Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Friday, April 19, 2013

IAEA E-Learning for Nuclear Newcomers

E-learning for Nuclear Newcomers

Is your country considering nuclear power?

The IAEA is here to help!

We have created an interactive e-learning series explaining the IAEA’s Milestones Approach to introducing a nuclear power programme. This approach is based on three phases and covers the 19 infrastructure issues that need to be addressed, and brings decades of expertise to life. Both newcomers and those expanding their nuclear power programmes may benefit from the e-learning series.

E-learning Modules

We have developed several interactive and engaging e-learning modules for nuclear power development:
Module 1
Introduction Implementing a Nuclear Power Programme
is an introduction and overview of
nuclear power infrastructure development
Module 2
HR Developing a Human Resource Strategy
focuses on human resources management,
a crucial element of a nuclear power programme
Soon you will find other modules covering stakeholder involvement, management of a new nuclear power programme and construction management. Users should be able to complete all five modules in about 12 hours.

Who benefits?

The e-learning modules target a variety of stakeholders in Member States interested in or embarking on a nuclear power programme:
Decision makers, advisers and senior managers in governmental organizations, regulatory bodies, utilities and industries, as well as donors, suppliers and other related bodies.
Students, academics and researchers in the nuclear field may better understand the "big picture" of developing nuclear power programmes.
Those involved in expanding existing nuclear power programmes may also find the modules a valuable resource.
Whatever your role or interest in your country's nuclear power programme, this e-learning will further you knowledge and understanding.


This e-learning project is supported by an extrabudgetary contribution from the Republic of Korea under the Peaceful Uses Initiative It is implemented by the Integrated Nuclear Power Infrastructure Group (INIG) with support from the Nuclear Power Engineering Section (NPES) of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.
All of the modules are based on the IAEA publications "Milestones in the Development of a National Nuclear Infrastructure for Nuclear Power" (Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-G-3.1), other relevant IAEA publications, and current experiences from newcomer countries.

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