Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Study: Californians must make big shift to electric power to meet long-term energy goals
Study: Californians must make big shift to electric power to meet long-term energy goals
Belarus to get loan from Russia to build nuclear power plant
Belarus to get loan from Russia to build nuclear power plant
Proposed initiative on nuclear plants would spur blackouts, state says
Proposed initiative on nuclear plants would spur blackouts, state says
USS Enterprise in the Red Sea
USS Enterprise in the Red Sea
The USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, turns 50 this month. She's also the oldest active-duty ship in the US Navy, with a record of service that stretches from the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 to the present-day ...
NASA launches Curiosity, nuclear- powered rover to Mars in search of life
NASA launches Curiosity, nuclear- powered rover to Mars in search of life
It will take 8½ months for Curiosity to reach Mars following a journey of 354 million miles
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- NASA Launches Most Capable and Robust Rover to Explore Mars (prnewswire.com)
- NASA launches biggest-ever rover to Mars (news.smh.com.au)
- Mars-bound 'Curiosity' launch a full success, NASA says (theglobeandmail.com)
- NASA Mars Curiosity Launch: Huge Rover Poised For Blastoff (huffingtonpost.com)
- NASA launches super-size Mars rover to red planet - USA Today (usatoday.com)
- Mars rover Curiosity blasts off (cbsnews.com)
OPINION: Nuclear power has security benefits that go unnoticed
OPINION: Nuclear power has security benefits that go unnoticed
For the past two decades, nuclear power has provided a significant benefit that has gone largely unnoticed: The elimination of a large amount of nuclear weapons-grade material from the planet.NRC ISSUES WATERFORD NUCLEAR PLANT INSPECTION FINDING
IV-11-049 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC ISSUES WATERFORD NUCLEAR PLANT INSPECTION FINDING ... The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that an inspection finding at the ...
NRC ISSUES WATERFORD NUCLEAR PLANT INSPECTION FINDING ... The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that an inspection finding at the ...
U.S. to restart construction of N-reactors / Toshiba arm to deliver new model
U.S. to restart construction of N-reactors / Toshiba arm to deliver new model
The Feds Knew: 50 years of fracking-induced earthquakes
The Feds Knew: 50 years of fracking-induced earthquakes
Aftershocks from region’s summer earthquake continue to rock area
Aftershocks from region’s summer earthquake continue to rock area
What's the harm in selling uranium to India?
What's the harm in selling uranium to India? |
Australia may begin exporting uranium to India, but proponents have hijacked what is primarily an arms control debate. |
Nuclear Exchange November 29th & 30th, 2011 MECC Conference Centre, Maastricht, the Netherlands
On November 29 and 30 2011 the team behind Nuclear Exchange magazine will bring you a business event tailored to meet your needs like no other. Focusing on flow control and corrosion issues in nuclear power generation, Nuclear Exchange 2011 will bring together end users, suppliers, engineers, manufacturers, industry bodies and power plant personnel in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Join industry peers from around the world at Nuclear Exchange to learn from the experts at the top-class conference while expanding your global network.
Nuclear Exchange is a unique format with workshops, keynote addresses, networking lounges and catering hosted in a magnificent 200m2 conference venue at the MECC in Maastricht. The event offers unrivalled opportunities to meet and talk with key decision makers in the nuclear industry from around the world. With attendees coming from the USA, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, India, France, UK, Scandinavia, and Europe, this is a truly international networking event. A stenographer will record the Workshops – including the Q&A sessions - and the resulting reports will be sent to every attendee after the event.
A word from the Conference Chairman: Mr Tim Scoggins, Utilities Service Alliance Learn more about Nuclear Exchange:
Mrs Ladan Portourk, Tel: +31 575 585 292, Email: l.pourtork@kci-world.comMrs Kay Creedon, Tel: +31 575 789 268, Email: k.creedon@kci-world.com
Mrs Ladan Portourk, Tel: +31 575 585 292, Email: l.pourtork@kci-world.comMrs Kay Creedon, Tel: +31 575 789 268, Email: k.creedon@kci-world.com
Work starts on Dounreay low-level waste store
Work starts on Dounreay low-level waste store
Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Work has started on constructing a store for up to 240,000 tonnes of low-level radioactive waste at the Dounreay nuclear site in Caithness.
French nuclear waste train enters Germany, protests expected
French nuclear waste train enters Germany, protests expected
More than 80% of nuclear reactors in Japan to be idled
More than 80 percent of nuclear reactors in Japan to be idled | |
Industry 11/25/2011 5:46:00 PM |
Friday, November 25, 2011
Keystone XL, One Head of the Hydra
By David Lewis, November 25, 2011
In ancient Greek mythology, the Hydra was a deadly monster that had many heads. If one was cut off two grew in its place. Killing Keystone XL won't stop Canada from developing its tar sand deposit. Even if no new pipeline crossing the US border is ever approved, US ability to import as much tar sand oil as Canada can produce will not be affected for a... » Continue...
In ancient Greek mythology, the Hydra was a deadly monster that had many heads. If one was cut off two grew in its place. Killing Keystone XL won't stop Canada from developing its tar sand deposit. Even if no new pipeline crossing the US border is ever approved, US ability to import as much tar sand oil as Canada can produce will not be affected for a... » Continue...
Loan Request by Uranium-Enrichment Firm Upends Politics as Usual
Loan Request by Uranium-Enrichment Firm Upends Politics as Usual
Incorporation of Risk Management Concepts in Regulatory Programs
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Incorporation of Risk Management Concepts in Regulatory Programs The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is considering development of a strategic vision to better incorporate risk management ... |
AP1000 Design for New Vogtle Reactors a Problem for Georgia Power
AP1000 Design for New Vogtle Reactors a Problem for Georgia Power
Energizing pro nuclear activists to do battle
Energizing pro nuclear activists to do battle
Decommissioning: Facts versus Fantasy
Decommissioning: Facts versus Fantasy
At Yes Vermont Yankee, Angwin thoroughly debunks the myth that
decommissioning a nuclear plant is a jobs bonanza. Shuttering a
nuclear plant means instant layoffs, and the death of many aspects of
the local community.
Decommissioning: Facts versus Fantasy
At Yes Vermont Yankee, Angwin thoroughly debunks the myth that
decommissioning a nuclear plant is a jobs bonanza. Shuttering a
nuclear plant means instant layoffs, and the death of many aspects of
the local community.
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Progress Crystal River and First Energy Davis-Besse have very different problems, but similar concerns about restart.
Progress is looking at several years of work while Davis-Besse told its investors in a letter it expects to restart the reactor by the end of the month.
PRA and Public Knowledge: WASH-740/1250/1400
PRA and Public Knowledge: WASH-740/1250/1400
IAEA Issues New Report on Climate Change and Nuclear Power
IAEA Issues New Report on Climate Change and Nuclear Power
Report Highlights Role of Nuclear in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Hans-Holger Rogner, IAEA Planning and Economic Studies Section, Department of Nuclear Energy, talks about the new report Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2011, which the IAEA has released to coincide with the COP17 climate change talks in Durban, South Africa.
The report, which revises and updates a 2009 edition, summarizes the potential role of nuclear power in mitigating global climate change and how it contributes to other development and environmental challenges. It also examines issues such as cost, safety, waste management and non-proliferation.
"Nuclear power is good for the climate." That is the basic message that the IAEA - through the report - would like to convey in Durban, according to Mr. Hans-Holger Rogner, Section Head of the IAEA Planning and Economic Studies Section in the Department of Nuclear Energy. It is the same message that the Agency has conveyed in previous COP gatherings, as there continues to be a lack of understanding of the benefits that nuclear power can bring in mitigating climate change, Mr. Rogner added.
The 2011 report reiterates the basic benefits and competitiveness of nuclear power, particularly how it can address the twin challenges of global climate change and energy demand, with one major addition.
"We wrote the report after the Fukushima accident," clarifies Mr. Rogner, "so the implications of the effects of the accident on nuclear power are reflected in it."
This impact has resulted in a shift in the IAEA's projections, so that figures for 2011 are about 7-8% lower than those of 2010. Nevertheless, while the use of nuclear power is contested in some countries, there have been, by and large, no major retractions from nuclear power programmes of most Member States.
"The basic drivers that fueled the 'renaissance of interest' in nuclear power have not changed," Mr. Rogner explained. "Concerns about growing energy demands, environmental pressures, volatile fossil fuel prices and energy security are still here," he pointed out, "so expectations are that while there may be a major shift in projections and expected delay, no major reduction in production can be expected."
The report, Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2011, is available on the Website of the Planning and Economic Studies Section in the Department of Nuclear Energy.
-- By Rodolfo Quevenco, IAEA Division of Public Information
Climate sensitivity to CO2 more limited than extreme projections: research
Climate sensitivity to CO2 more limited than extreme projections: research
November 24, 2011 A new study suggests that the rate of global warming from doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide may be less than the most dire estimates of some previous studies – and, in fact, may be less severe than projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in 2007.
EU Nuclear stress tests – Commission Interim Report
Nuclear stress tests – Commission Interim Report
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Report: Measure would shutter state nuclear plants
French Nuclear Pullout Would Cost Industry Jobs, Lobby Says
French Nuclear Pullout Would Cost Industry Jobs, Lobby Says
Nuclear winter awaits lone Japan resident near crippled plant
Nuclear winter awaits lone Japan resident near crippled plant
U.A.E.’s Nuclear Power Program Said to Cost $30 Billion
U.A.E.’s Nuclear Power Program Said to Cost $30 Billion
Fukushima: Impossible without computer sabotage says U.S. expert
Fukushima: Impossible without computer sabotage says U.S. expert
The Polarization of Energy
By Christopher Williams, November 24, 2011
It’s no secret that at the core of the Supercommittee’s failure earlier this week is the increasing polarization of American politics. Huffington Post contributor and law professor June Carbone illustrates this transition over the past half-century: “A half century ago, neither political party disproportionately consisted of those who favored a my-way-or-the-high-way approach. Unbending... » Continue...
It’s no secret that at the core of the Supercommittee’s failure earlier this week is the increasing polarization of American politics. Huffington Post contributor and law professor June Carbone illustrates this transition over the past half-century: “A half century ago, neither political party disproportionately consisted of those who favored a my-way-or-the-high-way approach. Unbending... » Continue...
DOD Steps Up Innovation in Installation Energy, Recognizes Limits in Biofuels
By Matt Hourihan, November 24, 2011
It’s worth noting a pair of recent developments on the Defense Department energy front. One is a useful reminder of what DOD can achieve now with the proper support, and a cause for optimism; the other, more pessimistic, illustrates the pressing need for accelerated innovation in the alternative fuels industry more broadly if DOD’s strategic energy needs are to be met.First, the... » Continue...
It’s worth noting a pair of recent developments on the Defense Department energy front. One is a useful reminder of what DOD can achieve now with the proper support, and a cause for optimism; the other, more pessimistic, illustrates the pressing need for accelerated innovation in the alternative fuels industry more broadly if DOD’s strategic energy needs are to be met.First, the... » Continue...
Strike Right Balance Between Risk and Benefit Situation for Nuclear Power: Dr Srinivasan
Strike Right Balance Between Risk and Benefit Situation for Nuclear Power: Dr Srinivasan
Jaitapur is a seismic time bomb: Geologists warn government
Jaitapur is a seismic time bomb: Geologists warn government
The Competition Between Solar and Nuclear Energy Moves to Mars By MATTHEW L. WALD
The Competition Between Solar and Nuclear Energy Moves to Mars
By MATTHEW L. WALDDOD to release post-quake radiation estimates for Japan bases
DOD to release post-quake radiation estimates for Japan bases
ANTI very comprehensive Technical report on Fukushima Daiichi and Daiini events. Very detailed technical reports, for Engineers involved in post fukushima actions, there are detailed fault trees.
JANTI very comprehensive Technical report on Fukushima Daiichi and Daiini events. Very detailed technical reports, for Engineers involved in post fukushima actions, there are detailed fault trees. François Perchet, Programme coordinator World Nuclear University à EDF
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Israel is clinging dearly to its policy of nuclear ambiguity
Israel is clinging dearly to its policy of nuclear ambiguity
Israel has never claimed that there is no possibility it will change its nuclear policy one day. But for Israel that's a vision for the distant future.
By Yossi MelmanWednesday, November 23, 2011
Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused Over Iran's Nuke Program
Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused Over Iran's Nuke Program
from AlterNet.org by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
Longtime investigative journalist Seymour Hersh questions the growing consensus on Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program.
India's nuclear energy is indispensable for its future
India's nuclear energy is indispensable for its future
5.9-magnitude earthquake hits close to Japan's nuclear plant
5.9-magnitude earthquake hits close to Japan's nuclear plant
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck near Japan's Fukushima Dai-chi nuclear plant Thursday morning.
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck near Japan's Fukushima Dai-chi nuclear plant Thursday morning.
Fessenheim nuclear closure would hurt French power supply: minister
Fessenheim nuclear closure would hurt French power supply: minister London (Platts)--22Nov2011/537 am EST/1037 GMT
Russia to Lend Vietnam $9 Billion for First Nuclear Plant
Russia to Lend Vietnam $9 Billion for First Nuclear Plant
Commission OKs Progress Energy Florida nuclear costs
Commission OKs Progress Energy Florida nuclear costs
Jaitapur N-plant Site Not Immune to Quake: Experts
Jaitapur N-plant Site Not Immune to Quake: Experts
Nuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory By Professor Ferdinand E. Banks
Nuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory
From an email I received:
Professor Ferdinand E. Banks is a distinguished energy economist, who has taught all over the world. Banks frequently writes for Energy Tribune, and whatever he has to say is well worth reading. A few days ago, Professor Banks posted in Energy Tribune an extremely impressive essay titled Nuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory.
So much in this essay is worth quoting, that I will simply point to it and say "read it." The essay os both edifying and enjoyable. - Charles Barton
From an email I received:
Professor Ferdinand E. Banks is a distinguished energy economist, who has taught all over the world. Banks frequently writes for Energy Tribune, and whatever he has to say is well worth reading. A few days ago, Professor Banks posted in Energy Tribune an extremely impressive essay titled Nuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory.
So much in this essay is worth quoting, that I will simply point to it and say "read it." The essay os both edifying and enjoyable. - Charles Barton
Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog Gas and Nuclear: A Comparison of Two Local Plants
Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog | Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
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Nuke plant director: 'I thought several times that I would die'
Nuke plant director: 'I thought several times that I would die'
Larijani: West won't stop Iran nuke effort
Larijani: West won't stop Iran nuke effort
Tehran (UPI) Nov 22, 2011
The West won't be able to obstruct Iran's pursuit of nuclear technology through further sanctions, Iranian Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani says. Larijani, speaking during Sunday's opening session of the Majlis, or Parliament, said the release this month of a tough report by the International Atomic Energy Agency contending Iran is trying to develop a nuclear weapon won't dissuade it
Turkey Point Uprate Brings 5,000 Construction Jobs, Business to South Florida
Turkey Point Uprate Brings 5,000 Construction Jobs, Business to South Florida
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
As promised, Florida Power & Light’s $766 million Turkey Point uprate project has provided a much-needed boost to the South Florida communities around it.
South Korea Announces Plans to Become a Top Three Nuclear Power Generator
South Korea Announces Plans to Become a Top Three Nuclear Power Generator
Thorium regulation bleeds hi-tech manufacturing jobs?
Thorium regulation bleeds hi-tech manufacturing jobs?
China's monopoly on heavy rare earths allows them to capture tomorrow's thorium economy.
Thorium - an alternative to uranium? Phillip Joyce
Thorium - an alternative to uranium? Phillip Joyce
Bakken gets new oil refinery, U.S.' first in 35 years
Bakken gets new oil refinery, U.S.' first in 35 years
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Kucinich seeks NRC hearing about cracks at Davis-Besse
Kucinich seeks NRC hearing about cracks at Davis-Besse
NRC issues finding for unplanned radiation exposure at Waterford nuclear power plant in Louisiana
NRC issues finding for unplanned radiation exposure at Waterford nuclear power plant in Louisiana
China to spend $1.7 trillion on tech, clean energy
China to spend $1.7 trillion on tech, clean energy
A Deeper Look at China, Coal and CO2 By ANDREW C. REVKIN
A Deeper Look at China, Coal and CO2
By ANDREW C. REVKINGlobal Warming or Nuclear Meltdown
Global Warming or Nuclear Meltdown. The Future of Nuclear Power after
Koodankulam Nuclear Plant : Risk Analysis and What to expect – Part 2
Koodankulam Nuclear Plant : Risk Analysis and What to expect – Part 2
Cleanup Begins Near Japanese Nuclear Plant
Cleanup Begins Near Japanese Nuclear Plant
from GSN Daily News
Japan last week launched an effort to eliminate radioactive material from locations within the 12-mile restricted area around the Fukushima Daiichi atomic facility, the Asahi Shimbun reported (see GSN, Nov. 18).
Middle East Nuke-Free Zone Meeting Focuses on Israel
Middle East Nuke-Free Zone Meeting Focuses on Israel
from GSN Daily News
Israel has been the focus of statements this week at a closed-door meeting on establishing a nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East, according to news reports (see GSN, Nov. 21).
Iran Penalties Insufficient to Curb Atomic Effort: Experts
Iran Penalties Insufficient to Curb Atomic Effort: Experts
from GSN Daily News
A new round of U.S., British and Canadian penalties targeting Iran's financial and petroleum operations has little chance of prompting the Middle Eastern state to end its disputed atomic activities, experts told Reuters (see GSN, Nov. 21).
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
from Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes by noreply@blogger.com (Dan Yurman)
Progress Crystal River and First Energy Davis-Besse have very different problems, but similar concerns about restart
NEI Nuclear Answers Japan Cabinet Approves Decontamination Protocols
- The Japanese cabinet has approved “basic policies” to clean up radioactive contamination resulting from the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Based on recommendations made in 2007 by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, areas contaminated to dose levels within two rem per year above background will be cleaned up to reduce adult doses by 50 percent within two years and 60 percent for children, and to a long-term level of 0.1 rem/year above background radiation levels. Two rem is about the same amount of radiation exposure a patient would receive from a full body CT scan. Areas where the annual dose levels are above two rem/year will be given priority in scheduling decontamination activities.
Read More »
Solyndra: Its technology and why it failed
Solyndra: Its technology and why it failed
Solar is not about building a better mousetrap - it's about reducing costs and increasing scale.
U.S. energy policy: A slow national suicide
U.S. energy policy: A slow national suicide
With Keystone XL delay, America continues its slow economic strangulation
Natural Gas Splits Boone Pickens and Koch Bros While Oil Reaches $100
Natural Gas Splits Boone Pickens and Koch Bros While Oil Reaches $100
from The Energy Collective - The world's best thinkers on energy & climate by JimPierobon
Call it a coincidence but there are undeniable linkages. Crude oil has risen once again is flirting with $100 a barrel. Meanwhile, legendary oilman T. Boone Pickens is ratcheting up his push for legislation that would boost the development of U.S. shale natural gas reserves and deploy the cleanest burning fossil fuel to supplant products refined from oil.
So What Does $37 Billion Get You? A Look at US Energy Subsidies in 2010
So What Does $37 Billion Get You? A Look at US Energy Subsidies in 2010
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by MasterResource@oilprice.com (MasterResource)
The U.S. Department of Energy publishes periodic reports on federal government subsidies to energy production in the U.S. These reports total up the costs of direct financial support for various energy technologies, tax incentives, research related to marketing and implementation and price support.
Federal support for energy in FY 2010 alone includes the following activities:
Direct Expenditures to Producers or Consumers – $14.3 billion. Federal programs involving direct cash outlays that provide a financial benefit to producers or consumers of energy.
Tax Expenditures – $16.3 billion. Provisions in the federal tax code that reduce the tax liability of
Federal support for energy in FY 2010 alone includes the following activities:
Direct Expenditures to Producers or Consumers – $14.3 billion. Federal programs involving direct cash outlays that provide a financial benefit to producers or consumers of energy.
Tax Expenditures – $16.3 billion. Provisions in the federal tax code that reduce the tax liability of
Implications of the Recent Rise in Oil Prices
Implications of the Recent Rise in Oil Prices
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by flybiggles555@yahoo.com (James Hamilton)
The price of West Texas Intermediate has risen almost $10 a barrel since the start of September, and briefly bumped back above $100 a barrel this week. Here's why I think that development may not be as worrisome for the U.S. economy as it might sound.
The first point to be clear about is what we mean by the price of oil. Two of the most popular benchmarks are West Texas Intermediate, which is a light sweet crude whose price is quoted for delivery in Cushing, Oklahoma, and Brent, which comes from the North Sea. The crudes are similar in terms
The first point to be clear about is what we mean by the price of oil. Two of the most popular benchmarks are West Texas Intermediate, which is a light sweet crude whose price is quoted for delivery in Cushing, Oklahoma, and Brent, which comes from the North Sea. The crudes are similar in terms
GAO Report: Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel in U.S.
GAO Report: Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel in U.S.
from AREVA North America: Next Energy Blog by AREVA North America BlogDavis-Besse repairs completed, concern about structural integrity linger
Davis-Besse repairs completed, concern about structural integrity linger
Dominion restarts 2nd North Anna reactor idled by quake
Dominion restarts 2nd North Anna reactor idled by quake
Nuclear Regulator Dismissed Seismologist on Japan Quake Threat
Nuclear Regulator Dismissed Seismologist on Japan Quake Threat
COMMENT: A chronicle of nuclear decay: Over half a year later, what have we learnt from Fukushima?
COMMENT: A chronicle of nuclear decay: Over half a year later, what have we learnt from Fukushima?
DOD to release post-quake radiation estimates for Japan bases
DOD to release post-quake radiation estimates for Japan bases
Christopher Busby's wild claims hurt green movement and Green party
Christopher Busby's wild claims hurt green movement and Green party
The Green party adviser's theories on the Fukushima nuclear disaster and a 'leukaemia cluster' in north Wales are baseless scaremongering – even the anti-nuclear lobby must oppose him
fEnhancing Emergency Preparedness Requirements by Moderator
U.S. NRC Blog | |
FPL cites benefits of Turkey Point plant expansion
FPL cites benefits of Turkey Point plant expansion
By Michelle Hammontree-Garcia
The electric company says the expansion of its nuclear power plants will be good for South Miami-Dade’s economy.
Fukushima: "China Syndrome Is Inevitable" ... "Huge Steam Explosions", or "Nuclear Bomb-Type Explosions" May Occur
Fukushima: "China Syndrome Is Inevitable" ... "Huge Steam Explosions", or "Nuclear Bomb-Type Explosions" May Occur
Fatwas for fission: Assessing the terrorist threat to Pakistan's nuclear assets
Fatwas for fission: Assessing the terrorist threat to Pakistan's nuclear assets
The myth of renewable energy By Dawn Stover | 22 November 2011
The myth of renewable energy
By Dawn Stover | 22 November 2011Vietnam will invest VND3 trillion (US$142.8 million) into human resources training for nuclear power as of 2020
Vietnam will invest VND3 trillion (US$142.8 million) into human resources training for nuclear power as of 2020
In a recent article in Thanh Nien News, it reported that the investment was planned for a project to be conducted between Vietnam ministries of science and technology, and education in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency
Under the project, as of 2020, local institutions together with foreign partners will churn out some 2,400 engineers along with 350 experts with MA degrees and doctorates to serve the construction of Vietnam's first nuclear power plant, which is due to go open that year. This year 48 students have been recruited and are completing procedures to study atomic energy in Russia.
VND2 trillion will come from the state budget, while the other amount will be provided by the state-owned Vietnam Electricity.
"Training human resources for the nuclear power industry is among top priorities of Vietnam's nuclear power development plan to 2020," said Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Dinh Tien.
Vietnam will build its first nuclear power plant in the central province of Ninh Thuan under a a multi billion-dollar deal with Russia signed last October. Eight nuclear plants are slated to be in operation in the country by 2031.
Mr. Phan Minh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Ninh Thuan NPP Project Management Board together with Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Executive Director General of Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency will be attending and speaking at Nuclear Power Asia 2012 in Kuala Lumpur. They will share with the industry on how Vietnam plans to involve its local industry with its NPP.
To download the conference brochure click here
To register for the conference click here
Zaf Coelho
Project Manager
Project Manager
Nuclear Power Asia 2012
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Concrete cracks up costs of restart at two reactors
Monday, November 21, 2011
India’s Nuclear Logjam
India’s Nuclear Logjam
from The Diplomat by Rajeev Sharma
India successfully tests long range nuclear-capable ballistic missile
India successfully tests long range nuclear-capable ballistic missile
from The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond by The Extinction Protocol
November 20, 2011 – NEW DEHLI – Last week, India successfully test fired one of its longest range missiles capable of carrying a one-ton nuclear warhead deep inside China, officials said. A Defense Research and Development Organization spokesman said the Agni-IV missile was launched at 9:00am (0330 GMT) from a test site in the eastern Indian state of Orissa. “All the parameters have been met and it was a very successful test,” DRDO spokesman Ravi Gupta told AFP. He said the nuclear-capable, two-stage missile which is powered by solid fuel was fired beyond the Bay of Bengal into the Indian Ocean. Agni means fire in Sanskrit. “Agni-IV has a maximum range of 3,500 kilometers (2,170 miles) but this time the launch parameter was 3,000 kilometers,” the official spokesman said. A previous test of the Agni-IV on December 10, 2010 failed after the missile went off its trajectory and plunged into the sea. Defense ministry sources said military scientists were also giving the final shape to the 5,000-kilometre range Agni-V, scheduled to be test-fired for the first time early next year. India has also said it may develop an intercontinental ballistic missile. The Agni series is one of five missiles being developed by the DRDO under an Integrated Guided Missile Development Program launched in 1983. India is among the world’s top 10 military spenders. It plans to splurge $50 billion by 2015 to upgrade its military. It has fought three wars with rival Pakistan since their independence in 1947 and a brief but bloody border conflict with China in 1962. –Space Daily
Architect of Reactor 3 warns of massive hydrovolcanic explosion
Architect of Reactor 3 warns of massive hydrovolcanic explosion
S. Korea Delivers New Assurance on Safety of Nuclear Plants
S. Korea Delivers New Assurance on Safety of Nuclear Plants
The Thorium Dream - Forgotten Enrgy Source Gets New Life
The Thorium Dream - Forgotten Energy Source Gets New Life ... From: http://www.cnn.com/video/ www.youtube.com/watch?v= |
Power Struggle: The Future of Pilgrim Nuclear Plant
Power Struggle: The Future of Pilgrim Nuclear Plant
NASA Mars vehicle will use nuclear power source Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
NASA Mars vehicle will use nuclear power source
Idaho National Laboratory built the space battery which will last for years
A $1 billion upgrade for Turkey Point
A $1 billion upgrade for Turkey Point
By CURTIS MORGAN The Miami Herald
As FPL ramps up a $1 billion overhaul of its 40-year-old facility on south Biscayne Bay, the power plant’s work force is swelling by thousands.
Illinois' Sen. Kirk's Letter on Nuclear Spent Fuel at Yucca Mt.
Illinois' Sen. Kirk's Letter on Nuclear Spent Fuel at Yucca Mt.
China plans modular nuclear plant Flexible designs could attract industrial users
China plans modular nuclear plant
Flexible designs could attract industrial usersNuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory By Professor Ferdinand E. Banks
Nuclear-Based Electricity and Economic Theory
Nuclear power plant leak prompts "white" finding by NRC
Nuclear power plant leak prompts "white" finding by NRC
Robot measures record high radiation in Fukushima nuclear reactor
Robot measures record high radiation in Fukushima nuclear reactor
China To Leapfrog America In Nuclear Advances, Kachan Report Finds
China To Leapfrog America In Nuclear Advances, Kachan Report Finds
Forum on Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone for Middle East Opens in Vienna
Forum on Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone for Middle East Opens in Vienna
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano delivers his opening statement at the Forum on Experience of Possible Relevance to the Creation of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East, 21 November 2011
"It has taken us 11 years to get to this point," Director General Yukiya Amano said in his opening statement to participants of the Forum.
"Each of the five nuclear-weapon-free zones already in existence today, covering a total of 113 countries, has its own special characteristics, but they also have many important elements in common," Mr. Amano pointed out.
"All nuclear-weapon-free zones prohibit the development, stationing or testing of nuclear weapons in their respective regions. They all cover large inhabited areas. They provide for IAEA verification of the non-diversion of nuclear material. They have brought real security benefits, both regionally and to the whole world. I have long been convinced that nuclear-weapon-free zones are a highly relevant and effective means of non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament."
There is broad international support for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, Mr. Amano also said, although there remain long-standing differences of view related to the establishment of such a zone and the application of comprehensive Agency safeguards to all nuclear activities in the region.
Mr. Amano said the Forum provides a unique opportunity to learn, compare and discuss experience and practice of maintaining NWFZs to date, and expressed hope that it will nurture fresh thinking - creative thinking - on the possible relevance of the experience of the five existing nuclear-weapon-free zones to the Middle East.
"It is my earnest hope that your discussion will be creative and constructive, moving beyond simply re-stating long-established positions. For the sake of all the inhabitants of the region, as well as for international peace and security, I wish this Forum every success," he concluded.
Click here to read Mr. Amano's complete statement.
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Updates from the American Nuclear Society 11/21
Young nuclear professionals visit Capitol HillBy pbowersox on Nov 21, 2011 01:00 amOne of the most exciting and important events at the American Nuclear Society’s Winter Meeting in Washington, DC, this year was the ”Capitol Hill Day” visit held on November 4. This event allowed society members the opportunity to go to Capitol Hill to meet with congress persons … Continue reading → Read in browser » |
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