Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Plutonium Power for the People

Plutonium Power for the People


One of the biggest threats to the continued wealth and power held by the global fossil fuel industry is a “plutonium economy” fueled by abundant resources of uranium that can be converted into fissile plutonium.

The anti plutonium propaganda machine has successfully delayed the implementation of extensive breeder reactor programs by several decades.

Today, the propaganda machine is continues working to stoke fears of plutonium because the material is still a threat to the prosperity of the fossil fuel industry. Instead of using former weapons material in conventional reactors in the form of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel, people opposed to the use of plutonium would prefer for the valuable, energy-dense material to be encapsulated into glass logs and buried deep into the earth’s crust where even smarter future generations will have trouble getting to it.

After all, the law of supply and demand tells suppliers that they can make m

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