Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

“We Are All Radioactive” – A Cringe-worthy Documentary Project?

“We Are All Radioactive” – A Cringe-worthy Documentary Project?

Here is the teaser for “We Are All Radioactive,” a online documentary film project created by TokyoMango blogger Lisa Katayama and TED film director Jason Wishnow:



The project appears to focus on the lives of fishermen and surfers in the town of Motoyoshi, on the northern tip of Miyagi prefecture. It is nearly 100 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and far from areas that suffered dangerous contamination. According to crowd-soured data collected by Safecast, radiation values here are as low as any in their entire database. Why would the creators place their main emphasis on radiation when it would be an ideal place to film a documentary about the deadly and destructive tsunami?
Could this be an another example of the international media brushing aside the main events of 3/11 in favor of scary stories about radiation?

 It is troubling that the project is relying on information from political groups that seek to abolish all forms of nuclear energy. I suppose it is possible that they’ll mention that Greenpeace’s testing of food has found no dangerous levels of contamination, but the tone of the teaser suggests otherwise.

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