Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Parliamentary inquiry concludes 'nuclear is the safest form of energy' | Sky News Australia

Parliamentary inquiry concludes 'nuclear is the safest form of energy' | Sky News Australia: “Nuclear is the safest form of energy” according to a parliamentary inquiry, which Liberal parliamentary committee chair Ted O'Brien says “accounted for every possible energy you could imagine”.

The parliamentary inquiry used information from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and compared a variety of different energy producing technologies including coal, gas, wind, solar and oil.

Mr O’Brien said the inquiry also took into consideration the Fukushima and Chernobyl incidents and still concluded “nuclear is the cleanest”.

“The real insight here is not that nuclear is safe and clean, but rather the disparity and the divergence between people’s perception and the evidence”.

Mr O’Brien told Sky News host Chris Kenny nuclear energy had been painted in a negative light by “pop culture” for years which had resulted in the infiltration of “too much false logic” into the energy debate.

“Forget the ideology… and let’s stick to the evidence,” he said.

We have “140 different technologies on the table” and the potential for small module nuclear reactors in particular is “really exciting”.

Image: Getty

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