Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Webinar Registration - Zoom

Webinar Registration - Zoom: Radioactive waste is handled responsibly, safely, and securely around the world. Delays in implementation have meant the final step of disposal for radioactive waste is still, generally, decades away. Important progress is being made in several countries, in particular Finland, Sweden, and France are moving forward towards the realization of such disposal facilities and countries like Belgium and Switzerland are following closely behind. Most other countries are trailing by more than two decades, as only generic designs for such disposal facilities are available and the process towards the identification of a disposal site is yet to be started (or restarted). This webinar provides an overview of the current progress and status of such disposal programs globally and the technical, socio-political, and regulatory timelines associated with such disposal facilities. The webinar will also address the more recent considerations for a more integrated waste management policy seeking to optimize the overall management of all radioactive wastes requiring disposal.

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