswick nuclear plant near Wilmington, North Carolina, as flood waters around the station receded, the company said in a report to the US Nuclear Regu

US Agrees to Improve Worker Safety at Polluted Nuclear Site | Washington News | US News

US Agrees to Improve Worker Safety at Polluted Nuclear Site | Washington News | US News: SEATTLE (AP) — The federal government will pay $925,000 and improve worker safety to settle a lawsuit over exposure to chemical vapors at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Croatia and United States Cooperate on Nuclear Safety


Navy: ‘Minor’ moisture leak in nuclear plant prompts sub’s return to Groton base

Navy: ‘Minor’ moisture leak in nuclear plant prompts sub’s return to Groton base


INL test reactor revived with first experiment in decades

INL test reactor revived with first experiment in decades


Georgia Power currently spends $50 million per month on the project. In March 2017, Vogtle’s lead contractor, Westinghouse Electric, filed for bankruptcy. The project was already three years behind schedule and more than $3 billion over budget. Georgia Power’s Paul Bowers argues the project presents “long-term benefits to customers.” Critics have fought against Vogtle's expansion for years, citing cost and safety concerns. Cost and schedule estimates presented by Georgia Power may determine the project's fate. Plant Vogtle is one of Georgia's two nuclear power plants. Georgia legislators call for cost cap on nuclear plant Vogtle

Georgia legislators call for cost cap on nuclear plant Vogtle


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

China willing to hand over control of first UK reactor; US lawmakers pass advanced reactor bill

China willing to hand over control of first UK reactor; US lawmakers pass advanced reactor bill


NRC ruling boosts SMR build prospects at disused coal plants

NRC ruling boosts SMR build prospects at disused coal plants


EDF, Veolia target reactor dismantling gains ahead of UK closures

EDF, Veolia target reactor dismantling gains ahead of UK closures


IAEA General Conference Day 2 Highlights

General Conference Day 2 Highlights

Opening session of the Scientific Forum. (Photo: F. Nassif/IAEA)
During the plenary session of the General Conference, 45 delegations delivered statements, which are available here.
The 2018 Scientific Forum on Nuclear Technology for Climate: Mitigation, Monitoring and Adaptation opened today. At the two-day event, experts are showcasing how nuclear science and technology help to mitigate, monitor and adapt to climate change. The opening statement of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano highlighted the significant contribution that nuclear technology can make to help address climate change.
The following side events took place on Tuesday:
At the first side event this morning, a panel discussion on Achieving Gender Equality: Leadership in Action focused on the role of informal leadership in achieving gender equality.
The event Faces of Safeguards: The State Declarations Portal – The Efficient Way to Submit Safeguards Reports and Declarations, highlighted the new Modernization of the Safeguards Information Technology (MOSAIC), which provides an online method for State and regional authorities to communicate with the IAEA Department of Safeguards. Information was provided on how the new portal enables State and regional authorities to submit safeguards reports and declarations more efficiently.
The event Improving Safeguards Implementation in Member States – Collaboration within the IAEA and with Member States provided an overview on the IAEA support available to improve the implementation of safeguards, through safeguards advisory service missions (ISSAS). Information was also provided on the Safeguards Traineeship Programme on the State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material that is conducted every two years. The training aims to improve Member States capacity and learn best practices in verification field.
The event, Strengthening Safety in Nuclear Medicine – Accident Prevention focused on increasing benefits, reducing risks and integrating radiation protection in the quality management systems of nuclear medicine departments at hospitals. Delegates received information on how to prevent nuclear medicine accidents and on the IAEA resources available to Member States to strengthen the safety of their nuclear medicine services.
At the event Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Information System, delegates heard a presentation on the IAEA Online Information Resource for Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management.
At the Technical Cooperation (TC): Delivering Results - Together We Can Make a Change in Fighting Cancer speakers from around the world highlighted the impact of IAEA support in providing cancer care. This has included capacity building, technical advice and the procurement of tools and equipment.
During the event Status and Trends Project: Update delegates heard a presentation on the status and trends in spent fuel and radioactive waste management, a collaborative project undertaken by the IAEA, the OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency and the European Commission.
Member State activities:
One of the advanced innovative reactor technologies — High Temperature Reactor — ready for near-term commercial deployment was highlighted at the event Strengthening Collaborative Efforts in the High Temperature Reactor (HTRs) Community, organised by Indonesia. This event explored opportunities for and impediments to collaboration in the HTR community.
The event Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA), organised by Cameroon, shared recent achievements in enhancing nuclear and radiation safety in Africa, and adopted a strategic action plan for the upcoming year.
The event Nuclear Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science, illustrated how Portugal is developing and applying nuclear analytical techniques in forensic science in cooperation with the IAEA. It focused on actual cases and success stories where nuclear techniques have been used in different areas of forensics applications namely food safety and health-related issues, crime investigation, cultural heritage artefacts and environmental samples.
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons was commemorated today at an event was organized by Venezuela in its capacity as Chair of the Vienna Chapter of the Non-Aligned Movement.
The Time Is Now – Remediating Central Asia’s Uranium Legacy Sites event, co-organized by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, highlighted the coordinated approach to remediation of former uranium mines in Central Asia.
During the event Denials and Delays of Shipments of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials, organised by Brazil, speakers discussed the potential problems that affect the transport of radioactive material which may result in occurrences of delay and denial of shipments.
The event Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR), organized by Tunisia, highlighted the IAEA’s training on regulatory inspection programmes for research reactors, provided a new sample manual for the management of safety reviews, and discussed the activities implemented in cooperation with international partners The ANNuR plenary is hosted by the Arab Atomic Energy Agency, which is based in Tunisia.
The ceremony marking the 30th Anniversary of Cooperation: United States Department of Energy and Japan Atomic Energy Agency on Nuclear Non-proliferation included a brief explanation of the history of cooperation between the US and Japan and messages of congratulation from the US and Japanese Governments. This event was organized by Japan.
The event UAE Peaceful Nuclear Programme: Towards Commissioning of the first Nuclear Power Plant, presented updates of the UAE’s nuclear power programme, and delegates and participants discussed the outlook for the next phase of the programme.
At the French Touch to Nuclear Human Capacity Building event, French experts presented their solution for human capacity building for each phase of nuclear power programme development.
At Argentina’s event Furthering International Cooperation in the Uses of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes, representatives of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) presented the organization’s latest activities including details on the objectives and key issues to be addressed during the joint IFNEC/Nuclear Innovation Clean Energy Future Conference, ‘Challenges and Opportunities Facing Nuclear Energy in an Energy Transitions Context: Innovation and Actions to Advance Clean Nuclear Energy’ scheduled for 13-14 November 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
The Indonesian event Management of Research Reactors for Sustainable Operation: Looking Back to Move Forward, presented the challenges for Member States, especially developing countries, on the operation, management and utilization of research reactors. The side event showcased efforts by Member States to respond to those challenges and discuss how best to move forward with national capacity and the research reactor community
Norway organised the event Lessons Learned from the Third International Symposium on Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Minimization, which informed participants about the discussions and outcomes of the third international symposium on HEU minimization, held in Norway on 5 to 7 June 2018, in cooperation with the IAEA.
The Belarus event Cooperation with Vendors as a Prerequisite to Success for Newcomers highlighted how the cooperation of customers and vendors is planned, implemented and tailored to a power plant project from inception up to the commissioning of the nuclear power plant.
The event China’s Advanced Passive Reactors: Commitment to Building an Inclusive, Clean and Beautiful World featured the latest innovation in advanced passive nuclear power plant developments in China, and the efforts to provide the best solutions for nuclear power technology.
Belgium’s event on the Multi-Purpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Applications (MYRRHA): A Cornerstone of the Strategy for Closing the Nuclear Fuel Cycle highlighted MYRRHA becoming the world’s first high power accelerator driven system. The €1.6 billion project will result in the creation of a large international nuclear research infrastructure.
The event on the US Support of the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) for Nuclear Infrastructure Development discussed US support for the PUI for nuclear infrastructure development and the benefits to Member States of cooperation on issues such as workforce planning and management systems.

Other activities

Country Programme Framework (CPF)
A CPF is the frame of reference for the medium-term planning of technical cooperation between a Member State and the IAEA and identifies priority areas where the transfer of nuclear technology and technical cooperation resources will be directed to support national development goals.
Zafer Demircan, President of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority and Dazhu Yang, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, signed Turkey’s Country Programme Framework for the period 2018 to 2023.
Luis Alberto Echazú Alvarado, Vice-minister of Bolivia’s High Energy Technologies and Dazhu Yang, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, signed Boliva’s Country Programme Framework for the period 2018 to 2023.
Ashot Martirosyan, Chairman of the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority and Dazhu Yang, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, signed Armenia’s Country Programme Framework for the period 2018 to 2023.
IAEA and Norway
The IAEA and Norway’s Institute for Energy Technology will work together on the use of digital technologies in decommissioning and nuclear knowledge management under an agreement signed by the two parties on the side-lines of the 62nd General Conference.
(Left to right) President of the Institute for Energy Technology Nils Morten Huseby signs the Practical Arrangement with IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy Mikhail Chudakov. (Photo: IAEA)
IAEA and Japan
IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy Mikhail Chudakov and Mitsuru Kitano, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the IAEA and other international organizations in Vienna, signed the Terms of Reference for the 4th IAEA Review Mission of Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap towards the Decommissioning of the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

IAEA Delivers Report on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development to United Arab Emirates

IAEA Delivers Report on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development to United Arab Emirates

Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the IAEA, receives the INIR Mission report from Mikhail Chudakov, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, at an event held at the IAEA, 18 September 2018. (Photo: A.Evrensel/IAEA)
The IAEA delivered the final report of a mission that reviewed the United Arab Emirates' infrastructure development for a nuclear power programme.
The Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission to the UAE took place from 24 June to 1 July 2018 at the invitation of the Government. This INIR mission was the first the IAEA has conducted for a country in the final, third phase of the IAEA’s Milestones Approach, which provides detailed guidance for developing the infrastructure needed for a nuclear power programme. It was the second INIR mission to the UAE, following a phase 2 mission in 2011.
Mikhail Chudakov, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, handed the report to Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi, the UAE’s Permanent Representative to the IAEA, during an event held at the sidelines of the 62nd IAEA General Conference today.
“Our partnership with the Agency has been very strong in the past ten years,” said Ambassador Alkaabi. “We have concluded ten major review missions, on our regulatory system, nuclear infrastructure development, emergency preparedness and response, safeguards, physical protection and operational safety.”
These review missions and advisory services provided an independent perspective on the UAE’s development of a safe, secure and sustainable nuclear power programme.
“The last ten years were certainly challenging for the UAE and its nuclear community,” said Chudakov. “They were also challenging for the IAEA, as its programme for embarking countries was new.” Several mechanisms for integrated support to nuclear newcomer countries were developed and tested for the first time with the UAE, including the pilot INIR phase 3 mission.
“The support we provide is small, when compared with the overall cost of the UAE programme, but it is strategic,” Chudakov remarked. “We are glad to have contributed, even on a small scale, to the programme’s success.”
The mission report points out that the UAE is getting close to completing the required nuclear power infrastructure for starting the operation of its first nuclear power plant. It has established competent organizations and the legal and regulatory framework, and has plans for achieving operational readiness. The report includes several recommendations and suggestions where further action would benefit the UAE, and identifies good practices in the areas of management and human resource development, nuclear safety, safeguards and security interface.

About INIR Missions

Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review missions enable IAEA Member State representatives to have in-depth discussions with IAEA and international experts about conditions and best international practices in the development of a nuclear power programme. In developing its recommendations, the INIR team considers the comments made by the relevant national organizations. Implementation of any of the team's recommendations is at the discretion of the Member State requesting the mission. The results of the INIR mission are expected to assist the Member State to develop an action plan to fill any gaps, which in turn will help the development of the national nuclear power infrastructure. The IAEA publishes the INIR mission report on its website 90 days after its delivery to the Member State, unless the State requests in writing that the IAEA not do so.

Malaysia has no plans for nuclear power plant: PM Mahathir - Channel NewsAsia

Malaysia has no plans for nuclear power plant: PM Mahathir - Channel NewsAsia: KUALA LUMPUR: The government has no plans to pursue nuclear power to generate electricity in Malaysia due to the risk associated with it, said ...

The Latest: New Jersey Eyes Wind Energy After Plant Closes | New York News | US News

The Latest: New Jersey Eyes Wind Energy After Plant Closes | New York News | US News: LACEY TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — The Latest on the New Jersey nuclear plant that shut down Monday. (all times local):

Court upholds Illinois nuclear power subsidy law | WQAD.com

Court upholds Illinois nuclear power subsidy law | WQAD.com

Recently refurbished KAPS-2 nuclear power plant in Gujarat reaches 'criticality'- Technology News, Firstpost

Recently refurbished KAPS-2 nuclear power plant in Gujarat reaches 'criticality'- Technology News, Firstpost: An earlier leak at the plant was plugged 10 days later, after which refurbishing work was taken up.

Chinese willing to hand over control of UK nuclear plant | Financial Times

Chinese willing to hand over control of UK nuclear plant | Financial Times: CGN bows to political sensitivities as it lays out plans for Bradwell

Emergency declaration at Brunswick Nuclear Plant means intense workload, no reinforcements for staff | Port City Daily

Emergency declaration at Brunswick Nuclear Plant means intense workload, no reinforcements for staff | Port City Daily

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant declares low-level emergency as floodwaters block access | Utility Dive

Duke's Brunswick nuclear plant declares low-level emergency as floodwaters block access | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.

The Energy 202: Hurricane Florence blows hole in Trump team's case for helping coal and nuclear power, critics say - The Washington Post

The Energy 202: Hurricane Florence blows hole in Trump team's case for helping coal and nuclear power, critics say - The Washington Post: It shows there are a lot of factors that affect grid reliability.

Steady growth in nuclear generation continues - World Nuclear News

Steady growth in nuclear generation continues - World Nuclear News: Global nuclear power generation in 2017 increased for the fifth consecutive year, reaching 2506 TWh, according to a new World Nuclear Association report. The Association says the industry is on target to meet the near-term goals of its Harmony programme.

EDF awards Framatome I&C upgrade contract - World Nuclear News

EDF awards Framatome I&C upgrade contract - World Nuclear News: Framatome has been awarded a contract by EDF to modernise the instrumentation and control system of the French utility's fleet of 900 MWe reactors in France.

Kepco loses preferred bidder status for NuGen - World Nuclear News

Kepco loses preferred bidder status for NuGen - World Nuclear News: Toshiba Corporation has informed Korea Electric Power Company that it is no longer the preferred bidder to acquire 100% of its UK nuclear power development company, NuGeneration.

Westinghouse emerges from Chapter 11 - World Nuclear News

Westinghouse emerges from Chapter 11 - World Nuclear News: Brookfield has completed its purchase of Westinghouse Electric Company from Japan's Toshiba Corp, marking Westinghouse's exit from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as a restructured company.

Norwegian, Belgian research centres enhance cooperation - World Nuclear News

Norwegian, Belgian research centres enhance cooperation - World Nuclear News: A framework cooperation agreement has been signed between Norway's Institute for Energy Technology and Belgium's Nuclear Research Centre, through which the two organisations will extend their collaboration on nuclear research and decommissioning.

Korea expands cooperation with IAEA on radwaste  - World Nuclear News

Korea expands cooperation with IAEA on radwaste  - World Nuclear News: The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency has agreed to extend its existing cooperation and practical arrangements with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

US nuclear innovation legislation makes progress - World Nuclear News

US nuclear innovation legislation makes progress - World Nuclear News: Bipartisan legislation designed to drive US nuclear innovation including the commercialisation of advanced reactors has gone forward to be signed into law after approval by the House of Representatives. Congress has also approved a USD121 million increase in funding for US nuclear R&D for fiscal 2019.

Federal inspectors leave San Onofre; final report still to come - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Federal inspectors leave San Onofre; final report still to come - The San Diego Union-Tribune: A team of three inspectors from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission looked into a "near-miss" in which a canister loaded with spent nuclear fuel jammed while being lowered into a storage cavity at the San Onofre Generating Station last month.

JEA wants federal regulators to intervene in Plant Vogtle dispute - News - The Florida Times-Union - Jacksonville, FL

JEA wants federal regulators to intervene in Plant Vogtle dispute - News - The Florida Times-Union - Jacksonville, FL

HII receives $104M contract for nuclear submarine engineering - UPI.com

HII receives $104M contract for nuclear submarine engineering - UPI.com

Judge dismisses FirstEnergy Solutions nuclear plant bonus plan, would exclude union members | cleveland.com

Judge dismisses FirstEnergy Solutions nuclear plant bonus plan, would exclude union members | cleveland.com: Northern District Bankruptcy Judge Alan M. Koschik has rejected a FirstEnergy Solutions plan to offer generous bonuses to selected nuclear power plant workers -- none of them represented by unions.

Nuclear Energy Needs Truth, Not Truthiness

Nuclear Energy Needs Truth, Not Truthiness

Will the intense heat lead to power blackouts in Louisiana? | NOLA.com

Will the intense heat lead to power blackouts in Louisiana? | NOLA.com: Utilities have been on alert in case demand exceeds the available electricity.

Is nuclear power really in decline? – EURACTIV.com

Is nuclear power really in decline? – EURACTIV.com: As Europe and the wider world begins to wake up to the need to cut emissions, Dr Kirill Komarov argues that tackling climate change will see the use of nuclear energy grow in the coming years, not as a competitor to renewables but as a competitor to coal.

Putting Electricity Generation on the Map: State-by-State Energy Data Visualizations | Energy Central

Putting Electricity Generation on the Map: State-by-State Energy Data Visualizations | Energy Central

The future is carbon trading | Energy Central

The future is carbon trading | Energy Central

Florence: Brunswick nuclear plant workers get relief | News & Observer

Florence: Brunswick nuclear plant workers get relief | News & Observer: Duke Energy end emergency notice at its Brunswick nuclear plant. The notice was put in place because the site had been largely inaccessible due to flooding from Hurricane Florence since last week.

Long held as oldest in US, New Jersey nuclear plant closes - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Long held as oldest in US, New Jersey nuclear plant closes - The San Diego Union-Tribune: America's oldest nuclear power plant, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in New Jersey, is shutting down Monday.

Indian Point Operating Licenses Extended By NRC | Lewisboro Daily Voice

Indian Point Operating Licenses Extended By NRC | Lewisboro Daily Voice

Israel Project President Urged Funders to Anonymously Promote Pro-Israel Messaging – LobeLog

Israel Project President Urged Funders to Anonymously Promote Pro-Israel Messaging – LobeLog: by Eli Clifton A pro-Israel advocacy organization, The Israel Project (TIP), was identified last week as operating a series of Facebook groups as part of an under-the-radar effort to spread pro-Isr…

The Latest: Koreas to Form Joint Military Committee | World News | US News

The Latest: Koreas to Form Joint Military Committee | World News | US News: PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — The Latest on summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (all times local):

North Korea news: North Korea is reportedly making nuclear weapon fuel - Vox

North Korea news: North Korea is reportedly making nuclear weapon fuel - Vox: Trump probably took his North Korea victory lap too soon.

Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018 | NCNK

Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018 | NCNK: Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea and Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea held the Inter-Korean Summit Meeting in Pyeongyang on September 18-20, 2018. The two leaders assessed the excellent progress made since the adoption of the historic Panmunjeom Declaration, such as the close dialogue and communication between the authorities of the two sides, civilian exchanges and cooperation in many areas, and epochal measures to defuse military tension.

Kim pledges to visit Seoul, a first for a North Korean leader, but he and Moon give few details on denuclearization - The Washington Post

Kim pledges to visit Seoul, a first for a North Korean leader, but he and Moon give few details on denuclearization - The Washington Post: Denuclearization tops the agenda, but South Korea plays down expectations for a deal.

Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018 | NCNK

Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018 | NCNK: Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea and Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea held the Inter-Korean Summit Meeting in Pyeongyang on September 18-20, 2018. The two leaders assessed the excellent progress made since the adoption of the historic Panmunjeom Declaration, such as the close dialogue and communication between the authorities of the two sides, civilian exchanges and cooperation in many areas, and epochal measures to defuse military tension.

North Korea-South Korea summit: 5 powerful images from Kim and Moon’s Pyongyang reception - Vox

North Korea-South Korea summit: 5 powerful images from Kim and Moon’s Pyongyang reception - Vox: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un greeted South Korean President Moon Jae-in with hugs, flowers, and an orchestral performance.

North and South Korea just signed a major agreement. It may be bad news for Trump.

North and South Korea just signed a major agreement. It may be bad news for Trump.

“The needle hasn’t moved at all” on denuclearization, an expert said.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Nuclear Technology for Climate: Mitigation, Monitoring and Adaptation

Nuclear Technology for Climate: Mitigation, Monitoring and Adaptation

Vienna, Austria
Scientific Forum
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)
(Delivered by Aldo Malavasi, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications)
Your Royal Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I welcome you all to this 2018 IAEA Scientific Forum and I regret that I cannot be with you.
We are honoured that Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of Jordan is present today.
The IAEA has cooperated with Jordan in many different areas, including in nuclear medicine and in setting up SESAME, the first regional synchrotron in the Middle East. SESAME is an excellent example of multinational collaboration to advance science and research.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Climate change is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time.
Its impacts are already being felt throughout the world. Just this summer, countries in the northern hemisphere experienced the highest temperatures in decades, with devastating consequences for some.
Such extreme weather events could become more frequent, along with rising and warming oceans, an increase in drought and flooding, and the spread of harmful insects – and diseases – to regions previously unaffected.
The need to fight climate change has been recognised as a global priority in the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015, and in the Paris Agreement of 2016.
Nuclear technology has an important role to play in a number of ways. Nuclear power can help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, while other applications of nuclear science and technology can help countries to monitor the effects of climate change and adapt to them.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Some 70% of the world’s electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, according to the International Energy Agency. By 2050, if climate change goals are to be met, around 80% of electricity will need to be low-carbon.
At present, nuclear power produces only 11 percent of the world’s electricity. But it generates almost one third of the global total of low-carbon electricity.
The use of nuclear power reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about two gigatonnes per year. That is the equivalent of taking more than 400 million cars off the road – every year.
In my opinion, it will be difficult for the world to meet the challenges of securing sufficient energy, and to achieve the Paris goal of limiting the average global temperature increase to 2 degrees centigrade, without making more use of nuclear power.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Nuclear technology can be particularly useful in helping countries to adapt to some of the problems already caused by climate change, including water scarcity, land degradation and an increase in animal diseases and insect pests.
For example, drip irrigation, used throughout the world to conserve precious water, can be made more effective by using an isotopic technique.
Plant breeding techniques using radiation help countries to develop and grow new varieties of crops such as rice and barley. These produce higher yields and are more resistant to drought and disease, which could become more frequent.
The sterile insect technique, a form of birth control for harmful insect pests involving radiation, has been used successfully to combat the Zika virus in Brazil and to control the Mediterranean fruit fly in Morocco.
Tomorrow’s session will consider these and other applications, as well as considering how the valuable data provided by nuclear science helps us to better monitor the impact of climate variations on our planet and to measure the effects of greenhouse gases on oceans and marine organisms.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The IAEA is committed to helping countries make optimal use of nuclear science and technology to protect the environment and respond to climate change.
I am confident that your discussions in the next two days will bring us new insights on how we can maximize this technology to reach our common goals.
I am grateful to the many experts, both on the podium and in the audience, who have come to share their knowledge at this IAEA Scientific Forum.
I wish you a very successful meeting.
Thank you.

The 4th Generation | How Much Nuclear Is Enough?

The 4th Generation | How Much Nuclear Is Enough?: By 2050, we need ten times more nuclear capacity than we have now. And that is just a good start, a bare minimum. Sounds ridiculous? Preposterous? Here is the math. Every time I go into an energy and climate seminar and ask the panelists and experts: ”How can we achieve ten times our current nuclear …

Nuclear Technology for Climate | IAEA

Nuclear Technology for Climate | IAEA

Challenging the nuclear finance status quo - World Nuclear News

Challenging the nuclear finance status quo - World Nuclear News: Financial challenges facing nuclear energy need to be tackled by disrupting the status quo to help drive down costs, delegates heard at the recent World Nuclear Association 2018Symposium in London.

Nuclear industry leads call for decisive action on climate   - World Nuclear News

Nuclear industry leads call for decisive action on climate   - World Nuclear News: The World Nuclear Association has appealed to the United Nations and the nuclear industry to take decisive action for clean energy.

The bright light of nuclear fusion might burn away climate doomsters’ fears | Watts Up With That?

The bright light of nuclear fusion might burn away climate doomsters’ fears | Watts Up With That?: By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: News from the frontiers of science, where the future is being built and the predictions of doomsters will be defeated. Also, see the last …

Iran Sanctions Are Damaging The Dollar | OilPrice.com

Iran Sanctions Are Damaging The Dollar | OilPrice.com

PressTV-Russia to build 2 new nuclear reactors in Hungary: Putin

PressTV-Russia to build 2 new nuclear reactors in Hungary: Putin: The announcement comes amid warming ties between Moscow and Budapest.

Indian Point's licenses renewed after 11-year review

Indian Point's licenses renewed after 11-year review

'Somber day' as nation's oldest nuclear plant closes. What's next? | NJ.com

'Somber day' as nation's oldest nuclear plant closes. What's next? | NJ.com

NRC OKs License Extensions For Indian Point

NRC OKs License Extensions For Indian Point


Federal inspectors leave San Onofre; final report still to come - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Federal inspectors leave San Onofre; final report still to come - The San Diego Union-Tribune

French EPR engineering simulator to be upgraded - World Nuclear News

French EPR engineering simulator to be upgraded - World Nuclear News: Canada-based L3 MAPPS has been awarded a contract by France's Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety to upgrade its Flamanville 3 engineering simulator, based on the EPR design.

Centrus and Doosan sign advanced reactor MoU - World Nuclear News

Centrus and Doosan sign advanced reactor MoU - World Nuclear News: Centrus Energy and Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction yesterday announced a memorandum of understanding to explore cooperation in supplying the advanced reactor market.

Oyster Creek retires after 49 years - World Nuclear News

Oyster Creek retires after 49 years - World Nuclear News: Exelon Generation's Oyster Creek nuclear power plant retired from service yesterday after 49 years of electricity generation. The single-unit boiling water reactor was the oldest operating nuclear power plant in the USA.

IAEA and Russia agree on transit for LEU Bank - World Nuclear News

IAEA and Russia agree on transit for LEU Bank - World Nuclear News: The International Atomic Energy Agency and Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer Tenex have signed a contract for the transport of low-enriched uranium and equipment through Russian territory to and from the IAEA LEU Bank.

Nuclear industry leads call for decisive action on climate   - World Nuclear News

Nuclear industry leads call for decisive action on climate   - World Nuclear News: The World Nuclear Association has appealed to the United Nations and the nuclear industry to take decisive action for clean energy.

Generation Atomic

Amsterdam, Advocates, and the Energy Pyramid
Hey Atomic Amigos,

We've had an amazing month since the last time we spoke. River and I traveled to Amsterdam to a meeting with 50 other pro-nuclear environmentalists from 12 countries. The goal? To plan an action to save European nuclear plants. The meeting got off to an exciting start when we caught wind that anti-nuclear group WISE would be protesting our event.

That morning I quickly rewrote some lyrics to Elvis's hit "I can't help falling in love with you" to suit the event, and rehearsed our make-shift choir to sing them. We really lucked out, as several people had singing experience and were able to improvise harmonies. It was as a beautiful, unforgettable moment. To top it all off, Madi, Exec VP of Environmental Progress brought the anti-nuclear protesters daisies. In response, they smiled, applauded and politely left.
Afterwards, we had two days of invigorating meetings lead by Environmental progress, resulting in the planning an event called "Nuclear Pride Fest"-- to take place in Munich, Germany on Oct. 20-21. If you can make it, please join us! It'll be the event of the season, and may have a sizeable impact on the energy debate in Europe. Environmental Progress is offering scholarships to student leaders to make the journey.
We've also continued to add new designs to our store-- this month we're profiling a design that came out of River's brain, the Energy Pyramid. Here's the design concept:

Just like a balanced diet includes a variety of things, so too does a balanced energy diet. Healthy servings of always on “nutrients” like nuclear energy, carbon capture, hydro, and geothermal provide a healthy baseload that is augmented by other sources that are good in smaller doses, but can cause problems when you “eat” too many. Together, these resources can make up a balanced energy intake for both ourselves and the planet.

Advocate of the Month - Justin Shannon

"We need a strategy to get Wall Street excited about nuclear in the same way that it's excited about renewables". Just some of the wisdom you can gain from Justin Shannon, a nuclear advocate living in Alexandria, VA who works in finance...

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Thanks for all of your support! You guys make this possible!

With love and hope for the future,

Eric at Gen A
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Generation Atomic | 1120 Vincent Ave N., Minneapolis, MN 55411