Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces

"Newsom and the Nukes
"It's crunch time at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant," says anti-nuclear activist Harvey "Sluggo" Wasserman. California's last remaining reactor is currently off-line for repairs. Diablo Canyon's aging Unit One reactor—showing signs of cracking from radiation-caused embrittlement, suffering from years of deferred maintenance, and located near an active seismic fault—is recognized as one of the world's most dangerous plants.
Nuclear watchdogs argue that Diablo should not be allowed to restart, noting that it's not just the reactor that's broken down.
The reactor is owned and operated by PG&E, a bankrupt company convicted of numerous felonies that have resulted in more than 160 deaths and widespread property damage from pipeline explosions and wildfires. (Not the kind of resume you want for a company in charge of preventing a nuclear meltdown.)
MoveOn.org is pushing a petition asking Governor Gavin Newsom to order the shutdown of the reactor or, at the very least, to conduct critical structural tests to determine whether it would be safe to reopen the crumbling nuke. The governor can be reached by phone [(916) 445-2841], by fax [(916) 558-3160], or mail (Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814]. "


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