Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fukushima Updates

Here are the topic summaries of today's Fukushima updates, including a commentary on Tokyo's closure of its only nuclear information library. Click the link for the full reports.
Commentary - Japan’s Nuclear Information Library Closed by Tokyo... One of Japan’s few sources of rational nuclear information has been eliminated! Does the government want the ultimate nuclear energy decision to be made based on political rhetoric, innuendo and groundless rumors? It seems that they do, and the people of Japan are the ones who will suffer the consequences.
Updates - Representatives of 46 newspapers in Japan have met to analyze their collective news coverage of the Fukushima accident. Most say they want nukes abolished... Many food stores in Japan have set their own radioactive Cesium limits, below the national standard of 100 Becquerels per kilogram to boost sales... The first detailed radiation survey within 3 kilometers of F. Daiichi has begun... Prime Minister Noda has “reshuffled” his cabinet and has met with considerable concern in Fukushima Prefecture where officials fear the change will only add more delays to the on-going decontamination efforts... As expected, Hakodate Mayor Toshiki Kudo has announced formal plans to file legal action against the resumption of nuclear construction at the Ohma power station... A colleague in Japan has sent us a link to the English translation of an award-winning essay on the socio-political and psychological repercussions of Fukushima.

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