Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Letter to the President from Green Energy Council

GEC Natioanl Logo
February 13, 2013
Dear Mr. President,
I would like to thank you for your continued support of the energy efficiency and renewable energy industry here in America. I would also like to commend you for your conviction last night in regards to the facts of Climate Change and its affects on our environment and our economy.
For too long our Nation and its leaders have ignored the sientifict facts as well as the opportunities presented by Climate Change.
In 2008 just before you won the presidency our organization was the first entity in over forty years to prepare and present a United States Energy Master Plan to Congress.
The plan was inclusive of many of the ideas that you presented last evening and many that you did not.
The first bullet point for success was that there be created an organization of thinkers and businessmen to create sound National energy policy. No one in government listened so our organization, the National Green Energy Council created the National Energy Security Agency ( NESA).
NESA is beginning to coallate the brightest minds to create an amazing United States Energy Policy. I hope that your new Energy Secretary will be part of this endeavor.

The next bullet point for success was the creation by our organization of the Green Jobs Corps ™. This program was to create educational training classes in the energy sector for the opportunity of training millions of new workers for jobs in energy efficiency retrofitting, weatherization and renewable energy.
Since 2008 our organization has partnered with synergy organizations, non profits and academic universities to create over 100 educational curricula to assist the unemployed, returning military men and women and college students to begin to educate themselves about the industry of the future....energy.
Our progress in this amazing program has educated thousands of Americans from California to Florida but has been devoid of US Department of Education involvement and support and I hope that you can impress upon your Education Secretary, Arne Duncan to be an active proponent of our program.
The facts as you stated them last evening are that there are more Americans employed in the US Wind Industry than there are in the US Steel Industry. States like New Jersey with sucessful renewable energy programs are still hiring men and women in the solar industry in a questionable economy.
Many other amazing ideas were created in our 2008 US Energy Master Plan. Another was the creation of the Green Energy Infrastructure Bank, a US Government funded entity that should be created to invest in new infrastructure projects such as the digitization of the US Power Grid, an antiquated and dangerous situation balancing on cataclysmic proportions to our national security. One so potentially crippling that the US Military has now committed to remove all 23 million acres of US Military Installations completely off the grid by 2025.
Just replacing over 160,000 linear miles of overhead antiquated power lines here in America could create over 1 million new jobs. The Clinton Global Initative estimated after its involvement in the energy efficiency retrofits of the Empire State building completed late last year, that $1 billion invested in energy effficiency and weatherization here in America can create 7000 new jobs. Why are we not retrofitting every one of our Federal Government buildings to create millions of new jobs while saving US Taxpayers millions of dollars?
Spawned from the investment potential of the Green Energy Infrastructure Bank our organization suggested to Congress and US Secretary of Treasury, Staurt Levey that there be the creation of Green Energy Investment Trusts with similar tax benefits of Real Estate Investment Trusts. Our organization was confident and still is that the creation of GEITs would create enoromous investment in assisting ESCO financing to businesses all across our nation while creating economic investment for the United States in other countries with struggling economies and high energy costs.
Last night Mr. President you announced that two lawyers were going to be appointed to assist the antiquated voting system here in the United States. Please do not appoint lawyers and accountants to make a plan for the United States Energy Security, but call upon the existing Non Government Organizations, Non Profits and Advocacy Goups whose members know the opportunities for economic recovery that a cleaner energy future can bring.
Facts remain even though people will refute them. Fossil fuel sources are finite. The best scientists in the world estimate that we only have just over 100 years left of oil and natural gas, yet every day the sun shines enough power every second to power the entire Earth for 9 million years, shouldnt we find a way to store that energy surplus?
Shouldn't we invest in the research to store renewable energy from the sun, wind and waves in new storage technologies? Shouldnt we have an energy policy that brings energy security past the 100 year mark?
Mr. President please end the Nuclear and Oil subsidies and pour that money into funding Utility Scale Renewable Energy Projects on and off US Military Installations. Let us use that money to fund new green technology manufacturing plants and finally let us use that money to fund scholarship prpgrams to educate the unemployed,returning servicemen and women and our college students in the research, energy and engineering filelds so that once again the world can look toward the innovation,integrity and brilliance of the United States of America.
The greatest Nation on Earth..
With warm regards,
Ralph Avallone
National Green Energy Council
P.S. Thomas Jefferson said that every generation needs a revolution, Mr. President won't you join me in the Great Green Revolution??? 
To learn more about the efforts of the International Green Energy Council or to become a member go to:


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