Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Monday, November 16, 2015

How Fracking Killed Keystone (and is saving the climate)

How Fracking Killed Keystone (and is saving the climate)
Robert Bryce and Steve Hayward on recent rejection of the Keystone Pipeline
President Obama recently rejected TransCanada's bid to build the Keystone Pipeline after, like, six years or something. I don't want to look it up because I never want to think about Keystone ever again.
I'm told that as someone concerned about climate change I was obligated to "pick a side" on the Keystone debate, but I personally always thought it was a silly and unproductive campaign and I still think that. Ultimately, I agree with Steve Hayward and Robert Bryce, who noted correctly in USA Today that it was cheap oil, not environmental organizing, that killed the pipeline. I especially like their policy conclusion, which is that we should spend less time playing supply-side whack-a-mole with fossil energy projects and more time making clean energy cheap. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2015/11/09/keystone-oil-sands-fracking-obama-climate-change-column/75422888/

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