Here are the summaries of today's Fukushima commentary and updates. Please click the link for the full reports.
Commentary – Is Nuclear Energy Losing its Political Thunder in Japan?
- It seems that the antinuclear politicians in Japan are “circling the
wagons” in preparation for next month’s election. Antinuclear
politicians in the Japanese congress (Diet) are joining forces to try
and make the abolition of nuclear energy the major election issue, but
it seems they are fighting a losing battle. The largely antinuclear
Japanese Press is doing its best to abet the antinuclear political
effort, yet even they are beginning to realize that there are bigger
fish to fry before December 16.
updates - Tokyo’s gubernatorial race has split into two camps over the
nuclear issue... On May 14, 2011, the Hamaoka nuclear unit #5 had a
major seawater leak while it was shutting down due to Naoto Kan’s
worst-case-earthquake-based mandate... The local government in Shimane
Prefecture has completed the nation's first emergency plans for the 30km
radius around Shimane nuclear station... Higher than anticipated
radiation levels make the news when discovered by Japanese citizens,
even as far away as Taiwan... Recent studies published in the United
States have allegedly “proved” that natural background radiation (BKG)
causes cancer.
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