Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Legacy of TMI, power of gas industry makes subsidies uphill battle | News | witf.org

Legacy of TMI, power of gas industry makes subsidies uphill battle | News | witf.org: Three Mile Island nuclear plant incident - President Jimmy Carter, second from left, visits the nuclear plant near Harrisburg, Pa., USA, April 4, 1979. The plant started leaking radioactive steam, Thursday, March 28, contaminating the area. (AP-Photo) (Harrisburg) -- Pennsylvania is the latest state to debate whether to provide a rescue package to its nuclear power industry, but the commonwealth's unique history and current energy landscape may make subsidies a tougher sell here. The nuclear industry has struggled with stagnant demand for electricity, competition from cheaper natural gas and renewables, and high operating costs. Its response in part has been to make a controversial, but often successful, pitch to state governments to create so-called zero emission credits -- effectively broadening the definition of what counts as clean energy. It's worked in Illinois, New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. But Pennsylvania is different. Cost is 'a little hard to swallow'...

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