Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Generation Atomic

Dear friend,
We've been working to save nuclear plants in Ohio for OVER TWO YEARS. We knocked on over 43,000 doors and sent 1000s of postcards, emails, and calls to make the case that *we need these plants*. Finally that work, and the work of thousands of others involved in this push, has paid off. We did it.
Davis-Besse and Perry Saved
While the bill wasn’t perfect, at the end of the day it preserved 90% of Ohio’s clean energy, over 4000 jobs, and tens of millions in local school funding.  That’s a win no matter how you look at it.
There are still reactors under threat of closing early, and with an energy hungry world and the threat of catastrophic warming, we're going to need advanced reactors as soon as possible. With your help, we will do everything we can to save endangered nuclear plants and usher in the next generation of reactors.

What’s the best way for you to chip in?
[Volunteer][Contact My Representative about an Advanced Nuclear Bill] [Donate]

Thank you for your continued support.
Eric Meyer
Executive Director, Generation Atomic

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