Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nuclear Accidents and Public Perception of Nuclear Safety

Nuclear Accidents and Public Perception of Nuclear Safety

from The Nuclear Green Revolution

Nuclear safety is both about public perception, the viewpoint of the enemies of nuclear power, and about actual industrial design and practice. Relative to other industries the safety practices of the nuclear industry are very good. This assessment can be made even though the nuclear industry has just gone through its second worst accident.

1 comment:

  1. In a comment to Nuclear Carnival, Charles Barton writes:
    I argue that during the 1960's the Washington Nuclear establishment discounted the potential for light water reactor accidents/ The establishment regarded nuclear accident research as a waste of money and, shut down accident research at AEC Laboratories. The consequences were a split between the nuclear establishment and the scientific researchers which gave credibility to the opponents of nuclear power. However, by conventional industrial standards reactors are highly safe, and even safer reactors are possible. However, whether the facts will satisfy a fearful public is open to question, but it is also possible to better educate the public.

    - Charles Barton
