Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fukushima Updates 9/7

Here is the summary of today's Fukushima Updates. It is led by a scathing commentary on Arnie Gundersen's continuing apocalyptic statements concerning F. Daiichi unit #4 spent fuel pool made during his recent tour of Japan.
Commentary - America’s Gundersen profits on Japan’s fears... For the past several weeks, America’s preeminent prophet of nuclear energy doom has been touring Japan. He says that Fukushima Daiichi is an accident still-in-progress, with the greatest potential for disaster being the spent fuel pool (SFP) of unit #4. His prolific panderings have precious little real-world evidence to support them, but the Japanese Press and many politicians treat him as an expert voice to be reckoned with. One can be sure that he’s paying himself handsomely out of money his company is receiving from Japan. Preaching that Nuclear Judgment Day is an ongoing possibility has become a lucrative endeavor.
Updates include... America’s Pentagon has announced that American military personnel in Japan at the time of the Fukushima Accident were safe... Tepco will invite former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman Dale Klein to oversee restarts of the company’s nukes... Tokyo has decided to delay setting the new energy policy decision.

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