Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fukushima Update 12/14

Here are the topic summaries for today's commentary and Fukushima updates. Please click the link for the full reports.
Commentary - Latest Chernobyl Cancer Study Contains Numerous Problems - A November 8 report claiming increased leukemia in Chernobyl clean-up workers is fraught with problems. Several faults have been exposed by a recent Ukrainian expert group. In addition, The Report’s listing of supportive references with respect to its claim of a CLL/LLR relationship being “not clear” is materially incorrect. Further, The Report fails to make a comparison between typical non-irradiated leukemia statistics and those gleaned from Chernobyl worker records. It appears The Report looks at Chernobyl in isolation from all necessarily-related statistics: a critical omission that can only have been intentional.
Fukushima updates - A Nuclear Regulatory Authority panel has agreed that the nuclear watchdog should set the radiation level for evacuations well-below international standards... Prime Minister Noda said nuclear reactors should be decommissioned if the NRA decides it is a safety risk due to proximity with a seismic fault... A new technology has been developed that promises to recover 100 square kilometers of agricultural property which were inundated by the 3/11/11 tsunami.

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