Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Monday, June 20, 2011

NRC ROP Action Matrix Summary and Current Regulatory Oversight

ROP Action Matrix Summary and Current Regulatory Oversight

The assessment program collects information from inspections and performance indicators (PIs) in order to enable the agency to arrive at objective conclusions about the licensee's safety performance. Based on this assessment information, the NRC determines the appropriate level of agency response, including supplemental inspection and pertinent regulatory actions ranging from management meetings up to and including orders for plant shutdown. The Action Matrix Summary listed below reflects overall plant performance and is updated regularly to reflect inputs from the most recent performance indicators and inspection findings. Security information is not publicly available and the associated performance indicators and inspection findings are not integrated into the Action Matrix Summary.
For those plants that are in the Regulatory Response Column, Degraded Cornerstone Column, Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column, and Unacceptable Performance Column of the Action Matrix, notes are provided to explain the assessment inputs that direct the associated regulatory response. Additionally, information on the current level of inspection at each reactor unit (based on deviations from the Action Matrix, supplemental inspection status, etc.) is also found below. For any licensee in the Licensee Response Column, the expected agency inspection is the baseline program.
The substantive cross-cutting issues are available on the ROP Substantive Cross Cutting Issues Summary page for each of the plants.

Last Modified: 05-23-2011

Current Regulatory Oversight Table


The action matrix summaries from past quarters can be found in

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