It is the position of the American Nuclear Society that there is
insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of the Linear No
Threshold Hypothesis (LNTH) in the projection of the health effects
of low-level radiation.
Given this situation, an independent group of reputable scientists,
medical experts and health researchers should be established
to conduct an open scientific review of all data and analyses
on the subject of LNTH. Based on the conclusions of this review
group, a separate group composed of stakeholders should make
recommendations on whether adjustments to current radiation
protection guidelines should be made immediately to reflect current
In addition, it is the ANS position that new research on low-level
radiation health effects, spanning several disciplines, should
be initiated. Meritorious existing research within the disciplines
should continue to receive funding.
While this research proceeds, the ANS concurs with the Position
Statement on “Radiation Risk in Perspective” issued by the Health
Physics Society in January 1996, which states as follows:
“In accordance with the current knowledge of radiation health
risks, the Health Physics Society recommends against quantitative
estimation of health risks below an individual dose of 5 rem1
one year or a lifetime dose of 10 rem in addition to background
radiation. Risk estimation in this dose range should be strictly
qualitative accentuating a range of hypothetical health outcomes
with an emphasis on the likely possibility of zero adverse health
effects. The current philosophy of radiation protection is based on
the assumption that any radiation dose, no matter how small, may
result in human effects, such as cancer and hereditary genetic
damage. There is substantial and convincing scientific evidence
for health risks at high dose. Below 10 rem (which includes
occupational and environmental exposures) risks of health effects
are either too small to be observed or are non-existent.”
Brett Rampal
Nuclear Team Manager
(954) 849-5281
Nuclear Team Manager
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