Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Can Climate Change Be Easily Explained?

By David Hone, Chief Climate Change Advisor for Royal Dutch Shell.  – February 6
When it comes to galvanizing public support, climate change remains an elusive issue. While public polling will show that most people are concerned and agree action should be taken, there are only modest signs of the groundswell of support needed to drive policy makers to take the necessary steps, such as implementing a meaningful carbon price across a broad swathe of the economy. Part of the problem may be a basic understanding of the issues involved and the ramifications of doing nothing. Many attempts have been made to confront the communications challenge of climate change and doubtless there will be many more, but today we have a new book from HRH The Prince of Wales, climate activist Tony Juniper and scientist Emily Shuckburgh. The explanation they seek to offer has been simplified and shortened such that it matches the requirement of a Ladybird Expert Book. For those who didn’t grow up on English books (rather than books in English), Ladybird is famous for its decades old series of standard sized hardback children’s books, with titles such as Marco Polo and The Story of Music. More recently, the format has been revived to publish a series of both humorous and expert books for adults. Read on...http://www.theenergycollective.com/davidhone/2397689/can-climate-change-be-easily-explained

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