Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How Iran’s Saber Rattling Could Affect Oil Prices and the Environment

How Iran’s Saber Rattling Could Affect Oil Prices and the Environment

It’s easy to see the Iranian Mullahs and their allied minions as a world threat. The country is a significant source of crude oil, has a strategic location over the Strait of Hormuz, seems to be busily building an atomic arsenal with missile delivery systems, supports radical and violent extraterritorial groups and many believe is directly funding world terrorism against both Muslims and others. Those facts and an incomprehensible disdain for logic, reason, responsibility and common self-preservation sense cannot but alarm any but the dullest of observers.
The atom bomb matter has the largest destructive and life risking potential and has

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